WE SOLD OUR RV : Travel Full-time w/9 kids

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okay hey guess what what work in it we just sold our RV okay [Music] [Music] [Music] first person that looked at it we were about today we were going to make a video of the RV as a for the sale but they bought it before we could do that so we have four days to move out my mind is totally blown when I mean like I couldn't my face was like tingly and hot I mean there's so many emotions for one thing we spent the best year of our life in this it's full of memories it's like I'm going to cry on the other no in that same category we feel like we barely get to see our friends in our hometown and thought we had a while to like do girls night out or lunch with a friend or whatever whatever whatever on the other hand selling something is like the worst I was like Cruella Deville this morning actually you remember that story miss Nelson is missing you know or like there's that really nice teacher and the kids are all bad and then like the viola swamp swamp or whatever name is comes in that was me this morning where I'm like are you kidding me why are you shoes on the floor you Tory freaking kidding me because they were coming to look at it I was insane I'm always like that when I'm selling something so I'm grateful than I have to keep doing that I'm sure the light is probably grateful that I'm not going to keep doing that but it's just crazy I'm sure we're all going to be really sad but we have all videos to watch very least right to remember it and I'm happy that's exciting for them and they're going to go full-time and go on an adventure too that we get to help another family do that so that's great and now I don't even know we're supposed to move our entire life into this van which we're feeling a little iffy about we've actually been thinking again about getting a bigger van getting the Mercedes because it's got more cargo space like a lot more we thought it we're going to get a we thought if we keep this we'll put a rack up top but the people out here don't do it the only place we can do it and get it done in time before we go to Europe is all the way over in Utah and it would be awesome it's a rack with a ladder and we can put our stuff up there but we don't have it now so we had to put all our stuff in here and get it over there so right now Mike and I are going to take this down to the storage unit and get all the bags that we would supposedly be using and see if we can fit them in the back of this van I hope we can I don't want to go into more debt this is we don't have that much debt left on it it's almost you know let's so much close to being paid often buying a new van would be so let's hope that it works but 11 people not easy Meghan don't listen to him shooting me this bill doesn't in ever that Mike just said we weren't ringing guitar so we're here at our storage unit to get the bag to see if we can even just go in the backs of a in but if we can't then some of the kids can't bring their clothes and we can just buy new clothes I mean they're just like Target and Walt of wal-mart heart is just like Target and Old Navy clothes anyways we can just buy them new clothes and we get there rather than buying a whole new band so let's see number one cool though we're sure they used to we like left where's the big green liner yeah yeah okay so when I go to spend some time in my brain I don't know yet I love this Hey got it now hope the bags might fit next question is in the bag yes do we fit in the net we will that's it we're fitting into that's it that's it you might be able to have a backpack on your lap actually you know you fit one more of those huh there's another one is there another one well there's this tree on sight oh the little green one you could but one more bag here one more midsize bags um I guess that's these bags not really being very cool but that's no pillows you know it this is this is going to be like oh those have to be on their lap what am i my pillow you're gonna have to put it over your face when you drive like okay okay close it up well so are we are we bringing all these with us then no we have to move out we have to move into those I know but we don't have been where to put those well actually what would you do in order to put them we could um we could put them underneath well there's nowhere to put these suitcases in the trailer then we have in my outside in the front or in the basement okay there has to be a place for them okay okay let's do it is there anything that from here you're gonna have to really clear your clothes look is there anything we want to bring right now that we could just take to Goodwill do you want to bring these bags of clothes back so you can decide yes please actually this this is I mean know somebody would love to have all those Legos good boy I'm gonna bring it to lunch with my friends tomorrow and like we bring a lot of these yes we should hold on to those oh my gosh all that is X is closed I'm just those two the little bag is not what is this what yeah bring them all yeah you are so we took out some of our clothes that we knew we weren't going to be wearing but we need to really go through it because I'm not keeping clothes in the storage unit so we got to go through it and if we're not going to bring it then it's cats to go I wanted to be able to say goodbye to my friends and we're going to go to lunch tomorrow I I didn't expect to leave so soon I didn't know I mean the last few weeks have been kind of miserable because I just didn't know and I couldn't make any plans like are we going to sell it soon are we going to sell it in June I didn't know and so even though it's kind of stressful to be out so quick and it's definitely bittersweet I'm happy to at least know what I'm dealing with you know so I think what we're going to do we have to just kind of just got to figure something out and I think what we'll do is just go to my experience in Idaho they're actually not going to be there for a couple of weeks and so we'll have the whole house to ourselves and then we'll be able to hang out with them when they get back and then I think we'll maybe head back across the u.s. and do one more adventure in