We Tried Delicious Polish Food in Krakow, Poland

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traditionally like I feel like I haven't changed it already also all that's here is locals childhood memories coming back oh my gosh these are fresh out of the oven and they're still warm we on the train Raoul we actually have any plans to go to that but all over Instagram you guys were saying you cannot leave whole it with thousands of going to crack open one day spent will we buy out jumped in the Train it's about three hours Alecto past 6:00 this morning what's the sunrise now already gonna miss seeing this countryside just looking up there you see a beautiful church welcome to first off everybody we've promoted the targets they're about 25 $30 organized first class was learning about $6 more and you kind of have the little Harry Potter cabins so you become Florian very hungry mine only made cry without a clue I have been it so excited to see Krakov because every time I ask you guys where we should go in Poland this is the number one so I'm kind of glad we're saving for last and when I had a little Google it looks like that this place has a lot of unique food here so this is gonna be David's Laurie are they eating happy seed or sesame Oh sesame I think it won in sesame thank you so I don't think we can start a morning off here in Krakov without trying and aguas Anki try to pronounce but when you come to Krakov you will notice these little blue carts all around the city like on every single corner selling these kind of round people say that the coke crack Whovian bagels what's the name of them again opera zonkey anyway we need to try it okay sorry you could choose either poppy seed oil sesame seeds soak on for some you see and they do they feel and look like a round face go for I think sorry it's good bagel yeah yes really good especially since we've just jumped off the train and of course most of the people would eat these if they're just on the way to work and they right there in convenient locations if they sold like little Jam dips so currently is made our way into Market Square and this is actually the largest medieval Market Square in all of Europe so you're definitely going to find a lot of good food you're gonna find a lot of shops a lot of markets and also during our week in Poland we've kind of just been exploring the untouched region so it could almost feel strange to hear tourists again we've heard some Aussie accents but some British we heard some Americans so I definitely think this is a very popular spot to come to if you do come to Portland [Music] okay Mission Street food crackles super unique building we found almost like an octagon shape and each different window offers a different Street food options so you can just walk around and find what you want so one of the most popular street foods here in Krakov is actually a baguette pizza that's what I'm gonna call it this actually got really popular during the Communist era because it was super cheap easy and filling and basically anyone who had electricity in a toy stock would start their install and make this but I never thought that this would be a traditional Street food in Poland this is it's are made up of mushrooms cheese and then this tomato sauce on top on a gigantic forget [Music] okay childhood memories coming back oh really remember when you were lived in Poland so back in Australia at our school canteens they would serve these kind of baguette toasties or cheese's we would call it so we would have tomato sauce and cheese on top and our toast it just like this and it was like a cheap option to have at an Australian school so basically feels like I'm back in primary school eating my eating my canteen lunch except this is like three times the size of what we would get it's something so basic but it's so yummy that's the best food though is basic bird seems like soft crunchy with the tomato sauce that still works yeah childhood perfect and cheap as well so if you guys been following us for a while now you'll know that we love trying Donuts around the world and especially this year we've tried some in Russia we absolutely love the ones in Romania and then we found out that Poland has their own version of a donut so would we be doing you guys any justice if we didn't go and try the donuts here in Poland oh my gosh these are fresh out of the oven and they're still warm so Poland has been making these donuts since the 1700s Accord poochy poochy poochy poochy key and if you want to get a traditional one you need to make sure it has a Rory's jam filling glazed and with orange peels on top but Steven I feel like you need to have the first bite at all thank you oh man no that is it dory lot I know I said I was gonna give you the first bite [Applause] Wow look at that feeling oh wow YUM kind of tastes like a Krispy Kreme doesn't because of the glaze like a nasty Jam filled like a rose flavored Krispy Kreme try it it's meant to have the first bite this is the third bye you know the rest hmm good oh wow it's so many different flavors because you got the orange on top of it and the Rose you got no Studies on your head yeah it's out of this whole trip here in Poland I think there's just one thing we love the most about this country and as they love for doughnuts wait for this one time of year they have a national holiday called fat Thursdays yep but Thursday where everyone pretty much eats unlimited doughnuts for the entire day it's pretty much the first Thursday before Lent or before fasting so they just eat as many donuts and now I know when we're going to come back to Poland next time it's for fat Thursday so it's later in the afternoon and we're about to catch our train back to Warsaw but before we do I thought it was time that we actually had like a proper lunch we've had a lot of like snacks and street food so it's time to have some traditional food and here in Krakov it's actually really popular to go and eat at a milk bar and these were actually created during the Communist time so it was the Communist Party's idea on a way to feed the masses so it's a place where there's food that's cheap it's quick so workers just can come in pay a little bit get a nice traditional meal eat and leave and of course mill fires aren't as popular now that this silks some around we're going to go to one and hopefully find some good traditional Polish food so you from us walked into the suburbs of crack hogs away from the main town and I think we found the best place for lunch full of locals it took a minute minute and these only cost us $2 wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 dumplings for toodle-oo substitute for some things they've had this whole time Felix the sir whom may actually get a little sneak inside the kitchen and it's like a bunch of basis old looking ovens with a bunch of different types of like every a little red spot big white box full of stuffs we got like a Russian theology and then a blueberry people shoes so they actually do sweet ones as well as savory but these are some of our like favorite ones but we haven't really haven't tried such homemade ones yet I mean look at this like I feel like every single family has had this tablecloth I remember having this one it's just on like a plate that you'd have it harm traditionally like I feel like I haven't changed it already also all that's here is locals mama doesn't really remain in Steve blueberries now Mike's just miniature pies Australia needs to get on the dumpling game because we mostly have Asian dumplings back home but definitely not Central Western Russian and be honest we've lived off this entire fall interrupt super authentic super yummy highly recommend okay I don't think you're ever gonna be hungry becomes a Krakov we just found an entire Market Street food style of food you can get some wine inside a wine barrel [Music] research all righty it's late afternoon and an awesome time hyung frak I'm so glad you guys recommended it but our train is here very common in food Karma's [Music] hey guys and welcome to Venice we've just arrived in Italy in the next few days are going to be so exciting because tomorrow morning we're gonna board the Orient Express headed towards London
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 326,313
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Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, stephen parry, jess valentine, heyitsjessvalentine, sparrystake, polish food, trying polish food, poland vlog, poland food, food tour, krakow vlog, polish food tour, krakow poland, polish food taste test, food in poland, polish cuisine, krakow travel, polish food krakow, polish food test, krakow food, visit poland, what to eat in poland, polish street food, krakow travel guide, first impressions of poland
Id: 6j418eflgcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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