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I am the backu I don't like your mama or your face they will never stop me I will stop them [Music] all cuz I got a new Robin right here Robin he's all yours taught you better than that what happened Robin I hate you because of our species difference listen I'm a French Bulldog all right you know I don't know why I decided to come camping with my pets we were not pets BR kind of worried beening so well recently you don't look like you're worried about nothing I'll be real honest Happ as look like you strucked me up or something D you look like you got damn the whites of your eyes are like redish I know I've been you may be turning I might no I've been smoking that that that that that catnip dog cat I don't have a clue what we're about damn look at my Uzi Dy action little control no not my controller oh yeah my controller we're not ready we're not ready I want a controller guys oh God it's a zombie apocalypse there a zombie apocalypse a zombie apocalypse there we go yeah go go there we go you know I got I got hit a little bit and I don't like it I turn the whole game down I got turn my down a little bit what do I do oh RB going to pick up their XP you want the XP RB does what what does RB do no there's a boss I'm dead I died I led up oh we leveled up we leveled up we l up leved up guys are you sure because I I'm I'm sure my health went away five Health second movement speed while attacking I I actually yeah I want that more X oh are you guys dead I'm dead yeah one more hit one more hit no no you're not dead but look at my health man my health is not good did you not have a uh your controller plugged up at the beginning well yeah I was struggling a little bit take this V V zombies can you hear me can you hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I we all level up uh knockback knock back flashlight magnet want oh flashlight plus eight so you can see farther uh we'll do a little KN a little bit of oh my God okay we're almost level four already boys yeah we're we're already really good at this game we're already really good at this damn game hey there you go nice tanking cartoons nice T use that other little move space bar oh we led up quick hand shock wave every level up give damage to enemies close by haste yeah I I want to be a fast player de say space bar oh space bar shows RB my RB is just reload oh the health I feel like there's a chance where you're never going to die Delirious you are almost dead you didn't buy some help I told you I got 5 HP per second oh really Power Shot damage uh 30% increase movement speed while attack there's some bosses mag some bosses boss one boss is dead Big Boss Big Boss Big Boss Big Boss Big Boss Big Boss where yall going trying to kill Delirious huh no I just picked up three Health what do you mean are we not like in the same area we are we're all over you can see your names yeah yeah but you said up there but I was below you oh God loud hell is coming hell is coming wow he is coming what that's a boss he's there's a giant boss with a giant hook oh giant boss giant hook yep giant boss giant hook he's huge he's huge waiting for France to make their choice my bad turn a v low no he's throwing his hook out guys be careful dude I'm getting absolutely destroyed I'm over here destroying you die died what one shoted me respawning in 7 Seconds just don't die so we respawn when you die good enough okay okay okay okay okay I found health I found health I found so I upgrade it I upgrade it to drop Health when I kill people which is awesome freezes 5 seconds and and damages um oh haste oh this is look at all that health I'm about to go get mediation Health Plus five H yeah sure sure sure sure thank you thank you thank you get off blow up now and you little zombies me little zombies the boss is still walking around so be careful oh he's trying to war hog me there's a big ass boy over here he hooked me oh I leveled up I led up super shield shield 100 plus HP I'll take the HP I'm going to CR got a lot of damn Health dead boss is dead a lot of Health around the boss anyone need oh my God I just got exploded I got exploded too careful careful boys how do we kill these dudes can you get inside their Circle you just shoot them I I know I can reach them outside the circle I that's I got a short little range you get you got a shorty little man it's short but it's thick oh look look look cartoons look South there's a a lot of zombies trying to get through a door uh there we go he plus 30% I'm making myself the healthy Runner I just gave myself another 100 HP with the shield go we go there we go guys actually yeah I like it I like I like yeah chat this is didn't you die yeah he did before I knew there was blowy boys he did I didn't know about the blowy boys did you get blowy you know what hold on we're standing in this oh [ __ ] by the way oh [ __ ] here I want to clarify something