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- Hi, I'm Coleen. Let's go, ghost hunting. I am so excited for this video you guys. You have no freaking idea. All right. So I have always been very interested in ghosts and spirits and whatever goes on other than the human world, that stuff fascinates me. And I think it's because my whole life I was taught, all of that was very evil, demonic, terrible, because I was raised very religious. When I started touring as Miranda, I met all different types of people from all over the world who believe in so many different things. And it really broadened my horizons and my brain parts and made me think differently and kind of bought everything. One place I loved touring to at the beginning of my Miranda career was Provincetown. And in Provincetown, I met this incredible guy named Adam. He was so awesome. We became friends and he is a ghost hunter. Basically his job went against everything I ever believed in and everything I was ever taught. And instead of immediately shutting him and thinking like, oh, he must be evil. I was like, I want to learn about this because I'm ignorant to it. So I sat down with him and we had long conversations about ghost and ghost hunting and spirits and the other world. And he is just so awesome and so sweet and so wonderful. And I learned so much from him and it just kind of made me very fascinated with that whole side of life that none of us know or understand anything about. So Adam sent me a box of goodies. He has a magazine that just came out and he's on the show "Ghost Hunters". And he came up with his magazine. So he sent that to me, but he sent it to me with a whole ghost hunting kit. And I was like, yes, I'm using this. So I'm forcing my best friend, Corey and my sister, Rachel, to go ghost hunting with me tonight. They both hate ghosts. The idea of ghosts, anything that has to do with ghosts they are like not going to do it. And I'm like, yes give me more. There is a haunted, like, area pretty close to where I live. So we're going to go check that out because I'm not going to be doing any ghost hunting in my house. I don't want to invite those spirits into this location. So I'm going to go somewhere else. Let's take a look at what we got. So the first thing we have is this thing that kind of looks like an Apple watch and it is an EVP Band Wrist Recorder. So basically this thing just records audio on my wrist the entire time we are ghost hunting so that we can listen to it back and see if we catch anything different. The next is the EMF meter with sound, looks like this. So basically you turn this on. If the middle section lights up, the signal is weak. If the side sections light up, it's a strong signal meaning like there a feeling of spirits around or something. Theories within the field of paranormal research suggests that these fluctuations may indicate a presence of paranormal nature. So basically we'll use this first and if it detects any spirits then we would start recording and we would start using the next device, I'm going to show you, but so you turn it on and you just kind of point it around. See if it's not on because there's no spirits in this room thank God. You're seeing flashing that's just a reflection. It's not turning on. It's just reflecting the light. So if it felt anything, beep. Wait. (dramatic music) Stop, I'm going to cry, I'm scared. You guys, Corey and I turned this on downstairs. We walked all over the house. It didn't blink once. (dramatic music) There's nothing over there. Eww, is there a ghost in here? Okay, it's only a weak signal so maybe it's like feeling a ghost outside. Oh my God I'm nervous about what's going on. Wait, it turned off. Okay, off down here. It's off. It's only on right here. That's off. Is there a ghost right here, what's happening? Okay.Okay, I'm spooked. Okay, I'm turning this off. Anyway, at least it's on weak. So it doesn't mean there's a strong ghost. It's a weak little puny ghost. Okay. So then this is the last thing that you have. This is an SBox Ghost Scanner and Recorder. The Sbox Ghost Scanner, is a spirit box, radio frequency, sweep, scanner and recorder for paranormal research. It's a compact and easy to use tool for communication with paranormal entities. When this occurs, you may hear voices or sounds coming through the static, in their attempt to communicate. (dramatic music) Now we see if that ghost will talk to me. (muffled radio noises) Oh, it's the radio. (muffled radio noises) Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. I have goosebumps the hair is standing, you guys. I don't think, I don't know if you could hear that. So it goes through the radio and you'll hear like it go through radio stations and then it finds white noise. I have goosebumps. Okay. And so then apparently the ghost can talk to you through the white noise. Eww, I feel cold. You will feel uncomfortable. I feel cold. I know, I hate this already. Okay. I literally heard like a robot. It's like,(muffled