We Need To Stop Gabbie Hanna

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so what if I'm the mom so what if I'm a monster that's been here all along well you might be actually because that's why I'm doing this video welcome till we need to stop Gabby Hanna see what I did there with the song and her maybe been not very good this is called we need to stop Gabby Hanna but it probably should just be killed we need to stop youtubers from making music unless it's me because I'm always good at that now if you haven't seen Gabby Hannah's been subject to mean culture recently but you may recognize it from somewhere else the most disliked video on YouTube ever yeah Gabby played one of those roles in the hip cornu we're relatable and we're gonna force a pretend message about us caring about stuff and to rewind it takes a lot of bravery to be that vulnerable I'm sure well let's just be glad that she didn't do a BTS cover during that because I think that would have actually been worse I'm joking of course I don't want to be mean to Gabby about her music I think she's actually not that bad oh god it really hurt me to say tank nice about somebody in one of these videos and it wasn't even really that nice it's a big thing right now to review music on YouTube or just a reaction videos to it but I'm not gonna do that today but my friend Bionic pig actually did an excellent video and here's a musician himself and he went through and reviewed her song and I think he had a very fair video so if you guys want to go check it out it will be linked in the description below I couldn't help but think when I first saw this mean that it was like an Eminem joke but it wouldn't be the first time Gabby's been caught stealing stuff I laughed tracking cuz my jokes aren't funny but I'm not stealing them gabby is currently subject to ridicule because of the fact that she went on rap genius to review her new song and go through the lyrics and go into depth about them and she also had to sing them and it resorted into videos like this what if I'm amongst you I only think it's fair that if we're going to judge her for her music ability that we have to give some form of proper cover so here we go I think I hate all the notes no Gaby's been a pretty good sport with this and she's actually relatively means back at it on Twitter but she also uploaded a video on it where she appears to be crying oh my god wait I need to pretend to be crying for the thumbnail if you skim through the video she doesn't cry which is upsetting can't bait me in with your pain Gaby I was expecting to see somebody be emotionally hurt hang on I was just getting a bunch of tweets about my cover of Monster people people didn't like it Oh devastated man this look good for them this is looking for the thumbnail but the real thing that actually makes Gaby a monster in this video is not the fact that she's released some music that people don't like that's actually not what I'm here to talk about today it's the fact that fellow youtuber Gabrielle Zamora has recently come out to talk about a bunch of scams that he's seen in the makeup community on YouTube recently and one of those scams involves Gavi Hanna but not just Gabby Hanna her friend Tana mojo you went to Tanic on Gabby and now you're taking the same brand deals as Tanner but to keep on repeating those mistakes it's just negligence towards your audience it shows that you really don't care and if you do [ __ ] up and apologize and you're so sorry about the fact that you've been involved in an have a big thing that's destroyed your trust of your fan base and then you go and do another big thing with that person who help like set up that stuff that like destroyed the trust of your fan base sorry excuse about this point now the product that Gaby in tanana have been promoting is a brush website that says that all the brushes are going to be gone in X amount of time but they're free for you sounds too good to be true because it is that's not how it works all you have to do at home pay the shipping and then hope that arrives and it currently hasn't and probably never will I don't really get how this works you know if a company comes chewing goes we want to give away this free product we want to pay you to promote it at what point do you think hmm maybe I'm scamming my fans it doesn't make any business sense and that's the whole point what a brand deal is you promote something to make them money and they pay you their money to make them more you don't let me just give away stuff a friend get a fat check from it now don't ask me why this channel was suddenly covered all the makeup drama that's ever happened ever but that seems to be the way we're going but it's surprisingly enough I don't know too much about makeup brushes so I'm gonna play some clips from Gaby Zamora snapchat but explain all of it to you because I'll have a clue so I was like I see so many key influencers always promoting that and let's see who actually does it cuz it seems like a scam what do you mean you're just gonna give out free [ __ ] so guess who decided to try it I was like ten dollars [ __ ] like I just don't understand how you're giving out free product free product like how are you even that doesn't make sense like that absolutely makes no sense then I never got an email confirming no receipt no nothing no tracking no nothing and I gave them a valid email that I use for online shopping no more probably these websites is not the fact that these brushes are marked up by ridiculous price if people are gonna be stupid enough to pay the shipping for them then you know they