We Made A Genshin Impact Domains Tier List

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uh we are officially making a community tier list of the most difficult slash worst domains to play in genchin impact the entire chat is going to vote on all 10 domains in a materialist that i created myself because thetalistmaker.com did not have it so i screenshotted every domain wrote text on every image set up my very own chart and it is now a public tier chart for anyone else to make if they choose to do so let me remind you we're going to choose a domain i'm going to enter it for example let's say we choose the archaic plus bullet domain we happen to be here i'm going to enter the domain and we're going to view the enemies and then i will create a vote a poll and the chat will vote for abc or d an s tier of course in difficulty so s is the highest difficulty this is the geo domain we do get i believe archaic or bullied the enemies include ruin hunter right i'm pretty sure rune hunter and then two abyss mages the pole will begin s a b c d dog water dog water super easy some people think it's uh no no easy some people don't think it's easy at all which is reasonable i think a is a good spot to be honest they say dopp water oh i misspelled forgive me the first domain we rated archaic bolide includes ruin hunter two hiller trolls and two cryo abyss mages we are putting it at a that look does that look right to you chat it's not too difficult but it is challenging next domain the heart of depth plus blizzard domain another artifact domain recently showing up in the dragon spine patch so you're you're battling against many mechanics right now sure cold being able to dodge well and as well as creating an elemental reaction to take down both shields here if it's between s and b then it's a you know i think i think that's fair we could do that we'll do a we'll do a the heart of depth plus blizzard artifact domain we're putting at a hey being able to time your dodges against the larger enemies is a very important skill to acquire when facing these types of domains all right i think our next domain is ah lava plus crimson lava walker and crimson witch no there's not there's not any big boss enemies in this but there there is uh what fire effects the fireball effects i think for the most part the enemies we have are just what slime fireballs right so this is the kind of domain where i believe if you bring the right comp that right [Music] couple [Music] if we already did the poll where did wait did someone do the poll what i said i was running the polls dude oh my yeah all right you know what we'll just say b okay it's looking like a b lava plus crimson our first b tier and difficulty domain i thought it was c because it's it's literally a no brain it's like brain dead gameplay you bring hydro you just you you vaporize everything the community votes b the community's right twitch chat never lies isn't that right our next domain the taishan mansion the chinese cities talent book domain so our two enemies are two hello trolls at first two big ones right and that's not so hard it's very simple to just get attacks off here with some simple dodging you will be able to you know time your attacks because they're relatively slow next enemies we have two pyro fatoui assassins honestly you know c or d c or d okay i'd probably put it at d but you know i could see cc see it is see it is our first c tier domain speaking of talent books though let's go to the next one monstab books uh essentially it is a cryo domain it will bring down stamina a lot so being able to sprint and dodge away from enemies attacks will cost you a lot of stamina oh and we also have falling icicles too which is amazing which you do have to dodge from so my stamina is already in half not only do we have falling icicles and slimes jumping at us and shooting we have the notorious abyss mage ice fart what is the abyss mage ice fart you ask well it is probably one of the worst attacks in this game it lurks around as a cloud and if you happen to step in it you take substantial damage very quickly very quickly but i'll let let the chat decide again a means difficult so s is the highest difficulty reminder s is the highest difficulty monstab book domain welcome to the a tier squad let's go to the weapon mats huh start with the weapon materials people are saying this is easy you know it probably is but i think all we get here are hydro enemies so again this seems like another kind of like you know bring the right element it's an easy domain there's nothing very special there for the most part this is probably you know beginner friendly for people i would like to remind you it does greatly increase your skills cool down with the uh the ley line effect here i'll leave it to you chad once again it's d looking like a solid d okay so dog water it is weapon mats one with only hydro enemies is considered a dog water domain bigger than a public bathroom freer i was trying to think of a joke but i couldn't think of one next domain the second weapon mats domain your energy will periodically get stolen so you won't always have your ultimate up this domain is full of electro enemies the notorious system mage that moans the battle more electro enemies so we have two electro slimes one system mage and then oh three more electro slimes and then another assistant mage i once again leave the decision the decision excuse my stuttering to chat d looking like another dog water domain so far oh c's catching up though some people think it's kind of a sea turtle domain i think yeah dd deadly ones yeah so the weapon mats 2 domain both weapon mats domains have been decided by twitch chat that they're absolute dog water and you know i i agree they're not that they're not that hard let's check out varidescent in the maidens domain commonly referred to as venti's domain why well because if you have venti it becomes probably the easiest domain in the [ __ ] world but not everyone has vented this is a fizz bonus damage domain 75 percent increase in fizz damage and all of our enemies here are well human i suppose basically most prob basically human five total enemies spawn before you looking like another low tier domain here another low two domains i'm glad we can all agree that it is not one of the hardest domains that genjen offers all right seeds here is our winner twitch chat says cater we have no ester yet wow let's go to another uh very elemental base domain here the thunder soother domain and the thundering fury domain if you create overload it will damage other opponents but if you create superconduct you will take damage so bringing a cryo character in this domain is not not a very good idea we are presented with electro slimes at first and then two system mages yeah that's kind of annoying thunder soother thundering fury looks like b what makes it slightly difficult to be put at b though chat the sexy mages interesting okay well fair enough all right well b and well i think we have one last domain chat the blood stained and no blessed domain a very notorious domain for being one of the most challenging and maybe in most annoying domain to fight because of the three abyss mages the ley line effect the shields you have to break requiring elemental reactions to take place and we can't forget they teleport they teleport this right here is probably the most annoying part the leyline effect here like let me show you how difficult it is to dodge the fireball let me show you like right now it's fine you think it's fine right now but here we go like try dodging that it's it's literally impossible like it it creeps up on you when you least expect it i want to mention that not only are you dealing with elemental shields teleporting enemies projectiles coming in at you a late line disorder that has a fireball follow you like every 20 or 15 seconds or something uh i do want to mention that there are three types of elements that can double their damage if you take uh consecutive hits from the enemies we have a cryo we have pyro and we have hydro we have melt and vaporize happening against you all at once so that's where the dodging mechanic also takes place as well if i'm being honest this is probably the most difficult domain to like learn to adapt to because once you adapt to something things become easier let's remember that once you adapt once you learn certain tasks become easier but not only is this still one of the most annoying domains it is one of the hardest to learn to fight as well what is twitch chat thinking we're already going with s we got a solid amount going at a and here you have it this is the official 1.3 community based most difficult slash annoying gangshin impact domains from our community on twitch take it take a nice take a nice look cryo's literally us two you know we'll we'll try we'll try it again maybe we have a change of heart for this we'll do we'll do a quick little vote here all right honestly i thought it was going to be straight too but you guys said hey sounds like all right mario domain we got the big ice lava troll or whatever it's called and then we have an abyss midge and like it's gonna be repositioned to s tier that's interesting we have two for each isn't that interesting all right that is our two list and thank you which chat for all of your support and contributions to this tier list well thank you if you're watching on youtube let me know if you agree let me know if you disagree i'm sure you have thoughts about this tier list leave your thoughts in the comments below and if you enjoyed the vid subscribe like maybe i'll see you next time [Music] bye youtube everyone say bye bye bye sayo [ __ ] nara good job chad you did really well today stuff stuffs love the energy [Music] all right no cap c1 gene time right now all right half today as i said i feel uh yo is brent in the chat i
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 289,585
Rating: 4.9672627 out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact tier list, tier list, genshin tier list, genshin domain, genshin impact domain
Id: IauZ9Mbyckc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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