We got 10 GIGABIT Internet!!

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so it's finally the day we are going from gigabit fiber Internet to 10 gigabit internet on our own dedicated wavelength so behind this door is my friends Danny and Chad from I tell who are gonna be helping me with this little upgrade by the end of which we will have literally ten times the bandwidth that we have currently to the main harbour exchange in Vancouver with glass wire you can instantly see your current and past network activity detect malware and block badly behaving apps on your PC or Android device use offer code Linus and get 25 percent off at the link below [Music] okay so step one collect Underpants step two we need to look at these two electrical rooms this one is building a is that correct and then we also need to take a look inside the electrical room of building F because my understanding is that maybe you could help find it for me the main fiber connection to tellus is coming into this building is that right so here we found it this is the Telus fiber optic cable that is coming in from the street this is it's a beefy it's a beefy boy but you can actually see there's a reason for that here we are so that right there is all of the fiber strands that are protected not just by this orange and blue sheathing but then also by this thick black sheathing around the outside so we can tell three pairs so each one of these is a send and receive pair but that doesn't necessarily mean that you can only have three fiber optic connections running into this entire complex of business units so one of the pair's here has actually been there we go run into this guy so this is a CWDM and this takes a single ten gigabit wavelength and then it is splitting it out into ten one gigabit connection so our old connection actually runs off of this puppy right here and then we just had two entire pairs that that's what I would call dark fiber is that correct just not doing not doing anything at all so now aha you can see here the Linus media group gets its own so we're running off of three and four that are dedicated just to us now we are going to take this right here and we're gonna plug in the one that's sitting up on the top and instead of going into our gigabit gear it's now gonna go into our ten gig ear now you guys said this was some kind of switch what was the brand of it so what this sienna switch does is it allows I tell to constantly monitor the speed that we're getting make sure that nothing's going down there's no hiccups or anything like that and then it's basically just going to pass through over to building F where it will then carry over to our server room so to ISP or data center guys who work with this kind of stuff all the time I might as well be making a video about a screwdriver I suppose but for those of you who don't I want to take this opportunity because we're not ready to cut over to this yet we've got to make sure that the transceiver on the other end in our server room matches this one before we can go ahead and just pop the fibers in I wanted to show you guys exactly what kind of gear we're looking at so this is a long haul 10 gigabit transceiver so our fibers go in here and then they are converted to copper signals that your computer or your router or your switch in this case can understand and there's all kinds of different types of these things everything from 10 kilometer long range to 40 kilometer long range to short range ones to ones that are designed to carry a single wavelengths the ones that are designed to carry multiple wavelengths and the main difference for this one is that it's going to be laser rather than LED which is what you'd normally use for just like one of the cheapo ones you get off eBay just you know running from your server room to your you know editing room or whatever else and the strength of the signal so it's super bright because it's designed to go over very long distances you want to make sure they're not mismatched because even if you have two long-range ones if you've got a very long range one and it's too bright for the distance of the cable you can actually get attenuation so it's all dark magic to me but it's pretty freakin cool okay so now we're headed over to the electrical room of our building where honestly nothing really happens other than that it's just like spliced together basically is that right yeah okay so this is a good opportunity though to explain the difference between having your own dedicated wavelength and having your own dedicated fiber run so even though that fiber that's over in building a is going to go all the way out to the road and to tell us his nearest like like what would what would that be called a splice point it's going to be combined with other pairs over there it is only that light wavelength that is actually dedicated to us along that path and that path is dynamic like if if someone's you know digging a post and cut something or whatever it's gonna get automatically routed around but it's still pretty much a direct path tens of kilometers away to harbour center and what we're expecting to see is somewhere in the neighborhood of ten gigabit per second in about one millisecond of latency so you guys actually had one of your texts did I overhear someone around a benchmark and what are we looking at from your switch nine point eight gig well where's my other point to you bastards yeah can you can you okay all right you want to explain it no you don't want to explain on camera all right all right some something about TCP test see this is the thing about Internet service providers you know there's always an excuse there's no there's overhead okay so now we're over in our building so building a was the first one of this complex so that's where everything comes in from the street that makes sense so we've got one black cable here we go that comes all the way up here and then into little bits be like a splicer box like what would you call this sure I'm calling it a splicer box but he's a splicing cabinet maybe anyway so you can see here all our fiber strands are separated here and this would normally be closed for protection and then it's going right there we're the only ones in this building with fiber internet obviously and then our yellow one goes into this orange sheath and then all the way back down here to unit 102 so 101 102 103 and 104 are all linus media group but that's where our server room is so now we're gonna go over there so now we're in our server room where that orange sheath that we saw in the other building comes in from the top and then it comes in the back of our cabinet and plugs into this guy just a patch panel okay cool so then we're actually going to continue to use this exactly the same way we used to is that right now the one extra piece of equipment that we had before that we will no longer need actually is this MRV right here which was essentially a media converter so we were taking this fiber out of our fiber patch panel and then we reconfigured this guy so that we could run this copper connection into our pfSense router which is actually over on the back of our rack so this just goes away and I get a you back yes good fantastic so then Danny basically what you need to check is if these are long-haul transceivers or short-range ones is that right not these my new transceiver which ones that yeah