to you guys we're standing in a circle but we could be going like far away like we don't have to stay here the whole game oh God how far did you go it's it's it's it's an adventure we we go places right are you sure no it's just a Bo it's just a survive y' there's a hook one inch away from me as I'm leveling up to grab me I think it's about to grab me we'll do more meditation make sure I don't think there's a way to go okay oh God oh God B I will tell you the the exploding zombies hurt yes yes and I can't get away from him yeah okay we just got how long you survive respawn three two watch watch boyy boy no no no I'm trying to kill this boss there two there two boys hey what's in the middle there's something in the middle what is that like in the um what they were trying to destroy over there uh don't go in there oh oh it's it's okay it's a flamethrower thing it's a trap it's a zombie trap oh uh light wait I'm going to do more XP guys I'm just so fast there's a so don't come in here and hit the button okay okay okay okay I see the chap now yeah but you can you can train them around in circles and then they die there's a lot of Health for you cartoons yep I'm getting so much burn damage boys I got 300 health woo the H boys are big but they die fast wait a minute guys I I do want to clarify if you do pick the shields it it literally is Shields so once you lose them it doesn't come back yeah mine are now gone oh oh I love Delirious clarifying every level up give up damage to increase uh I bought some Pierce and I can hit some two at a time yeah I got the 25% XP boost oh there is a dash left trigger yeah yeah yeah that's I thought I thought I said it earlier I thought you heard me uhuh I'm surprised we don't have grenades this so much health by Me by that his health all over the ground oh God hell's here boys oh God oh God God God God God God God God get off of me get off of me I just got blown get off me seconds do not die those guys that explode dude they're not even near me oh God I have leveled up I have ascended meditation 5 HP a second I like it but the guy he's blowing up in my face this okay respawn I'm back okay we're good we're good B is dead no he's not die dude the blowy ones are nowhere near me oh my God [Music] up uh no super Shields I want more haste more more oh my God that's a lot of again Everybody follow me everybody follow me everybody follow me oh my God oh my God there's two bosses two bosses I I'm dead I'm dead just we just lost no my God we just got absolutely [ __ ] on look at s die only di once um yeah I I just ran into double explosions it destroyed me but you can do better than round 10 we definitely can I'm also I'm also changing characters is what I'm doing that was not a bad start at all you know what I'm I'm getting Grandma you getting Grandma's bring bring in some Grandma let me see let's see what grandma Grandma's story what is Grandma's story Chang the map yeah why not we didn't even do anything it's just a square what oh no no I don't want to be I don't want to be this guy you don't want to be the Pug I accidentally switched to the Goblin and see Grandma looks a little I bet you Grandma gangster what type of what type of weapon does Grandma have no idea hit just ready up see find out I can't ready up till yall ready up uh ready there we go okay attack interact reload info ah yeah there we go oh she got a shotgun that's not good grandma hey there there's a there's a there's a spitter there's a spitter on this map there is a spitter we picked the harder map boys careful dumb idea was this well now I know not to like go for armor cuz I I feel like since you lose the armor you don't get it back it's not as good as getting five Health a second yeah yeah uh rid fire has a 10% random distance chance on every 5 Seconds what I'm going to just keep Upp in my critical critical watch out squirrel there don't worry squirrel got shot for that he smack me that shot treating you smack me it's good oh spitter the shotgun allows me to Dodge I need all the I need all I have aend powerful I am super saiyan Frost damage freezes in for five seconds in oh sure I'm going to do a little bit of frosting buy the pier had a little bit of frost damage on these guys oh look your freze I'm like that so it's a random chance to freeze uhoh lit it lit hell come uh am iuck I'm getting these XP lots of XP help why are you off the map I don't know help what are you doing can you shoot can you shoot from there maybe they can't kill you whenever I shoot I what the hell I just chose the level up uh this means I Dash more I guess I may have to go down you guys may have to leave me over here to go down there you go I keep like glitching back onto land but the water damn cheating squirrel damn cheating yeah zombies oh they're on the water too that means you can probably walk back on where they they're getting on there we go I did nice nice said that brilliant squirr