We Did The CRAZIEST STUNT! Backyard RC Monster Jam: FULL SHOW!

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last time on Mini Jam we had an action-packed all freestyle competition tonight we're back with a full event featuring racing best trick and freestyle as well as a new truck debut this is mini [Music] Jam I'm taking shots at the enemy I'm going to make it to the top leave a legacy if I got something to say you better let me speak turn it up a new degree you ain't seen anything H pop off with the new rock electronic blow the Sonic hello everyone welcome back to another episode of mini Jam I hope you all are ready for a truly special event tonight after running this track layout for the past few events this show will be the last time that this track is featured on Mini Jam we're also going to give you all even more action in this episode by making each race a best two out of three series as well as extending freestyle from a minute to 90 seconds to get things started off let's meet tonight's trucks the first truck on the floor is going to be the Great Clips Mohawk warrior I have to remind you all the last time we saw this truck it was going through some tremendous transmission problems preventing it from getting very much power on this track it appears that they've gotten everything fixed and they're hoping for a bounceback show tonight as they're going to need the full capabilities of that truck to compete tonight in this field and the next truck coming out on the floor is going to be Megalodon this is the big truck debut that we were referencing earlier in the show this is the newest truck in the mini Jam Fleet and I have to say it is absolutely stunning so nice to see such a popular Monster Truck make its way to mini jam and I can only imagine it's going to tear it up here tonight you can see it circling that had of dirt in the middle of the track and then it's going to go ahead and park over on the side of that [Applause] ramp and that sound can only mean one thing that is Monster Energy about to hit the [Applause] floor this is just a gorgeous looking truck I I can't get over it every time I see this thing it just makes me so excited love seeing this thing on the floor love seeing it tear up these mini Jam tracks you can see it just Powers right across the floor and it looks like he's going to settle it down over by the Monster Energy backflip ramp and next up onto the track is going to be El Toro Loco sporting that new Jim Coler team scream style chass that he just screams onto the track and it looks like he's going to park it right on that ramp this is definitely going to be a truck to look after to [Applause] tonight and there goes those ominous gongs that means that son of a digger is going to be making his way onto the track this was the resounding favorite for the freestyle winner at our last mini Jam show he just tore it up so we're going to see if he can double down with a victory tonight this is just this one of those trucks that can just always get it done no matter the circumstances no matter the track this is always an exciting truck to watch and an even harder truck to beat on the field he's going and doing his parade lap going to circle around almost spun into a little donut there and it looks like he's just going to settle it down in the burn and now it is time to take a ride in the dope ride as we have the gold maxd making its way onto the track this is such a remarkable truck words can't even describe how nice it is that Chrome gold aesthetic on the exterior of the body it just really sets it apart from any other truck here he spins into some Donuts round and round he goes Cyclone style donuts and he settles the truck down [Applause] but wait a minute that's not the only maxd that is going to be joining us today we are also going to have Max D Nitro as part of tonight's competition and he screams onto the track in typical mini Jam fashion we couldn't decide between one of these two Max's so he said screw it why not do both and he just clears Mohawk warrior on that racing Lane Lot of goodl look trucks in the field today I know I say this about almost every truck that comes onto this track but this is definitely one of the best looking trucks that we have out [Music] here and now the final truck that theme song is unmistakable it is the one the only grav Digger we were rocking the purple color scheme Gravedigger for the longest time but we reverted back to the normal green one it looks like he's stuck on the tire oh no gives a tire a little hit after he gets the truck off of it but yeah like I was saying we were originally sporting the purple Gravedigger color scheme but we're back to the standard original all green Gravedigger and this thing is going to tear it up tonight and it looks like he's going to park right on that step up and as a little something extra for you guys enjoy this pre-show Stunt by the Max D and oh man One Max D through the fireworks another with an almost double backflip on the opposite side of the step up what a way to get the show started this is going to be incredible we're going