We played MINIGAMES in the NEW Wobbly Life ARCADE!

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what's up guys today we just got the arcade mode update in wobbly life so why don't we go ahead and Dive Right In it's got this cool little animation when you hover on the button so today we are going to be playing in arcade mode with my sister so I'm gonna click on host online I'm gonna go down to this world I am going to click on this guy and uh yeah I'm gonna get everything set up now I am in the lobby with my sister and uh let's see what games we have we got wobble run hide and seek trash zone I'm excited for that one and sandbox uh it looks like she wants to play uh wobble run so let's dive into it uh let's see what Maps we have we have joyful jumper Barrel Bonanza rapid Raceway that one sounds pretty fun let's do oh we game settings time of day day uh finish timer yeah that's fine okay uh okay play oh yeah now we gotta go step on the buttons ready up and she's ready three two one [Music] okay here we are here's a course overview oh oh we got some spinny things one go I mean first oh no no don't beat me don't beat me don't no what what what what what was that what was that okay I didn't know that those things swap don't switch on me oh okay oh no um I got I better catch up here wait for it okay now Jump On It oh okay uh let's just hope that she falls off go go go go go go jump uh that was the last second okay grab our checkpoint here and use the bouncy pads okay we're about to reclaim first place what what what was that what was that okay uh let's just hope that she doesn't make it on The Swinging hammers oh oh I fainted what okay she fell off what this is very difficult Okay jump past the hammer wait for this one jump oh what uh these hammers are difficult they're they're going very fast oh wait jump yes okay these look dangerous too they also look very angry how'd you get here at least they don't make you restart hey I just got a boost from that thing okay uh that works yep okay uh I think we're gonna get the victory here what is this do we have to go in the holes um where oh there we go jump in here oh and then it's going to take us to the other side okay and hop out yes okay I think we're gonna get the victory another few trampolines here oh no we got boxing oh that's gotta hurt ow [Music] uh go got like little doors ow no no no don't fall off no no okay we reset but this is okay we're still gonna win we're still gonna win get through these little knuckles uh wait for it okay go yes checkpoint uh is there a trampoline down here yes there is Bounce and what how'd I faint okay let's give that another go bounce bounce coin and there we go okay we're gonna get a checkpoint oh I think she's stuck on the little rotating holes thing uh this looks hard and it is going to be hard okay she's moved up a space here we go okay oh and then did I mention who whoever wins the most out of all four mini games wins the video and then uh they get to uh do something cool in the next video ow do they get like a special prize in my next video okay ah okay let's give this another go uh there we go there we go okay [Music] jump oh [Music] okay here we go just gotta time it right not like that we go again so wait for it okay oh okay I'm back guys um sorry for the little uh delay there um you can see that now it's been six seven minutes now um we had a bit of a technical error the mouse died we had to go get new batteries but um we stayed in the same place while we were fixing the mouse and uh yeah now looks like she's caught up now that her Mouse is actually working so that's why she was just uh staying behind there because the mouse had died but now she's all caught back up oh [Music] oh we only have 30 seconds left I guess that shows how bad we're doing on these hammers um oh wow I'm in second place wait she won since when has that happened wait am I gonna make it am I gonna make no I'm not gonna make it well I guess that just shows you how bad I am at wobble run oh let's give this one more attempt even though I'm not gonna make it but yeah uh yay she wins and I just tripped down the stairs all right now I think it's time for hide and seek so let's see what map we should do the Corey the office the jungle or the village I think we're actually gonna go for the office okay uh time to go ready up on these platforms three two one okay uh we're loading in here okay this is cool uh I wonder why there's metal over there that might be why this where the Seeker is hiding okay we're headed back in here and wait watch this what whoa whoa this is cool um why do I hear somebody sleeping just got pinged not good oh look there's all the other buildings I think that's the clouds I hope that's not water I'm just gonna hold this screen let's just no I got pinged again [Music] oh no um around the corner footsteps no run run run run run run run run run run run there she is there she is oh no oh no dead in dead end dead end no ah okay out of order stairs stairs stairs that was very close stairs stairs okay I just got pinged again uh my best bet now is just a run for what's in this room it's Hideout here [Music] I think we're safe no o o what um am I in a secret action movie now what is this whoa this is cool oh what's this word [Music] wait can she even get in here oh she could I should have just stayed up in the air ducts uh back into this room back into the server room oh I should not have said that she can probably hear me uh back this way up the stairs wait I shouldn't be saying all this okay I'm just giving myself away just stay up here I keep getting pain okay let's just stay up here wait what I just fell asleep I just fell asleep what oh now I got pinged again uh so far I haven't gotten found but that's probably gonna get me found no I'm sleeping again fine I got pinged again okay only 50 more seconds 15 more seconds guys 10 more seconds seven six five four three two one hiders win woohoo I think we are going to play one more game of hide and seek but in a different place this time okay I think this time we are going to do the village map okay here we go oh I'm the Seeker this time okay um but I just thought of something oh look there she is I just thought of something wobbly life really needs VR like but like maybe just for arcade mode like that would be really cool okay they they released me from this little place oh she just got pinged she's somewhere over here wait what we can't use cars oh that's not fair oh oh she's over here somewhere near this rock she's near The Rock got some destruction going on over here this should actually be a place in wobbly town I really like this is there a secret place in the water Maybe I think so and maybe she's somewhere in the gas station oh oh um what oh oh oh she's behind this wall [Music] oh oh she's on the run I see her I see her I'm Gonna Get You probably grab onto the cars for travel we're closing in on her extend my arm yes Seekers win all right we are back and