voice) okay, that's a bad impression. It literally sounded, wait, do I want to turn back on. I'm scared. I literally heard something I'm freaking out. I've reached out to Adam. I'm trying to see if he will FaceTime with me to give me some tips and tricks on how to ghost hunt so that we do this right. And we have the best probability of talking to a ghost. So let's wait and see until he responds. And then we can go, ghost hunting. It's a little bit later. And my friend Adam texted me back. My sister and Corey will be here soon. So I'm about to FaceTime with Adam and ask him for little tricks and tips on catching a ghost. Let's do this. Hi. - How's-- - Oh my God I haven't seen you in a million years. - I know, you look exactly the same. - Except older. - We are definitely older. I found that picture of us a couple of days ago, at Sparta's Pizza when you like climb through the shirt, that I'm wearing-- - Yes, oh my God. - I'm going to have to it to you. Just so that we remember where we came from. - So many amazing memories with you in P-town I currently have tomolives in my fridge because of you. Because I would go have like those tomolive martinis with you. - They're the best. I introduce them to people all the time. Last night, even somebody was like, what is this magical thing? And I was like, you're welcome. - Yeah. They're so good. So I'm so grateful you sent me that box of stuff. It's so cool. I'm so excited about your magazine, everything you're doing and you're so famous and you're just so incredible. - Thank you. I appreciate it. Listen, I remembered when we were went on the small ghost hunt in New York at the basement of that apartment I used to live in and I was like, you know, she needs something for Halloween. She needs a book guide and she needs some equipment so that she can go out and find her own spirits. - That's the plan. That's the plan. But I want to do it right. We found a haunted, like old buildings that used to be owned by native Americans. And then they got, this like 17 hundreds, like really old and it's known to be haunted. I don't think we can go in obviously, but we're just going to be at this park where all this stuff is. And I just don't even know how to begin. Like I researched all the equipment you gave me. Do we need to like call on spirits? Like I don't know anything, how does this work. - Well, okay. So the easiest thing that you can do is just be yourself. - Okay. - If you are actually going to be communicating with native American spirits, what you need to understand is they can be tricky. They can be tricksters. They can play games on you. You'll know right away if you're being messed with. Like, so if in real life, if you feel like you're being messed with, like something's playing with me, something is like messing with me, more than likely going to be something of that caliber rather than someone who was in human form that needs help. However, you have to look at both options. So what I would suggest is starting off with basic questions, pretend, we always say like, pretend like you're going to a party where you don't know anyone and you say, hi, my name is Coleen. This is my friend. These are my friends. This is why we're here. We have equipment that you can interact with. How you do that. You explain it to them. And then you just ask basic questions. You know, what is your name? Are you male or female? Did you live here? Did something happen to you here? And then you see if you get responses and then if you get responses on the equipment, then you can take your investigation in that direction. - Okay, I'm like nervous and excited. - Excited, and scared. - Okay. We love Sondheim. - Try to ground yourself before you do it. - Okay. - Don't give off too much nervous energy because if they're in spirit form and maybe they've never interacted with someone like this in this way, they're going to feed off that energy. So just try to relax and be yourself and ask questions. If you know, information and history about the property, bring it up because those kind of things will trigger a response better than like what's your favorite color. Right? - And what about like, what if we like find a demon? Like how do we know if it's like an evil spirit? Or like, if it's a good spirit, like I'm scared. We're going to like unlock some like evil demons going to possess me. - If any of your friends or your head starts spinning around like control pretty much, pretty much you needed exorcism, but for real though, you probably were not going to interact with a demonic force. - Okay. - That's extremely rare. I mean, we are go and look for ghosts on the regular and maybe a couple of times I've experienced anything close to that. You can contact those that are jerks because if they were living and they were a jerk, you're probably going to be a jerk when they're dead, and they're dead and they're pissed. - Yeah. - So we've been scratched, pushed, touched, hair pulled. We've had things thrown at us. They want to be heard. I