- This car's got a hole in the radiator and we heard an old farmer's trick. That you can fix it with an egg. Today we're testing five old farmers hacks to see if farmers know what the heck they're talking about. Oh my God, are you for real? Justin. - We sprung the leak. - Let's get cracking. Thank you to Keeps for
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here, Captain Mane. Some space pirate shot out my engine. Can you fix it? - I'm Captain Mane. And I can do anything. Except for slicing tomatoes. I just always cut those suckers a little too thick, you know? (alien coughs) Sorry. Yes, we can fix it. Doc Mop, what's the sitch? - If calculations are correct. We could revitalize
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adventure of AstroKeeps. - Okay, Justin, here's the situation. You're stuck on the side of the road. You got a leak in your radiator. No tools. The only thing you have
is a 12 pack of eggs. And the knowledge an old
farmer gave you many years ago. So here's how this old
farmer's hack works. You take an egg. You crack it. Put it into the radiator and the heat cooks that egg. And the high pressure from the system seals the hole up just long enough for you to get to the shop so they can actually fix it. - Sounds pretty unbelievable. - Yeah. I don't know if this is gonna work. But you know what? We're gonna try. All right, Justin, we got our hole. We got our egg. Let's see if this hack works. - Let's do it. (rooster crowing) Hey, there he is. - All right. Now we'll put the cap back on. And we'll let this egg cook. Right now, it's still leaking. So we'll give it- How long does it take to boil an egg? - Well, usually a boiling is in the shell. So.
- Right, yeah. Good point.
- [Justin] Like six minutes. - Oh, you boil your eggs with a shell. What a weirdo. (both laughing) (Jeremiah yelling) - We gotta- (Jeremiah laughing) (Jeremiah yells) Turn it off. - [Justin] Did it do something? - [Jeremiah] Yeah, it squirted dude. - [Justin] Oh my God (Justin laughs) - No, it's still bubbling. No, the hole hasn't stopped. Now we just have egg
lubricating our system. All right, Justin, we let it sit for a while. - Yeah.
- The egg cooked for sure. 'Cause there are little
bits of scrambly pieces coming out the hole. But it wasn't large
enough to seal the hole. - It actually seemed
to have made it worse. (both laughing) - So Justin. We need to make a decision. Is this hogwash or is this bussin'? - Hogwash. - Yeah.
- For sure. All right, Jerry, next situation. You're out on your farm. - Yeah.
- You're plowing. It starts pouring rain and your wipers don't work. - Yep.
- What do you use? - Rain-X. - What if I tell you this next hack we found on Reddit, says you can replace
Rain-X with something else. - Oh, let's look at this. We got Bush Mechanic Tricks. Fill a sock with chewing tobacco and then tie it off at the end. Obviously, you wouldn't tie it off at the front. And then you soak it in water. Then you ring it out until it's damp. Not dripping. That's important. And wipe your window with the sock in the tobacco still inside. He calls it Redneck Rain X. - This sounds disgusting. - It sounds gross. But I'm excited to see if it works. (lively music) - [Justin] Yuck. (Justin groans) - [Jeremiah] Redneck Rain X. (Justin groans) That's so gross. Do you like then buff it or something? We just got to let it dry. - He didn't say did he? - [Jeremiah] He didn't say. - He just said wipe it up there. (Justin chuckles) - Yeah. I think we should let it dry for a second. And then we'll go get the hose and we'll spray it. Compare it to our control. (Justin groans) Yeah, it stinks. - This car stunk already. - Yeah, it stinks. - It stinks worse now. - Ready? - [Justin] Yeah. - [Jeremiah] Woo. - I think it- It looks like it's doing the same thing on both sides, somehow. Somehow that's not entirely worse. All right, stop. - It looks the same, yeah? - [Justin] It looks the same. Well.
- Yeah. - [Justin] Look. - [Jeremiah] Oh wow. It definitely is hazy. - [Justin] And then that leaves beads. Whereas this leaves a mist. But while you're spraying the water I can't really tell a difference. - And so obviously this
puts some sort of film on type of the windshield. But what do you think? Does this hack work or not? - Definitely not. It's just making a mess. It kind of dries slower. But it didn't work. - Now for our next hack. It's something you guys
actually recommended in the comments of our
laser rust removal video. But a farmer. He doesn't have 50 grand to throw down on a laser. But you know what he does have, Justin. - A bucket of old oil. - Fred Price said, "I've always just kept a couple gallons of used oil in a bucket. You drop the rusty tool in, grab it out a couple
weeks to a month later, depending on the rust level. And wipe it off. Works great." And then this guy, Raymond Fagan says, "Hell yeah. That's an old farmer's trick. I remember growing up damn near every farm had an oil bucket. Usually with some rusty
tools soaking in it." Okay, these tools have been sitting in this bucket of oil for three weeks outside. Yeah, apparently all we got to do, is just wipe it off and the rust will be gone. Some brown stuff's coming off. - Yeah. - If anything it's probably- - You just stained it. - [Jeremiah] Yeah.