shouldn't and as an influencer so you shouldn't influence people into buying a product to eat and I heartily believe in that's not very good it's really disingenuous but that's not my issue actually this one I also find it more disturbing that these companies are pretending to be other companies by using names of other brands to be able to sell the idea that this is a legitimate scheme it's a pyramid scheme is what it is you know absolutely what this is you know every single day these sites are still selling the brushes even though they said they'd be gone in five hours they're still up there surely people would have realized this after about the today this happened but apparently not but when you go to the month in website of Kenza cosmetics are done every single month special offer on free brushes ends in five hours bull-fucking-shit because since october y'all have been promoting the same damn these are their freakin brushes lies you tell lies you tell anything look it ends in 5 hours ha special offer of free brushes and since five hours [ __ ] so these youtubers are promoting a company which number one is trying to hide itself under other brands names number two after one days of research just double-checking the website would let you know that there is already something a bit fishy but you should be a bit confused about and number two in general just seems way too good to be true it's been able to get rid of a free product so it's gonna be gone and a certain amount of time pay you for it and then it's still gonna be there the next day does that rainy alarm bells for people it's Tana mojo she's involved of course it doesn't she doesn't have alarm bells in their heads no stuff does rattles around in there but this one just screams obvious scam you know there's not something that needs to be dug deep about here it's staring you right in the face and even though it's not a big deal to me really because it's just business and this is how Gucci works and any form of a huge high-end clothing brand at the end of day even if the brushes do arrive you've bought a brush for twenty dollars it's not free and also it cost about two dollars for them so your models are just gonna bought a $2.00 brush but we should youtuber friends well people you think you're friends with you know because that's how fans look at youtubers because they think that you guys have a good interest for them they will help you out you know I'm normally people saying that brand do you helping me out if you use my staff there's nothing wrong with that if it's a brand that you truly believe in and you vetted them but you but you made this mistake more than once now it's becoming a bit of a problem and tanomo Joe's involved this is what deserves our crying from now don't apologize for your music Gabi you know apologize for letting some people down now all the reasons nobody's really been talking about this it's all been done on Instagram which is a place that most people aren't normally checking through to see if people are shilling terrible products and Instagram is where I get sent my most dodgiest brand deals for watch companies that I would never want to promote to people because the watch isn't like they've been made out of plastic but I think influencers know that because nobody really cares about Instagram it's like a 10 second story that's up for 24 hours you cash the money in them and you're gone but you know ten dollars for us or most people may not be much but ten dollars could break some his bank account and they could really feel like they're getting a good deal with these brushes and you've scanned them you know you've let somebody down he watches your stuff he trusted you and they were both give that money back I have always tried every service that I have been given for a sponsorship I've always gone through and giving it a go myself before I take it on but it seems like other youtubers don't seem to do that too much and sometimes yeah if you briefly go over a website and the money is high I can understand why in this current climate where you take it so I do feel but there's a room for improvement for Gaby on this one but it just screams scam [ __ ] you guys watching this video though I do appreciate it and thank you to my sponsor I like that I don't have one but I don't have one for today's video but I do want to say thank you to everybody from watching the videos lately because we are fastly encroaching on a million subscribers and I really appreciate the fact that you guys have paid attention to these if you did enjoy this video I like it's appreciate there's always and subscribe if you maybe nee which we're super close to in that million and that is crazy to even say but until next time make sure that you are checking out what people are promoting to you because influencers make mistakes and also sometimes they show companies that they know are scams so these are people have a good [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,695,239
Rating: 4.9055843 out of 5
Keywords: satire, gabbie hanna, gabbie hanna monster, gabbie hanna singing, gabbie, gabbie hanna live, singing gabbie hanna, gabbie hanna reaction, gabbie hanna monster meme, gabbie show, the gabbie show, gabbie hanna meme, gabbie hanna song, gabbie hanna songs, honest gabbie hanna, hanna, gabbie hanna honestly, youtuber gabbie hanna, gabby hanna, gabbie hanna storytime, gabbie hanna interview, gabbie hanna thinks she can sing, gabbie hanna sia, we need to stop
Id: _jado46k4qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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