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hello and welcome to another game of Catan we are in third position on this board um there's a lot of good spots there's the 5 8 10 on the eight ore there's the three eight ten um with the sheet Port it's pretty decent and also a strong wood brick spot on the 6 10 9. and then of course the 1095 which blue takes um always solid especially given that he's on a strong wheat strong ore problem is I'm not sure if he's going to get that sheet port with the whoever places up in 1083 is most likely gonna have a better shot at getting the port so I don't actually know if I would have taken this spot because without the sheet Port it definitely hurts this placement and the 10 is going to get blocked a lot so I don't know but we'll see it's definitely flexible all right third position gets on sorry second position gets on the three five eight so now we have a couple options we can fight blue to the sheet port which is decent but the problem is so we can get on this 1083 now can we get a wood and weed spot on the way back hmm I honestly kind of like this 6510 also by the way it's really strong um production you have your wood and your brick but I don't want to get locked out of ore here so I almost have to take this 1083 but then really pair with it probably the six three four hmm I don't love it but we also have the opportunity to maybe take the eight four which might be what blue ends up doing anyway the flexibility to go down in case we don't get the Sheep port because we really don't want to get locked out of War here but at the same time we could always take the 5 6 10. go down the ore and then get on a strong weed spot on the way back but there's not a lot of strong weed spots and if we can't ensure that we can connect our roads it's not really worth it that much and I'm not sure we can't here unless it's 11 4 5 is open so I think I want to keep it flexible to fight for the sheet port and then hopefully we get the 643 that's a pretty good pretty good pair with our placement but definitely worried about the production I think we're a little bit lower than our competitors especially whoever gets fourth position has a lot of opportunity here the five six ten going to the eight now the 810 can get taken here too maybe even by Blue okay so black takes the six four three interesting so he might be playing without wheat she doesn't take the 5 6 10 we're going to take that all day probably does though okay he does hmm so he could take the six nine and go off to the wood port double up on the 12 they may have some wheat production's decent hmm now what does orange want to take I can honestly see orange taking the 9 10 here I like the 910 going into eight but I don't want to fight with black I also don't love our setup with the 6912 though is there any other spots we can consider there's a 9 3 11 that doesn't really help we're not on any Wheat there's the nine four two getting on the 5-2 wheat that's tempting and it does give us a lot of sheep as well and then we'll get on our Wii as well hmm honestly considering this quite a bit someone will really be able to compete with army for Army it's really this really means we need to get on the sheet port games lost so I don't like that hmm I think we're going to take it here these are risky placements um especially given that we absolutely rely on the sheet port there's always a chance that the 9311 is open because there's still a lot of good spots left the 6 9 12. all the spot all these spots over to the left so orange takes the 6 9 12 going towards the wood port now we're hoping no one takes the 9 3 11. I could see orange taking the nine or sorry the blue taking the nine 10 or blue taking the 4 11 blue takes the four eleven five that's pretty risky because he's probably not going to get on the sheep or I think the better call was to take the 4 9 12. he does okay so he he's also going for the Sheep port interesting so he's on a lot of sheep but the three to one's not going to be bad probably no one takes this but we'll see I don't feel great about our placement I think maybe the 6 9 12 would have been the better spot because this bottom left is not going to get taken and we probably could have connected roads eventually got to the 11 so I think that was the better call unfortunately but I mean we will be able to compete for Army here I doubt we can beat blue to the sheet port and to the 9311. which takes Road pretty much out of the question for us since we're only on this two now we have to be porting out a lot of our resources unless people trade us black is a really really good setup but it will be hard for him to get rode we'll see if anyone wants to trade us I don't think anyone's going to try to we have to go on the sheet Port before doing anything else our two hits that's huge we have to get it on the sheet Port because then maybe if we get enough sheep we can even cut blue off at the 311. 9 which is honestly even better than getting on the wheat because then we have a really strong potential for Road because Black's biggest weakness is there's not a ton of expansion spots when you get to the 6-2 get to the five or the ten eight nine ten but if there's a Road Battle there's not too many places you can go depending on what blue and orange do though I mean this 11 6 is open then maybe you can break out left but I think we are going to take this he's at seven cards and we really need this settlement now we have two options we can cut off blue at the 3 9 11 and then maybe go for Road or we can get on the 5-2 and go for Army but Black's gonna be a huge threat here I think especially nowadays on the eight and he's on so much road building materials he's going to be able to expand really quickly maybe even doubling up on the and then if orange doesn't act quick enough I think you could even connect over the eight to the three then double up on the three then he's really really dangerous so what does orange do here for the settlement definitely need at least three cards here because at least now we can make our cards actionable I'm tempted to wait to see if we can cut off blue here but I think we need to get on the five regardless I think blue is going to be relatively slow since he's on no Road Building Supplies so I'm finally placing the road down here but I think black's been a really solid spot getting a Dev card okay the nine hits so a lot of competition for Army already black with a death card blue with two orange with one blue blocks himself I'm not really sure about that gets his road down now does blue ever consider placing another road and settling probably not it doesn't help them that much to do that now black probably places it on the 10. steals from me or steals from blue blue could be a threat here but he's just so slow to expand depends on who he's competing with but we don't like that 10 blocked hopefully blue is the robber as well so he does steal from Blue and he has the road building okay Blue's got a place on black for sure probably the eight I think it's the best block here maybe the brick as well okay eight that's fine blue already with two knights playing we'll do this for an orange wheat I think we're gonna go for the cutoff here foreign because Road's going to be really essential for us now that everyone's competing don't get greedy black hmm do we need to cut off here maybe we don't not yet because Blue's not on any road building supplies so it's unlikely that he gets on the 9 3 11. plus he still needs to settle and worse comes the worst we can always just backtrack at the 10-3 and still beat him to it because someone's gonna have to compete with black for Army or for Road I mean I usually