would say, if you're not getting any information from them, like answers and it's just messing with you, it's probably an elemental native American spirit. And in that case, you want to be very respectful and you want to take it very seriously because sometimes they can follow you home or they can like be around you for a couple of days. And if you ever feel like that's happening, basically set boundaries, say you are not allowed to do X, Y, and Z. Like you're not allowed to touch me. You're not allowed to come home with me. I appreciate you talking to me, but you need to stay here. - So just basically like you're talking to a straight white man. - Yeah, exactly. - Just like, be like, hey, don't follow me home. - Can you like-- - Respect me please like just don't follow me home. - I'm interested to know what happens because-- - I will tell you. All right. Well thank you so much. This is so helpful. - You are absolutely welcome. - I can't wait till coronavirus is over and we can do this in person. - I would love that. I would love that. - Okay, bye, have fun. - I'll see you soon. - Okay bye. - Good luck. - Thank you. - [Announcer] Two hours later. - So I'm here with Rachel and Coreysha and we are at the site. We just drove here. Rachel is so over it. Does not want to be here. Corey is spooked station. - I just don't want to see demons. - We won't see a demon, we won't see a demon. Okay. - What's the difference between a ghost and a demon? - Big differ. - A ghost is like a wandering lost soul. - A ghost is someone who I think was human, who like lived and then their spirits and their energy still is here. Where a demon was never a human. A demon is like from, - Straight up. straight from the pit of hell. - From the house of Satan. - Okay. - So this site was a Rancheria. Oh my God. I sound so white. - You are butcher every word. - It's so embarrassing. - This site was Rancheria I know I'm saying all these things wrong. I'm so sorry, the Spanish term for an Indian village known as sweet Conga and occupied by the Tongva people for several thousand years. This village was one of the stops on the Portola expedition of 1769. All right. This is a mission I guess. The mission is to not use military force, to bring the indigenous people into the mission. - Oh my God Col, you are butchering this. - What do you mean? Listen I'm about to get to the goal. - You didn't even talk about how. You just, it turned all of a sudden turned to a missionary, no a missionary was built. And then they took over this. The missionaries took over this, all the indigenous people. - Yes, what he said so however, the diseases, the white men brought with them and the destruction of the local food sources caused by the mission livestock put the native population in a desperate state, a significant portion of the indigenous people of California died within a few years of the arrival of white men. So apparently this place is haunted right Corey. - As it should be. - That's what I read online. - That's why I say we shouldn't mess with this. - Okay. We're not messing, we're-- - They're pissed at us. - I know, but maybe we can help them tell their story. Obviously I should not be the one to do it because I-- - No, because you don't know how to say hello. - Okay. So let's get our tools. So we're going to start off in the car. Because I want to bring some ghosts into Rachel's car for her. Can we roll down the windows a little bit so that there's a little bit of-- - So the ghosts can slip in. - So they can slip in. - Stop pressing. - Relax. So hopefully camera will pick up any extra sounds that might happen. Listen, we have to be quiet and talk to them. Okay. - And you brought me? - I feel like I don't want to be disrespectful. He said not to be disrespectful. - Okay, I'm trying to be respectful and not piss them off. - Okay. - And it's a good nervous glee. - Yeah. It's a nervous glee. We're happy to tell their story. Hello? - I hate you. - Oh my God. Okay Mary Kate. Some Lizzie Maguire hello. - What? - Hello. Any spirits who might be right outside this car? Because I'm too scared to get out of this car. I'm Coleen. This is Rachel and Corey. - Wait, I don't want them to know my real name. - Oh my God.Okay. I'm Coleen. This is Rachel and this is Gerald. So I know they're laughing, but I'm very serious about this. Basically. We have some devices here. You can talk to us through these devices. I'm going to turn them on. If you want to, if there's something you want to say, if there's a story you want to tell, or if you just want to say, Hey girl, what's up? - No pressure. If you're feeling lonely, we're here to hang out. - What if they're on this side? - Or if you have a story you need to be told. - Yes. Please tell us a story we're willing and open and ready to hear it. But don't follow us home. I'm going to turn this on. So this is on and this is supposed to tell us if there's anything near, okay. I guess there's nothing here. I'm going to put out the window. Nothing. Nothing. There's