We NEED To Talk About Cheese...

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I pooted if you grew up watching cartoons in the early 2000s you probably watched Foster's Homes for Imaginary Friends and if you grew up after that you may not have because no streaming service seems to want to license this absolute Masterpiece not even Max who basically owns Cartoon Network luckily I snagged the complete series on DVD which unfortunately just doesn't exist for so many other shows of this era The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Dexter's Lab and a ton more just have zero way for you to physically own the entire show we're back in the era of DVDs and piracy everyone so with the Fosters Home DVD in my hand and Nostalgia overflowing me my girlfriend and I sat down to watch the show so I could make this video and we both knew it had to be about one of the greatest and most ridiculous characters in Cartoon Network history I like chocolate milk let's talk about cheese shall we cheese is in seven of the Foster's Home 79 total episodes and we're going to go through all of them some of the episodes his presence is very minor and one even taught me about an incredible crossover event for Cartoon Network I never knew existed before this which we'll discuss a little later in the video but Cheese's first debut is a meaty one during episode 7 of season 2 Mac Daddy and it's clear from the get-go this little yellow dude is an absolute Menace [Music] which seems to be a trend in cartoons and I think cheese deserves to be on that picture after Max rude awakening we learn cheese likes chocolate milk I like chocolate milk yes I caught that before he annoys blue and subsequently bothers Frankie about a drill and when blue goes to give cheese the chocolate milk to shut him up Max shows up and we learned that cheese is lactose intolerant you see what I'm saying Menace he's also the Gluck Gluck master 9000. [Applause] but it gets worse cheese isn't just a menace he's Blues younger brother that's right mac and cheese so obviously blue doesn't approve of cheese and with him causing all kinds of issues when trying to build a go-kart do not give cheese the drill he's screwing everything up nah I'm only screwing the Wheel Blue gets increasingly mad understandably and after cheese causes enough issues with the drill blue takes it away from him but then of course the hammer is now an issue cheese throws a tantrum blue takes it away from him and he starts swinging it around like a madman and Mac takes the tools away from both of them and forces them to use toy tools and when the go-kart is finally done blue wants hot rod flames and cheese once [Music] I'm rock climbs and I'm not gonna lie this one pretty great compromise but from here things just get seriously weird he puts tin foil he found out of a garbage can on his teeth and then he ruins Mac and Blue's go-kart ride by screaming like a psychopath every time they let go of the break so they have to do this Mac finally leaves them for the night so they can become the ultimate Duo blue cheese now we're brother ladies cheese then decides he needs to terrorize some other imaginary friends so he starts screaming at Eduardo like Syria I like potatoes over and over again he bites the absolute [ __ ] out of Wilt which was just insane and he mocks Coco repeatedly Mr Harriman isn't even safe from the might of the cheese master and then he slams into Frankie spilling milk and cereal and destroying a bunch of dishes [Music] so she pawns cheese off on blue and blue just lets the intrusive thoughts win he tries to mail him away sell him kill him everything fails he just cannot get rid of cheese so blue finally loses his patience and locks cheese in a closet when Max shows up to check on them cheese is nowhere to be found he's escaped and from here on Blue realizes the severity of what's happened and starts thinking of all of the horrible ways cheese might harm himself over and over and over again gets very dark [Music] eventually Mack realizes cheese is missing and he was eating soap when I found him so yeah with blue finally coming around we learned that this Menace cheese is actually not Blue's younger brother he doesn't belong to Mac either he belongs to Louise a girl that lives in Mac's apartment complex so cheese just straight up broke into Mac's apartment and convinced him that he was his imaginary son caused all of this Havoc and this is just his first introduction in the series and the best part about this episode is on the DVD cheese has his own commentary version of the episode and he absolutely flips out the entire time I'm not kidding it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect and I can't lie it's a bit much at times but there was a few saving Graces where cheese just became Hassan and just left the commentary mid episode to go to the bathroom so there's at least a few minutes of peace throughout the constant screaming and there was some funny moments too so it was worth a watch in my opinion see ooh what's in the box it's a Christmas this blue man Santa Claus from this point forward though cheese doesn't appear at all for the rest of season two or the entirety of season three but he does make his return in season four episode two the big picture when the residents are preparing for the annual house photo blue Mac and goo who's another Menace of a character are working together to search for an answer behind an imaginary friend Wally who ruined an old house photo Eduardo gets a makeover from Duchess which goes as you'd expect it to Coco realizes she needs to lose some weight and Wilt is dealing with being so tall he won't be seen in the picture during this episode but cheese only makes a short Cameo towards the very end of the episode cheese is just floating in a pool of chocolate milk during Goose rapid fire idea sesh of how Wally ruined the photo and that's it but Mandy from Billy and Mandy does make an appearance in this episode which is always nice to see a crossover Too Short too happy the next cheese appearance is during season 4 episode 5 infernal Slumber blue Wilt and Eduardo show up to Max apartment at 1am because blue wanted to have a slumber party Mac is completely against the idea and is terrified he's going to get into massive massive trouble if they wake his mom or his older brother