- It just darkened it. It just kind of like dyed it a little bit. But it obviously doesn't remove the rust. The rust is still there. You can feel it with your finger. You know what, we got multiple tools. So let's try another one. - [Justin] What's up with all these farmers hacks being gross. - Yeah. Farmer is like, "Hey, what do we do with all this used (beep) around here." (Justin laughs) Okay, you guys tell us. Here's a before picture of this thing. And now here's the after. Do you think it removed the rust? - Yeah. So it looks silver again, up here on the nose. - Yeah, that actually worked pretty good. So I bet you, if we left it in there
a little bit longer. I bet you it would. Okay, we're gonna make
another video in three years. So make sure you like and subscribe. So you don't miss that
video when it comes out. - All right, so that
wasn't a complete failure. But let's just see what other rust hacks we can do. - All right, next hack. Coca-Cola. (suspenseful music) (Justin laughing) (cola bottle exploding) (Justin laughing) Justin. Look at you. - I'm here to have fun. - Let's see if I can remove some rust. Oh, that's nice. Oh dude, look. It like instantly took that off. That was insane. - [Justin] People drink this stuff. - I know. Imagine what this does to your teeth. So I knew this would work because Coca-Cola is super acidic. But I didn't know it would work that fast. - Yeah, all that was red before. And honestly you could
accelerate this process with just a little bit of elbow grease. - Yeah. But we don't like using elbow grease. You know what we do like using though? Potato. Now the thought here, is that the acidity of the potato. And the friction you create by rubbing removes the rust from whatever
you're trying to de-rust. And it's removing something. 'Cause all this gunk is turning brown. Man, Justin's really digging in there. It actually-
- Whoa. Yeah, it actually dug
through it a few spots. - [Jeremiah] Yeah, it did. - [Justin] So if you kept at this, it would actually work. - [Jeremiah] That would take forever. Hack? - [Justin] Approved. - All right, Justin, next situation. You're stranded on the
side of the road, again. Your serpentine belt. It broke. All you got in the car is your grandmother's pantyhose. Now we're gonna see if we can replace a busted old serpentine belt with these. Think it's gonna work? - [Justin] No. - I don't know, man. These things are tight. Okay, so we're gonna follow our pulley routing system. Accessory belt routing right here on this nice Buick. First, we're gonna do. Stretch it out, get it in place. And then tie it as tight
as we can by ourselves. Tie a nice knot. And then turn her over. See if she works. - [Justin] Okay. We're good. We just gotta tie this sucker tight. - [Jeremiah] Oh no. Look at this. See all the pulley's moving? I don't think it's moving
this crank pulley though. That's the one that kind
of freaking matters. - [Justin] One way to find out. - Okay, all it took was three dudes and my grandmother's pantyhose, for us to get this hose on. Justin, are you ready? - I'm ready Jer. - Crank it over. (suspenseful music) (engine revving) Oh no. (Justin laughing) No, it's skip- It skipped. All right, that didn't work. (Jeremiah laughing) Oh no. Oh no. No. Grandma's panties died in vain. Okay Justin, this one is totally hogwash. - For sure. - No way would this work. All right, Justin. This is our final hack of the day. You've been working on
your engine all night. You're putting a new transmission in. You need to pull the pilot bearing but you forgot to rent
a pilot bearing puller. What do you do? - You go to the kitchen. - Okay. And get what? - [Justin] A loaf of bread. - Get some Wonder Bread. Heck yeah. All right, so this is a
pretty interesting hack. What you do is you get a bolt that's just bigger than the
hole of this pilot bearing. And you stuff bread in there. You hammer on the bolt and it squeezes, smushes all that bread in there to push the bearing out. Justin, he used the end of the bread. That's the worst part. - Well, you know, if we keep this loaf. At least, you know, no one has to deal with it anymore. - I think this is insane. But apparently it works and we're gonna test it right now. Shall we? - [Justin] All right.
- All right. - Loaf of bread. - I think this is insane. Just stuff bread in there. Oh my God. No (beep) way. (Justin chuckles) Are you for real? Dude. - [Justin] I told you. - Dude, this is awesome. - [Justin] There we go. - Holy heck. Justin, look at that thing. (Justin laughs) We got the pilot bearing out with bread. Are you kidding me?
- I know right? This is crazy. - And then to get the bread out, we just get a pick and pull it out. - [Justin] That's it. - [Jeremiah] Put our new pilot bearing in. - [Justin] So where do
you rate this, Jeremiah? Is this bussin' or is it hogwash? - [Jeremiah] Dude, this
is this bussin' baby. We just restocked our
Buff Horses Ranch Tee on donutmedia.com. It's 100% cotton. And 100% guaranteed to make
you look like a stallion. Go get yours right now. It's one of my favorite shirts. Thanks to all the farmers who passed on this information. - Both good and bad. - Both good and bad. I hope we saved you guys some time by busting some of these farmer myths. Thank you guys so much. 'Till next time. - Ya'll have a good one. - Yeah.