We Went To Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge In Disneyland! | Detailed Overview, Food Reviews & More!

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good morning from Disneyland wanted to say a huge thank you to Disneyland for having us out and allowing us to show you guys the media preview of galaxy's edge we're headed into galaxy's edge today we've got a Q&A first and then we got a time to ride the Millennium Falcon smugglers run ride and then we get to just explore the land on our own for like four hours so a lot of Star Wars going on today got a little bit of time before that so we're gonna go get some breakfast kind of walk around Disneyland do a little bit of Disney landing and then head into galaxy's edge so let's go do it so first things first we're headed over the Disneyland Hotel for some breakfast but as we passed by I noticed this check your stroller size here because there is a new stroller requirement as far as size this is still very large like that is a gigantic space for a stroller here's where we're gonna eat breakfast Tangaroa terrace here's the all-new menu at Tangaroa Terrace like that breakfast sandwich looks good I also got the Tangaroa toast very similar to the Tonga toast over at the Polynesian pineapple upside-down pancake sound delicious and then I've got the kids meals on the best all right I think I'm just gonna get regular breakfast there's my breakfast platter looks okay it's a quick service meal came out really fast this was $10 Oh pretty standard for a Disney breakfast and now we're heading back into Disneyland Huli these lines trying to get in very very busy today galaxy's edge opens tomorrow so I think that the crowds are just gonna get worse from here the Train is just showing up right now we got to go and get on that train I want to ride it time to get on the train and away we go should get a pretty good view of galaxies edge we're heading into critter country now so we should be able to maybe just get a few peeks at some of the spires for galaxy's edge I'll look there it is over there let's see what else we can see them look that's an entrance right there that's the Hungry Bear entrance to galaxy's edge yeah they're doing a good job I can get it aren't they just barely see any of it coming through there's the opening right there all the walls are down we're gonna be in there later today through the bushes Oh mountain lion it's a space mountain lion we got off into tomorrow in to start our day into our Star Wars eNOS of Star Wars we're headed over to star tours now wait a second we walked by this yesterday and it didn't say alien Pizza Planet did it I feel like they just added this sign overnight so our Fast Pass is at noon we've got about 15 minutes let's head into the star trader because they should have some Star Wars merchant know if they have any galaxy's edge stuff yet they're definitely advertising Star Wars out here oh yeah look a Star Wars shirt just says Star Wars it's very thick what is this a sweater I think it's like a sweater oh yeah it's $34.99 the long-sleeve shirt I like this lounge fly backpack this is probably 78 no 75 we've got a Star Wars hat for $29.99 put a Star Wars shirt for $29.99 this press penny machine is talking to us right now and there are the press pennies you can get out of it there's another one right here too and these are the press pennies you can get out of this one here is some galaxy's edge merch right here Star Wars Galaxies edge hat landing 2019 and that is $27.99 at this Star Wars beanie over here 29.95 for a Star Wars beanie pretty interesting I like a little pom-pom on top too you can build your own droid back here for 1295 for a single one or 2195 for two of them basically you pick a body you pick the head you pick the legs you pick a little sombrero hat for them you can also make this type of droid - pretty neat it's like a c-3po r2d2 although this doesn't say oh it might say galaxy's edge on the back yeah there it is galaxy's edge this is DJ Rex is the DJ for black spy outpost this is $21.99 and Rex was actually the original pilot for Star Tours they also have a little section for build your own lightsabers are you guys part of the Star Wars time for a little free Star Wars Star Wars skit on Star Tours there is there's r2d2 and c3po are you prepared to fly these things where you learn how to attach it glad to leave sense I think we're headed back to the land now we just got done with the QA we couldn't film any of it but we are headed to the land here we go we're headed in the critter country entrance you can start to hear some of the music change it's happening this does feel a lot like Pandora look at this trash can has a theme - trash can this is my very first time seeing anything about the land are seeing into the land so some of the stuff I might not know exactly what's going on or what it is but we're getting it we're figuring out there's Bobby Moynihan right there I believe this is called an a wing and then this I think is an x-wing over here but the wings are still folded up some of this stuff is still left over from the grand opening celebration that happened yesterday we got some cast members over here hello bright Suns got some merchandise carts over here I like that these pilot outfits correspond with the x-wing over here we've got some resistance stuff over here too really does kind of feel like a whole different area we said this about Diagon Alley where when you come into it and you're in