to get started with JCB racing in round one eloro Loco is going to take on Max D Nitro gra dger is going to take on the Great Clips Mohawk warrior Megalodon's going to face son of a digger and then maxd gold is going to rise Monster Energy and just to reiterate each race winner is going to be decided by the best two out of three ready now let's get the first race underway looks like Maxi Nitro gets the whole shot and he is sweeping through the turns while eloro Loco is just taking things way too slow Maxi Nitro already in that final turn and he's going to get an easy victory in his first race elor Loco is definitely going to have to pick up the pace in the next one now let's see if Max Nitro could close him out in the second race eloro gets the whole shot this time he's going a lot quicker around those turns this is actually going to be a close race but Maxi Nitro picking up speed and it looks like Maxi Nitro is going to take it he just comes through at the very end Maxi Nitro is going to advance in the bracket ready and now we have grav Digger and Mohawk warrior staged they both get off the line pretty much at the exact same time but Mohawk warrior is up on the BMS grav Digger is firmly in the lead now but oh no grav Digger crashes at the max d gold in the racing Lane and Mohawk warrior is going to take the win and now for race number two between these two trucks Gravedigger with the whole shot once again but he's on two wheels in the turn still in the lead though let's see if he can actually secure the victory Mohawk Warriors catching up oh no Gravedigger completely bosches the turn and Mohawk warrior is going to steal two races in a row we have Megalodon and Son of a dier at the starting line now they both get off to a nice start but son of a dier right into the step up I can't imagine he's going to win this race after a mess up like that Megalodon is now just going to cruise to the Finish Line with Megalodon up 1 let's see who can take this race son of a digger off to an early start but it looks like Megalodon is catching right up they are both neck and neck going into the turn son ofer with a good turn but Megalodon goes over son of a digger is going to take the win with these two trucks tied up this race is going to determine who advances and oh son of a digger into the step up once again Megalodon's not doing much better going over the burn but son of a digger is on it through Megalodon can make this an easy Victory but he's not going to make it easy on himself up on two wheels in the turn but finally Megalodon secures the victory what a race and now for the the final pair of round one Monster Energy is off to an early lead Max gold is up on one will in the turn and it looks like monster energy is actually going the wrong way around the ramp it is a close race into the turn both of them hit the tire but it looks like Maxi gold squeaks it out the end but it actually doesn't even matter as Monster Energy it went the wrong way during his race Max Ste right now has a lead let's see if Monster Energy can even the score go Maxi with the hole shot but B trucks were even going into the BMS looks like Maxi Bobs a little bit in that second turn the B trucks with a Perfect final turn but Monster Energy is going to squeeze out the win that might be the race of the night so far with both trucks tied up let's see who's going to advance they're both pretty even off the start but Maxi botles a little bit in the turn and it looks like he's actually off the track now Monster Energy is going to cruise to a victory tough break for Maxi gold just completely messed up that second in turn and allowed for an easy Victory by Monster Energy wow that was just an incredible first round we're now going to move on to the semi-finals Maxi Nitro is first going to take on the Great Clips Mohawk warrior and then we're going to have Megalodon versus Monster Energy now let's get the semi-final started maxing nitro with a hole shot but Mohawk warrior goes over in the turn it's going to be an easy win for Maxi Nitro he just got to take it easy into this next turn he actually go ahead and airs it out for that final jump let's see if Mohawk warrior can actually compete the race this time and Maxi Nitro schools him off the line but ends up hitting the step up but somehow still has a lead over in the turn both trucks go over in the turn but Mohawk warrior ends up stuck on his lid Max D Nitro ends up securing the victory wow I I cannot believe it in bohawk Warrior still try to finish the race can't even stay out of the turn and then Maxi Nitro gives him a love tap this race is over man Max D Nitro will advance to the finals let's see who's going to meet him there both trucks off the line at the same time but looks like monster energy is caught up in the turn a little bit and monster energy is in the wall Megalodon is going to cruise to a victory if he can stay off of that turning Tire Megalodon with the [Applause] win now they are line back up for their second race even off the line once again Monster Energy in up ramping over that Landing ramp but it's still pretty close