We Get Vertical in New Mexico on Extreme Rock Trails!

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[Music] oh we're in las cruces new mexico welcome to the great american crawl it's very hot it's kind of sweaty dusty but probably my favorite one so far yeah it's always your favorite i know but this one was like even better i don't know there was a dusty ride out to a large wide open wash none of it was easy but you could make it harder if you wanted to that one was pretty cool it was a little tight at some spots you know you get a little tippy leaning into some rocks um but it was really cool like the rock out here is a little different than i kind of want to compare it to texas in a way because it is grippy but it's it's not still broken apart it's like smoother yeah like it moves more um but still really good traction the wheeling out here is exactly what i love to do tight technical lots of traction it's a mental challenge as well as a you know challenging the vehicles and for me that's there's that's the type of wheeling i love this this is rock crawling [Music] yeah a lot of what we wheel here is in the canyons and stuff like that so there's there's the easier trails where it's kind of just like dirt roads and stuff but when you get you drop down in some of the canyons where we've got all these waterfalls and ledges and stuff that's what we really enjoy well the trails out here are a lot harder than people think we don't have a lot of moderate trails and we know that we're trying to find some good moderate trails but it's funny because every time we find an arroyo that we can make a trail in or or reopen a trail they start as a moderate and by the time you get to the end you're talking extreme because they just get harder and harder as you go up yeah there's a lot of things you look around and you're like ooh shiny object i want to go towards it and try it and uh ian told me that trey did it so then i had to try it as well uh but trey did not do it did not do it i think no one actually went that way at all uh but it was cool start trying to break in these tires that feels good i like that let me put this all the way good look at ari's face what are you doing i have about three or four years on the d.o.t.s i figured it'd be time to switch up to some stickies and what better place to break them in than in here so they're not fully broken in yet but just for not even fully being broken in they still hook a lot better than the dots [Music] most of the trails are like that where you're kind of easing through and all of a sudden you turn a corner and bam you're on a big ledge [Music] i saw the lead jeep go through and it was obviously tight we call that the tip over challenge and some of the guys with hard tops they kind of rub right there a brand new hard top chuck's got 3 000 miles on it i didn't want to buy another like a new one i just kind of went up over the hill and i could see everybody going through there from the ridge above it you know everybody else in order to get through undamaged you had to be way high on the left yeah i mean if the sand washed out you'd get to a point where you couldn't go high enough without whacking it yeah and i'm like ah that doesn't look too good for me so i just took it really really slow it's a new top i didn't want to destroy it like alex has done multiple times already i barely touched it but you know we'll have that so but it was it was real tight i think mitch tapped it a little bit too just barely barely barely his cage was already scratched right there so we couldn't tell i think it worked out pretty good well and you kind of have to go through that one if you want to do the cool flexi part right after it so if you do the bypass you're actually missing a really cool flexi spot right right directly behind it that trail that we turned up on that's called cabin cabin is a local favorite and it's only an a-rated trail but you're driving up a rock shoot and it's just i don't know what it is it's a really cool trail tight technical you got to use your head not your not your foot the rocks out here they've got traction [Music] so [Music] [Music] um the very top of cabin is one where we've actually we know people that have gone over backwards there so that one's a little sketchy sometimes [Music] yeah there's a lot of ledges here which isn't the best for my wheelbase this is the most vertical i've ever been in my jeep and it doesn't feel very good like it's really sketchy it just i don't want to flop it like that would be a bad day so for my own peace of mind i wanted to hook up a winch line a couple times for some of the real real vertical ledges [Music] like this [Music] cool that's awesome [Music] [Music] yes yes [Music] [Music] so we went down washout after cabin um and that was that's just kind of like in my opinion a connector trail to get to other stuff and minefield's a good one everybody usually likes that one we got to a spot where we were just bunched up and we were all ready to move forward and someone looks down and sees that one of ari's universal joints had thrown a cap off oh you joints you'd in that one don't they call her that you wheeling out here without caps you don't need them dude one of those things that luckily alex had noticed that one of the caps had spit so fortunately it was good where it didn't destroy anything yet we were able to get the shaft out um as we kind of turned it around we saw another one was broken too and we're like all right well we kind of have to do something about that because that wouldn't be very good to continue on and end up breaking the ears off or something from the chef so we stopped we got it all hooked up in a safe way jacked it up and the guys jason everybody alex helped me out and got me a new u-joint in there and we're good to go [Applause] [Music] we actually discovered that that's the one new joint that i don't carry or spare of so i ordered one last night everyone has to get off the trail so um anything you can do to make sure that among your group of people that you're wheeling with you have parts for everything it's gonna make for a better day when something does go south all right girl there we go we're in all right so you always smack your ears right so it really is yeah you wake up great job yeah high five you're great oh out on the field i charge like 200 bucks an hour this is hannah and i call out fee and everything you need [Music] i think 20 30 minutes we were done with that too so it was pretty quick uh take out replace and put back in all right back back off it now [Applause] so the way the trails are out here is if you're in a certain area if you've done a harder or more extreme trail you might have to take an easier or intermediate trail just to get back to the road that last trail that we did it was one of those easier intermediate type trails that we just had to do in order to get back to the road [Music] [Music] bell pepper is what we came down on which is rated i think a six it's an easy hard drill i would say maybe a hard moderate then we got to the bottom we came up hopping jalapeno cam decided to stay on the trail instead of taking the bypass and so he's got to blow through that and he doesn't have a low range so he had to blow through that in four high and the transmission got hot so we had to stop and you know put some water on it cool it down wait a minute but as soon as he was able to move