you're not healthy let me tell you that's why we need there we go wo level five hey what do you remember what level we went has a 10% chance to oh damn I can make meteor range so I can freeze and meteor drop these these guys this guy spits on me I'm dead spitting hot fire I think it's about to hit Drop the Base let's level up first hell hell is coming hell is coming nothing was even on me I died hell level up level six um super Health Plus 30% Health yeah I like that I like that I'm might to do that tip woo oo sit down sit down clown I found the TR on this map the the the the hooker the hooker's here the hook look how much I was full health yeah when you see the hook coming just dodge out of the way when you see the hook coming I might die I oh God okay squirrel I might die don't die woo I don't even think you're near me I don't know where you're at I hear the big baddy the big bad B they Dro they dropped health I need that Health need that health I need some health what about a level up uh Head Hunter critical ooh more meteor range sure I'm an environmentalist Destroyer here hey froze the big guy he's Frozen just surviving down here by myself my health oh God yeah um so let's just get a little bit of haste a little bit of haste what I mean I do like a the Pierce yeah Pierce sounds really good you really only need to get them once so I guess if you wanted to go to three oh God cartoons oh I need some help looking non healthy down here so if you see the blue um meteors that's me they're falling from the sky oh he dropped Health he dropped Health yes level oh we love that too uh super Shield I don't want the shield Bounty bullets but it takes 15 damage away yeah I have I've been scared to do that one power Power Shot Oh shot I've been getting a one that gives more XP too I haven't got that I think oh God God do you think do you think if you stack X like we see the XP dropping as well and then like if I if I had the health like last game I was making a lot of Health drop did yall always see health or no uh oh yeah we going to this one I will always take haste by the way I haven't got the H option yet well bad oh my God oh my God it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts I'm going to die no I'm not Grandma is sick grandma is sick is she okay she she need a doctor level up O Level Up kill every by around me what do you think hyperlight is really about I'm going to get it and see maybe shoot farther oh my God I just got hooked and that did a lot of damage on me uh haste yes haste we want to stay away from the zombies stay away from the zombies zombi the blowy one oh my god oh there's Health there's Health there's Health oh god squ there so many so many [ __ ] up to my honey hole listen what don't ever say that ass wait a minute I'm trying to get in that honey hole as a chance to electrocute so I'm like the Avatar now I'm electrocuting I'm freezing I got meteors dropping I'm getting hooked 1 we're level we're so far much farther than we were already we only 10 last time oh God oh God oh God oh God I'm feel pretty it's coming shock wve every level up gives damage to enemies close by living tornado has CH oh yeah we're going that one now now I spit out a flame tornado every 10% that almost kill me you are also one shot okay happen to me are you dead dead yeah yeah I died oh no okay okay oh God oh God oh God I'm dead I'm dead I'm going to die don't die don't die 8 seconds seven Grandma w't shoot she W shoot 3 two one I'm back I'm back back they get sucked into the the trap now too so that's good yeah I can't shoot you guys no I couldn't shoot oh my God I can't um Freez is close by for five seconds D okay no God damn it no what is this [ __ ] no Grandma oh my God good night I'm just going to have to train just got to train them I don't know when you guys to be able to shoot 8 seconds IA oh yeah you know what yeah y'all come this way y'all come this way no he's going to kill me he's going to kill me he I don't need guns oh [ __ ] I don't need damn guns oh oh I got double hooked in my ass oh that's a lot of spits I wish I could shoot I wish you got ow I'm one shot okay Y come this way he's going to blow on me I was leveling up um has 10% chance on every five second okay fire tornado sure sure if you you guys can't shoot you guys got to keep using the the pentagram T that's what I'm doing right now yeah I'll leave it alone so oh there's multiple I'm only I'm I'm almost willing to die to see if I can shoot if I come back how do you activate the Trap just I don't know just there's different ones there's different ones I think they oh you go to the skull and press a on the skull yep yep the skull well this sucks because we're never going to be able to shoot yeah this is bad don't worry we'll lose real soon it's getting hard it's not getting hard what you Lu luckily all my Powers kind of doesn't require me to shoot is that lucky what about you C uh no all