We had NO IDEA this was at the bottom of our land in Portugal

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before I get started with today's episode I just wanted to make a really important announcement this Friday we will be releasing the very first bit of content on our brand new YouTube channel the newbies explore please head over and subscribe if you haven't already and make sure you turn on notifications because we won't be releasing content on that channel as frequently as we do here on Friday we'll be releasing a question and answer episode all about why we're starting a second YouTube channel what it's going to be all about what will happen to this channel so if you've got any questions pop them in the comments below we'll do our best to answer them but for now on with the show [Music] in the very early hours of this morning there was an arrival on the farm some friends have come to stay who you will all recognize because they've been here before we didn't see them because they literally got here at two o'clock in the morning we'd like to think of ourselves as good hosts but not that good we have the key in the door everything they need for a cup of coffee this morning and we're looking forward to seeing them when they emerge I'm sure shortly we're also really looking forward to showing them around the farm this time because a lot has changed we're also really excited to show you guys the finished deck Johnson's got a few very small finishing touches to do to make the roof completely waterproof but the actual deck itself is finished and it looks incredible we're so so proud of it we are also going to take you to a little secret spot we found which is so close to the farm you won't even believe it but for now first things first this other one was awake for quite a lot of last night so coffee coffee's ready the birds are beautiful this morning aren't they one year of picking bamboo shoots almost every single day so that the bamboo stops photosynthesizing and I think we're we're almost there most of it's died amazing that's it the bamboo why is it not growing inside because you've been picking it and cheese six coffees to mum and dad needs six coffees today that's because you boys keeping us up all night all night long you two hey yes and I can't bamboo ambulance cut Lots high five my boy who's here can you remember can you remember their names hey man you holy smile I'll hold your hand Take This Love Around the World [Music] when we die [Music] stuff let's take the Jeep along to my dad I know just a thing to do you've always looked down to the day I'll come in a second okay inside the house [Music] for a while oh my goodness I cannot wait to show you that finished deck it's so beautiful we were sat there last night well yesterday evening the boys were playing on the lawn we were comfortably sad it's just such a beautiful space to be in and it was exactly why we built it so that we would you know be able to spend some really nice comfortable time down on the lawn while the boys play trampoline is just there it's just worked out really really well glad they're having a good see you enjoying my boys on the trampoline still on the hunt for Bambi were you yeah you literally looked like a cat on the prize I've got a bunch and there's not much left to get you see there's more of a search than it is than anything else I was just thinking should we show everyone around the deck before our mates wake up yeah let's do that it's about time it's almost always um but I think we could say for the intents and purposes of the video that section is completed and well the next time we come down and start working on that for a video anyway is probably going to be when we start building the kitchen part of it can't wait yeah let's go have a look around I think the Bamboo's under control so a quick moment to appreciate the magic of that two little you're having fun two little best of mates playing on the trampoline I love it all right so the idea the original idea and design of this deck area here was to put a kitchen at the top there and like I've just said we will be doing that in the future we've got lots of big projects just about to start and this project down here is going to be put on hold it's a great place to stop well the last time I built something like this it was a van called safari and I it was one of those projects I just got a bit carried away with with lots of Curves and lots of designs and lots of angles I've done the same here we've got loads of Curves here nice rounded seating area that sort of sits nicely in the middle of these huge pine trees right here um over time these pieces of wood will all go gray and they'll soften and they'll settle we went for shingles and wooden shingles for the roof which is great one centimeter thick Pine chopped 40 centimeters by 25 centimeters 30 centimeters sometimes so those have worked out really well we will eventually put some hinges on the on the lids of these seating areas so there'll be boxes underneath we can access that we've also tried really hard to make sure that we get the granite Stone and the trees all blending together and there's a nice pathway here we've got some tile inlays there as well and this pathway will eventually lead up to a nice big table there where we'll all be having our our lunches suppers and we've kept this Stone here as a step so again it's just using the materials that we have around us and blending everything in and we've put a few finishing touches here and there my two favorite pieces on this build well of course I love the roof but inside the roof we've put this light here and if you look from a distance at night time we've leveled this light just low enough so that you can see it underneath the roof I mean it almost looks I don't want to say spaceship but it feels really cool like with this orange glow just a little bit lower than this this roof and of course the roof is you know it took such a long time to build we've got a upside down W there and at this end we've just got a v so the the hard bit was trying to get from a v to a w um without leaving any gaps in the roof for rain to come down but we managed it Tara had this idea with the