forward again just sort of bomb through it so [Music] [Music] so basically you had a couple of yuccas right in the middle of the trail so you could go to the easier side on the left which the locals call a bypass or you could do the harder side if you wanted to that was our easy group but it was full of local wheelers uh who have done the trail before and are familiar with the terrain and they're out here to have a good time down man it's too easy now [Music] oh no where's the drama [Music] we were in an easy group and half of them went back to the parking lot and half of us jumped on another trail by the time we got back to the to the regular road it was only noon and so then i said hey you guys want to do some more wheeling and half the group said yeah let's go so we went and ran rocketfeel rapids which is one of the favorite trails in las cruces i didn't know what kind of trail it was i'm just following mike you went out with the intermediate group and you ended up finishing on one of the hard trails mike took us on a pretty exciting adventure yeah rokitea rapids is actually one of my favorite trails in the area um this is a good one right here it's a when you look at it you're like oh you're like how are we going to get through there but when you actually drive it with the right line you can get through it pretty quick yeah it's pretty smooth but yeah you kind of got to know the line and as the trail progressed the trail got harder and harder and harder the ledges got bigger until the ledges were walls and we had to do some winching in our group i'd say half the people had to winch a little bit and a lot of that was because we had a couple rigs like this one he was with us did great but with the wheelbase some of the breakovers on some of those ledges they just belly out or what i pulled up to what didn't appear to be a very difficult obstacle it was sort of a pivot rock like you could put a quality slider up against it and power around it i don't have a pair of quality sliders right now these things happen you have to expect body damage if you're going to be rock crawling yeah mike mike pulled up around a corner i couldn't see where he went i pull up behind him i get out of the jeep i walk up to him i'm like where'd the trail go yeah and so then that next obstacle and that was a real eye-opener for a lot of people the right side's the easiest side it's not straight up but it's pretty steep and the traction's good and for a 106 inch wheelbase i can pull up to it and pretty much just crawl it [Music] quench it [Music] i didn't realize stock wheelbase is a little bit too short for that ledge because he got up on it and his front tires at one point came about four inches off the ground both of them at the same time ah [Music] the big obstacle we call it gnomes bridge and it's a new name for it so we need to get it out there gnomes bridge is the big obstacle on rocketeer rapids it's the weirdest rock it's not granite it's it almost looks like a light colored lava rock not like that yeah solid massive rock but it's got these waves in it like they jut out and there's holes in it so it's hard to find a good line you know that one that specific location has got lots of upside down flopped over people and that we like the the left line which is fairly vertical um that is definitely a wheelbase obstacle i saw what might have been a line for my wheelbase and again i got on both frame rails and the skids and um had to winch the yellow tj pulled up to that wall and he did the same thing he did on the previous wall where he just got really light in the front end but this time he had a tire sink into a hole he got himself into a hairy predicament [Music] [Music] you know when a rig reaches that tipping point it doesn't take much pressure to push it back the other way so luckily a couple of knowledgeable people ran up grabbed the jeep and kept him from going over until we could get a line on him [Music] uh we tried hooking up to me first which wasn't working a nice generic carrier is keeping your ass up and then cameron found the winch point on that obstacle and we hooked him up to that and he got over it i learned something new today there's a winch point on gnome's bridge so [Music] [Applause] good job right there [Music] i i think a lot of people maybe don't give older vehicles heavier vehicles like that enough credit if they're built well they're very capable and then after that obstacle it's pretty much just a bumpy ride out and then then the long this the steep hill at the end which is fun oh hey mitch it's not mitch when we exited the uh that harder trail on day two uh we found mitch's jeep just sort of sitting on a hilltop things were just getting hot so rather than stress his jeep he just parked it and rode with sadie [Music] yeah angela and jacob were nice enough to let us use their facility we cooked out there had a great time raffles were awesome andy and ian are cooking burgers and potatoes that's sort of turned into a little ritual and he's making those smash burgers he's all of a sudden famous for and ian is cooking potato chips i think you and i are about to go have a little bit of a feast here it was nice to have some ac and just chill out with everyone and talk about the days of wheeling we always have fun at the great american crawl obviously it was nice for us to have it here in our hometown so i had a blast i know everybody was hot but it was a good time we just really love our trails and we like hanging out with everybody so yeah we had a good time yeah hopefully everybody had a good time yeah it's great seeing all these people they're becoming good friends and hopefully they don't hate us because it was hot but it'll make you or break you you know and this this weekend dedicates you whether you're an avid rock crawler or not [Music] this is a great area to come wheeling if you have an opportunity to come wheel in las cruces do it get with us uh you can find us easy on facebook las cruces four-wheel drive club you know there's a big presence of four-wheel drives in this area i mean so you guys seen all the local people that showed up i mean either us or somebody else we can come out show you around take you on some trails whatever you want to run like i said we run pretty much easy all the way up to extreme so our next stop on the great american crawl is in browns camp oregon if you want to sign up to go to that one go ahead and text gac2022 to 54696 and you'll get the form to fill out fill that out and we'll get you guys the details on it [Music] see you there no you won't you're not going no i'm not so you can't see you there see you there so like now or are we we're running yeah
Channel: RockstarGarage
Views: 120,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rockstar garage, great american crawl, grdloc, light, extinguisher, recovery, rescue, winch, factor55, warn, mickey thompson, baja pro x, baja boss, mud, off road, gaming, race, fps, riot, matts, powertank, hill climb, mad ram, dirt, drag, jeep, jk, lj, gladiator, motobuilt, camp, outdoor, build, shop, repair, break, roll, full throttle, stuck, bbq, burger, free, jump, car, truck, bus, custom, scosche, dirty life, yukon, artec, baja designs, roost, eat, waterfall, u joint, snap, water, hydro, new mexico, desert, rock crawling
Id: ZPBw9RKrgRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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