We Bought a £30,000 Yacht to SAIL AROUND THE WORLD

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1882 60 Grand look at this oofed do you reckon they'll take 30 grand definitely needs a lot of work you can get 30 we've got some coin to spend for two years the outside your Zone team have been saving money for a vessel capable of circumnavigating the Earth we were fascinated by the 180 year old wooden Behemoth as you can see it is a massive boat like absolutely massive like loads of press-ups got Attila I've got a Mainsail and then the I've got the name for it but the secondary Mainsail [Music] the comus of wivenhoe was built in 1882 only three years after the invention of the light bulb the first notable Voyage was to Singapore through the recently completed Suez Canal trading vessels powered by sale became more and more obsolete as the age of steam mechanized the maritime world the boat yard where she was moored was bombed in World War II it truly is a miracle that this boat still exists today so here we have the uh back room we made an offer of 30 000 pounds after this was accepted we paid a 3 000 pounds deposit and paid for a survey of the boat [Music] then the worst happened I received a phone call that shook me to my car West Water Yacht Sales had gone into liquidation and our three thousand pounds deposit was lost right that must be a sign where the pirate ship isn't the one the coins away my coins away oh the deposit the wise man said to me is your dream to own a pirate ship or is your dream to sail around the world with our objective re-established we began our search for a yacht that we could afford with our new budget of 27 000. yes [Music] 2021 then is it still for sale [Music] truck down the yacht we had been looking for on another site it was on the hard stand on the Isle of Butte this was as far as we could drive fortunately we had brought everyone's two favorite red inflatable boats the marriage one 420 and the red stale [Music] this was an ordinary Boat Trip in our dry bag was four thousand pounds ready to go towards the art Henry and I started rowing against the waves to get the Mary Joanne into deeper water I lowered the outboard but something was keeping me from starting the trusty old Yamaha Malta [Music] foreign [Applause] Henry's doing pretty sweetheart Henry [Music] you got in the wrong way oh the sun's up well they did Rob is visibly confused probably about eight miles in almost there it's probably 10 miles total I mean I'm Still Loving It because that's what outside his own is all dude back up on the horizon we could see that Ardmore leash Boatyard where the blue spur was located [Music] we're not even that far away now you can probably just see it on the go bro I was extremely excited to finally see the boat in real life and not on a computer screen completely to find it God I want to see that bow like how did you want to see it so bad tough work and now it was a 50 year old Nicholson 38 could this be a suitable vessel to fulfill our dream of sailing around the world that's open [Music] got up so I've been here for a while now and look at this we checked as much as we could in the time that we had and made our way to the hostel where we'd spend the night everyone else is on the single beds and of course me being the king I am on the double bed Doubler after testing our beds we went to the pub to discuss our first impressions of the blue spur all right let's check as Slovakia yeah and there's even Union of Soviets socialist republics do the Greek Islands Malta after a good night's sleep in the hostel we returned to Ardmore leash to do our final checks on the yacht the first job on our list was to sound the hull inside and out to be fair I've got to replace that eroded we've actually noticed that there's a slight little hole in that we reckon there's been Barnacles that are getting in so I like rubbing together there's a little microscopic creatures so uh I'll have to do some uh fiberglassing of our own I reckon and get that fixed but ready for around the world happy with the hull of the Nicholson we booked the crane to test this yacht on the water [Music] [Music] with only half an hour until launch Ramsay Henry and Jim took the sibs to go and find our Mooring boy autopilot [Music] so we're heading off from the Murray Joan with the four to get the yacht there because it's not far until it's uh a lot so I think that actually you might be able to see the distance they're just hugging the barges out the way now they've got the uh crane all ready for us to lift I don't think this is it but we'll still beat it nope watch out watch out watch out yeah and it's not that one check that one out there Stars no that's not us any look gin blue spur blue spur spur with a double r spur s p u r r [Music] get yourself a wage get yourself away look at that he's a pro in life never the millionaires coach yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that's lovely over the Sun of a good feeling about that one oh no they have a very good feeling about it all right this could be it that looks like the one blue spur look at that eventually they found it and got back just in time for the launch of the blue spur [Music] whilst admiring its beauty I couldn't stop thinking about how much fun it will be to take our own yacht out to sea even if I have never before sailed a vessel of this size the boat floated but we were having issues with the engine it was not pumping enough water leaving us minutes to get to the leeward side of the Pontoon before the engine overheated foreign and the engine started to pump water as it should the next thing to test was the sailing capability of this 50-year-old camper and Nicholson [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] at this point I could see no reason not to buy this yacht it wasn't a pirate ship but it floats runs and sails incredibly thank you I handed over the cash and transferred the remaining amount of the blue spur was ours foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] nicely done Henry took Jim Keith and Mick back to the cast they could catch the last Ferry home [Music] get up Henry [Music] without Henry's knowledge of boats Jim's can do attitude and the combined Savings of everyone in outside your Zone this would not have been possible [Music] oh oh it still did not feel real that outside your zone now owned its very