in the end they both close in the final turn but Monster Energy gets the victory that is the closest race we have seen all night what a victory by Monster Energy this is for a spot in the finals they are both off the line very quickly but Monster Energy is stuck on the burn that is going to slow him down tremendously if magon gets in the turn clean he'll win and he surely does with a flip at the end tough break for Monster Energy but Megalodon will beet Max Nitro in the finals well it has been an incredible night of JCB racing and it comes down to maxd Nitro and megalodon one important thing to note is maxd Nitro has swept through all of his races to make its way in the finals has not lost a single race tonight however Megalodon has ended up in a third race for each round so while it hasn't been a perfect night for Megalodon he finds himself in the finals and now for your JCB final race they're pretty even off the start but maxd Nitro ends up flipping in the turn oh no Megalodon's going to cruise to that final turn and end up getting the victory tough break for Maxi [Applause] Nitro we're in race number two Megalodon can take it all but Maxi Nitro wants to stop him go oh looks like we get a double red light from both trucks we've got both trucks restay they're both off the line and oh no Max D Nitro is over on his roof Megalodon is going to be your JCB racing winner and it looks like Maxi Nitro went ahead and just hit the ramp he however did not even clear most of the course Megalodon wins this one easily and does a little celebration for the fans what a debut for Megalodon this is the first time we've had this truck as part of the mini Jam Fleet and he did not disappoint now here's a look at the overall point standings as we head into the Great Clips best trick challenge Each truck will given one opportunity to put on their best move they will be scored on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest possible score the first truck we're going to see tonight for B trick is going to be El Toro Loco he did not have a very great racing showing going to have to make up for it here in best trick looks like he kind of got stuck on the opposite side of that step up but now he's going to position himself I do not believe that that was his best trick attempt oh just gunned the throttle right on top of the Step Up might have been attempting a back flip but that did not quite work out for him his score is going to be a four next truck coming up is going to be Gravedigger this is another one of those trucks that was eliminated in round one of racing is going to have to do something big here to make up ground in the overall point [Applause] standings looks like he's going to line up the truck between the back flip ramp the side of the back flip ramp and that dirt pad that we have down there I wonder if he's either going to do a reverser of the dirt pad or maybe attempt a backflip off the side of the backflip ramp that would be very unique he's slowly backing up that dirt pad and he goes for with a back flip lands right on the back bumper that was a pretty Innovative maneuver by Gravedigger he's going to get a score of six next up is going to be son of a digger very disappointed in his racing outcome he is going to have to do something nice here in best trick this is a truck that we always have high expectations for but just could not quite get it done in racing looks like he might be lining up for a bicycle if he pulls this off this can definitely score him some big points and he does not quite get it unfortunately that's going to score him a three and now it's time for maxd gold and he is already up on the wall these maxd trucks are known for Destruction and Chaos even when they're just entering the track something interesting happens and this truck is going to line up on the racing ramp wonder what he has in [Applause] mind he goes for it gets a bit of a slap willly I think he was attempting a backflip off the opposite side of that Landing Pad but could not quite get it that's going to score him a three now it is time for the Mohawk warrior he's just making his way onto the track very interested in seeing what he's going to have to set up here looks like's going to line the truck up right on the opposite side of that Landing ramp he goes for it oh back flips it just rebounds right off the BM into a backflip that was pretty insane and fittingly the score is going to be at 8.5 he's going to take the lead Mohawk warrior just raised the bar incredibly high with that rebound back flip but Monster Energy is certainly no slouch he can get the job [Applause] done he's going to circle his way around the track is like going to go for a bicycle and he Nails the bicycle with a little bit of a stopy as a combination move right after it that's going to take the lead with a score of a nine all right it's that freestyle the competition is getting Fierce what in the world is Max D Nitro going to have to do the secure Victory and the best trick [Applause] competition [Applause] looks like he's going to pull up to that Center Jump In Reverse what could he