uh should we play sandbox next or trash Zone let's save sandbox for last trash Zone oh it doesn't look like you can look like you've been select Maps so I'm gonna read this and then get right back to you guys okay so basically I am going to be launching objects at her and then she's gonna try and avoid them until the timer runs out I think okay it looks like I am trash Oh no survive until the time limit runs out and Dodge trash so she must be the Trasher so she is gonna try and throw stuff at me wait why am I stuck down here am I allowed out here eventually um what there's a timer up there oh I see how this works okay so I just have to dodge this when stuff comes flying out of here oh whoa whoa it's a flying table can't move any further than this it doesn't look like whoa there's the compactor whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh I just got shredded uh trash man wins let's play that one more time because I did absolutely terrible all right here we go this time I am the take out the trash person throw trash down the hole to try and knock other players into the grinder okay so there's the trash cam I guess I just grab stuff and throw it oh it just launches it out okay so kind of like it was doing for me oh I don't want to throw myself down there a sink TV oh I think one of those things hit her grab the TV why is that stuck to the ground okay throw that in there oh whoa that barely missed her head okay get down this old TV uh not very good this is a barbecue grill or a chair I think that was a chair Another Broken chair oh that was pretty far off let's grab this old junky clock oh so you want to grab big items is what it looks like looks like another old TV I think I just want to maybe bombard them with items whoa oh oh oh oh she's about to get knocked in whoa oh that almost did it oh she's doing good okay okay let's throw this down in here oh I can see her down there whoa okay that the trash goes flying by okay get that in there that in there get that in there let's just bombard her with all of this stuff here we go oh wait can I dump this recycling bin down there oh no I can't put the first cycling bin down the trash compactor well that sucks [Music] I can't put myself down there let's get some more of this garbage piled in here nine seconds what uh just keep going keep going just pile it all in there pile all the trash down in there oh I lost the garbage wins on to the next game okay last but not least we have sandbox uh so let's see what you do here uh I'm gonna read this real quick and get right back okay so basically I think you just build things and mess around so uh I'm gonna do the stadium hoping that I can drive cars through that so uh yeah let's see what we can do here wait we have monster trucks I want this red one wait this is cool this we have like a monster Derby and look at all the wobblies they all came here to see me and yeah her too but mostly me okay uh let's get on with this monster truck Derby oh whoa wait can I make it to the top yeah I made it to the top and now I'm falling back down ow the monster truck is stuck or not wait what's in the tab menu oh I can spawn vehicles uh uh helicopter oh wait so this is like all the vehicles in wobbly life and you can just spawn them in that's so cool uh can we run a tugboat through the derby oh that Tugboat just fell on top of me okay I don't think we can run a tugboat through the derby okay uh anyway uh why is there a giant what is this is that water I'm not gonna drive into that oh time to crush some school buses yeah they actually Crush oh I don't think they Crush but still this is cool oh I just ran into it am I stuck I'm stuck let's go grab another truck wait I can increase my speed and my jump what I'm gonna make my speed like hyper super and then I'm gonna increase my jump to make that hyper super I'm just gonna click this for a bit okay I clicked that like a bajillion times whoa whoa um I could probably hit these ramps whoa that's cool I I am the monster truck why is there a limousine here oh I keep getting knocked out what's my jump like whoa whoa I just flew to the moon I can fly I can fly oh I just hit the Jumbotron I could hear my sister dying of laughter how did she just flew past the world border hey look the Jumbotron zoomed in on me oh whoa what was that what what what is happening hold on hold on wait can I increase my speed even more hold on okay uh I increased it like a hundred thousand more times oh my goodness we I'm flying now I'm above the Jumbotron I'm gonna fly into the crowd hello uh let's go back down onto the ground here oh whoa I am too fast for my own good can I jump this oh my goodness I can jump the ramp all right uh let's climb this giant thing with my monster truck here this reminds me of those like BeamNG parkour maps or whatever you want to call those things all right I'm back to near normal speeds so uh now let's send a hundred thousand bouncy balls down this ramp prop spawner bouncy balls whoa I'm sending wait a minute I want to see this they're going through the hoops that's so cool hold on what if I go in let's see what other props we have we have some building blocks wait a minute I can send bricks down the ramp I can send cement down the ramp I can send TNT down the ramp I can send bombs and TNT down the ramp I just turn this into the most epic go-kart track ever the go-karts and wobbly life aren't really that fast okay this is actually some not insanely crazy fun can I hit the bouncy ball I can hit the bouncy ball oh this thing makes it all the way up the ramp [Applause] the crowd likes that oh this isn't water this is just a giant oh it's one of those weird things like in the Monster Truck Derby or in the BMG grid map where like it's one of those pits in the ground and then you go flying up out of it okay I'm gonna hit the mega ramp oh it looks like she's stuck do you need a toe uh yeah but I think we have had enough craziness in sandbox mode for today and I think we've just had enough craziness in arcade mode overall so uh yeah um I think I'm gonna end the video here before oh my goodness before this gets even more crazy than it already is oh wait I forgot something we have new emotes so we have these ones down here and then we have like thanks well done follow me sorry need help and goodbye so since we're ending this video off I'm gonna use the goodbye emote so uh yeah that's gonna be all for today guys um I hope you enjoyed um go check out arcade mode for yourself because it is awesome especially the sandbox by far my favorite and uh yeah for him out
Channel: Brody4M
Views: 29,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wobbly Life, Wobbly Life Arcade, Wobbly Life Arcade Mode, Wobbly Life Secrets, Brody4M, Wobbly Life Minigames, Wobbly Life Hide and Seek, Wobbly Life Sandbox Mode, Wobbly Life Trash Minigame, Wobbly Life Wipeout
Id: RexnIVdi5RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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