We let him make the GTA 5 Playlist again..

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you're not spinning a cranny now you changed your mind I don't walked away cr's not gambling no more mate I'm keeping the camera still mate so come on athal oh he's knocked off point 2 seconds track Mania brain me big spin I got a t-shirt chips mate don't need any more chips mate do mate get the ginger oh my bad are you in the que no no no no no go for it mate I'm just watching get him mate Scottish cubble cup let's do this bullying see the comments the comments feel bad for Steve yeah take that RP noce mate where'd you get those trackies from crownie um Sports directs mate Sports Direct they are Sports Direct Classics mate to be fair they are yeah the big baggy lales they all loose down at the bottom is they mate yeah only size the ad oh big spin on Jesus hey up oh what need you night 10,000 oh that's tragic oh Jesus H go on H H you can't be not you've got a kid on the way mate took them away spend them on nappies mate they're not cheap I have to buy them for myself I reckon in honor of my upand coming plushy that's only available for 30 days 2999 great way to support the channel once it's gone it's gone forever we should maybe dress up as like Teddy Bears or something you know [Music] at least my theme suggestion was a good cause and not a rage Shadow Legends one imagine tried to put a ra Legend one now dress up as a dragon boys dress up as epic Champion Grog Knack grn Chino Jack oh easy Chino you get got TI marks on me Uggs look what my mask mate I found a zebra mask sound just like a zebra as well me yeah good knows that is mening you got whoa Jesus crowning it in Bear if he was green mate oh that's good mate come Steve mate Steve what is that he went I'm not having that minute come here dven what was that aircut mate let's have a look wow cough and you cra I got hit by a car mate I don't want to see that haircut anymore mate anyone else want to get to me left to his left go on there go oh dude it's pretty difficult why why is it so hard why am I being shot I don't have a wanted level I'm getting P by bullets please take the picture I got it but you weren't in it you making a Tik Tok mate ax you're just facing the other way mate blocking crowny completely you're not even looking looking at the sun mate all right there we go keep moving mate what's wrong with me sorry mate I got one here we go mate start the playlist knew it was coming I knew it was coming oh mate it's a rocket voltic first phace oh no H's back boys H's back M when the playlist says you ask for this it's not you it's me I asked for this no one asked for this mate we just wanted to hatte come out retirement not to make play this we got to be positive about it boys we got to be look at that we got to be positive got a boost boys I've not got the Boost crowny first Corner me backwards going the wrong way oh goodness oh mate me light work so far mate m light work so far oh [ __ ] you know how to boost right Annabelle yeah I just went straight off the C already oh st's locked in up front already mate it's a big old loopy [Applause] loop this is a proper no is this is eight what's going on that's so far so good mate just when you see those words and you see this vehicle on the first race it's a complete lack of trust that hurts me the most I'm sorry H you can understand why we have trust issues though right driving what [Laughter] the do that doing it backwards I've sent you I'm gone mate we have not g no gone the wrong way how many checkpoints is it 27 okay that's not too badp that's all right that's all right little warm up mate a little warm up for what the rest of the playlist might end up being oh seven face to faces after this [ __ ] it him mate seven mega ramps naughty so far mate Hat's cooked don't boost on that wall spin on a easy easy easy you big green Bastard Hey I can't all this thing you got to go higher before you before you hit the the thing I hit a mate now who was that that was me he got to do that gone sorry oh sorry sorry that was a big chub big chub big CH upside down CH now we talking mate love me a big chub chub out sound sounds like it could be a big chocolate bom right it the big chub big chub mate in reality it's just a big roll of dogood chocolate meat log CH roll mysterious meat dog meat log meat product log dog meat L what a combination of words oy we go in hot H I will not be moving a bit Wily wonky on this wall mate I'm airm I just smashed the out the back of you there man you were like not ask me oh please don't who be me I'm sorry all right mate I'm behind you I'll get slippy mate I'll get a slippy mate H the Apex right in mate I'm boosting here shortcut that's a little of bobster special there isn't we I'm in first person yeah we both did that there's no way I'm not making this front flip you should be able to front flip that all day you flipping these ones yeah I'd take two SP well all right H I'm sorry I doubted you for the first one mate so far so good get first in the next one Bob inside line who I held it outside line get love whoa decent mate what a nice little dog mystery meat roll of a map wa me roll what did you just say h you turned into devil Emoji when you said that now we wait for the second what this camera angle I what now first dnf let's go hell yeah consistency is key looking extra cly today X yeah absolute Teddy be point to point GTA a Arena Contender oh it's just a simple it's just a simple skill test yeah nothing complex about it just a simple one there should be no dnf here this is simple my game's crashed that's just a sign of a good map boys it's loading a lot of props they already know oh it's not loading at all we're all going to crash not looking promising boys any minute now just takes longer to load boys God I have missed a h playlist