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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's official if you've driven in michigan you can drive to alaska this is awful i give you permission [Music] yes [Music] whoa i want it please give it to me oh man oh please do it jj [Music] [Music] all right we just left silver lake um what an amazing experience oh my gosh there's something about dunes and race trucks though uh yeah the whole experience that was last episode if you didn't catch it go check it out we had a lot of fun we sure did we are currently heading up to torch lake in michigan and we were invited by our friends alex and chris from heart and coal check them out on instagram they've had some pretty incredible adventures all over the world so we're excited to um i say friends but we're excited to go meet them in person for the first time we meet people on instagram and through social media all the time and we're friends because we share experiences with each other and we you know interact with each other but we haven't actually met them so we're excited to meet them in their boys in person and we have heard that torch lake is absolutely incredible uh i guess it's a spring fed lake um so i've heard that the water is crystal clear and that it's just stunning so they have a boat we're gonna get on towards like excited so fun to get on towards lake so that's where we're headed right now this might be one of the worst rugs we've been on yeah this is worse than alaska by far oh gosh way worse than alaska careful that's it wow only worst road is mini glacier yes nothing has beat many glaciers road yet you kidding me wow look in the look in the rear view right here let's see if it shows up i don't know if you can see it with the shadows look at the holes all right it's official if you've driven in michigan you can drive to alaska this is awful seriously michigan but it looks like there's a curve and then it's going to another one so who knows what's going to get better the clouds look so amazing what's happening good how you hi guys nice to meet you officially exactly i was like we're gonna go visit our friends and i'm like who we've never actually met before no not in person yeah exactly exactly sweet well let's get you parked here this is the spot that sounds fantastic [Music] oh my gosh look how clear this water is oh this is amazing we've only been here like 10 minutes but we're ready for action already all right all right okay don't throw her in gear lily layla how was it right over that's great what's this remind you well hey tim we're gonna do it today buddy we're gonna talk today timber tobin on the lake here's what i learned about minnesota people they're really nice until you put them behind the wheel of a ski boat that's when they get possessed by the devil and want to kill you for fun now what does the sandbar remind you of our sandbar yeah yeah absolutely how about it yeah [Music] okay so he's going to show us how this hydrofoil works and i didn't get the camera out in time to show you the hydrofoil but you probably know what a hydrogen he's going to be floating on top of the water here in a second my daughter has his one it's a good one this is gonna be cool and i've never seen one of these in action [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right this looks interesting yeah so this car has basically lived in this garage its entire life oh my gosh um i was just coming out to say hi i didn't know we were gonna see all these cool toys 87 687 yep but where is it the options radio heater yep that's great 37 ford he got he paid 400 for it okay oh that's cool so yeah i mean it's great and the fact that i mean that's a huge trunk yeah oh my gosh yeah it's unopened motor oil uh-huh yeah i have a whole case of it oh my gosh um dude the amount of stuff that my grandfather kept around here i mean if we've kind of left this garage untouched this up up here yeah above there i've never even been up there really and there's a whole bunch of stuff from like 50 years ago that we're actually waiting until the boys are old enough to like remember it okay to go up there and kind of see what all is up there that'll be a fun treasure hunt yeah exactly so original motorola radio still works it's got like the old-school tubes where you have to click it turn it on okay let it warm up for like five to ten minutes and then it all sort of fires up [Music] all right guys is it time to return to your uh we're rolling i'm such a lovely little friend it was so fun having you guys here this was so cool so awesome invited back for sure so it's good meeting you absolutely yeah okay congratulations on the new boat [Music] i have the camera [Laughter] and this is how we get the shot yep see ya bye [Music] all right we have definitely been spoiled on the west side of michigan and not by michigan itself yes it's beautiful but by all the people that we've been meeting oh my gosh it's incredible from keith and anna taking us out on their race truck on the dunes at silver lake to chris and alex taking us out on torch lake on their boat and getting to visit the sandbar and kind of like reminiscing of our days on our boat on our sandbar in maine like it's just amazing so it's like quintessential summer right now it's so awesome in the history so just walking into this cabin because it's been in like i think he said four generations now almost 100 years his grandfather built the cottages that they're in right there it's just it smells perfect in there everything is original all the way down like the slamming screen doors um you know taylor swift on me hey uh so he's got an original chris craft so you gotta check this thing out 1943 and then he didn't take delivery of it until 45. so this has been in your grandfather's session yeah this is my since 45 my grandfather bought it new in 1945. oh my word my mom had it rebuilt in the mid 90s um look at this woodwork the 1945 25 foot sports okay chris craft i gotta get that logo [Music] so all in all it's just it was an amazing experience thank you guys you