Terence up now they completely ignore Max wishes and Wilt starts cleaning the apartment for some reason Eduardo takes pictures to show the other Foster's friends who weren't invited and blue tries to prank Mac's family thank you [Music] So In This Moment Mack opens up to them about how his mom has no idea that he visits Fosters every day and then if she finds out she won't allow him to visit Fosters or blue ever again and this finally gets them to listen but the problem is that things get much much worse before they get better because goo and Coco show up angry and Furious that they weren't invited to the party you ever heard of everybody's equal rights this isn't the 1950s you know this is the 21st century in the good old USFA of America big knucklehead so yeah things are going great so let's all say hello to cheese who starts screaming instantly and of course he wakes up Terence and things get kind of nutty because cheese just latches on to terence's face which would be one of the most terrifying things you would ever experience and blue bites his ankles showing that blue cheese is a force to be reckoned with but Eduardo finally takes Terence down so at this point Mack distracts his mom and everyone makes it out undetected they even got cheese out of there somehow but when they're down the street they realize that Eduardo had left the pictures all over the counter memories I forgot them that's silly Ed no one can take away your memories no the photographic memories I take all night they are still so they have to head back to get them they succeed with only causing a massive hole in the ceiling that I can only assume is somehow Cheese's fault but it's okay because Terence got blamed for it and grounded during the credits now on to one of the greatest Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends episodes The Big Cheese from season 4 episode 8. the episode premise is fairly simple a special news story is about to be written about Fosters so it has to be absolutely perfect that way everyone can get adopted chocolate milk so we can already tell what direction this is going so everyone at Fosters is telling cheese to go home [Music] do not live here where are we going well um I'm going to the store you're going home remember and he obviously doesn't instead he destroys the home to the point that Mr Harriman installs a security system to keep cheese out which of course backfired instantly Mr Harriman took the manual too literally and has zero idea what the code for the security system is so everyone is locked out and of all the people who could have paid attention and knows the code of course it's cheese so with everyone panicking cheese is just making weird noises over and over and over again and in frustration they send him home yet again but weirdly enough this time he actually listens to them and starts leaving but then they realize he knows the code the noises he's been making have been the code so they all panic and chase him down [Music] and essentially they kidnap him so he goes into full panic mode Frankie tries to help and that backfires too and everyone ends up scaring him so bad that he literally spits up on Frankie or maybe he didn't mind it cheese is hard to decipher so at this point Fosters is not any closer to figuring out the code and the news is now going to be coming in hour earlier so Frankie does her best using candy to entice cheese and shocker it backfires again Cena ever heard of anyone more insane or aggravating more capable of driving you to the very brink of insanity and to add fuel to the fire that is already about to explode goo shows up to cause more chaos cheese starts playing a game of CopyCat to sing the code but after each note he expects more people to join in and this continues until he has acquired an army and things turn to destruction fast and I mean absolute destruction and you cannot tell me this was not on purpose cheese is a menace thank you so with the house completely trashed and everyone completely filthy the code is finally known and about to be entered but cheese is not done causing Mayhem he gets in front of Mac at the very last second which of course sets off the alarm and this understandably just sets Frankie on a rampage change so obviously it's I'm assuming you can imagine this makes Fosters look absolutely terrible with the filming happening out of context but Frankie seemingly comes up with a genius idea to play on people's emotions and it works it seems shocking that Frankie thought about this almost as if she had a little green dude in her ear giving her all the answers and some guy miles away from here is giving you all the answers [Music] [Applause] more on that later so with this quick thinking Fosters gets an insane amount of donations and that allows them to get this new state-of-the-art alarm system and of course she's instantly bypasses the system and the Foster's Home is not safe cheese go home okay although he does not show up again until season five episode one she's a Go-Go and with the premiere of the season and this episode I found out that it's actually an extra special one it's the first episode in a 5 Series 5 episode crossover called Cartoon Network's Invasion and this episode set me down a rabbit hole around this crossover next Friday The Invasion begins aliens are invading five Cartoon Network shows and one huge event holy smoke it all begins with a new Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends and continues with Ed and Eddie by Jim partner is a monkey no cat last Law And The Grim Adventures of Billy imagine five shows one big Cartoon Network special event invaded starting next Friday at 7 pm on Cartoon Network so if you'd like me to make a video going through all the episodes from Cartoon Network's Invasion let me know in the comment section below anyways the episode opens up with Frankie mailing a bunch of packages which actually end up getting sent to various characters from other shows of the invasion crossover and she runs into cheese though grandma Foster is being extremely difficult with Frankie on the phone get off the classic sneakers on him yes but they're in back I'll have to go get them [Music] which continues throughout the episode causing a ton of issues she chases after cheese because he runs into traffic and causes a massive car crash so she grabs