We hit 30k subscribers! Time to clean out Old Blue! Scrap Yard Run! Part 1!

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all right so I guess if you guys are gonna watch this one it means I hit my thirty thousand subscribers and that means I have to clean this track the scrap truck I've definitely been procrastinating on this for months there is a lot of stuff in here I think my plan is going to be to pull off all of he did he had that thousand pounds of concrete on them it looks fine it's amazing how the wire just keeps things from breaking there's a little bit of everything in here definitely a mess it's gonna take a few hours so just grab some try to make a little pile of iron here I really can't believe how much stuff is actually on the truck I think all the light iron I'll put here so I can put back on - in this ball I think that's sellable I would say there's probably an extra five hundred pounds of stuff it not more on on the truck piece of brass there's a lot of copper and aluminum to aluminum [Music] Yodas stick now what's nice is what I'll be able to do is once I get to the bottom here a piece of brass I'll be able to just shovel all this off at the scrapyard I don't know if I'll be able to get to the scrapyard today I think what we're going to work on is separating the strippable wire versus just scrap wire this is all jumper cables and good stripping a wire right here put that over there same as this nice thick copper [Music] sneaks in the wire that's Darwin's snake should go hide him on the side of the warehouse scare the hell out of somebody [Music] but I would say probably have if I've scrapped everything to $300 and just scrap on the back of the truck some more strippable number one wire actually this thick stuff leaves is also a good wire that's a tension cord distinction cords I never really uh I don't strip them just because they have that cloth inside and after you after you do cut them end up losing more than half your wire weight to just this one is this is real heavy copper right here man this is gonna be forever that looks like one more heavy piece of copper you can see how thick that copper is in there it might be actually more than 500 pounds on this truck the good thing was yesterday I I got my new slippers for the truck what I the reason why they were so expensive I always like when you're doing flea market stuff and yard sale stuff even scrap stuff you always seem to put way more weight than you're supposed to on the truck so I try to buy a tire that is rated for heavy weight and those just cost more money but it you don't want to have a blowout on the highway or something like that so it's definitely worth the extra piece of copper definitely worth the extra money that it costs to put on a better tire lots of copper plate this is all number two copper anything that's painted it won't give you they won't give in number one for see some more strippable good wire [Music] wonder how much how's it going what's happening what yep oh I got you now it's plastic I'm cleaning out the truck today I I hit thirty thousand YouTube subscribers so I said when I would do that I'd clean out the truck and yep definitely a milestone yeah I'm starting to what are you doing working on a Saturday okay do you do a lot of like mostly accounting okay I only set it up for my kids I didn't set myself up for one well that's what I did that yep they both have it I don't know I just keep on adding money to it all right one second take this pile a wire off right now I just got a call so I'm gonna have to finish this later it's a start the one nice thing is since my scrap yard does let me shovel off the truck I think it'll be fairly fast after I move all the water all right that's the first I don't know all my padding's gone now so all this right here's heavy iron I almost have a load for heavy and I collected a couple different rocks but I'm throwing throwing this scrap fireplace wood in here I think I need to run over to the dump real fast to throw out some of that stuff from the storage room I won last week and the dumps gonna close in the next two hours so I have to go do that real fast the good thing is this is making a little bit of extra room in the truck so I can hold more stuff to go to the dump another big roll of wire copper copper all right nice piece of copper this is a cast aluminum lamp that's not brass but the cast aluminum I do get better money for that than regular aluminum so it's definitely worth saving another big pile of strippable wire hooks on it this is a mess I normally like doing this why I'm set up at the flea market I get to collect collect money why I'm going through the truck alright so I got to the wheel wells done I'm at my friend jeans load up all scrap pieces that he put aside I ran out of time to get the whole whole truck done because I wanted to get the scrap that he put aside actually sell that who seems to have a bunch of sellable stuff it's just I mean this has a little bit of copper in it I wanted to take a pair of pliers and pull that off but he's got about ten toes for me I'm gonna put you guys on time-lapse and load this truck up you well I wasn't that much but it's definitely a good amount my guess is it's $40 with the stuff that was at the bottom so guess I'm on my way to the scrap yard to go take this off all right see you guys there so I took the back off I'm gonna pull all the gene stuff off empty the truck for the weekend definitely a lot of stuff all right see how this one looks like it's steel or it looks like it's brass everything everything seemed ahead [Music] he just took the battery [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I know I can sell it dragon my neighbor just poured that up gave me this yeah it's press into that brass dragon definitely was worth scraping everything out of it [Music] I got it off my bumper truck can almost see metal a car wash next police is not resting hey a nickel pretty good just grab these [Music] all right Treach basically clean so I still need to sweep it out and get that other side over there off but I ended up with let's see what it is 34 80 so they rounded up to 35 580 pounds and they're paying $6 a pound not the end of the world I was very happy to get the brass dragon and it was a good day all around my another guy knows I had new old poles and he gave me he gave me these old old planes I'm not sure they are but this one was really nice I have the ball right here for it so I got I got three nice planes for coming plus the plus two ammo boxes I don't looks like there's some gun parts and ammo boxes pretty cool what's in this one not just acting but got three ammo boxes the three planes and a dragon so thank you very much for watching I will clean out the rest of the truck and thank you guys for getting me to 30,000 subscribers I'll see everybody next video hopefully you have a good day peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 12,662
Rating: 4.9056973 out of 5
Keywords: BlueBusDave, Scrapping, Scrap Yard, Scrapper, Youtube, 30k Subscribers
Id: Lz1-pISe_XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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