gotta check them out on instagram and youtube heart cold torch lake is absolutely stunning super super clear water with sandy bottom like as far out as like you can walk it's crazy it's super water oh it's just amazing it gets cool to see places but when you can go someplace and hear the stories in the history of generations from an area how it's changed it's just crazy just awesome yeah lake houses are awesome they're so fun but that again ties us to a place more so we will always remember torch lake because we got the history lesson of the town and and his grandparents and his parents and just so much fun we are headed to mackinac city and we're going to probably just stay for about one night because we are on kind of a quick jet to montana yeah we've already told you we're we're not really doing the upper peninsula and michigan justice i mean i feel like we are but we're enjoying it you skipped everything and we're gonna skip a lot we are skipping a lot we're coming back but right now our our plan is to we are making our way over to montana uh to whitefish to meet up with some friends that that's all they care about they just want to go to montana let's go where do you guys want to go i'll just go across the country and see my friend that's exactly right we're going to go to whitefish montana on our way to 10 sleep wyoming yeah our sense of direction is a little off but you know what the way that we travel and we've told you guys before not having things booked out and being more flexible in our schedule allows us to go and do things like that so the prime example was the late we had yes they just randomly called us just before had we had reservations that wouldn't have happened that wouldn't have happened and it was amazing it was fantastic so we are thrilled to be going to see granting grace in montana and then we're going to be headed to the ranch another one of our big dots but we're uh we're getting ahead of ourselves right now we're going to makanao city what do we got dump station site do we have hookups yeah we have water and water and electric oh but we don't full hookups okay [Music] first dip in lake huron come on daddy you gotta go in [Music] all right we're doing things a little bit different this morning i got up a little earlier than everybody else i wasn't sure if there's gonna be good sunrise but we're only here one night so i wanted to see if i could get some drone shots with the mackinaw bridge we are coming out in a little bit with everybody and we're going to do donuts i actually just passed the the bakery the mackinac bakery we might be meeting nathan marissa too they're in the area we'll see right now i'm gonna go see if i can get some drone shots this is another reason why i didn't drag the kids out because i thought this might happen there's a cloud bank right over here it's blocking the sunrise so i've been sitting here for like half an hour and that's just what happens in photography videography the sun doesn't cooperate the weather doesn't cooperate you just go out there and enjoy it so i'm trying to get some shots with the mackinaw bridge right there and i think the sun will eventually come out but i don't think there's gonna be any color we're gonna make the best of it i'm gonna take some shots and then uh go pick up the girls and we're gonna get some donuts actually sun's starting to peek out right i don't wanna feel like i wish for thinking picking myself sing a song for the dreamers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like there was no [Music] all right that was definitely worth the wait that water is so like blue and clear when you get close to the shore man that bridge is cool this is a big bridge but it's time to go get the girls it is donut time oh ready are you ready um yes i'm ready coffee and donuts i was born ready oh my gosh let's go okay so it's beautiful down there yeah i know you got the the morning look i want to go see it now ready yeah okay i heard there's a place with 40 different flavors of black taffy why are we still here let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] to whoa i want it please give it to me oh man what's that so you know how to properly open a donut box i don't think i'm going to go with the nose flirting with danger there i will eat those [Music] for yeah oh look at that you know how to open the box yes did you get me okay so they have ones that look like bismarcks from cory's favorite donut shop in maine called tony's it has white frosting in it and then i got a jelly donut so that you can put the jelly so i need to take a bite of it you gotta take a bite of this okay it'll work perfect these apple fritters are incredible what'd you get layla i got one of these yeah what is that one just chocolate this is chocolate whipped cream this is the bavarian cream no white cream it's the nathan's special what do you think it's good pretty good oh you're eating it all right okay all right we got our gopros that we're matching all right i gotta try this and not film myself eating it though that's a good thing guys this is how you make a bismarck yeah see this is why you don't film me oh my goodness if you can't find the donut he wants he just creates it or i help him this is good this is good [Music] good stuff this is old mackinaw point lighthouse and it was built for where the turning point is between this like the streets which is the busiest place between all the great lakes especially in the 1800s so the the government decided to put another one here they put it here because the lighthouse that they already had couldn't be seen around the entire area so they had to put a second one in and ships could see this from 16 miles out it's a kind of a pretty lighthouse beautiful so gorgeous and it was a working like lighthouse until the 50s it's a mix between a house a castle a church and a lighthouse i like it that's pretty it's pretty accurate i just heard this guy say five seconds [Music] that is cool i should have filmed her reaction yeah oh yeah that's what you need to be filming here we go here it is all