cheese to save who knows how many innocent lives from his Madness and then she finds Mac and they go to the movie theater in search of blue who's watching a movie about brain sucking aliens so while looking for him cheese is destroying the movie theater [Music] and when Frankie goes into the theater she answers the phone again which of course pisses everyone off including blue and now enter cheese who is for some reason covered in butter flavoring and here to ruin the movie should they go to pick up Eduardo at the dentist next and yet again cheese goes on a rampage while everyone tries to desperately stop him [Music] [Music] let's also not forget that Eduardo is high as hell at this moment yeah baby you smell like pineapples so we have a hi Eduardo a frustratingly annoying Madame Foster Cheese who's causing absolute chaos and to add fuel to the fire blue season alien poster with aliens that look like cheese so he starts flipping out too grandma Foster is in court over a tuna fish sandwich and screaming at Frankie on the phone again and this episode is absolute chaos and frankly I love it so with everything going on Frankie mistakenly leaves cheese with blue who starts broadcasting to everyone that he is an alien he then loses cheese and are high as the kite Eduardo and to top it all off the bus gets towed and they get a ticket so with cheese screaming blue finally manages to catch him Mrs Foster tries to literally fight the judge and blue throws everyone into a panic by convincing them Ed is a brain sucking alien he then goes into a planetarium and strings up the scientists so that he can use their broadcasting system to reach space we are just getting started here Frankie at this point I don't even know how she's still alive has repeatedly fell down this mountain over and over and over again she eventually makes it to the top of the mountain beaten and battered and manages to get blue and cheese out of there before the cops arrive and empty their clips into them and I'm sorry to be that guy this is like the grammar police of guns but he's a [ __ ] imbecile you absolute buffoon what you have there is not Cliffs these are mags they're mags not Clips you absolutely yummy the same way that this is also a MAG they're all mags stop saying Clips you look stupid here so Frankie who's now more beat up than before finally drops cheese off to Louise and he is still screaming that he's gotta go branky on the brink of insanity pleads with Louise to just tell her where cheese has to go and she just says this I don't know [Music] so yeah we have zero idea why cheese was freaking out Frankie has had arguably the worst day in Foster's history grandma Foster Mac blue Ed and Wilt are all in jail oh and let's not forget the aliens have arrived because they heard Blues call and they want cheese so we see the beginning of the invasion which then carries over to the invasion crossover event and it's just such a fun episode to kick off this brain sucking alien cheese-filled event the next episode cheese is in the little peas is just a retelling of the big picture from season four but from P's perspective it's a fun episode that I recommend checking out but cheese is barely in it so we're not gonna spend much time on this one basically we're just following peas as he tries to make it to Frankie to help with the news interview so he can be adopted but he's so small no one can hear him and even getting to the front door is a deadly endeavor oh [Music] he manages to eventually make it down there and he's The Mastermind behind Frankie's plan at the end of the episode he climbs up to her ear and tells her what to say he did it he succeeded in helping them but just like in the big picture cheese bypasses the security system right at the end defeating the entire point of the episode outside of cheese cause and Chaos from this point we fast forward to season six and the finale of Fosters as a show during this episode blue is under the impression that Mack is moving away and that this is the last day he has to spend with him now Mac who shows up late seemingly wants to hang out with everyone but blue he's playing basketball with wilt eating cookies with Madame Foster getting a painting done with Coco and a bunch more Frankie also pulls Mac aside which makes him default to thinking well this see look please continue which of course doesn't happen but it was nice to see Mack happy for a bit but there is a surprise party which he normally hates but with all of his friends there including goo he's happy but he realizes everyone thinks this is his last day because he's moving away and at this point Mack explains to Blue and the others that he's not moving away he's just moving into a new apartment in the same complex because they need a bigger place for his mom's home office in fact the apartment they're moving into is Louise's you know cheese and Louise well her family is moving to a new apartment complex that doesn't allow pets or imaginary friends which means Louise has to give up cheese yeah that's right cheese is moving into Fosters [Music] [Applause] everyone screams in a panic and Wilt says what everybody's thinking but is too afraid to say I'm sorry but this is okay and then the episode just ends the opening animation is shown in Reverse which is honestly really emotional to see and the screen turns white and that's it Foster's Home is over after six seasons and 79 episodes It's funny because we're given a tease of what could have been a new era for Fosters a series where cheese is more prevalent in causing chaos for more than six episodes sorry piece your episode doesn't count but on a serious note this felt like such a perfect way to end Fosters and as much as I remember cheese fondly I think he works because he's used in small doses kinda like Fred fredburger so as much as I would have loved for Foster's home to continue I think ending on a high note and not extending into when cheese moves in was the right decision so what's your thoughts was this the perfect ending or should we have gotten a season seven of cheese chaos let me know and I'll see you the next time I upload okay bye doggies
Channel: Joe Ruffler
Views: 41,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Te8Ctlo8Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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