New England that's so fit I just didn't know if I wanted to bring any winter coats with us I know I just figured we buy them there but we'll just have to see how we fit in it if there's room we'll bring them but if there's not we won't now we can start making plans again it's been really hard I'm really happy to start making plans again okay so right now dad brought the bags in you can't see em we won't look at them and we're trying to determine do we try to pack our clothes right now with four days from now that we're moving out just to see if we can fit or do we say we're going to fit he's gotten under pen said no but I wanted where the 100 do we just say this is what we're taking and if their clothes don't fit then we'll get them new clothes once we have the rack on the van and more bags what do you feel about that dad I don't I don't like everything red stuff you guys I'm on a bike what are your options we're not gonna get a different man just for target clothes okay so we have this one that one kit is and these three right here so we get five bags scope for 11 of them I think so okay give us a second sample right yeah yeah we have all these suitcases and I'm never gonna put that's a problem this isn't just like a we still live in an RV which can be zeroing on that space so I I don't want to throw these clothes in here but I don't know what else to do because I know it's going to be a mess okay well some of the clothes we know we hate of hers I don't know I hate those dodge capris we just scrap that are too small for her say nice big dinner I was the other three you guys hungry yeah yeah yeah hungry yes that make it before they get hungry good idea we know those packing cubes when packing cute they're like little mini like containers you can put your clothes in so they're like you could put a bunch of different stuff in here for people but they're so kind of divided actor I just want to have an idea of how everything fits in these suitcases do you go fight in a fight yes so we sold it I think it was a pretty good deal because there are other RVs only a few on the market that were like the model of our I really don't know you but they become Swiss poppy and the upgrades like this stuff and also we're leaving like all the essentials for our bees I would have loved to have just like you walked into an army ready to go you do dad mom there's no laughter about the Ardennes we spent like thousands of dollars just like both of them like month or two afterwards just like getting we were nickeled and dimed or more like 50 and 80 dollars and died as tomorrow really really well that's right a little bit expensive okay this right is there ever Kri shredded lettuce you know only the most natural in class this is not a scratch scritch red lettuce shred uncle red in it you guys - hey so begins well actually discontinued you already get anything out of here no what is it dude okay so we've got Oh fun thing is like so much easier when you first time could everybody knows they've got like good like truckload should use the tune to my course there is yeah okay pull it out truck a lot of stuff is there they really know they don't need deep down they know they don't need it so we got it to the kid somebody stands about request cards just a few days ago mouth depended um buddy sorry her name is covered up in that I have to pull it off this piece paper legs Carrie and Taylor here not right now good come along dad and you guys got some postcards in the mail this one's for Asher Thank You pearl dude your parlor yours Judit dad I'm Kerry and I think you're in the sweetest boy I love minions - this is the postcard of a tiger to do where I live he's so big your friends Carrie and Taylor minion Asher so Carrie and Taylor my room then why not leave I'm Carrie from Indianapolis I think you shortened it you have such an adorable personality I went to do and saw this baby elephant my favorite animal she's excused you I love seeing you in orphan South your friends Carrie and Taylor look he's from Texas and I know you love it she's been you stickers all right dad after my dress back later you know my name is Carrie you've such a great adventure aside I'd love to see some of your art working here you saying your friend care at daddy Daniel oh pretty yeah all right okay that was not an elephant's make where's my cart look so remember had just recently somebody accidentally ordered everything in our cart well no that was I ordered on purpose because how do you wanted him oh well I like sometimes I don't know about you but I used my Amazon cart kind of like a wish list I'm mad just like thinking about this like oh I heard about that I'll put it in my car and then I'll go then way later on like oh yeah so some type of books in there one contagious generosity creating a culture of giving in your church the 12-week year like just the title this makes you want to scream okay we'll put it in for 10 to 12 weeks and then others do in 12 months I'd rather be in the 12-month campus the innovation formula I like to take my time the 14 science-based keys for creative culture where innovation thrives can you just give me like a quick synopsis better do that like this 12 cent isn't all good and I don't have a church right well you don't have a church you run yeah but I mean I don't run a church I'd miss it for pastors really yes its forecast I don't know I think you just care for and your fault my line so these are from facts well that sometimes from one person it's from fan who can just compost I really like this cookbook we're not taking any cookbooks so I'm just giving it yes you shouldn't go around the first place let's do that no what I really like dude books can I come with it what about this yeah you already see you yeah sure hi I'm Gary from Indiana I know you like messenger and pearl already read it okay thank you uh-huh yeah but who is it scary we don't know where she just I watch this channel that was nice nice rig guitar for us okay so we are continuing to work on packing now that we actually have sold the trailer and we know when we got to be out it's time to actually get rid of stuff so I'm here right now with Megan north of North and South and we are I'm reading comments oh