first yacht we're moving right so we've got a wood burning fire come on look at this [Music] get or pay and it's boiling the cattle right now there's new tea bags in there property [Music] there you go guys right so Alex is coming from Weems yeah yeah it's right here he's got the ferry down to Rothesay salsa dark light gear we look through the charts planning missions for the summer do you get the view here a honest to God what's that anchor saying that's literally a pub so I'm here in Weems Bay I'm on the Caledonian McBride I know I want to cross to meet the boys and we're off to say I'm super excited to see this new boat can't wait to see the boys and have a catch up with them Alex is going to be joining us so we're gonna go picking him up from Robert say in uh the sibs got some sausages [Music] water boiling and you've just put on a finger Johnny haven't you that's the one mate the old finger Johnny ghetto Alex is about five minutes away coming in on the ferry so I'm just gonna go and get him in the sieve now [Music] Alex has paid five and a half thousand for this yacht without even seeing it I couldn't wait to show him the blue spur [Music] I've just left the boat there gonna meet our Ali's just got off the ferry I've made it to Rothesay safe and sound I've spotted a Rob over this way here he is now there he is hey it wasn't to see this boat it's meant to be in Butte can't wait to see this yacht boys I'm buzzing for it wasn't for it ourselves waiting away from the shore now we'll fly around [Music] I was blown away by our new yacht although it isn't a pirate ship it has two masts six births and plenty of deck space I've made it here to Port Valentine and I'm experiencing The Yacht for the first time with the boys and this is our first full day of owning this yacht it's gonna give you some love and care and give it a good scribble um yeah so this boat was Unreal I wish we had some washed down Eco right now boys after a cold winter in the Boatyard it was obvious that the decks were in desperate need of a scrubbing on the uh Mooring line there's loads of baby muscles I've just been scrubbing them off but there's still some later look at this well Bobby muscle-like yeah foreign Clips on hopefully should stop leaking like right so we bought this boat and uh one of the main things that we like about it not only does it sail well but it has a mega Rich history of uh already circumnavigating the world twice [Music] [Music] those boys go and get foul we're gonna test out the new drone I should have seen in the free sailing thingy episode we go up across the Drone into Lake Gold's water as a seagull flew out here it was a valiant death it had its Nine Lives it it fought an osprey it's for oyster cultures it's got some incredible shots on the Isle of Man the Loch Ness and one of the first times I flew at Loch Lomond it nearly dunked itself as well so it's had his nine lives but we've got a new one so we've got another nine lives [Music] would the Drone have nine lives or were we too foolish to learn from the mistakes we had made with the last one [Music] so we've picked up some wood for the wood burner picked up some deck brushes we've got some smoked trout for the boys to eat get in this smoke trout is absolutely unreal deep at that roast smoked trout um [Music] sanction redness to keep our lifelines tight me and Ramsay are gonna put up the blue spower it was at this moment when it started to feel real we now own a yacht capable of circumnavigating the earth I'd like to thank Jim Headley and Keith love for the generous donations on buy me a coffee helping us buy the new drone I already feel safe in this yacht with its enclosed cockpit and long Keel where would we venture on the blue spur what new places would we see with our Newfound Freedom the world truly is our oyster [Music] thank you [Music] go online [Music] we took the sibs to the shore to meet up with some friends we had made in the pub the previous night thank you [Music] we've made friends with some heroic locals we're gonna attack the yacht round fly around to my man's gath and pick up some Lobster pots there but you might recognize my man's Gaff because we were there yesterday launching this thing and we're back there today to pick up some Lobster pots come to Scotland oh Santa so we're out here in the enclosed cockpit me Alan Henry we're just uh on Watch and it's literally gusts into like 29. I'll go to the deck you know go check all the anchor Road okay bro I'll keep Geeks On You pardon I'll keep looking at you cheers morning Chavez it's the second full day of Owen in this Salem boat we had a bit of a rough night last night winds up to 35. we've got snow up on those mountains [Music] all the boys are up and Henry reminded us that we've got a Lobster Pot in the water from last night so he's gonna start getting it up now oh it's actually got a crab two crabs great three crowd look a lot look at that geez hi it's legs growing back you can see definitely felt like it to start with oh wait you've got so much Bro you've got one oh you've gone bro the look today even get him on the bike there you go yeah I've got it I've got it I got him just been doing a bit of uh fishing again let's even catch any more docks we've just realized the green huli's going past once again get up the green it was time to go home but the blue spur already felt like home couldn't wait to return to the island for the first Adventure on our new yacht boys we'll see in a bit Yeah High chances of getting a shot oh you do wear the kill cord my kill cord is actually attached follow that down to my Croc and my Croc is in sports mode [Music] thanks for watching make sure to like And subscribe
Channel: Outside Your Zone
Views: 140,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Outside your zone, First yacht, new yacht, sailing around the world, pirate ship, inflatable boats, rough seas, big waves, camper and Nicholson, Comus of wivenhoe, Isle of bute, budget yacht, new sailing channel, small sibs, Blue Spurr yacht, fishing, crabs, lobster pot, adventure, £30000, $30000, ocean sailing, ailsa craig, isle of arran, loch gair, dji mavic air, transatlantic, Solo sail around the world, Circumnavigation, Schooner, Wooden, Money lost, Viral, Pacific, Clipper, Fail
Id: QhR_W9kTtUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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