no spirits here, there's no spirits. I wasn't kidding. You can use my devices to let me know you're here. You can come here. - [Rachel] I think you're going to have to get out of the car. - I don't want to get like in trouble. - [Rachel] We're not going to get in trouble. - You might just walk on the outside. - Okay. Here we go. All right. We're outside the car. Wasn't expecting this to happen, but here we are. So I have my little device again. Spirits. You are allowed to... Oh my God. It's actually spooky. You're allowed to come use my thing. I don't think they heard me before. Oh, it is like an old building where I'm spooked. There's a firetruck. Flynn would lose his mind. Eww okay. So it's still not working. You can't really see. But on the other side of this, there's a creepy building right over here. And this is like the old old building the missionary, I guess. Hello, please talk to us. We want to talk to you. It's for YouTube Mr. Ghosts or Mrs. Ghosts. There was a ghost in my house, but not here. No spirits are coming. Literally, no ghosts. Ghosts, please come, or maybe I should stop calling them ghosts. If there's anyone here who would like their story to be told we're here to listen, we're here to talk even if you're just feeling lonely, we're here. - You apologize for our ancestors. - We apologize for our ancestors those were jerks. Literally the thing went off in my guest room. - Well that's because there's weird spirit in your guest room. - Okay. Relax. - Down the downstairs one? - No, it was the upstairs guest room. - Really, I thought it was the downstairs one. Oh no. The downstairs one got cleansed. - Yes it did. - That makes sense. - Any spirits, anyone from the other world who wants to come talk to us? We're here. We want to listen. We're just causing rafts. - I respect them so much that I'm scared of them. - See this is old. - Put it over the fence. Maybe they're blocked by the fence. Don't blame this on me. And there ain't no energy in these bushes. We have surrounded the entire park. This thing has not gone off once. - It was supposed to make a noise or just light up? - It makes noise and lights up. We're going to try the radio, even though the light never went off. So basically this thing, Rachel, they can talk. So this one is basically going through the white noise. See you hear the radio? - Okay yeah. - It's going through different channels of white noise. And then through the white noise, the ghosts can speak to you. So you might hear them be like, hallo. - But how do you know that's not on a radio station? - You know, it's very different. - I don't like it. - This is definitely a sentence. (muffled radio noises) Hi, are there any spirits here?You can talk to us through this device, that's not terrifying. You can talk to us through 88.7 if you want to. Is anyone there. I don't think these ghosts want this camera that I'm using keeps just shutting off. Like every time we tried to record it, that it just turns off for no reason. - You have battery. - And room try it again and set it up there and see what happens. - Okay. So anyway. Did you do that? - I literally didn't do that. - Do it again.Oh my God. - Now it's not just starting. - The battery is full, the SD card has room. Now turn on. - They just said no, thank you. - Oh my God. - They broke your camera. - [Corey] And inside the battery is full? - The battery is full charge. - One dash gone. - I have another battery. You can try this battery. - I told you they don't want to talk to us. - I know they don't but like girl content. - Consent. Now it's turning on. - Okay. - Here and four okay. Okay. We have two bars of battery left. Okay? Okay. I turn it on. Just touching mine. - Okay. We're going to try one more time. - Relax camera, relax. - Spirits, spirits, you can chat with us. Oh my God. That scares me every time. You want to talk to us. You want us to leave? Did you turn off my camera? - I heard that hiss. - That was like yes. - Is anyone here? We want to talk to you. Are you here? (screaming) Right. When that spooky sound. Oh my God. Now the camera will not focus. The only other time this has happened to me is when Terry found ghosts in my house, listen, right when the radio started making crazy sounds is right when the like flickering of lights are happening. What question did I ask? - I don't know. - Do you want us to leave? - Stop filming. - [Rachel] Yes, so I left. - Rachel freaking booked it. And our battery's full to one bar. They drain our battery. They're like, get out of here. Whoa. Yeah. It's not working. Okay. So it's not working here. The spirits here do not want to hang out with us, which is totally fine and I respect that. But there's another park nearby that always gives me the heebie jeebies. And it always gives Corey the heebie-jeebies too. So we're going to go see if there's any heebie-jeebies who want to hang out with us at that park. We're at a new location. So basically I'm using my blog camera now because(screaming) Yes, basically