plants and the and the old Barrel Rings darling I say this about every project of yours but I think this one is your Masterpiece that's kind it's not finished yet I'm like a lot of things on this Farm never get finished but um like I say I think for now we're pretty much done down here and thanks very much for everybody that's been following the journey on this particular build we'll keep you updated um and of course look out for next spring when we can start building out of stone work I think that's the idea at the moment to build an epic kitchen and a pizza oven and a nice big table right there so as we sat here last night I got really excited about decorating because that's the you know for me that's the book where I can come in so like John mentioned I added in these um Barrel Rings into the view which I think just I don't know just frames it really beautifully and you get these really interesting shapes and Contours as you look through them so let me tell you what I've put in because some of these things are really special this is a piece of Driftwood which has been hanging outside the derelict house for I don't know how long it was from the previous owners and it was always hanging on a pink shoelace outside our house and I walked past yesterday and I thought you know what that needs a new spot so we've just wedged it in between the pine trees and it kind of I don't know it just makes a little interesting feature there we then have put these little tea light holders all around they're glued those are made out of cow horn and I bought them in Tanzania years ago it's lovely that they've got a home we've got the Ikea lights that John put up reluctantly but now love and a little wind time given to us by very dear friend Charlotte in the UK um more of these lovely tiles from Morocco that John's inset into the wood around um this is an old jug that we found in the not garage when we got here we bought this lovely lovely lamp which we need a candle for um in the Algarve actually and a big fan of that and then this sweet little chicken comes from Zimbabwe we bought that in Victoria Falls they increased they went to see Victoria Falls for the first time so there's some really special pieces here and it just I don't know we're just bloody delighted aren't we love we are yeah it's been a fun project I'm I'm delighted that we've got to a place where we can be like okay you know let's go draw a line in the sand for a bit isn't it yeah well done you yeah [Music] thank you [Music] on the other side [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] do you know what sometimes I just don't understand what happens well I do understand what happens life happens so anyway our friends eventually woke up yesterday they're still here but we didn't actually film anything more yesterday because we were all just catching up but as I say they're still here so they've just let the chickens out for us and we're making pancakes is it exciting buddy hey good morning thank you pancakes good morning hello [Applause] [Music] okay like Tara said um this morning we were supposed to do this last night um or yesterday evening but we just got carried away doing other bits and pieces and other things and I'm not sure where the day went but here we are we're off for a nice walk this morning it's beautiful you know we are heading into well we are in October um and here we are just wandering out for a morning swim to the local River it's going to be about 26 27 degrees Centigrade today that's why I love Portugal because well in the UK it's just Jolly cold right now foreign are you gonna swim you are okay that'll be cool looking very trendy today isn't he he is wake him up with a cold dip in the river perfect big one okay Emma where was the last place you went for a wild swim oh I'll swim actually we recently got back from a road trip in the US okay um and we went swimming in the river in Colorado really yes what the actual Colorado River I'm not sure if it was or not but it was it was really interesting because the river was freezing cold okay but alongside the river they had these little pockets of Hot Springs which is really interesting it's not something you come across the afternoon in Europe so well I suppose it you know if it's too chilly as well then you get warmed up in the hot exactly yeah that's nice yeah well this will be a bit different because I think it's just cold yeah okay full stop I'm wondering Chris is usually the first one in but it might be a bit early for him we'll see and we'll see [Music] thank you lovely yeah it's really beautiful around here you you know it's one of those things where you could say it's it's kind of easy to forget how beautiful the place that you live in it actually is because you live there but I'm constantly awed by the the Landscapes around here it's truly beautiful and there's so much inspiration to be had from the from the buildings and from the mountains around us from The Vineyards yeah the fact you can walk in 10 minutes from your house five minutes in your house yeah wonderful straight out the back door yeah um it's really taking a shortcut yeah quite literally the the lawn oh and the Terrace comes out onto this uh on this street yeah it's a good playground for your kids as well man they're gonna get lost out here they don't know how lucky they are we're gonna have to get some of those um tracking apps you know yeah the Apple the Apple tags or something or an ankle tag yeah exactly otherwise you're gonna lose enough yeah yeah it's pretty special for sure mud yeah what kind of footprints are in the mud Crusoe can you see the footprints yeah what kind of footprints do you think they are they could be but a horse's footprint looks a bit like a u a U-shaped different shape mud well soil and water makes mud mostly beautiful chicken down there okay let's go check so instead of proper into Emma and Noah onions they are the trouble beans um we met them a couple of months ago and I think it's three or four months ago they came to visit us for the first time and it's just amazing to reconnect all these months later show them what's going on on the farm um and share this lovely walk with them which we discovered like