I'm not going to lie it's gone it was loading in the audience mate beautiful aliens in the background goes mild look at this mate just chilling to be this is definitely a two-minute respaw mate for sure that's sick weapons en GTA Mode's on mate you green [ __ ] you're making enemies that quick mate when weapons are enabled yeah bro I can't even see myself you got to get back shoot these tires mate see later there we go after you mate oh [ __ ] oh see [ __ ] me right off the map mate you got watch out for that R me [ __ ] H I'll get you over mate I'm off again sorry mate mate what I'm getting [ __ ] auditory over I just died yeah I don't know what's going on my autism is fling up crack wait I got go I got go no Fu just happened a just [ __ ] blew me up somehow mate there's no waiting boys come on go go no I got no patience this skipping it no you can't skip it these whips are sick can this thing stop oh is this GTA 6 yep Early Access hey just gone and done it s oh no [ __ ] no cranny's locked in mate got his new puff R he's in the zone no I'm falling AR I'm I'm locked out I'm losing HP go gock quick quick quick quick quick quick big Doritos mate I can't believe it we're really here Steve got to stop meeting like this D Lally leave the go go go sorry Sor come on be not again not again yeah Steve get two of on oh my Anabelle oh yeah you need you need a Carro dot speed huh okay we're missing out we're DN dnf the First with a cow I can't get no second [ __ ] electric [ __ ] [ __ ] thing come on at this mate he just pop to mate I've never played a truck like this oh no no this is a weird [ __ ] thing mate oh I got it thank you you're welcome [ __ ] H mate i' have been ped across the map not to do me mate there's more Australians here today though I'm off come on yes I got to try and secure sixth place mate so I've been a bit of a knob lock it mate which wall is it crowny uh left one okay the last one I tried obviously yeah same obvious Doritos mate look at this mate these little flippy things are sick little ramps yeah yeah you only get these in the arena Maps mate cuz making a map out these would be sick M I've never done the arena ones before now these are good you be an a got past my mines mate what happened oh [ __ ] usually they got you did they good was caught up sick this bit's techy mate this reverse bit stuff surpris has not been as many death May considering guns are enabled it's GT this overwhelming fun it's fun with the [ __ ] ramp mate yeah the ramp's pretty good hitch hitch hitchitch Steve's locked in sorry D sorry D sorry D I'm trying to stop I swear I'm trying to stop you're not trying to stop at all I'm oh yes I hope no one has epilepsy for that part EP Pepsi EP of Pepsi Max mate brother a free epilepsy mate oh the crowd just got loud [ __ ] me someone did something I did a b flip mate you know what they're like get theor out mate that just fli me on okay me all right mate do like this whip man I'm not going to lie I do like this whip just cleaning it [ __ ] oh my God am I going to make that did you make it R nice one I thought we were going backwards so I was wait for to back the same thing where I was going I should have I should have looked it's quite a hard parkour at some point [ __ ] hell is that your job no mate that's not me I was doing it I was doing it for the crowd mate they would have gone crazy if I hit that I went straight in the middle like a [ __ ] don't worry I went left or middle then right decent little recovery from me I have to twang myself up do I I'll twang you right off me Swang me into the [ __ ] Sun mate Swang Me to the Moon let meang moon so I'm stuck what's my car doing it's driving itself backwards who's next to me my car ding out of here stop to save himself like that was crazy did the did the crowd actually cheer louder when you do it yeah so let's test it again never mind oh I can fly a spectator drone mint who Okay [ __ ] P me off the map why you're like a little drone or want some B yeah I'm a little drone mate losing connection what is that drone thingy the right position that's cool I went too far little drone it's like we just logged into GTA 6 mate how we never done these I know didn't realize you were a thing after all these years years l I know yeah it shows how much we pay attention it you're are boys look at us hear me where's your drone mate can you not afford that Steve no I to go tutorial Steve man got a $15 on him for drum rental mate that is embarrassing oh for fake don't [ __ ] pit me man do they not do CLA mate ask him how far was from the end [Music] got you going I've just got a [Laughter] telescope action shot of that that landed no oh clean where I want to go in the middle oh I didn't even make that [ __ ] it mate the the drones at the end should be a thing in every in every GTA race I've never done a map like that before in my life mate that was good mate you screen too what naughty Podium that is mate there's 10 of us and only four finish mate and we all dnfed what what oh oh [Laughter] yeah oh we at least we got a good amount of people for a face to face mate it's been a while the orange obstacle and stand upright fall slowly onto the table and you're done oh go for the classic mate oh nice a go shot and Crown's got his new puff on mate it's a big day for the boy all right this is a good St me oh what the little what they okay there what the [ __ ] s like go climb over the orange thing the face to face and fall down oh okayed I got sled boys oh you in a sled what I didn't get one going back I didn't get one that's funny how do I yes I am off H where the hell did you find this down on dining tables mate does it [Laughter] again my jet SK just started dining table me I was sliding back I was going backwards I'd love to take credit for these but I really can't uh this was definitely unique