she's reading coming um we are a ghulam that's pretty cute take my dogs um we're getting we're going through Megan's clothes because Megan has more you know Megan has clothes because she's a mom and a woman who deserves to have lots of oh sorry um so she's got clothes that we're trying to figure out yeah what are your thoughts here Megan into my thoughts I like I have like on for my clothes a million times there's nothing that I own maybe like one or two shirts that I don't actually love or feel like yes I use these but I still need to have my workgroup smaller so my thoughts are partially from the sub man's family but also just like I like to buy clothes yeah yes yes you can so surveillance and it's not like I mean I know when I if I'm in Ireland in the fall I'm going to want to buy a sweater that looks Irish or I'm going to love like a jacket there and so I'm going to let go of everything that I'm not going to use immediately make sure you get some bagpipes to to work no I mean I'm not going to use it immediately like winter clothes I'm going to get rid of and just I know I'll give them to Goodwill or give them to a friend but I'll just have to get them there because I don't have enough I don't have enough space no because at this point we just have four suitcases and we're going to see if we can fit everything in those four suitcases because this is what is this for this is for you and I all just clothes are going to fit like toilet no clothes I figured we'll do a separate mm suitcase for toiletries okay that stuff you don't want it kind of rubbing up against clothes and things like that so it'll be easier that way so okay just clothes well I really hope we can also have a suitcase for shoes too I think what's going to happen though is once I decide what I'm keeping I'm going to run out of space for it yeah so what we're doing is we're going directly see these are the clothes of Megan already sort of pre kind of I don't know you went through we least we wanted to make the closet less cluttered so we pulled these things out so now it's the second pass and we're just going to put them directly into this suitcase to see what this looks like really pretty sure it's a great cut it's really pretty I never wear do you ever see me wear this I think it's keen where like once or twice yes in like three years sure it's a nice shirt what do I do apparently you don't you apparently don't like it that much so I think you don't I mean it's kind of yeah it is a little formal for how you oh okay you know what sometimes like an apprentice it's like well because it's not appropriate for you to wear it that doesn't mean that you don't use it though we're going to be in so much more formal situations like nice dinners of all the time candlelit dinners and frame you and I that right and our nine children tomorrow's our anniversary yeah anniversary we have to do a video about that i Danis calling out again all right so we made a little bit of progress not really well what I thought is I've been like for like the last two years like actively researching the idea of having a capsule wardrobe you're serious about this idea you know when you have a youtube channel you notice your little you know sync your idiosyncrasies which you never notice before like I often do this sort of position with my hands I don't keep my hands straight when I'm talking I do this and this what does mean you've got to accept it it's not going to change okay so I have button ups one so like I love the capsule wardrobe idea what I think it means mainly like that you're trying to have things at all can coordinate so you're not just wearing one random piece like it will go with several other pieces so I definitely been trying to do that as I purchase over the last year I'm going to continue i'm going to continue to need to purchase clothes to finish off this capsule wardrobe yeah the capsule wardrobe that continues to grow for some reason does okay so i have these are all my button-ups i have one two three four five six seven button-up shirts that's it is that it I think that's it unless you've got some of the drawer over here yeah maybe do you think like this is such a classic design right this is classic love this shirt love this shirt that's enough shirts you're done so that's those are all going well we got to keep all your stuff here at the bottom my stuff is going elsewhere well this isn't like the final pack we're just kind of get an idea of how much space why do you let that girl know what no no videos okay no I've been looking for a white button-up for a long time I finally got this one from Old Navy it's like my aura remember one time we went from Nordstrom and I tried on a white button-up for six and then we do the price and it was 250 dollars and I was like there just didn't do it no I mean like it fit perfectly but it's white and something touching I'm forming to be like that pop a plane well that's every day anyway yeah nothing new goodbye what I want okay we're not no iPad right now okay well here can I see this we're gonna be all dead okay let's take a break let's take a break from that okay I only can't breathe but I like our kids what they do know you're trying but they go daddy daddy daddy and then you go what and they go daddy you're like what and then they talk multiple acknowledgments there okay so now I've taken care of that now I have my cardigan I also love cardigans if you haven't noticed we going through every like every category of clothing here come on okay you're right I won't I don't know if I need to do I just said it again just get accepted okay okay so will you that's just a general idea and that's how I'm going to go we're going through categories of clothes and then we'll see how it all shakes out
Channel: Knorpp and South
Views: 392,575
Rating: 4.8132229 out of 5
Keywords: big family, vlog, mormon, christian, adoption, adoptive, chinese, down syndrome, older child, teen, travel, traveling, with kids, rv, rv tour, living in an rv, fulltime family, doterra, essential oils, unschooling, homeschooling, roadschooling, lifeschooling, worldschooling
Id: IZQelDz1BDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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