here you feel like you're not in the theme park anymore I don't feel like I'm at Disneyland definitely be heading in there that's like the marketplace area but right now we're headed towards the Millennium Falcon smugglers run because we have time to ride that first Nuns we're done with it we have free roam to just kind of roam around Wow this is impressive does feel like I'm on a different planet and you know what's interesting too is that this feels like when we were in Japan I can hear somebody talking up on the second level while magnet for award this is interesting so many different levels in this land Wow this is also very gigantic oh yeah millennium falcon right around the corner oh he's like roasting let me show him real quick they're using like a jet engine to roast the animals this is the antiquities store oh man so there is the main entrance to the ride and there it is there's the Millennium Falcon down there Wow so we're getting ready to go on that ride right now one thing about this is I can't show you the actual ride experience but I can show you how the curing and everything so going in now oh so there is Millennium Falcon right there look at that I like how the queue is made up of what looks like like pieces and parts of a spaceship or something that would be around a shipping area like these are all like cables and concrete barricades another thing they told us is now that they have a full-size Millennium Falcon this is going to be the model for the Millennium Falcon they're going to use for all future Star Wars things this is intense Wow feels like a card game going on here this is oh they're using an old droid as a trash can or a trash can that looks like an old rug Wow okay that is that's not the solution this is so impressive like I feel like so we've been into Pandora and Pandora is a level of detail but I feel like this is the next level above Pandora holy macaroni this is so impressive hmm something's happening like I feel like if you're in Pandora and you look up at the ceiling the theming just stops Wow and you can see out but here everything is themed there's the top you get a view of every angle of the Millennium Falcon this is really impressive figures I thought that was a real person that it would lie an animatronic up there we just wanted to look around the room a little bit that Hondo is in condos this guy in the red jacket up here really is an intense level gaming I am Pablo hola and it is on architects of solutions today I am offering the opportunity of a lifetime I need like close the plans for this valuable merchandise across the galaxy by the student engineers to operate the ship and others to defend the shipments and stick together please listen clear on the back your credentials will be a little bit more information on what you guys will be doing copilot they did it come on in Billy there's something special information for me on the back also here we are we are in the Millennium Falcon now it's happening Wow this is interesting Tony Baxter Imagineer ordinary trying to show off as much of the Millennium Falcon as I can lots of tools in here so an alarm went off at one point and they told us to run over and push a red button I wonder what kind of stuff we're smuggling can we pick up the floorboards and look underneath oh it's time time to go in and fly Millennium Falcon takes you to the blended go Delia you will be intersecting a first-order three shipment of Katya into Millennium fat holy cow look at this it really looks like we're in the Millennium Falcon right now there's all kinds of stuff to do and push I'm gonna be a pilot amazing like all of the pilots had a different job I was the right pilot I had up and down molest pilot had lesson right then we had to jun'er now we're shooting there had engineers that had to like harpooner train everybody had a different job than they had to do and like it really was like there people in the room with me really pull up pull up cuz I had up and down and I can pull it up and we were still crashing into stuff thing was shaking and everything you'll have so much fun so much fun there is no other ride lots of different places to be everybody we're exiting and there's like a whole wall it looks like it was blown open and you can see some of the remnants of it being blown open over here to make a blast oh wow some damage and now we're outside this is where they serve the blue milk let's get the blue in the green milk and give it a try all right we've got some blue milk and we got some green milk and I've already tried this you guys that were there for the livestream saw this but okay I've been switching back and forth between the Green and the blue milk and I think that the green milk is my favorite because it does taste like fruity pebbles milkshake pretty darn good okay hold on kylo Ren is right over here Oh Oh No then you're my favorite we're my favorite deputy Ben Oh No I'm very angry with them that's pretty fun oh look and there's stormtroopers up there - oh no okay sir sir excuse me sir this outpost is nothing but smugglers these pilots sorry I'm in the way I feel like I'm just following him around and I love this partybot path the patrols interrogate the merchants detainment travelers I want information do not fail lieutenant trumpets I want you to join recon unit if you find that someone is supporting our enemy you will bring them to me and I will deal with them myself all right where are they going okay bye inside of so apparently there