We visited a commercial rabbitry!

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hey this is Doug aka commander bacon with his way homestead and we've got an exciting day today stay tuned so today we're at ances place and he's going to show us his hammock rabbits the Texas A&M rabbits this is the New Zealand variety and we're gonna pick up some some new breeding stock so it you what say anything about your rabbits y'all come on in we got there we got it two monkeys eating and tape yourself and look around all right I like the hanging and I like they got the nest boxes down in the floor would be pretty cool come on in take a look these are all white art that the Texas A&M rabbits that we have there the composite rabbits and they throw all kinds of colors so these are these look like New Zealand rabbits except they're different over here to the nest box and show I really like the inset yeah it just makes a lot of sense it does so how many how many pages you got you [Music] let me 48 those in here in six bucks six bucks so the buffs are allowed to sit together full book to the backside so these these are the huge rather yeah this is a big friendly to your children yeah they're the difference in the news even in the news even come up the new improved is they been through three years yeah the guy takes the same and when we met with him they have a facility that has no fan know that to speak any their years is what keeps someone to write and he said they produce and Leoben environment during the summer of a hundred up to 112 heat index yeah and we like I said we seen the facility personally and there was no fan they was going home so the years act like giant radiators there's a lot of blood vessels in there and it helps dissipate the heat from the blood which helps keep them cool and they're in their coats or a little their furs a little shorter and it's a little thinner but these guys are friendly they got a great temperament yeah that's and this is the main man of the of the ballers now how old is this he is 14 months Wow yeah and a buddy of mine come up from saralyn Alabama which is his name is Luis he come up we checked every one of the books under a microscope and all of them really good if you're gonna be in this that's one thing that that we did is we borrowed a microscope and we got a navy which is artificial you put it go in there and put it under and he does his business in a cup and he would check under a microscope to see what's going on Wow because he had a buddy that had haven't had a big rabbit treating four or five we booked he had to code because what produces let's see we're we're trouble of some what I think we feed them too much and they get too fat in their knives they don't lay they can stop producing as much so we tried to make sure we limited their feed trying to do that but we're at the point where the ones we have they're getting over and we just need this far game and I think one of our problems is I wanted to give them a break over the summer when it got hot yeah and I think that was a huge mistake cuz you wanna just give them a break from breeding yeah then they went we can't get them to breathe now it's just I think they sat around and got fat and lazy and now everyone he's got babies and they're on a two-week freak cycle in the baby or two weeks we put them back in I said oh we started over over but only one didn't leave my little cat time yeah put her back in there the neighbors eat or that evening Wow so when you breathe do you try to get three you fall off when you're released with these books right here with you for Bob Larson pregnant Wow Wow we breathe each one of the cages are tagged of what both they read - I'm kind of your story and we read back to that same book okay because the preacher the preacher got an angel Uzi Anna it's been a big mental with me and he said familiarity is everything in repeted oh yeah and in fact though is used to that look yeah and your litters of 10 and 11 and erasable yeah not not small neuters plus their raise my right is the proof why would you change yeah you don't wanna mess that up so we go back to the same book and as I said we're free seats in this barn in five minutes Wow it's as quick as you can put them in there Wow yeah that's what we want make it a week met some witty cages right now really like your calls mental Hey and like the Bob Jones down at peak games apiece he's a friend huh he feels he builds his cage we like to slant protocol went through yes and my wife's not very cobble so weak he just worked out further would have them anytime you got metal dividers or they can't see each other that's only if both ceiling each other and everything else we did put them on the boat I think the girls over here saying there was a double thing he was in the cabin she's just phenomena be look what a little room and these all these babies of between next week every for component 14 babies I believe that's amazing I got some fixing Indo who's gonna move in here but out when we went down there I threw them in another ball room I wanted to make sure there was no sickness service yeah right going from 15 and they've been down there now for 30 days happening I'm going we got a cage here they're going and with it being shot this ball completely well this looks like a teleporter that's the California bullet my buddy of mine down in Saraland Alabama brought him up here mr. Claude Overstreet he's got two good Californians come out of Texas and I want to try I'm gonna try the Californian owner to mother and see these two books are down here this is book forward and that's book five they're perfect they throw smaller babies and we breathe all of them first happens really smart with that no no no you got a little bit here yeah yeah there's an enormous you backfire I do but there's always one they do great they do I mean they're doing great they grow and that's what so that I've seen is so phenomenal about what takes you say anything that Joker when you get that Joker and you feed him up about eight weeks there's a case bunk and five pound reason why some of the domes that I put up for the replacement goes at seven weeks they was for 61 whole 42 for 40 seats and there's that big and you'll see the backs home we get down there yeah they got to go back in there and there was this a little slower they go yeah but we can