We SOLVED Why Wanda Gets Her Powers From the REALITY STONE

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Wanda maximoff's power in addition to being among the most formidable modern MCU characters is also incredibly cryptic and ill-defined for years her powers have evolved but the truest Source has been incredibly vague thus far there is however some evidence to suggest that they might actually hold a connection to the reality Stone one of the six fabled Infinity Stones that are among the most powerful artifacts in the universe and her connection to this Stone could be much deeper than we were initially led to believe so stick with us today Watchers of the Marvel Multiverse and let's discuss Wanda's connection to the reality Stone and assess the possibility that it might actually be responsible for her incredible Powers first off let's cover the obvious connections and surface similarities that being not only the aesthetic connection but the sighted source of her abilities we know that her powers were initially manifested after her interaction with the Mind Stone a different infinity stone but given the release of Wanda Vision we know that there was something more going on with Wanda before she ever was experimented on and it's widely believed that the stone just awakened her latent power which had then gone undiscovered there is also some very clear similarities between her powers and the stone that being that they both possessed the ability to alter matter on a molecular level Wanda is able to transform just about any material she chooses into different forms as her reality warping Powers were able to convert the entirety of westview's inorganic matter the reality Stone in turn as is suggested by the name is able to alter and warp realities as well but what are some of the deeper connections between Wanda and the stone that go beyond the surface level similarities in one division we get a scientific analysis on Wanda's power courtesy of Darcy Lewis and her research in which she discovers that Wanda is emitting what is known as CBM radiation she goes pretty deep into it in fact as she describes this specific type of radiation as the type of radiation present at the dawn of the universe and in real life scientific terms it is described as the radiation that fills all space and it's regarded as a leftover energy source from The Big Bang in the MCU we know of one other incredibly important product that the Big Bang actually produced that being the six Infinity Stones which might be saturated with the same energy of that of Wanda and what she is producing but let's go deeper furthermore we know about the practice of Witchcraft and sorcery from Doctor Strange and his tenure some of which actually gives us more clues as to where Wanda's power may be derived from we know that Sorcerers can siphon energy from different dimensions in order to augment their own powers and we know that their spells are little more than incredibly Advanced Energy manipulation that comes from different corners of the universe Corners that most of humanity cannot access the Ancient One uses energy from the dark dimension in order to augment her lifespan and extend her youth though this power is stated to be a forbidden one this leaves us to wonder however if the sources are drawing energy from elsewhere in the universe then where might they be pulling it from and what witches can do the same right now we have a few key differences that have been laid out between Witchcraft and sorcery in the MCU the first of which is the use of runes and rune-based Magic which is specific to Witchcraft and not sorcery secondly we know that witches are born with an innate skill that cannot be learned but sorcery can be feasibly taught to just about anyone so long as they are committed enough to learn this skill nowhere is it ever stated that the energy behind witchcraft doesn't also come from other corners of existence so is it therefore possible that spartalheim the Dark World itself is the source of chaos magic could it be the Dark World which is the origin of chaos-based magical abilities like what we see being performed by this Scarlet Witch and if so does that mean that Wanda wasn't actually given her powers by the Mind Stone but was actually connected to a second unrelated infinity stone let's go a little further we know that the stones have an intrinsic connection even going so far as to communicate with one another on some level that seems to apply a level of inherent Consciousness for example of this connection the space Stone exiled The Red Skull to vormir to safeguard its brother the Soul Stone and the mind stone is quite literally responsible for not one but two artificial intelligence systems as a side note to this we actually believe that the Mind Stone was responsible for a third artificial intelligence so if that theory interests you be sure to check out our video on the true origins of the cree Supreme intelligence anyway if the stones are connected to one another then it's theoretically possible that the mindstyle in its wisdom and arguable sentience connected Wanda to the Dark World and allowed her to become a vessel for the powers of the reality Stone and this might even extend to not only her but her brother as well it's important to remember that Pietro was subjected to the very same experiments as Wanda and as a result he manifested a completely different set of abilities his immense speed is not only the result of an augmented physique but two emits an energy signature of its own although it it is faint he clearly leaves wisps of faint blue energy in his wake and although many May believe that this would be a motion blur reflecting his color scheme this doesn't seem to be the case first off the color of this faint mist is the same regardless of what he is wearing and if it is in motion and is in fact motion blur then the color would reflect his attire secondly it stays in the air long after he is rested without moving implying that it's a byproduct of him using his powers all of which to say that we believe Pietro is actually expanding a similar type of cosmic energy when he runs albeit in much much lower levels than Wanda is as she is clearly more powerful so then where does this energy come from if we are to follow the same train of logic to where Wanda gets her powers then it makes sense that Pietro might also have been connected to an infinity stone of his own one that granted him his own power sets remember that when Wanda first started out her powers were strictly telekinetic with mind manipulation abilities as well and only after after she grew and learned did she develop the scale of power that she has and wields today is it possible that Pietro's ability to travel through space at absurdly fast rates is due to his connection with the Tesseract otherwise known as the space Stone remember Wanda had to learn and train for years before she eventually had the power of the Scarlet Witch awakened within her indicating that Pietro also had room to grow and learn had he not been killed by Ultron he might have even had the potential to have his own Awakening on that level or a level of his own but only his sister lived to see this if he had in fact lived is it possible that he would have become a living embodiment of the tesseract's power much like his sister seems to be the harbinger of dark magic provided by the reality Stone this could have meant that as the twins grew up they could have become two of the most powerful Earthly entities that the MCU would ever know and Wanda now is likely All That Remains but anyway my friends and Watchers what do you think of this Theory do you think Wanda gets her powers from spartalheim and the ether and if so what do you think that ultimately meant for Pietro do you think Pietro could have become as powerful as his sister if he had been allowed to grow and train or do you think that his powers would have been stagnant and is it the Scarlet Witch that is the ultimate power as always my friends thank you so much for watching our video hit that subscribe button to assemble and join our team and we hope to see you soon [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: The Marvelous Wave
Views: 14,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch, MCU, Kang, Kang Dynasty, Multiverse of Madness
Id: aV4KPKD9Xgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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