was a battle in here I think between Darth Vader's and you can see some of the scars on the wall from it here is the menu begins sign beside withheld alcohol so now that we're done with smugglers run let's have a look around the land over here is bogus antenna lets us see if we can head inside and have a look around fun fact this is the first location in Disneyland to sell alcohol the giant TIE fighter right here it's so big Oh anything you ever wanted to become a stormtrooper all kinds of first-order stuff how much is the first order flag $39.99 first order shirt this is the 709 Legion out here it's 39.99 o $124 this is pretty interesting how much for this little stormtrooper costume $99 I've got some pins over here 1299 red fury an 88 ER and add at $12.99 Oh supreme leader he's a pretty neat other they have a booster pin set here $27.99 a four pin lanyard set for 29.99 this is a metal lanyard a lanyard metal for 1499 this is awesome here's what I can't really figure out I don't know what's in there it says automatic door let's see what happens oh yeah oh this is the exit to the Droid the build a droid shop we were in here during the livestream so each one of these droids is $100 and you get to build a droid here are all of the different parts and pieces that you can use to make a droid pretty awesome and then you can make one of these droids too and then once you build them and put them together it's like a little remote-control droid here's all of the different droids and pieces of droid and I think what you do is you just come back to this little conveyor right here and you pick up pieces parts to make a drag so we like is this so this is the inside of like a bb-8 right that's so cool and this is the inside of an r2 unit this one's a little bit lighter I don't know if that makes the difference or not oh wait so do you maybe you have to like take the top off and put that inside of it I think when the one in Orlando opens we're gonna come out here and build these we're not gonna do it right now because we traveled so I don't I don't want to take it home and risk it being broken on the flight home but when we're in Orlando we won't be traveling anywhere this is where you build your own lightsaber and what you do is you pay first and then you get in line and they bring you in women one item per person and then you build your own lightsaber but we have such a limited time in this area I don't think we're gonna do this this time this is the antiquities store let's head inside and see what they've got in here this is really cool Wow they reacted depending on the crystal and depending on the cost they will happen to have possibly a different receiver message these are holocrons these are the Kyber crystals to so the holocrons are $49.99 and the Kyber crystals are $12.99 so these are just lightsaber hilts not the lightsabers with the blades oh no way you do get away with it there it is so if you don't want to build your own you can just buy like kylo Ren's lightsaber or Luke Skywalker's lightsaber or Darth Darth Maul's lightsaber Darth Vader's lightsaber wait okay raise Ray's lightsaber I thought that was the same lightsaber moving around in there looks like you can buy this robe here what's a lightsaber pouch oh so I asked and this rove is two hundred and fifty dollars whereas they say here two hundred and fifty credits little teeth there really is amazing in here the level of theming is beyond anything that I've seen it at Disney Park aside from Japan good thing I showed up when we were here during the livestream this was all full now it's almost gone see if they have enough to let me have some popcorn here's what I got 6:49 you will notice that this is not in a Disney themed bag just in a brown paper bag I don't think you'll see the word Disney inside of all of galaxy's edge this is really good it's kind of like you got to eat them both together because there is a little tiny bit of sights in there but not a ton and then there's this sweetness once again tasting like fruity pebbles I feel like fruity pebbles was a play where they were going for at the galaxy's edge here's all the different animals oh yeah look that is amazing oh you're welcome you guys want to go podracing I've walked around this land maybe like four times and I feel at home here now I like this it's really neat just being in a new land and looking at all the different detail very very immersive also I like that there's a large shaded area start to see some of the smoke from the Roasters over here this is Ron tones Roasters I'm gonna get some food this is just a little paved area side of the road Jersey I did a mobile order for ronzo Roasters I got one of each of the food items so I got the turkey jerky and the Ron toe wrap and then I got the tattooing sunset so this is my Tatooine sunset gold peak unsweet tea Odwalla lemonade with melon and blueberry it sounds real interesting let's do to try wow that's a lot sweeter than I thought it was gonna be good but it's very sweet can't really pick out a single flavor I can sort of taste the iced tea and to feel like I taste more of the melon than anything else like melon and I speed a little bit of lemonade in there this is my Rondo rap I got to look and see what's in this this is roasted pork grilled pork sausage peppercorn sauce tangy slaw all wrapped in a PITA that's interesting let's get a second bite with like I feel like this next fight will have all of the stuff on it honestly that was pretty good