on requirement Wonder reload button can you guys try with your mouse Maybe I see at the bottom um zero out of 10 bullets oh yeah what yeah that's weird you guys just didn't get can't reload hold on no we can't reload um we have ammo cuz it's like infinite ammo yeah I have infinite your guys is just glitched oh [ __ ] it suck me in I can't reload won't let me reload what's this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm dead luckily I'm fast as hell boy I say that but I'm dead oh God I'm die don't die there's so much health there is so much health in this area 9 seconds to respawn the resp long I'm dead oh I'm back hey carto oh [ __ ] leveled up yeah H finally a haste finally I'm going to take Dasher cuz it's literally the only move I can use I'm stuck oh my God they like surrounded me for a second right this way boys right this way Ed boy I'm dead one explosion killed me by the way yeah yep 10 seconds Dam I'm low uh 4 3 2 one I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back all right I got 25 seconds stay away from the exploders by the way me going down did not fix my gun that is such an unfortunate that is thing I'm so low I need those Health packs don't hook me don't hook me don't hook me it said my reload is five I don't understand that's in creatures of Darkness oh my God granny oh God granny should be another level up here maybe I I got pushed back into the water no oh my God level up oh the level up let's go level save my damn life magnet um hyperlight sure out water here okay hey hi hyper light goodbye oh the light does like two ticks of damage on these guys if you're looking at them with the light with the flashlight it does damage them yeah I do see that oh it's like passive damage you guys flashlight my God yeah you guys shall now build only flashlights flashlight build oh God he's going to blow okay please Oh Long Johnson oh creepy V fire training these zombies so easily oh hey dead man I got oh my God you oh my god n they got me oh my God I'm so hurt it hurt level up level 20 boys burs for 5 seconds damaging every second fire damage Head Hunter critical Dash we do the dash all the health I'm dropping is insane squ you can still shoot even though you got up yeah I've never not been able to shoot though my God why is this my life now I'm stuck in the stupid little Li in the ground what is this okay there we go go come on guys come on right this way yeah you go you guys are pretty good without gun they actually they want to go into the circle like you make the circle they want to go in there why would they I want to go in there more Hy hyper hyperlight my my flashlight does more damage oh [ __ ] I almost died it actually killing him fast I don't know I have to I have to test and see it does five TI a second of damage like four to five tick of damage yeah that's not very good I do 24 I keep getting it though I can make it as strong as a bullet yeah look I'm burning these I'm just ah the bosses are getting destroyed in the circle things no oh [ __ ] oh oh No Where's My Flashlight oh no oh [ __ ] what there's something there's something new spawning like a like a red Bomb a red Bomb is spawning please no that or is that me it might be Mee I'm sorry everybody oh that hurt hurt hurt oh Godot I'm one heal I'm on help I got to roll I got to roll oh no my [ __ ] just did the the Roblox o sound yeah o how often can I one oh I can I can I can Dash every second like one dash one dash one Dash same oh oh I'm dead I just got double blown hello BL hello don't walk Over My Dead Body like that level up level 22 man I don't need a shoot I don't need a shoot at all yeah best run ever I'm getting everything that doesn't require bullets which is cool cuz now now now my meteors is just dropping I'm dead no I'm not I still got 8 seconds on respawn get off of me get off of me and oh no don't bring them on me I'm respa no there we go you let them all right off to me everybody go this way there we go ow ow ow that hurt a little bit that hurt everybody go this way okay I don't want to go oh my God no I'm dead I'm dead 20 seconds 18 16 I'm de 10 no don't hook me yeah the the hook the hook I leveled up in the middle of so much crap magnet uh for every level you give damage to enemies close by sure I guess chance of finding more health pack by killing enemies um that sounds good could be good you already get so many Health packs though with just a little bit hey yeah I put magnet on so I don't have to go directly on them yo yo yo yo what the [ __ ] oh no oh no hell away we're completely fine what the hell is killing me oh that didn't feel good all right all right oh we leveled up I thought I was dying more hyperlight sure critical damage don't mind ow oh I'm smoing now ow that hurt oh no oh no stck dodg and Di world record run with no weap with no guns there's so many damn spits right here what is this just wait till this hell the comes and be ready I'm