this camera I had two charged batteries. Both batteries drained immediately. Right after we sped away - This is not good for my heart. - That camera wouldn't focus and the battery was dead. So now we are at a new park that always gives me the heebie-jeebies. - Yeah. This one creeps me out. The other park didn't creep me out. - Yeah that one didn't give me weird vibes because I'm using your vibes. So we're going to try again. We're at a new place. I don't know any history about this place. Here we go. If there are any spirits here, my heart is pounding. I feel gross. - You like it. - You know what Adam said to me, Rachel, before he texted me, after I had my phone call with him, what? - Why are you angry at me? - Oh because it's flickering. - Yes. Eww, that was so rude. What? - I am stressed Corey, relax. He said one thing I forgot to mention. Don't forget to pause and just stop listening to observe. It's inside the silence when spirits know their voices can be heard. - That is why I like noise 24/7. - If something feels off goosebumps, hair on your neck, standing up, feels like you're being watched. They're there. - It also sounds like when you feel followed by a man. - My heart is pounding. If there any spirits here? Come hang out with us. - But don't follow us home. - Don't follow us home. Corey. I'm sorry. I was rude to you. I love you very much. I'm just stressed out. Let's see. Is there anyone here who wants to talk to us? - That's nice. - That's nice. (muffled radio noises) She said Hunter. - I heard one thirty. - Hunter, is your name Hunter? We're not here to hurt you. We just want your story to be told. Is there anything you want to say? Anyone out there? - It's a moth. - Were you killed? - Cut to real quick broque, like find out their name first. - Do you want to talk to us? Die? Did you say die? - Do you want us to die? Because girl, that's rude. - Did you say die? (muffled radio noises) Do you want us to die? - Don't you say yes because that's rude. - No. They're saying they died. - Well, clearly they're a ghost. - Yes you did. What are you saying? - Are you male? (muffled radio noises) - Are you female? (muffled radio noises) - Do you like Starbucks? (muffled radio noises) - She does. Are you still here? Yes. - Oh, well. - I don't know. I think it's just. Corey. - Don't show Corey. - Hey. - Hey, are you in here with us now? - Everything would wants me not to drive away right now. Are you nice? Just be nice. Alright like let's... - You can talk to us through this device. I'm Coleen. - We don't speak Spanish. - It won't even let me change it to the am or whatever now. - It won't . - She's here. - Yeah she's here. Are you an adult? What's that sound? - That's from that? - I don't know about this. - So she's here, but doesn't want to talk to us through the radio. - Well, yeah, I guess not. I don't know. I don't really know. I feel like I need Adam to help me. We know someone came and was turning off my camera and messing with the draining the battery. - They didn't want us there the other one? - No, they did not. This girl, she's here. - She's here. She's not. - She doesn't know how to use the device to talk to us. Sometimes if you take pictures, there's a corpse. I can try to take a photo. - This is stressful. I don't even want look. I feel like it's wrong to look. I'm going to try to take a picture of you ma'am. - Well, she's that way. See she's in front of us. - Let's see. Or is there anything, wait, wait, does that look like a person? - Don't. Stop. Stop. Stop. - Standing right there. - I don't want to look at it. Do you not realize she peaced out? Okay.She's there so. She peaced out once you hit it. - Am I crazy? It looks like a black figure. - Yes. - And we're leaving. - What is that? - I don't know I want to take another picture. - No. We're just in drive. Just in case. - I just want to take one more picture. Just to see. - Don't roll down all the way. - Okay. I'm just looking. - I'm not looking. - It's not there. No wait, is it? What is that? I don't see anything there though. - Can I leave? - Yes, because now it's where that pole is. Corey. See but there's nothing there right now. But when I took a picture, there's like a black figure there. Like where that pole is over there. There was like a figure. - I don't know y'all but we need to go home. - Wait, tell them you are not allowed to come home with us please. Exit. We did not want to talk to you anymore. Sorry. - Respectfully. - We respectfully love you. And maybe someday when I learn more about this, we can chat, but please leave us alone. She better not be following us. - It literally stopped buzzing. - She left. - Get out of here. (dramatic music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 1,029,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, ghost, ghost hunter, ghost hunting, hunting, screaming, spirits, halloween, spooky
Id: TJgw2L2UC9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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