it's just an SFP+ port so there's no transceiver okay yay okay so I've gone up the menu and I think I know which ones there I think it's igb zero or one I don't know which though so we're just it's gonna be a little bit of trial and error here so next step then is message everyone and tell them the Internet's going down Internet going down warning and five four three two one so I tell tells me normally this is a two-person operation so you can just like both move them at the same time but we want it to film it we only had one camera person available so I guess everyone gets to sit inside in the dock of no internet they're both doing things look Danny's plugging in the other one so there we go so what have you moved over okay so that old one gig hardware is technically all still there the one gig circuits still up in parallel then we tear it down got it theoretically over on the other end we're ten gig okay so theoretically I should see like some kind of LED indicator on that if it's working I guess right nothing so far so there's six rj45 s and two SFP+ [Music] okay so worst-case scenario there is a PC is PCI Express expansion slot on this thing and we definitely have sfp+ cards that is definitely showing iuck so did they just die what is this the ARP request cannot find matching address what is that even five reboot the system yeah let's reboot normally so while it was booting up IX 2 & 3 showed as all the devices were initializing so they exist they're just not showing up in the list I think the problem might be that for LAN interface I entered I Excel 0 instead of I Excel 0.1 shouldn't matter well it's still freaking out about that 10.20 dot 0.74 nonsense I'm rebooting on the bright side we have a link now that's good Thank You Danny let's thanks Danny no Pellow there's no update holy crap I think it actually kept the configuration from last time look at this when is IXL 3 it has an IP okay so when interface you guys want to have a look at this it appears to be up okay so we're not sure exactly what happened but the latest update is that I tells guys are seeing our MAC address what is that Anthony why did you have those why are those deprecated what our Internet's up God got lag killed today so let the record show I actually did know what I was doing I just didn't know that someone had tampered with my spoon and sort of knew what I was doing okay I could have checked this before they got here what was happening was two of our eight interfaces just weren't showing up in this list because there was a link aggregation group setup that was showing up but we didn't recognize because we were looking for IX l3 so everything that I thought was supposed to happen with everyone arguing with me where I was like no no a blob blob now it will show up and all this stuff and Dada blah blah blah the only thing I did wrong was I bummed out plugging in the fiber so that it wasn't lighting up since then it's been I mean there's a there's an element of user error you know what I'm sure all the network admins in there the ones that aren't telling us that pfSense is totally unsuitable for 10-gig are telling me why I'm wrong but anyway the point is you know what Ben it's working all right so what we want to do now is ping our gateway and see if we're getting the advertised one millisecond ping times so you're at 50% here Danny 50% oh yeah oh you're blaming my router now oh I see how it's gonna be so we can actually see here whether we should blame my my router or not it looks like our send time is point three milliseconds and then our round-trip time is right in the neighborhood of two milliseconds there so we can see that by refreshing it here it's really consistent dang so it's all working we've got Internet but one of the coolest things about our sub two millisecond round-trip time to Harbour Center is that we could basically have direct layer two access to anything else that's in there so if we want it to connect directly to a CDN or if we wanted to put our own servers in there I mean I guess that's probably expensive but theoretically we could do it right we just have a 10 gigabit pipe to Harbor Center that happens to be bringing us Internet now the way you explained it to me we basically have five and a half gigabit to the broader Internet but ten gigabit to anything that's at Vanek's is that right or harbour centers okay five gigs of Internet five and a half six with overhead so all that's left now is to run a speed test but we have a slight problem we're gonna press go and we're gonna discover that speed test relies on the server at the other end having the amount of bandwidth that you are testing for so we just maxed out someone's gigabit server somewhere because the reality of it is if anyone had a multi-thousand dollar a month internet connection a 10 gig connection they'd be using it for something it's not just sitting there waiting for me to speed test I mean apparently it's got more down than it does up which is fascinating but poor urban fibers like well what are you guys doing to me right now so now what how do we test this thing what even do Danny multiple sources I mean you know what Oh a torrent a torrent could work well I wouldn't know anything about torrenting Danny you know what I'm gonna call two and a half gig up ok for now and I'm just gonna do like a fun test ok because technically Google is in harbour center right so why don't we upload something so slight correction Google is peered there but either way we should be looking at some pretty serious speeds here 2.6 gigs let's upload it to YouTube week week YouTube your week all right we're gonna have to find something else like what can we what can we like hit with this I perf test yeah I need that running on the thing remotely so basically there's nothing that we can do to test this other than hand this connection over to the floatplane guys and give them a server here in our server room and then do like a live stream or something so maybe that's something that we'll do in the near future and see how hard we can hit this thing in the meantime though massive thanks to Danny and the I tell folks Chad coming out here and helping us hook this up massive thanks for the discount I guess it wasn't that substantial still very expensive but they claim they're not making any money on it so you know you know it's the word of an ISP so they're pretty nice guys but yeah I don't know and a massive shout-out to our sponsor for today's video audible audible can help you out with their exclusive audible originals that feature exclusive audio titles created by 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point do you so there you go but at any rate they've been really good to us and also while you're down there you can check out our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which is definitely worth a join so we could actually host the forum out of here now there would be no reason not to do that anymore fascinating you'll probably have to get a better UPS maybe like a generator backup okay not yet later
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,251,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 gig, interent, gigabit, gb, fibre, fiber, ethernet, speed, install, installation, isp, service, provider
Id: _7CIlZIZB5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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