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all right everybody a very happy friday evening to everybody it's a little after 6 p.m oh it's march 19th uh welcome to paddock this is paddock number eight you got eight seven six five four three two one what you can't see is paddock number nine paddock number nine is back off in the corner it's basically a one-day affair feeding for the cattle everything else with help from mother nature is thirds it is now used to be quarters uh even a little less but the herd the herd has grown anyway okay i tell you what uh i'm gonna get down to the brass tacks here of this video and then i'll jibber jabber after that and show you what i got cooking here let's get down to the serious part first then if you want to continue watching after please feel free all right so um i've had this channel for quite some time uh very thankful for all the subscribers all the uh all the input all the comments everything else i really am i got to tell you though i'm going to say something here i've never asked anything out of you nothing nothing some information um you know what's my famous words uh somebody give me some help here uh some information on this please let it come with some experience whatever i've never come on this channel and asked for your help i'm pulling all cards i'm doing it now and this is about four and a half years worth of pulling all cards i'm asking for your help all right what the hell am i talking about i'm talking about this farm the cattle that you really can't see because they're they're beyond uh the lawn heritage that's been here i'm generation number five all right tomorrow 3 20 21 has been named meat free day or national meatless day meat-free day by the state of colorado go and talk about a kick in the teeth i'm a michigan resident born and raised bread imagine being a colorado cattlemen farmer dairyman raising poultry pork and to have your governor announce 3 20 21 a meatless day for no in particular reason either not to bump up some other corner of a market that's lacking and of course what he said on his announcement was plant-based foods i'm about ready to start cursing on this channel but i'm not going to because i know there's some young people that are involved on it and uh cursing and raising a muck just doesn't get you anywhere except make you look like a foolhardy look like a fool but you know what i mean all right so therefore i'm asking for your help there's been a lot of stuff on social media as well i'm sure a lot of you have seen it i'd like for you to join me and helping the great state of colorado that i've been to many many times for business uh and all the colorado ranchers the cattlemen the dairy men the farmers pork producers uh chickens i want you to make tomorrow join me and either going out to dinner and ordering something beef chicken pork make sure you get a glass of milk make sure you get a big old bowl full of butter for whatever the hell you're having either go to eat and order something uh go to the store that's what i'm doing tomorrow i'm going to go to the store and i'm going to purchase i'm also going to eat uh at least two will help three meals that are going to be agriculture agricultural based or if you have some meat beef chicken pork whatever eggs we're talking cottage cheese here we're talking butter go buy some of that we're talking about a gallon of milk um consume it tomorrow what what what a what a crock of crap i got different words for that i got some real good words for that what a shame what an embarrassment so i tell you what let's turn it around let's laugh at it i tell you what i don't know this governor of colorado obviously i'm the state of michigan i don't know if he's actually one of those most people watching this channel in this video understand what i say when i say one of those or is he a finger puppet i i don't know i can't say but what a disgrace i mean i'm from the state of michigan look what the hell i got to put up with all right alpha murdered tomorrow now you know why it's fine you better bring a lot of ammunition uh anyway we're getting off track and now we're talking stupid join me tomorrow in cooking preparing purchasing beef products dairy products small grain products poultry pork please please do so i strongly urge you to go buy some at the store that will make a big huge difference tomorrow i am i'm out of milk right now i discovered that this morning after a little bit with my coffee it's going to kill me this evening but i'm going to wait i'm going to go get my gallon of milk tomorrow i'm going to double down on a block of butter i'm going to get one of those what is a 16 count of cheese now even though i've got a bunch of visa cattle company beef down in the basement in the deep freezer my personal stash stay out of there uh even though i've got some in there i'm gonna get some sort of a cut tomorrow folks i ain't telling you to go out and buy a new york strip package of hot dogs anyway something nothing ceases to amaze me anymore with stupidity in an absolute kick in the teeth disgrace to this country's backbone well i tell you what instead of us sitting here bitching about it complaining about it crying about it which i have just done for the last few minutes let's do something about it let's turn it over that's what i'm doing i'm pulling out all cards i'm asking for your help please my goal and i think the cool kids in this world call click bait i'm gonna i'm actually for the first time i'm gonna label this video something that makes you want to click on it and hopefully watch a little bit of this and most people are probably going to laugh that's fine my goal is about 3 000 people are going to see this hopefully in the next 24 hours so that hopefully uh a good 75 80 percent of you will head to the store tomorrow folks i'm talking about something as simple as going to your local dollar general if you have to for a dozen eggs butter and maybe a pack of hot dogs that's as simple as i'm talking anyway happy friday happy friday everything else went real good today all right i'm done with that subject i'm going to say one more time knowing seriousness i'm pulling out all cards i'm asking for your help please and by all means let's make this a party