We Made Strawberry Lemonade Hard Candy For The First Time Ever!

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first pass of the day first batch this morning what is tiny bit more look at that you'll be a professional one day you gotta just think in this turn you know yeah they're just having had the bigger bag I don't know why but you take sugar sugar right [Music] fewer forgotten ahead that no don't think so it's just a habit so i'ma start today I've never really looked it up to see exactly the properties of it to what it really knows what my father and my uncle's always said it was just to stop cracking it's for the hood if this for the sort of cheese a fan on the go outside Karen which I get other people yeah most smell outside like you when you said you were a kid becoming on getting off the bus right yeah I'd smell the candy and you knew what we were doing hey I can smell on the park console packs the old days was following the publication small not yeah [Music] [Music] regular [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so every lemonade was going to be the first batch but I I messed up with it like that because I didn't do that all right with them we're supposed to be 24 Compaq for you - 21 are you it's just because you most of the time to do 21 pounds yeah I'm just not to have it I put it together and that was that yeah yeah I realized later worse things have happened to it oh yeah like what crack mean one so for this condom good part that's the other day you guys burned that didn't happen so we're gonna just pour half yep that's good you'll have to scrape the kettle yellow they might want to get the last chick a mini letter then we're gonna add strawberry in the kettle some actually go ahead and do the lemon oh no I've got one 3/4 I believe you you crunched the numbers I wrote down what was she putting they're pretty stronger remember we just did this driver this one oh wait you did write it down yeah you said to take point here two and three quarters it's one of the worst it's I got it written down I'm telling you three quarters it's two or three quarters for lemonade one three quarters for card remember we were just talking about how strawberry gets three shots here double batch and lemonade gets the five shots yep that makes sense next doesn't think this he'll be very awkward but he does I'm just his heels they were dug in okay okay I guess worst-case scenario just isn't growing strawberry well do you put too much strawberry and it takes chemically don't want that this good I just want to make sure it was like a compass it's so cool over there if you like it does smell a little bit chemically but also like Captain Crunch and over here there's no men women hands huh well just look lemon oh my god yeah this smokes just like oh yeah it calls just like hold yeah well it was calling off a little bit you want to stay in there bring it back to the basement we have to pour this bench Craig yeah so you need me recycling me out right here okay let's not burn that to you it's so annoyed so I was thinking some crazy candy related thoughts I mean some off-the-hook stuff I'm almost afraid to say it but I miss it because I forget it but don't forget it I'll remind me know the savour would know nothing not to see every line of every candy I was thinking of what if we put something crunchy and like what if we got crushed up Oreos and added into peanut butter peanut butter full mandatory all just murdered us for reals yeah and peanut butter and then maybe a free chocolate cover yes yeah so I have an idea that I am pretty certain would work be and I know that because one of our viewers actually did it and sent us pictures and it came out really great they did caramel filled ribbon candy well we totally want to do that don't try that our example yeah they didn't yeah well we had apple pie so should we do that which go for our plans the summary only it's a public experiment but SMERSH Mona seems to change this all up yeah it's over I'd still like to try that out because I'm gonna be me but yeah that would be pretty cool but then I had another one we're talking about I came here what flavor ribbon candy we were talking about the other day Cara was there she's saying well what could we fill that flavor with cuz you don't feel things with they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it marshmallow fluff chocolate I was thinking what if we took actual cream max actually cream some crushed Oreos in the back into cream request Orioles in the cream and then we put that in urban candy justic Crisco and confectioner sugar make our own Oriole fill and fill it with that we could make like oh my god because we could take the the chocolate liqueur uh-huh like a chocolate flavored ribbon candy and then really ribbon we did anyways yeah and then just fill it with Oreo filling oh okay if you put it in just cream I think that they would get like Siamese huh I really like well I was also thinking wouldn't it be interesting if we crushed Oreo into creamy feta green Oreo cream green I'm talking to treatment we make for our starters I know crazy but I think yeah I'm saying just take some cream you've you know and you'll drop it don't don't starts facets that in the middle of ribbon candy and then you can have a flavor whether it be Oreo or whatever that you're like fruit flavored oils we could do anything if we did if we put out your ice cream oh we have people are want maple maple pecan and there's my crunches I just asked for fresh pecan and oh wait crushed up Oreos to cover the whole thing okay yes Oh ain't you glad well if you wanna you can make him 24 cuz the watermelon all the watermelon we need maybe should make it 24 we I mean we need so much watermelon orange you glad this is probably so wait you something take it down put in the hook yeah oh yeah you see that's way too soft it's just sticking to the table so let's talk about strawberry lemon-aid so I don't know if you picked up all that wasn't we flavored lemonade this one we played strawberry I was dropping here no we figured instead it's like pouring both in there we thought we'd keep himself at the trial that's how that worked out and we we might get some point inside football flavors in one pedal and see how that works so today is May 30 and this strawberry lemonade is going into our fruit and friendly bash but by the time you guys see this video I'm friendly badger probably sold out yeah and the strawberry lemonade assuming it tastes good cuz this is an experiment we're just trying it out but hey let me taste great Oh strawberry tastes great alone why would the taste great together me so that time you see this video we'll probably be doing separate flavors women in is a separate flavor to buy as a standalone flavor yeah because we we just tried that out with watermelon and put that video up one yesterday can't start out with 120 bags of it it's gone and that's where we're making more today