possibly have in mind here going to go all the way to the stadium [Applause] wall he's going in reverse oh he gets a bit of a backflip off thep of the step up but cannot quite land it on all four tires that'll score him an eight and the Great Clips bet stck challenge is going to be capped off by Megalodon he's already won racing so you can say he's playing with house money but that is not going to be enough he wants to dominate this competition but he definitely has his work cut out for him after that incredible bicycle we saw Monster Energy do it's going to take something truly special to take the lead away from him and looks like he's going to get settled right there between the backflip ramp and the dirt pad kind of similar to what Gravedigger did but in the opposite position could he possibly going for a reverse back flip off the side of that back flip [Applause] ramp he's getting revved up let's see what he's got off the dirt pad wheelie it oh man and he is going everywhere ends up with the truck on the lid looked like he was attempting a front flip off the Step Up didn't get that but got a whole bunch of other revolutions that's going to score him an eight your great clip's best trick winner is going to be Monster Energy now here's a look at the updated overall point standings for tonight Monster Energy has catapulted in the first place with that best trick win followed by Megalodon then Max D Nitro we are now preparing the track for freestyle where Each truck is going to get 90 seconds to put on their best performance for the fans and we're going to get freestyle started off tonight with El Toro Loco this was the truck that pretty much everyone voted to come second and freestyle the last mini Jam event so very interested in seeing how he shows up tonight also just got to give credit where credit is due this truck is awesome loving the updates with that new Coler chassis and he starts off with some big air and a crazy save to follow up that is certainly one way to get the fans attention comes off the step up with some more big air and he almost get stuck on the big hill on the opposite side of the step up some nice air once again and he saved it one more time two savs right off the bat and look at that he's back on all fours this truck just cannot stay on its lid three insane saves to start off a freestyle that is one way to announce your presence now he's going to come back around with a front flip I don't know if there's been a single mov he's done yet that hasn't been a highlight and he continues that Trend flips it over twice backwards but still ends up saving it oh this is just ridiculous it's like every single move he does ends up being some sort of crazy save and now a double backflip a and he's back on all fours again this is easily one of the most insane freestyles I've ever seen and he's able to rock the truck back on all Force he's got about 15 seconds left how's he going to end this freestyle it's been amazing so far nice air off the step up and of course what would it be without another save and he just airs it out for the final move ends up on the tailgate 3 seconds and he saves it one last time there he goes again oh my God that has to be one of the best free Styles I have ever witnessed here on the mini Jam course every move was basically a highlight the scores are coming in and it's going to be a 9.6 for El Toro Loco we got to see some replays from [Applause] this [Applause] I gotta be honest with you guys I have no idea how you can follow up a freestyle like that but Mohawk warrior is sure going to try little bit of a Redemption he's going to want to get for this freestyle after last time when he came out here did not have the transmission good to go had issues with it but you can tell now that motor's at full power and that transmission is working as it should some nice combo moves to start off the freestyle then airs it out right over that racing jump thought he might go for the back flip a little too early Frey to do that a nice little combo over the step up oh I mean this has been a pretty good freestyle already airs it out right there but honestly you got to do something crazy to win freestyle here that's certainly going to help but after that Alor Loco freestyle I just I don't even know what it's going to take to take the victory he goes over on his lid way too early to get the win here and with that premature ending to his freestyle Mohawk Warriors going to get a 5.5 and now it's time for some Max D this is the gold Maxi we're going to have Maxi Nitro coming up a little bit later in freestyle but the pressure has to be on for all these trucks after that Alto freestyle just can't stop talking about it he killed it and Maxi with some big air and a nice safe to get it started [Applause] off some good air over that racing burm comes back over the racing Lane nice little combo he's going to have to step up the speed and look at that a nice little save once again all those saves are going to have to add up and look at that goes for a backflip ends up shooting the truck off the backflip ramp and now comos and noses it