Lage just so you know but there's no there's no checkpoints so a shame someone fell off oh there's 21 checkpoints on this one okay yeah this is a long boy mate it's just another 90 minute R [ __ ] that can't be the whole oh okay we still going what the [ __ ] it's still going this it's invisible invisible tube an invisible tube oh my God hey what is this he came up with a bang oh what the Flor hates to put together a fever dream of a playlist mate your on that boys they're going to love this one oh this is terrifying all right I got the checkers mate it don't matter [ __ ] right Steve be us down Steve thepp got the sppy she's already gone oh oh yeah I forgot it was a face to face don't even the respawns about it face to face with just got s yeah we're going to be here for a while boys we're going to be here for a while my eyes mate of Pepsi Max war on this one mate there some remebrance record mate even though if it is give me a seizure where'd you get all that land G me I've landed it clean face to face part short it's a rubbit I was hoping I have to do the whole thing this floor is bad mate this floor is bad mate Bobby up mateut mate whisking it in a bit why is there a dead wh I don't know me don't question [Laughter] it no and again thank you H oh big stunts clean oh this might be the most unique face to face yet Trum at me it is a bit Yeah I saved you I don't think I was a wood that went in any direction m me all right sorry about that can I be sorry about that bastard want show which side to stick on you hit that fer down flying truck at these giant rubbit mate what are they doing they're Hefty [ __ ] now just spawned oh my that was so unnecessary [Laughter] Jordan what the hell was that follow my larm all right I'm here M see this little ramp in the middle mate little lawn oh right oh I see I see I see I've just done the worst wall right ever good that a chy wagon uh oh I'm there we go okay perfect lovely skip try to get under tried to get under while you were spinning little top yeah yes please mate perfect thanks Steve Perfect Mate [ __ ] did you live yeah we both liveed yeah I don't feel so good thank God for oh my goodness what did I even hit where am I off my [ __ ] god put down on a bell come on watch out sorry boys sorry about this help I feel so bad got delivery to make here oh [ __ ] everyone's got for the skip [ __ ] Steve L on my head [ __ ] fre ram car mate feel so good not feeling great not feeling great who's this big green snotty Bast coming I know mate there's a few of them oh God he just blocked the road sorry mate didn't see you though you're pling with a floor oh is that the oh who just R straight off the m [ __ ] Ginger mutant man teeth like a witch doctor's necklace [Laughter] mate on you big green [ __ ] you wait till I'm back in that ramp car Steve you're [ __ ] done mate I was just standing still like oh this thing sounds lovely side of the [Laughter] [Music] road what the fu going on no way was that prop invisible I don't want to go up there you are a piss take oh ride never mind [ __ ] off get in the way [ __ ] I'm going for this prick [ __ ] please why going I just wanted to make sure mate got back to the a boys another part of the [Music] I just stopped cuz I going to [Laughter] go I remember that Annabel oh balls I can L this I'm fine I can save this I'm fine good I'll be back back to the Moon I'll be back someone's in a sorry Steve went Bean but why you turn around bro I'm looking for bean mate oh he's he's already gone you just saved me there Draven oh no Bob a is in aant oh mate you're a Boosty mate think is slow what the [ __ ] it's like don't know if I'm going to make it with this speed yeah was that worth it like 3 mph I got close I was close I'm so sorry oh my [ __ ] you jump in the I'm off mate [ __ ] torpedo comes a bedo mate you mate Bob no crowning little skid of a whip mate go on yes watch this [ __ ] skid oh nothing little about that one mate Bob no [ __ ] hell we need to take him down mate they try again Steve see what happens I'm not making getting cyber bullet right that's it falling the Poli call the bully Hunters Steve stop it stop Steve oh no for me get him out of here get him out of here arabel yes push him over the edge oh no did I go oh my God no I'm on this side Bob I'm trying to get him off get him out of here mate don't let him through don't let him through nope I get him out of here he ain't [ __ ] without that ramp keep that ramp face the other way oh he's gone I can hear anal laughing it's not being picked up [Laughter] on I was going for crazy EXC me com through [Laughter] I'm Bob Bob get no no going for him as well is he going I locked in mate got every single [ __ ] line I possibly could there oh you're the wrong way meate I know but is it the wrong way if it's getting you why is Big B sorry mate sorry mate just k kic the [ __ ] out of Steve man he's like kicking a rugby ball manate he was gone yeah Steve no I did a Dr one no he's gone me I'm going to sniping M where is he comments I love this one it's actually quite sad when they bully Steve at the end I hope it's m oh you big bastards one last start the timing of that one so a go ah I wanted one last hit on him mate go race that one nice little one yeah good mate decent who the [ __ ] that oh what is that what is that state of you being Jesus [Music]
Channel: BYZE
Views: 118,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta, gta 5, gta v, gta 6, gta 5 races, gta 5 racing, byze, gta 5 online, Grand theft auto, byze gta, byze gta races, byze gta 5, gta 5 races playlist, gta angry, gta funny, gta funny moments, gta online, gta races, gta multiplayer, gta free roam, gta best of, gta face to face, gta parkour, gta cars
Id: o1_88U__f4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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