kind of on the fly we're gonna make another 48 pockets today but there's just so much to candy makers can do out yeah they're giant they're trying valiantly but it's kind of like trying to push a boulder a really big one up a hill and sometimes it rolls back with crushes this is what Mitch fossil wants to make up strawberry-banana hmm right I think we should do a bunch of bananas in a bag blueberry banana mmm banana Irish cream Oh banana anise banana peanut butter banana peanut butter would be killer good the Elvis heart candy you certainly feel tired just watch me yes I mean do you wish you were me I'm not tired I just thought the water table should be much more bringing it over warm seems like a good idea until you realize that like you can't trap the air in felt school that just means that you're no longer just doing this for fun just do more work for longer yep yeah your mom kicked in my side you see I like its second form the strands in it and stuff like that's usually like you know when it's super cold it's not it's very pretty quick get that nice silvery look though that'll be cool yeah if you pull it can you call it too much like was it was like I'm a lot of it way more because it kind of stopped oh no it'll it'll keep trying Baltimore white yeah yeah we've never thrown into like it like right now on rough you just saw but like it just got a lot paler yeah kind of go on for that like silvery can I make it a hammer please hammered telling the cameras that's a beautiful collar hey how did you do this it actually feels fluffy hey I think you pulled it you really did this is puffy feeling are you calling me yelling Oh yellow yellow belly how'd you make all right we talked about like the Old Yeller esque movies like what was up with that what you're like let's make kids really sad Shiloh Old Yeller what's the other one Bambi there's that one between two ferns do you remember occur between red fern where the red friends grow that's what I never saw it though wait what the book yes I've never seen that car hmm yeah classic motif boy s dog boy doesn't have dogs yeah the brave doesn't have dog in sad way talks to the hound lady in the all right think so I think there has any okay let's don't bring that up yeah I'm sorry come on I'm gonna cry right into the strawberry I was just gonna say is this a good pink or should I keep lighting it up I need your strawberry you're awesome he knows you can do a strawberry but don't do a raspberry I can't wait to taste this I wonder if it's okay if everybody before lunch I gotta call my mom I want you to trust him right now no I said I call my mom okay I guess I guess that going now hmm how close did you come I guess AR purple or I mean this one this color here this light right here there's a little bit larger there you go do it do it you well yeah this one's really soft a college dealer plates I can tell this is 24 pounds I didn't realize he was gonna be together the old days we've done this before but we put him back to the back what flavors we gotta do that way to do two flavors in one yeah [Music] I guess Lord or twenty pound batches pete'll it would it would save us a whole 45 minutes of cook time you know what is it your arm zone would you be able to pull it oh you'd pull it in two different two halves you know they'd be two separate flavors I mean one flavour ran into the next warm funny this way we used to do it to save time especially if you're doing half batches you don't want to cook up like 10 pounds of time does Oh I forgot to bring moving or [Applause] yeah I saw that because they're talking about you have a second favorite SNL star you know first or second favorite you have the ranking in your head I mean Will Ferrell's probably but I really like John Belushi is Santa present shiny all right so what do we have to do for the water bug and we're going to throw the green is that what we did last night yeah yeah everybody knows watermelons are pink in black and brown looks like a whale you is that belong [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow that's good just come back one more piece of candy laughs you know [Music] I'm telling you this batch and the last won't like by the end of it I can feel it I make your flooring it's mostly like in my shoulder looks like you two right guys what can't you break eye contact let me say that I was just met with you [Applause] nobody I'm telling you ever gotten a good okay ID in a while extra dump will conquer the world okay well I think it's just because it's cold it's it's softer than old Hawaii just watch stuff we do it man [Applause] probably just device and Ida scrutineers lie no me Craig [Applause] all right so like after this point it's just gonna be strawberry we control that yeah we keep that separate no no no I mean it touched the lemonade and got kind of a fix right here voila sent my line kids [Music] if you right now oh they let it get cold then once it's called [Music] these pants that's well okay but a month this week's yeah Fellman right nari all right oh hey I gotta say three chilling down the hatch but alright charity putting her mouth Dadar traveling off camera I got strawberry immediately I got lemonade immediately yeah so no hands aside I had it done yeah I got Captain Crunch and free loops immediately look at the crunch berries yeah I'm getting crack one open there's a cereal yeah baby I will say this I like it's good it is good just try it with some milk in a bowl mm-hmm eating basically so let me name you take over the strawberry bud doesn't like a real heavy I like how you can twirl in your mouth and it's like all different plated like sweet yeah we can't call it sweet though I do they're not taken lightly really good don't folks how many thumbs are gonna give this man we always give it to Oh and putting comes up my toes get your pinkies okay just the correct right legs up we can put Karen's and reward comes in here all that technology doesn't exist yet because the thought watermelons crush your old box something good yeah and I know life will be changed you know really dank but not by the part like where you choke on it yeah you're gonna have to meditate over that damn I don't know what that's all you have to try anymore just gonna have to make pieces you can become okay Terry okay panting adjourn it is meeting adjourned is [Music]
Channel: Hercules Candy
Views: 15,061,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hercules candy, candy making, making candy, how to make candy, lemonade hard candy, strawberry lemonade hard candy, hard candy, first time, we make candy, we make strawberry lemonade hard candy, candy review, taste test review, slow motion, how its made, how it's made, oddly satisfying videos, satisfying videos, satisfying, how candy is made, how do they do it, candy store, satisfying slow, candy recipe
Id: 0DR3s3E1VwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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