sterilize him he said this one you could really see her ears are big and a lot of these up this way not one buckle on the end is ears worth that much bigger than this there is though there really goobers speaker to which we have we do have a couple of these Eagles and I'll show you when we get down there then the Sheep the New Zealand and the come across is working unbelievable I have not implemented any of the Hat birds into for mamas but I'm going to but because on the pants they're actually outgrowing the great Wow pay off that's a main server this next go-around I can show you some some crosses over here there's England and I'll show you their babies and then they this was the first time a little girl here she's in he's leaving this was her first time she didn't pull fur by the time she pulls sewn but she did flute along but yeah I just bought him stains on the coat of snap he's people crew know all we have some just a regular walk on a lot both yeah yeah yeah let's take a look at this water bucket because this is exactly what we did with our rabbits so you got a one of the fill valve in there don't you yeah so that that comes off the pressure pressurize and the bucket fills up to a certain level there we're talking we need to move I call the dead road room that you'll see we got a bigger bigger bucket because thank you we could have a full hundred kill rabbits in there we've got to sit up for it and we got off we just put Google set up a tea bag so when it gets hot down here in August and we got four little rabbits in there like in the chicken house it drains water through them and then a fan pulls yeah - in water okay don't pull it and outlet for some time but anymore you thinking about [Music] cool no reading min yeah uh stay tuned we're gonna go to death row so this is the evaporative cooler that he's gonna talk about their condition we go ahead explain it how it works well goes into a tea here with the floating okay and then it just gets it on the thermostat just say if he gets wherever you want said eighty five degrees either kick on the water and the water comes out through the holes right here and it sprays in here and it runs down these evaporator with your cool cell passed into this tank not back in here so your bus your regional I got some punk listen that picks on based on the and keeps that fool enough to come back to do this okay and I hope we get inside the fan comes on thermostat with this so this has a float valve in here too yes that that's what kicks your water supply into it so you're gonna lose yeah you gonna lose some so you got a sump pump they kicks it up pumps it over some kind of thing but floats out the filter keeps it at the same level now because I have the camera and they're talking about stuff but it's really not that interesting look at the little goats everywhere that should be the next thing at my house names have never helped problem whatsoever so this under quarantine this is where things are going to be like yeah yeah and since they're separated it shouldn't be a problem and it's not gonna matter but people got some speed became cold mood yeah sometime yeah then this is the inside of the food sale during the wintertime just kind of personally just roll it all the way up there's no wind and get it here on them yeah until I clear some time now drop it down and then keep it to what should be a Pilate trailer heavily filling with the concrete floors would be a lot easier than what we're doing we walked out twice a day and put down on these washes on the floor what's today obviously you just teach them oh nice man alive again it goes straight in my garden yeah it's gold for my garden we get you don't leave much else these are the older two books I'm keeping it over here it's a little bit different there there's a lot more yeah well the smaller one it would just kick on the wall and there's something to be said for that because it is pressure of water reasons but yeah so 100 in here it's going quick they're bigger the 30 C teams and all are grow up hands or 30 seats 30 or 32 you think that for the place they go from the other bummer and that can be great every one of them to mukluks come in and so each barn is kept separate the elements get separate we keep a grow outside of this moment and go this one this right they're not in brief that way nobody can breathe yeah that would people healthier yeah much better and I got a Higgs we hit speak T on that side right there we got 200 Bowl coming in here the blacksmith had a guy come here that we had to pee to come here today and we'll need some some breathing style yeah well I'm gonna let y'all I'll let y'all TP to this side here all right I'm gonna pause this and come back it'll be sit up same idea I like those [Music] there's goats are calling me honey yeah [Music] [Music] we forgot to order it yeah and you know you can't play with their fees everything [Music] [Music] [Music] that's great [Music] yeah Wow this is where you kick the dogs out huh well yeah bunch how many males will you end up with how many males there's no BA in this pond 472 ready Rio with a week [Music] [Music] well jocks are all about pain or my phone number six oh one five one seven three three nine seven and I can give over sweet care lines and the Bison he is a great guy he's needing more throwers rabbits for his for his business we've met a lot of good people yeah screaming Buffy and Jeremy's laughing they're good people do well I appreciate you showing us around this has been pretty cool and we look forward to getting a ride from you or to start our breeding stock with these new zealand thing appreciation Chow thank you and don't forget this way
Channel: His Way Homestead
Views: 155,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visited a commercial rabbitry, domestic rabbits, new zealand white rabbit, raising rabbits, tamuk composite rabbits, tamuk composites, tamuk new zealand white rabbits, tamuk new zealand whites, texas a&m composites, texas a&m new zealand whites, texas a&m rabbits, rabbitry, TAMUK, TAMUK rabbits, commercial rabbitry, rabbitry visit, see what a commercial rabbitry looks like, what does a commercial rabbitry look like, visiting a commerical rabbitry, visting a commerical rabbitry
Id: i7ymtqLd0zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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