right we're going to be prepared this time here it comes four three oh please do it jj [Laughter] he didn't even move marissa you jump like crazy even when i know it's coming was that a fake jump or a real job i get scared at nathan in the rv all the time that time a frog jumped on my foot yes i'm very jumpy [Music] okay so i think this is the real good guys the others were just practicing they were just pretending right soft goodbyes i like saw them great i love you have so much fun with them right here buddy [Music] okay we got 20 minutes to pack up can we do it we're basically already done oh well i haven't taken a shower yet and that's pretty important okay let's see enthusiasm we are going to go faster and you go don't turn it on me we're totally fine you're the only one that's going to corey nickerson exposed we're going to be ready we're going to be ready okay good we're done not 20 minutes but 25-ish minutes we did really really well yeah can i show you like what i think is ingenious about this campground that i've never seen anywhere else look at that that's pretty awesome huh oh check that out look at how much space you have to pull out now it's amazing everybody should do that i know why doesn't every campground do this we're ready up here we come i'm excited to cross the bridge even though the posts come out he's got to try within the bounds that they gave him if i need it that's right he's gotta get around that one and then oh yeah we told you guys that we were at tp campground here at mackinac city look at the name of their bathrooms this is so awesome wee-wee tv i think it's hilarious [Music] all right the girls and i are gonna go and check out the mackinac island fudge company because it says that they have 40 plus flavors of saltwater taffy which lily absolutely loves so we gotta check this out i know which one you're looking for there it is lily's favorite we have a full pound of salt water taffy i think we're ready for our road trip into the u.p yeah ready sure what you doing over here daddy this place is highly droneable [Music] we're about to go over the bridge and i'm sure you guys are probably sick of drone footage is that even possible i feel like hours of drone footage just today so we're we're hitting the bridge i'm excited this water is so blue it is gorgeous i'm psyched to be getting it got it so oh yeah they're ready right yeah i'm ready to go that'll be gone that better not be gone i want some of that taffy i've only had two sure you have i save it yes [Music] [Music] you can take me anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the bridge was awesome okay i guess that's all i can say about the bridge although so good literally i've done nothing but droned all day the bridge was awesome to go across you've gotten to see it all day long um it was eight bucks for for our truck and trailer attached which i thought it would be more but yeah that's good so obviously we didn't do um mackinac island we'd rather just save that for later yeah and it's similar to stuff we've experienced already in maine um like taking the ferries out to all the islands on casco bay so it's not really something that was high on the list we want to do it right but this is typical typical how we do things we like we buzz through an area figure out what we want to do and then we go back and do it the way we want to really do it right and maybe that'll help you guys i hope it's happening yeah it's getting a trip so you do it right the first time because i get it not everybody is foolish enough to just drive around like we do we really didn't have any planned stops right the past silver lake sand dunes silver lake sand dunes was our really the one thing we wanted to do and the girls really wanted to head to montana so silver lake is halfway up michigan so it was go up through the upper peninsula and get you know free scenery or go back down around chicago and go that way it's the same distance so maybe a couple extra miles anyways the up one eup one you might as well get different scenery because it's the same mileage and everything like that so everything we do on this trip is a bonus because otherwise we're just gonna kind of just drive straight across exactly but i'm so glad we stopped we got to spend the morning with nathan and marissa again and yeah we were saying bye to them that's right we thought we said goodbye at silver lake a while ago but you know we just got to meet up again have different donuts over donuts come on sitting out at the beach looking over at the bridge there's not anymore just the water i mean when you look across the water in the shallow areas and it's just blue it just reminds me of alaska yeah canada and the florida keys like it's just it's a neat it's a neat area we are going up into the upper minutes in the next we are going up into the upper peninsula next again oh my gosh we're going up into the upper penitent oh my gosh all right all right so the up just say the ep oh that's what i'm gonna do yeah yeah that's what i'm gonna do that's easy all right so we're going into the up right now we don't literally have no plan nope that's okay we are going to hopefully find a campground somewhere tonight to park and we will see you soon i'm sure there's going to be some drone footage i wasn't able to squeeze in so you're gonna have to suffer through it here in the end you
Channel: Finding Our Someday
Views: 71,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full time rv, rv life, travel, traveling with kids, adventure, tiny living, tiny house, rving, family, minimal, homeschooling, road school, family travel, living in an rv, how to rv, nomad, bunkhouse, rv tips, rv, best, travel trailer, camping, rv travel, Grand Design, photography, community, drone, dji, less junk more journey, Lippert, Michigan, Silver lake sand dunes, RVing Michigan, lighthouse, mackinaw city, Mackinac Bridge, pure Michigan, torch lake, Great Lakes, upper peninsula, up
Id: sIRhnHUTKcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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