the sausage has a good snap to it coleslaw gives it like a nice nice light flavor it does taste like something that you would get in outer space for some reason I don't know why we can taste like something from another planet but not like a ridiculous other planet just tastes like something you wouldn't eat here feel like everybody's looking at something over the hedge there oh no Chewie sneaking by that's a talking chewy can I just say that that that was a walk around talking Chewbacca character that was a paper no thank you what was fantastic that's it that's right there that is the difference between this land and Wizarding World you won't find a walk around aggregate a walk around Harry Potter you just saw a walk around chewbacca main character from Star Wars walking around interacting with guests it's amazing up next I got the nuna turkey jerky this is just dehydrated smoked turkey so I have a feeling this is going to remind me of that time that we blended a turkey flag but what are you gonna do give it a try that is very chewy what does it taste like a dehydrated turkey leg but I got sweet so I got teriyaki so it doesn't taste exactly like a turkey leg there is some sweetness to it I would eat this again it is very difficult eat gonna take me a long time to get through so I asked and they said that it cost about 215 credits or dollars to build your own lightsaber and they have all these different elements to it that you can choose so this is like natural can you tell me what each of these is so here we have elemental nature okay and these are all just like parts of a lightsaber that you could build okay all right so we can see the two loud quarters in and out of your lucky gotcha but yes these are technically on the accessories that go along with it so again this is a low mental nature here we have peace and justice gotcha here we have protection and power and control Wow very thank you so much so this is a scrapyard that's fun and they said that all these people are waiting to go in right now for their appointment about 15 minutes here and then once you're inside it's about what did they say like a 20 minute experience yeah about a 20 minute experience to put together scrap in some fashion that resembles a lightsaber the guy in the red shirt is Nathan Fillion she's still trying to avoid being caught all right what do you guys say shall we go build a droid well they're talking to each other he tried too hard this is where it's interesting because I can't read that but it sort of looks like it says droid factory right if you have the Disney parks play app there is a translator in it and all of these are little interactive elements here every time you see one of these you can use the Disney parks play app and interact alright we're gonna build a droid so we're gonna do a BB series then they give you this basket and you take it over to the conveyor belt and then you pick out all the pieces this is the brain gotta have one of these no matter what you decide personality this is the bringing of the BBA and there's a chip that could go in here that's like a personality chip then they said there's a little on/off switch there too so there's two parts to the head this is this heart that goes underneath the dome and then you're supposed to get a dome whoo all kinds of little pieces parts over here there we go you might expect there all right this is brains they said I liked his it didn't matter where inside all right I near yep snap turn and snap got it okay I was here the longer one thought on the outside the shorter one goes on the inside okay go ahead and put this together for you though you're gonna screw it on okay okay actual screwdriver right here that thing yeah holy cow that's cool you did it my way it's got it's got a very good torque limiter it doesn't ease it for you to say there it is yeah that's it I just want to see how much it articulates that's cool all right oh here we go okay boom it's happening now FTL activate activate boom oh boy whoo it's starting to move around look at oh he's so excited look at that Oh back oh no boot place your joint inside the box he will react with me lad to do the doors are out there top and communicate in the box but there he is inside of his custom hashed Romek units box there's a bb-8 in there a BB droid for somewhere around 12 dollars you can get an astromech personality chip and it basically changes the way that your droid sounds and you can either have it on the resistance first-order or neutral seeping in here one of them they all sound very similar but that's what each of the different colors sounds like inside the Droid Depot there it is $25,000 full-size replica of r2d2 $25,000 they just said that it can be customized to whatever color you want to does it remote control as well okay amazing got some plates here for $16.99 I like these some tongs for 14.99 some Droid Depot oven mitts they're $19.99 oh no the droids are starting to act up I love this bowl super heavy super thick is $74.99 for a bowl like a mixing bowl that looks like r2d2 s head here's some more pins the Droid Depot $9.99 another droid Depot for 9.99 well it looks like c-3po 9.99 bb-8 also 999 another r2 droid oh here's an insect 29.99 boo they have blind impacts $27.99 there's a whole bunch of pins in here to five randomly selected pins this is the other entrance over here that would be between Fantasyland and Big Thunder I was just trying to figure out like there's a bunch of our two units over here