find that the people who are uncontested on either army or road or people who end up winning the game who has enough for the settle the passes so it doesn't look like orange has a knight interesting that's pretty unlucky if he pulled two development cards early I think we want to hold for the city here the 11 hit Plus or it's been blocked thank God that it's been blocked five I'm gonna try to keep that eight blocked as much as possible the seven heads I wonder who orange blocks because I think black's in the best position but he still might block the 10. yeah blocks of 10. steals from Blue so he's competing with blue for Army then but orange is in trouble I think he still has a place to settlement and he's gotten three development cards but nothing to show for he uses the Monopoly on on sheep I don't think that was a good move at all and if the only thing he's able to get out of it is one settlement then he definitely should have waited I think that was a waste of a mono he was just wanting to get his game um sped up it looks like because he is behind but given the amount of worries on you should have modeled for definitely not um given the amount of Horizon I should have just waited to model the wheat I always think it's best to monitor the resources you don't have in this case he's on sheep and it doesn't do too much we only took six sheeps so he could four for one for one car which I'm assuming is what he did for that settlement Orange getting another Dev card here hmm no one takes us we're gonna have to get the death card which is what we didn't want to do but unfortunately didn't want to set it out night doesn't really help us that much because Blue's already defending this spot now he's got to be stealing from Black maybe we'll get a clutch too see how he does puts it on out of the eight of the ten puts on the six steals from Black good call so does orange not have a a knight here he does okay he just he just waited to play it puts it on a 10. that makes sense I think black could really pop off here but I don't like how many Death Cards that he's pulling okay so we're gonna do the cut off get to the 9 through 11. that'll help us a lot get on a little bit extra sheep watch the blues five here I'm kind of surprised I think it honestly makes a little bit more sense to block the 10. I wonder who he steals from I mean black is at seven three to three so now we just need one more sheep and we have the settlement so he might be able to get army from black just because he's placed but then again all black needs to do is wrap around the 10. so it's still going to be hard to compete but maybe we can get to the six none of these trades really makes sense for us puts it on the 11 I'm fine with that get our last settlement now we need to start looking at cities takes for me I think that makes sense I don't know why he's buying Deb cards and he can use the sale for the city I'm not sure why blue did that that doesn't make any sense but I guess if he had it there's nowhere else he can go so why not and we can still circle around to the three four so this is kind of scary we might have to go for full production to win this game because it's going to be really tough to be black blocks the 12. very interesting okay so roads out of the question now which is not good for us at all [Music] hmm so we'll probably block that eight if it hits five more sheep more wheat still need this 10 to hit as well thankfully we shouldn't be getting blocked here but now we have to go for full production and just Dev cards and pray [Music] foreign hits um I think I need a hold here but at least do this and I think I want to block the nine the eight we do get the or which is good but orange is looking scary with four Dev cards I don't know why Black's blocking a 12. so hopefully we can City up on the 10-8-3 so orange with five development cards so if Anna wants to make this trade probably not but we need the city a night and honestly it's very possible that orange has a lot of the VPS the only reason I pulled by the way is because there's so little VPS left in the game and I'll probably need to pull something to be able to win otherwise I'll be stuck at five so I really am afraid to know what Orange has he might win the game with just one city two settlements and I guess he'll need one more City but okay models the eight sheep so Lisas have all five BPS but this definitely is not looking good for us at all we'll put it on that eight finally the tent's hitting for us not enough but it's hitting I'm feeling the game's gonna end relatively soon though because black has a VP and orange might have the other four VPS okay it doesn't plus one vpnl there's five EPS in the game not want to see that maybe we can we can still take this we need a couple tens to hit but I think we have to completely build to it I don't know if we're gonna even get any Dev cards they might end up running out black has one blue has one orange could have three okay we do have another city here which is good get another city hopefully we can use that for the settlement I don't know why it's still from me here because oranges had seven chords and he's almost most definitely a nine okay so we have another city in hand do we want to go for the city because black could always take our settlement placement so I'm considering considering going for the settlement to we need wheat regardless so we'll do this and then we can have our four for one for the brick I think we're gonna do that now where does black steal from it goes on the nine takes from me interesting we are completely out of Dev card so between everybody orange definitely has so every death card has purchased this game but I think um we're just going to win next next roll all I need is one more City and I have four bricks so I can't do too much here unless why do you why would you put on the eight I'm not sure I'm not sure why you would do that but it's okay tough game yeah so bad bad blocks by my opponents as well because the problem with blocking me there I'm at nine but they know orange is also at nine and orange has more cards and he's before me so I mean it would have been lucky if I could have won maybe but the fact that you wouldn't be blocking um orange there doesn't make any sense because oranges Before Me Andy has more cards so that's brutal but any case looking at the board Maybe connecting wouldn't have made a difference because um because black just had so much so many road building materials so I don't think we're gonna compete with him there surprised that black didn't double up on the eight instead and swung a right instead of up because he had to place four roads just to get on the 8-4 and he never even got to go on 84. so I think black made a big mistake there and even buying the dev cards you really need to um maybe placing on the six nine was the better idea and then circling around but I mean we did decent we ended up getting back up to nine I think if the competitors blocked orange there at the end we maybe had a shot but regardless good game I'm looking at the stats kind of brutal I really wanted that to win this one but the 12 the 11 had to cut him out a couple twos hit seven to the decent amount threes had a lot which really helped us every um every debit card was pulled so blue had one black had one and orange had three which is just insane but in any case really good game thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Floppy Catan
Views: 788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catan, Ranked Catan, Catan Strategy, Colonist io, Colonist
Id: Z1EOpxgHnro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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