right into the step up man that has to hurt and then comes back around with some sick air can he save it oh no he ends up on the lid the freestyle was going pretty well but unfortunately he ends up rolling over too early and as such his freestyle score is going to be a six and now it is time for Monster Energy to take the mini Jam freestyle looks like he's got to move Mohawk warrior out of the way to make his way onto the track but nonetheless here we go monster energy this is the truck that is currently in the lead in the point standings and with a great freestyle tonight he can Shore up that overall Victory starts off with a nice hit over the racing lane and then attacks that Durk pod get some nice air once again over that racing Lane keeping up some good momentum oh my God that just might be the air of the night Monster Energy soaring through the sky got to watch out for that wall there comes once again through the crossover and he saves it and now he is going crazy this is an air assault making every single move count you you might not be able to plan the saves like El Toro Loco did but you could certainly plan some sick air and the nice little combo there looks like he might be setting up a backflip oh I don't even know what to call that ends up on all fours though and a nice quick save once again this might be the best freestyle we've seen yet that can compete with that eloro Loco freestyle from earlier with another nice save and he is just going crazy now he still got to end it on a high note and nice hit right there just Speedy across the track dirt tracking it and just tons of saves everywhere ends up once again on all fours cross thread Monster Energy is definitely giv El Toro a run for his money finishes off the run and then ends it on the nose of the TR that is awesome the score for Monster Energy is going to be a 9.2 that was an insane run but still not quite enough to take the lead away from El Toro Loco it has been an absolutely ridiculous not of freestyle so far but we're going to keep it going with Megalodon this was our racing winner earlier today another truck that is definitely in contention for that overall points Victory but it's going to take one heck of a freestyle to compete with the likes of Monster Energy and of course El Tor loo I don't even know what you have to do to compete with him but they're certainly going to try tonight and Megalodon's going to get us started off with a back flip attempt I love that changing up the pace a little bit a lot of people wait for that back flip he says let me attack and WRA the bat and then he gets a nice save get some DC air off that burm then he comes right back around to the opposite side nice little Sky wheie lands hard on the rear of the truck and then airs it out once again across the track pretty good air over that crossover jump you're still going to need so many wild factors to compete with El Toro cross threads it across that middle jump all these trucks have been putting on pretty good to Great freestyles but you're just going to have to be on another level to compete with El Toro but there he goes soaring the truck High into the air and then Sky wheelies it Megalodon picking up the pace now a nice little save he's got about 20 seconds left looks like he's going to go for yet another backflip double back flip but the rebound takes him over and puts him on his lid Megalodon is going to score an eight hello mini Jam fans I am excited to announce that we are now in the flag making business if you see any of the awesome flags on the trucks using this video and you want to have your RC truck looking just as good shoot us an email we make custom highquality doublesided RC Flags order yours today son of a digger did not have the racing not he wanted certainly didn't have the best trick not he wanted he's going to try to burn it down here in freestyle and look at that enters the track onto wheels that has to be the most stylus entrance that we've seen tonight I guess whatever you can do to just give yourself that edge against El Toro you're going to need it and son of a digger gets a little creative there [Applause] looks like he's going to start off Freestyle by spitting into some Cyclones then comes right back around hits that jump oh goes totally crooked off that Center jump and some nice air over the dirt pad cool little cross thread just a lot of unconventional jump so far whatever you can do to set yourself apart from the competition and then just sores it right across the track with a nice combo sick air oh no he goes over way too early this is just not the night for son of a digger that early in the freestyle is just going to score him a [Applause] five all right so we've got son of a digger flipped over it's looking like they're going to let him go just for you fans oh and he starts it off with a few front flips and he's going to rock the truck back on [Applause] Wheels oh you can just tell the frustration in this driver did not have the night he wanted he just wants to destroy this truck here in this Encore freestyle unfortunately it looks like he's spending more