I was trying to figure out what this chair looking thing is we're going going into the cantina what we did is we just waited and there's plenty of plenty of space we did find out that none of the mugs are available I tried to get this blue bantha but he said the cookies not available so I got the Java juice and we got the togas obsession and Batou bits but like I said none of the mugs are available today there's the Java juice so this is simply orange with pineapple Kiwi cantaloupe and blueberry popping pearls this is Oguz obsession this is odd Walla lemonade cotton candy flavor new berry popping pearls with a bursting dried fruit mixture and it's like a gelatin and this is the ban tube it's a light crispy snack mix from the galaxy so strange loading these BOTS to bits are real gross got a lot of spice to it a lot of weird flavors his berries frame these are like giant marshmallows like you would get in Lucky Charms but like barbecue flavors you guys see it's like jello some strange dear we're gonna ride the Millennium Falcon ride one more time because our time here comes to an end in about two minutes nice quiet trip through the Millennium Falcon smugglers run cue oh the little like thrusters we're moving around still such a great view look at that big thunder off in the distance okay got to go so why buy we better go before he changes his mind look at all the white heads some circuit boards inside the Millennium Falcon here also it's not a pork nest or just a coil of wire here's what I like I think we were in a different Millennium Falcon the last time but it looks exactly the same so we found that this is a hoards nest and there's supposed to be a pork inside the stocks be here a little mr. pork bright Suns also this time I'm a gunner from when Luke was learning to be a Jedi and this is the little like thing that would float around in the air and shoot lasers at him and he had to try to block them with his lightsaber while being blindfolded by this helmet got us you pleaded that pilot behind it and engineers you that precious cargo when I did a livestream one of the questions that I got was do 10 larger people fit in these seats I think they can there's kind of a lot of room in this I'm gonna be a gunner there's a little bit of air I can't see any details I'm not pretty good 9640 we are shutting down galaxy's edge here which is some of the last few people coming out so I wanted to show you guys some empty areas here by galaxy's edge probably won't get to see you until you come to Orlando all-in-all fantastic land very immersive and very well beat this might be the last time that I see this castle for this trip but I think we're gonna call it a night right now so there you have it that was our day at galaxy's edge at Disneyland amazing super huge thank you to Disney for having me out and letting me show you guys the media preview of galaxies edge it was fantastic like I could literally spend all day in that land and it was big enough to spend all day in that land there was so much land they said there was the largest single land expansion in Disneyland history smugglers run amazing super immersive and like you were in control the Gunners would shoot the guns the engineers would shoot the harpoons the pilots would pilot the Millennium Falcon I do wish I could have showed you guys on ride footage but unfortunately I couldn't not only because Disney requested that I didn't but I had my hands full flying the Millennium Falcon and being the gunner on the Millennium Falcon those right to positions that I got today I did like the pilot but I do have to say that everybody helps in the Millennium Falcon with you kind of gets on the pilots case because that's the thing that they can see happening the most and that also has the most effect on everybody in the ride like the Gunners are just going to keep shooting no matter what the engineers are gonna shoot there their harpoons at the thing no matter what but if you're a pilot and you're heading towards a rock or something like that you might hit that rock so it's your job to maneuver the Millennium Falcon away from that and so everybody else in the Millenium Falcon with you is like pull up pull up pull up and I did feel like every time that I pulled up it just wasn't hard enough I couldn't get it to really go up like I thought it was going to still super fun the food was all really interesting and felt otherworldly even though I knew it wasn't all of the drinks very interesting and very flavorful I did find that like the blue milk and the green milk kind of tasted like fruity pebbles a little bit still kind of good I did like how there was just random characters walking around and all the different interactions we had with them it really was a fantastic time in black spy outpost on bo2 at the galaxy's edge I can't wait till it opens in Orlando can't wait to see how different is or how exactly the same it is so with that being said we are off and we will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: TheTimTracker
Views: 1,031,121
Rating: 4.880846 out of 5
Keywords: TheTimTracker, Tim Tracker, Tim Tracker Disney, Disney, what to do in orlando, Orlando, florida, tourist, destination, theme parks, star wars galaxy's edge, disneyland star wars, thetimtracker disneyland, star wars land, new disney ride, what's new at disney, resort tour, smugglers run ride
Id: qsCFQ53X9FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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