comment back whether it's tonight what you're gonna do tomorrow comment tomorrow let me know what you did let me know what you got don't just share it with me share it with everybody we're going to make this extreme kick in the pants negative and extreme positive that's the goal here happy friday thank you in advance all right folks just ran the first line of the double strand uh protecting paddock number seven uh i'm about to start the second strand you're seeing new fence post here you're seeing a lot of garbage here too when i do a fence post i do stuff in stages i gotta come back for the old posts a lot of steel uh the ground is still a little uh hard to deal with so it's gonna take the tractor and a strap to lift those out of there as i mentioned i'm double stranding this my rule of thumb when i'm double straining is 18 and 36. and of course this is where i end out there's a lot of different ways to do fence we all got our own ways our old methods of our own madness uh this is my way when i do fence i take things in steps and no i did not have my can of v8 the other day i know i know i didn't first thing i do is i go after certain posts as many as i can whether it's one day's worth two days worth or four weeks worth come back in and like the other night the other night i built these these are what i call your cinch uh it doesn't take a scientist to make those up but it takes some time especially if you want to do things right for god's sakes i finished this the other evening i did a new run here then of course you got what what i call the splice that's not correct terms but that's what i call it [Music] and understand i got to pull some posts yet and all that other stuff and all the old wire intact is right over here that all needs to be rolled up prolifically all right if one person watches this video and it prompts one person one person to take special extra care if you're doing some fence work this year watch your iron watch your iron little bits of fence possibly that up we all know what happens i can guard damn to you right now this farm has suffered a loss from iron iron gut there's a lot of different terms how to say it uh be be prolific in your uh your picking ups and everything else for example to make a lot of this stuff i do a lot of i do a little bit of snipping you know little little pieces of fence and uh i tell you what i i treat it like a hundred dollar bill like it's it gets picked up and it gets thrown in a separate compartment in my ranger and then thrown away when i get back to the farm so this this is a final product uh fence line here um unfortunately uh i should not be doing fence right now excuse me running fence running wire well i had some misfortune real quick here my goal is to then uh rehab that separation right here or i should say this end and then this end right here once i do that the entire what i call alleyway to all paddocks has been rehabbed i do need to double back uh i put up a lot of just single strand last year i really don't know where the hell my head was don't get me wrong single strand is fine but uh i'm actually gonna double the efforts of going back to double to do a double strand and then even some of these you know from this point forward any uh as you can tell you see that separation line right there those are all new posts that were put in last year i only single lined that um i will be if time permits i will be double doubling that as well so anyway where was i sorry if the audio was messed up there's a there's a pretty fair breeze out here uh a hydraulic post pounder what are we on here 15 and a half minutes my hydraulic post pounder exploded on me the other day that's why there's only the post in the ground that you've seen i got another 60 or 70 waiting to be put in which is like that's how i like to do things get all the damn post in first anyway it exploded springs brackets i it wasn't operator error it was just due time for something to happen and it all happened at once i don't know how else to put it to you i'm going to tell you something there's a lot to be a lot to be upset about of course it's going to cost me a pile of new parts which are on their way but uh i'm gonna remain pretty happy about it how i didn't get hit with that explosion of shrapnel i kid you not is beyond me beyond me it's a big black spot out there it looks like a damn little bear cub it's not i just i've never noticed that before i don't know anyway i'm pretty happy about not taking any shrapnel so you're not gonna find me uh complain about it much that's about it folks abiding by this beautiful weather all the fertilizer spreading went really good today i'm really happy about it uh i don't know if this phone will do any justice but do you happen to see a little bit of green here i know i do and it's beautiful uh there is a green tint starting to show we just needed to continue folks i'm going to keep busy here for about one more hour dad and uncles are cooking down sap tonight at the sugar shack i'm going to join over there for a little conversation and naturally a beer too maybe three or four who knows we'll see what happens uh just for a little bit but then it's uh that's that that's it for me this evening i got a big date tomorrow i gotta i got a big old list of to do's tomorrow that i want uh hashed out and then uh anyway join me tomorrow is in the beginning of this conversation please it's all i ask never ask for anything except for good cordial spirits camaraderie fair comments and just to join in a little bit of life's fun and that's what this is i do my damnedest not to bring much bs or political nonsense the the nonsense political end into this channel i'm kind of doing that here this evening but i think it's for a damn good reason it's pathetic pathetic so let's do something about it what a disgrace anyway folks i'm going to have another sprig of beer i'm going to run this line and go on with my evening hope everybody's okay have a happy friday evening we'll talk tomorrow at some point or another we'll go from there we're gonna talk to you sooner and later
Channel: Veeser Cattle Co.
Views: 3,540
Rating: 4.952055 out of 5
Id: t3a8iLmcq7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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