about to come DN come on come on come on come on come trying to see how much damage my flashlight is doing eight eight ticks oh that one did 13 11 oo get back zombies oh yeah my my my flashlight is doing like between 8 and 13 now oh no I just got hooked and almost died come on guys right this way right this way I have three hook come on whoa that's about to be expensive come on come on zombies come on level 25 ah more magnet I guess a little scared as hell that's about a c I should I have 65% mag magnet on me now I should not have to like really walk towards things I wonder if it works on health it does not infinite amount of Health here oh my God yeah the hell Jesus Christ oh I made a fire tornado this is not bring them into this bring him into this okay oh [ __ ] I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my God I'm dead I'm dead don't be dead 30 seconds oh that's easy easy easy peasy don't die on us okay okay oh no there's so many bombs so many boom booms so many boom booms oh God there's so many booms boobs luckily I'm so fast I can like get to the other side of the map like Fair really quickly so oh my God I'm almost dead where's those where's those healths at thank you what about level up super Health Bounty Bounty bullets should I get that it doesn't matter maybe it'll let you shoot you know every time I dodge past them I freeze them I just say you how far away they hit you from if you have the Freezy thing on dash it use it when you dash past uh explody boy that way he can't stay on you oh my God please thank God for your health man oh almost about to level up there we go nice ah Frost damage freezes for 5 seconds and damages what that doesn't work for me you better find out how to make it work H I can't shoot yeah if you guys just used your guns it' be a lot easier it would be might die oh I just heard roox yeah I'm almost almost done for man oh he hooked me he hooked me I got hooked I'm dead I'm dead 24 seconds my body actually flew outside the world I'm so far away oh oh no that's good or bad respawn on your dead body yeah like my body's like going outside the map inside the map thanks for all the help three two I'm bet I'm bet than for all the health oh hell yeah you're dropping so much where am I oh guys I'm stuck my my game is stuck oh no I may die when this comes back I have I got stuck a couple times I was able to wigo myself out but I'm like really far I'm stilling oh there we go no no no no it's like it's forcing me outside the world I'm I'm still flying no I would help you if I could Delirious I'm dead I'm dead I'm flying out the map I'm F yeah what the hell is this yeah that's exactly what I did squirrel but when you come back you're not going to be like this isn't even good for recording this is ridiculous 20 seconds cartoon oh no got to make it the 20 minutes we're one minute off oh no what does 20 minutes do nothing feels good double hour last time well the zombies aren't coming for me so technically I'm not on the map but this is hurting my my eyes watching H left Mouse button space in and out of the map yeah reload wait so y'all are alive we're alive watch this I'm going to die yeah but if it happens to you you're not going to want to record any of this no I'm just saying and all can infinitely win oh well we won the game guys good job yeah I can't like we're not going to be leveling up though but but we don't need to level up but we survived infinite time I'm trying to like it won't even let me like run away from the area I'm at cuz I'm on the island yeah me too no you want to try resetting one more time or what I think I think that's it man we just hit our we hit our quota right right there look at that round 28 if you guys want to see us play this game again our next goal would be we have to make it a 30 next time experience 30 H that's so unfortunate so I got hooked and I died and my body just went flying off off of the island game's definitely very glitchy had a lot of weird [ __ ] I mean not being able to shoot yeah [Music] right now it's time for delious I'm out of my mind I'm delious every day all day it's Delirious we will forever be always delirious right now it's time for delious like I'm out of my mind I'm Delirious hurt
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 126,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: H2ODelirious, H20Delirious, funny moments, toonz, cartoonz, h2odelirious laugh, h20 delirious, h2o delirious, vanoss crew, vanossgaming, h2o delirious face reveal, gameplay, game of the year, h20 delirious cartoonz, cartoonz crew, zombie game, zombie, cod, call of Duty, call of duty zombie, zombie gameplay, sker ritual, sker ritual gameplay, sker ritual glitch, zombies, call of duty 6 zombies, call of duty black ops 6, COD zombies, call of duty black ops 6 zombies
Id: pW5sEY7cYsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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