We progressively narrow the tailpipe - when will the car refuse to run?

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see their brothers today we will be experimenting with this lovely automobile and here's what we have in mind a question recently occurred to us just how narrow can you make the exhaust pipe and still have an engine that is able to run as in how small can the hole be for the engine to still be able to push the gases out we'll be making the whole progressively smaller until we find the terminal diameter that still allows the engine to breathe even if it might struggle we still want to see more or less stable engine operation we'll probably go with some plugs that we'll stick into the tailpipe which we are going to add on to reduce the flow of the exhaust system okay well let's get stuck right into it so if you haven't been in our merch shop for a while we have added a bunch of cool new stuff such as these handmade wallets and holders made out of genuine leather it's a must-have for any dude who needs a reliable and convenient place to keep his documents we also have an assortment of t-shirts caps and key fobs with a fresh design there is a lot to cover so better you head on over to our shop and check out what we got for anybody who places in order right now I'll slip in a card with my picture and my personal autograph make sure to use PayPal to pay for your order so that it goes through with no issues add something new to your collection of garage 54 emerge and receive a card with my autograph so head on over to our online shop and the link of course is going to be in the description we make the tiniest exhaust five millimeters will the engine start translation and voice over by BMI Russian [Music] okay guys we are at the test rack we've got everything prepared the exhaust itself is fully sealed so everything is looking good we've got our exhaust system plugs over here and now let's see hell with drives in stock form and after that we get to progressively choking uh the engine I guess and see how that affects acceleration okay let's get out there [Applause] [Music] first to second [Music] going for third [Music] I saw 76 on the race logic that's how much it's gotten third with the engine pretty much on the limiter which is to say that the revs are no longer climbing at that point so the diameter is currently at 40. I suggest we try yeah 30. let's go right down to 30. get it on nice and tight excellent 30 millimeters let's go [Music] the engine is nice and warm everything is on point about [Music] 76 [Music] almost got up to 85 there excellent tremendous my guess is that it warmed up and accelerates much better because of that 85ks that's with the tailpipe pinched 2 30 mil now let's take that off and put the 25 mil plug on let's go is the diameter of that orb is sufficient [Applause] well we are moving [Music] we're all right the acceleration is exactly the same everything is good you know it feels as if when the diameter is at 25 millimeters actually 30. the car had better acceleration it's like that created some back pressure I don't know I can't quite put my finger on it plus the throttle response felt different but let's do a control run sure before we try the tiniest diameter plugs out let me have another go with these tucked tail pipe and see how she do accelerating all right second at the limiter now I'm in third and let's see what's up [Music] yep it was able to get up to 85. but when we pinched the exhaust when we were down to 25 I mean to say at 25 to 30 it was accelerating better well at least that's my subjective feeling I do think it felt stronger but hey the point of this is finding the minimal diameter where the car can still accelerate now let's go down to 20. uh-huh oh and here we go 20 millimeters [Music] okay there's a humming sound inside the cabin [Music] I'll have to hum with him look at it go it drives all right though it was driving all right on the 20. but you can really tell that the gases are having trouble making it out that being said the car still drove okay so that was the 20 but now we're running yeah that is a tiny hole it's a mere 15 millimeters and it just looks tiny runs just like it used to him when you're parked you rev the engine and everything is just the same time to drive the acceleration has definitely gotten worse can you hear the hum it is pretty intense come on [Music] sure now the engine I'm assuming there's quite a bit of back pressure happening you should have been able to hear that it has developed um a very audible hum inside the exhaust and the engine can no longer revitime I couldn't even get up to 80k's just now let alone 85. so it is definitely struggling but it is running the car can drive so let's remove the 15 and um what do we have next we've already done 30 25 and now we're down to 10. look at it let's assume that is super tiny idling it runs so it's more than happy to idle what if I rev it used to be yeah without any loaded revs all right but let's go for a drive now 10 mil is a very tiny hole okay well pedal to the metal and let's go for it see how she do [Music] okay now it's developed some sort of rev cut or something [Music] 62. come on 63. [Music] sure what doesn't want to go any faster okay so that time without a singled out 10 millimeters is way too narrow for an exhaust pipe if you want the engine to run properly but interestingly enough it's still able to drive in 10 mil I mean that's nothing incredible okay here's what I suggest we do now the exhaust system is blocked off completely no holes in the plug and now we're going to go ahead and try starting the car and see what comes out of that fire it up okay the car is running it's very much idling and that's it as soon as the pressure build up the engine stalled now there have to be tiny leaks somewhere in there even through this threaded connection the pressure will drop and it might even start one more time pressing the gas at least halfway down [Music] there you go the engine can even rev up albeit it can't keep that up for long before it stalls okay let's see how the engine runs with a tailpipe diameter of five millimeters I am super curious so let's screw this plug on tighten it five mil Yoki it started now we wait see what happens it's running it's running oh amazing what if I rabbit still happy to run will you look at that this is just okay this calls for a drive here we go oh wow listen to it here sure that is some intense engine deceleration it doesn't want to build revs I'd let off the gas and and it's all down to the back pressure and there is a lot of it in the system second come on now doesn't want to accelerate let's see how fast we can go second gear come on now come on 27. third gear Thirty 37 38 39 come on come on nope that's all it's got 38 kilometers an hour in third gear so I can only get up to 38 in third it's not 85 but the car does accelerate let's try something different if it can move with the five mil plug geometry with a tailpipe of essentially that diameter let's go even lower [Music] that's a good three mil let's try it out as long as there is some orifice the engine should run apparently screw it on e H yeah and let's see what comes out of this [Music] it's running your kid doesn't want to hold idle no come on yeah no that's a there you go so at the end of the day three mil isn't enough the engine refuses to run even at idle so five is enough three isn't okay why don't you give me a self-tapper it's got a four millimeter drill bit so we've used this cell Tapper to bore that hole out and this drill bit should have brought it up to four or four and a half millimeters well it's not exactly four but go start the engine it runs it is a very very fine line three mil and four and a half my goodness so it can't run on three it very much can on four and a half maybe it'll even drive it does end quite [Music] we are flying this is doing very well the engine breaking though it's struggling to push the gases out they're exerting pressure on the Pistons I mean wow man the engine braking on this is quite intense come on and that's a wrap this has got a very noticeable effect that was about 35. he's like look sure and so here's where that leaves us the stock diameter is about 40 mil and the car is obviously gonna run all right it was also doing well with a 30 mil plug and it was all right on the 25. to me the 25 and 30 actually felt like an improvement even at 20 it was doing all right but I heard a hum that tells you there is excess pressure inside the exhaust 15 hum intensifies were still going 10 mil we're still driving albeit not too fast five mil still going but how much of the gases can even get through a five mil hole we were able to reduce the tailpipe diameter all the way down to four and a half before the engine started giving up now you saw us fitting all of those plugs to the tailpipe of course after the muffler and obviously if the entire system were of that diameter that would have given the engine a much harder time our objective was to find out the terminal diameter which would allow enough gases through and that would be four and a half mil and that's all I got for you watch us subscribe send in your suggestions comment give us a big thumbs up all right catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 535,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: jnoW0skAChA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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