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good morning guys good morning come back to another vlog hope you're doing well yes we're back together by the way yeah I'm finally kind of getting over this sickness so you could kind of hear my voice it's not a hundred percent but at least I feel better set my head at least he's here guys I'm here with Nick as well hey I'm gonna do something super fun today let's go go also are yeah I'll show them bare it real quick update he lost his binky somebody help yeah oh it's hard you just got to put it in it's a new game oh that's right going oh well we tried see yeah Nick wanted me to clarify that or not leaving Barrett mary is home so it's okay this guy's gotta see you dad sticker I want one yeah but my wife went to see you Frere at the home depot does they have something we want hopefully no you guys this thing we're about to get in blogs before we did but is it still in stock we don't know no so oh you guys it was sitting a big pile of them are sitting right here last time we were here [Music] where do we get those then no he said they had him for one week only now they're all gone we just called this store they said they had something what is it we don't know please guys here it is the nerf striker mobile knives I were coming for it but I'd be cool this is kind of what we're looking for but this wasn't the same thing the Home Depot had wow it's a sleigh does it have wheels yeah if it ever snows we could buy that take the wheels off and go slaying down the I was so pathetic how's that thing not holding you are you stuck just wrote a new song for you guys [Applause] hi you guys have any like electric dirt bikes or anything like that okay so nothing like the sorts hi um do you guys have any electric dirt bikes for sale for kids all right guys you've been searching for hours finally found a store that has something we're gonna go check it out and it's out in the Goonies Foofa what does that's why they have them because no one goes out there so uh I'll be back in 20 minutes yes we finally something have a seat on one still sometimes there's a natural be brave little cart oh I think we're gonna get these unfortunately these don't have any suspension this one does is just more expensive for the same price this is are pretty cool though these we found out go 20 miles an hour we don't know the weight limit oh yeah we don't know if that means with a an adult you're official owners of new dirt bikes my first dirt bike y'all check it out imagine the possibilities with these things guys we can get custom paint jobs man I'm not kidding other types of mods maybe some I don't know bodywork yeah lights he's going to get the booklets and some gas we're gonna make sure these things work [Music] how's it feel [Music] what do you think that's so fun I know you gotta cut it take your leg off [Music] yeah then you go test-drive these things someplace other than the parking lot [Music] three two one go [Music] let's go get him what happened them up at all yeah I just put put them in to make sure they are working a little gas if you guys want to see something funny watch Justin try to get this out of it part by himself you need help you know just imagine right now we have a huge squad of dudes that all have this bike or owner who need the Harley or a crotch rocket when you got the Coleman ct100 you so you guys leave your comments right now of ideas for us for mods I mean we already said some like paint job but if you can think of ways to you know upgrade this system there was a zombie apocalypse I would definitely choose this little gadget oh yeah this is way better because it's small low to the ground bunk the zombies it's also very slow can't fit more than one person you can't run them over no see you're just looking at the negatives the positives are it's fun gas up boys we just thought of the mission you guys remember Matthew Doyon well we're going to drive these vehicles all the way to his house to deliver some graham crackers and maybe get some food let's go I'm ready for the ride boys we made it it's freezing out here guys I don't know what the weather is like but my hands I can barely feel you I was a long and treacherous journey very long and then our our bikes died but we got them back up and they're good to go now let's go fight Matthew don't quit we hit the ground preparatory let's go knock on the door we just came to say hi we want to show you our new cars your cars or your vice yeah bike ok you gonna join the club should i how much are they I don't know if I can afford it oh yeah [Applause] so you're gonna get one yeah mission was a success never got to take the long journey back to headquarters frozen already all right guys are back home now what a fun adventure that was cold fun adventure though yeah these things will be so much fun in the summer time and just rip it and rolling around looks like this is the closing of the vlog yeah any final words me Jesus amen haha don't forget to leave some comments of some mods you want to see on their little goes go guys go guys plays it I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: JStu
Views: 1,838,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy bike, mini motorcycle, mini toy bike, morejstu, more, jstu, toy car, toy car mods, toy car more jstu, toy motorcycle, tiny dirt bike, funny dirt bike, smallest dirt bike, dumb and dummber bike, bike game for kids, dirt bike, dirt bike for kids, family friendly, for kids, kid bikes, adults using kids bike, adult on kid dirt bike, tiny motorcycle, kid motorcycle, toy bike mods, clown size motorcycle, mods, bike, funny, 2018, pocker bike, motorbike, pocket bike, power wheels
Id: d0kTOQ-NLQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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