time on his roof than he is on his wheels in this Encore KY get it back on all fours there he goes and then rolls it once again but there he go that's the save those are the kind of moves that we expect from son of a digger sick air and wheelies across the track he may not have gotten it done in competition but you can see that he is going all out for the oncore Soares ac across the track want to get on his roof but he saves it a nice little reverse combo just slinging dirt everywhere hitting walls driving on his roof look at this oh my god there he goes once again little front flip throttles out of it I think that's going to finish it up for son of a digger what a performance we got two trucks left El Toro still sits at top the mountain these two trucks are going to have to try to knock them off and we're going to get it started with Gravedigger starts off by hitting the step up and you just love to hear that throttle Rhythm from Gravedigger he's definitely going to keep up a lot of noise throughout the entire freestyle not quite getting the air you'd like to see and he just goes right over oh no this is not the night for team gra digger together the score is only going to be a three we've got one truck left the odds seem almost insurmountable every truck tonight has tried to go after El Toro maxd have a little fun in the pits before his run but we got maxd Nitro coming out here and he starts it off with a transfer jump and then goes right for the step up no parade lap no waste of time this guy wants to get it done and he comes out with some sick air right off that middle jump keeping up good momentum getting some nice air off of every jump making every single one count little nice cross over there I just oh on the nose and he saves the truck honestly I just don't know what it's going to take it's going to take something special but it looks like Maxi Nitro was on the right track for sure some nice air once [Applause] again comes off the racing jump and then just airs it right off of that Landing ramp and then the crossover hit once again just soaring this truck in a backflip oh my God that might be one of the moves of the night but oh no gets a little careless goes full speed into the back flip ramp soes it out of the track that is not going to get you the win I could told you that was going to happen he was on such a good track but he just got a little too careless he's got to keep throwing it down for the fans though nice Sky wheelie his score is only going to be a seven and a half so El Toro is your winner but Maxi Nitro is not going to leave his fans unhappy nice air off that Center jump now he's going to try to set up for a correct back flip hopefully oh my God almost a double lays it on top of the backflip ramp but somehow comes out of it with a functioning truck and he saves it once again and now he's just going ballistic trying to rock that truck back on off for as he gets it now with some [Applause] donuts and he saves the truck once again this is insane this is the type of run you would have loved to have had during regulation this is what you would have needed to compete with El Toro but nonetheless we are glad to see this guy burning it down here in mini jam and he saves it again just Full Throttle everywhere slinging dirt on his roof he is not going to stop this truck until it won't go anymore and then he hits the reverse backflip let's go airs it out over the step up man I I just tell you if he could have done all this in regulation we would definitely be having a conversation about whether or not he can take the lead from El Toro spins it into some donuts Tri for a back flip ends up on all fours though and now he's just flipping the truck around does not look like he's going to get out of this one however what an encore performance from maxd Nitro didn't quite get there in the freestyle competition but what an end to tonight is mini jam and that is going to conclude mini Jam freestyle I still cannot believe what we have witnessed here tonight that is absolutely some of the best RC Monster Truck action I have ever seen in my life monster energy does end up taking the overall points Victory with a really good freestyle pretty much just solid across the board tonight and of course that best trick win before we leave I have to thank each and every one of you fans for tuning in you guys really do help and we cannot wait to bring you more [Music] action [Music]
Channel: Mini Jam
Views: 184,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster jam, monster trucks, monster jam freestyle, monster jam lord, monster jam racing, monster jam 2023, monster truck toys, monster truck, best of monster jam, monster jam fire & ice, monster jam highlights, monster jam compilation, monster jam toys, hot wheels monster trucks, monster truck lord, monster jam dirt squad, monster jam steel titans 2, monster jam los angeles 2023, monster jam world finals 21 freestyle, beamng drive monster trucks, losi lmt, rc world finals
Id: 9cQemdsv2zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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