an old barn yeah look at that it's just covered in brambles by the place get it away it was the gates like where Emma's standing underneath that gate archery gate thing what are you thinking hikes I'm just in love with all the potential because when we're here the mind just starts worrying and just constantly coming up with things that you could do I'm not even into renovating and I just want to renovate everything here that's it yeah you know you guys are probably like a lot of people that watch our Channel yeah you know you're watching because um or people watch because of the inspiration that could be found in properties like pieces of land like this yeah it looks like so small and manageable you could just really imagine just clearing this and instantly you have a completely different place yeah and then yeah trim some of that got a beautiful view there's water there's everything yeah it's very special yeah yeah the lovely place yeah it's huge enormous backup plan Emma yeah maybe we'll just buy this place then imagine the Bedlam album yeah that's true that's true yeah we've talked about this a few times before in Q a sessions what does it really take to come to Portugal and buy yourself a house and buy yourself a property that dream but basically you're just purchasing a dream right um and the answer always comes down to one thing really it's a it's kind of a just do it yeah you know see the potential yeah yeah bet on yourself a bet that you can do it believe that you can and we don't have any experience doing this right but I know that if we decided to do it we could do it yeah I genuinely believe that you can learn pretty much everything and if you can't you can find someone that knows how to do it that's it yeah yeah that's true or somebody's going to teach you how to do it yeah but the the benefits of it in the end is you know what's that old Buddhist Mantra about purpose having a real purpose in life um you know when you've got a project the the kind of scale that something like that behind us would be or something like what we're doing at the moment you know it gives you purpose for a really long time absolutely yeah very fulfilling so so on the subject of all these conversations about properties and Renovations and all the rest of it Alex and Emerick here on a bit of a journey they came the first time looked at a couple of properties with the mind to perhaps embarking on this kind of Journey in the future so if you're interested head on over to their channel in their episode which they released a couple of days ago we answered a few questions about what it's like to live in Portugal um gnarly questions they were difficult questions weren't there what was one of the questions um uh Alex you asked us what's the worst thing about living in Portugal what a hard question to answer that is yeah um so yeah if you're interested in what the worst thing is um Link's up here give it a click and go and check them out and we're trying to find out why we shouldn't move here yeah because we really want to so we need to try and find a balanced side of the argument because at the moment it seems overwhelming like we should do this well we we think sometimes though sometimes the answer is just right there for you yeah you know certain times that overwhelming you should just do it it's kind of like that's the answer yeah um I think I think you guys will probably end up taking that plunge and heading on over and having an adventure yeah I think so in some form so I was really excited to bring you guys here because I know in your property search in Portugal yeah like being near a river and being near water is something that's really important yeah the reason we're kind of looking here is that you can get Riverside properties um compared to back home it's very difficult and there's so many yeah and they're so raw and we've not seen this River yet no we spent a lot of time on is it okay yeah so it'll be really nice to see a different route a different River this is a little one like it's not like a big river like the one we saw in your video um but it's really really pretty and it's like so if we weren't walking toddler pace and filming Pace it would take probably 10 minutes from our door to get down here nice which is Mega that's lovely out here as well lovely and fresh isn't it yeah yeah there is like underfoot all the mint and there's often like lavender and rosemary growing wild and yeah I think the videos never can capture what it's really like to be in these places it's something there's an energy A vibe smell yeah the birds piece the children the children the lack of peace [Music] foreign [Music] first glimpse of that river behind us let's go find out who's gonna go for a swim [Music] Ming there you go well done [Music] all right I think this is surely the place imagine I mean you know like Tara said earlier this is a literally a 10 minute walk from our from our back Garden it's a very special place I think we'll be coming here quite a lot in the future [Music] are you ready all right looks like it might just be me and you darling I'm I'm I can't wait okay the little man's decided he's coming in too [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh it's no warmer the second time you go in I don't know why I feel like I just want to go for a swim across that pool this is just so beautiful we are so lucky to live where we do and then the more we discover around us the luckier we feel and to be able to share it with friends well that's what it's all about isn't it [Music]
Channel: TheNewbys
Views: 171,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thenewbys, Portugal homestead youtube, move to portugal from usa, Portugal homestead, homesteading family, homesteading off the grid, homesteading, renovating house in central portugal, off grid portugal, portuguese homestead, renovating home, diy renovations on a budget, renovating a ruin, restoring a ruin, buy a farm in portugal, building a dream home, diy renovation on a budget, homesteading family canning, the newbys sons, Why you should move to portugal, travel beans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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