We Make $100k And Can't Afford To Move Out Of In-Laws House

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Routh's with us in Boston hi Ruth how are you okay I guess done what's up I'm trying to get out of my in-laws house we just want Harold February and it's really hard to leave and get out of here I just I don't know what to do right now I'm working a job that's $12 an hour and my husband is making $75,000 a year and it feels like really bad and we tried everything we had for Darrin I had over 22 credit cards and my mother'll are charging us $700 in length which is more than we can even afford still and although my husband hasn't sure so basically you have $100,000 household income yeah and you can't figure out how to move out only because every month like I'm so basically a fun explain my soup recipe for making 35 yeah so how much debt do you have this is its draining all this cash so it's basically credit card debt how much very hard that do you have I want to say like 15,000 and we have student loans and we're conversing a mortgage right now we have 11,000 left to pay off and the other loan is I want to say 5000 left to pay off so sixteen thousand student loans 15 min cards and how much on your cars my husband has a leaf for $171 and the insurance is 171 I'll show the car there's no other car it's just there's so many you guys are you guys are 34 you know I'm 25 months at 20 oh you've gone all the way into 34 year old stupid okay yeah I know so we're also paying the UK and electricity here and like really hard to get an apartment and Massachusetts because the bread starts at $1,200 for a studio and I had a kid so um it's really stuck in that I tried to see if I could sell anything I tried to sell clothes nothing nothing she was your husband ders were living he's it was diver he's a one and a bus driver a bus driver okay yes inside the city of Boston yes okay all right and so how far out of Boston do you have to go before the rent starts dropping we've tried the ten miles from right now with of them could be these are two miles from Quincy and it's still about the same it's $1,200 for one bedroom so what about what about 20 miles 30 miles 40 miles I haven't searched 20 miles I'm sorry I haven't searched 20 miles uh-huh I didn't think so okay all right um well here's a situation number one the car is absolute insanity it needs to be sold you're probably going to have to borrow a little money to sell it and get rid of it but a $471 car payment when you're living with your mother-in-law is what's you know that's in the land of stupid that doesn't work okay the second thing is is you got no bargain with your mother-in-law here 750 bucks plus utilities and all these other things you're paying it's not a deal so I deal you're completely out of control you do not have any kind of a written budget and you and your husband are not working together on your money did I miss anything uh I also forgot to mention we have a private loan that also another thousand a year well here's what I would do I would sell the car I put the student loans on hardship deferral if you have to stop paying the credit card for the loss stop paying them for a month ago it's going to damage your credit but so what move 2030 miles out get your rental get your house going to be here too back and forth and what to work you can get a $12 job somewhere out there it's closer to home and let's get you on a budget and get this thing turned around get it where you're writing everything down every month but you're not a victim you're not a victim here you're not stuck every bit of this can be fixed with the income you have hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 161,448
Rating: 4.8801618 out of 5
Keywords: We Make $100k And Can't Afford To Move Out Of In Laws, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey, dave ramsey live, the dave ramsey show, ramsey, dave ramsey debt free scream, debt free scream, show, money, laws, 100k, make, move, out, dave, afford
Id: ur9bJeyZ1Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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