We Lost The Sea - Departure Songs [Full Album]
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Channel: Worldhaspostrock
Views: 4,918,880
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Keywords: post-rock, ambient, postrock, We Lost The Sea - Departure Songs [Full Album], We Lost The Sea - Departure Songs, Departure Songs [Full Album], We Lost The Sea, Departure Songs
Id: SBOVkptjJhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 22sec (4042 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015
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This article explains the significance of each song very eloquently
Worth noting that they wrote this album after their frontman committed suicide. They used to have quite a different sound and this was their first music since their loss. They were greiving during the writing process and you can feel it in the music.
Challenger Part II is still one of the greatest post-rock songs ever in my opinion
Reminds me of this song The Commander Thinks Aloud by The Long Winters; itβs about the Columbia Shuttle.
Song exploder did a nice episode on it. I cry every time I hear the end of the song. Iβm crying now, fuck...
Full song https://youtu.be/J8AisTXgAGA
Absolutely love this album. Their new album is promising too based off the first "single". Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for sharing this! Powerful stuff
I listen to this album every once in a while. It's a very powerful experience and I usually listen, doing nothing else, to get immersed into it.
This music is so intense
Such an amazing album!