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what's up everybody kawaii rk masters are here hi guys oh my goodness look at this gem game it's full of keychains and what is that just decorative plates of delicious looking food yum oh mike i know meat too that's a keychain for sure oh but which side do we want to play on i think that's a wasabi pillow it's a pillow like a wasabi tube [Laughter] tuber style super style and then look at these right here oh my gosh so many keychains are on there and then they have this side oh it's another tube i wonder what that one is lemon lemon maybe wasabi lemon or maybe a yuzu tooth ooh it doesn't have that much on it though no bobby but hey we might win we never know that is true and then they have this side over here which has a ton of stuff but i'm afraid it might fall off what do you think which side i'm afraid too i'm afraid it might fall off as well but hey we just gotta try it all right you wanna try this side first yeah should we do this all right five dollars in six tries you wanna go first i think you should go first this is our first time here guys we're in kyoto welcome to kyoto i like kyoto kyoto is beautiful and this arcade we found it's called game field first time here this is our first game playing good luck sweetie is it anything like old faithful wow this thing is slow good super slow oh my this is going to be a long video oh look else i didn't realize the scoop is small wow that just noticed that yeah that is a super small scoop oh you got your first prize hey that works for me you want to show what we won what is it it was upside down i have no idea oh you got that nice honey oh it looks like a basket of rice and vegetables and shrimp and unagi i see unagi cut up in there too that one's about to fall too nice i wonder what that one is it's upside down oh oh are you gonna be able to scoop it are you gonna be oh you got gems though got gems what's this gonna do is this gonna fall down into the price shoot come on come on [Music] oh so close honey yeah it's really the buttons are really sensitive i hear you pushing it one time and it's not doing anything so you have to do like the one two three four five to make sure it goes oh nice it looks like you got a hamburg plate hamburg um oh is this gonna fall now it hasn't moved yeah it's stuck up there was that five dollars already wow can i have five dollars and try all right my five dollars with six tries that bowl was moving a little bit all right let's see what i want to play for i want to get those huge key chains yeah there's a curry oh something fell hey i won all right you want to get it out yeah oh why i'm gonna go for this one the omoris oh nice it looks like a a plate full of tempura on there i love tempura all right let's see what this does shall we i have another key chain coming right here omurice it looks like ketchup omorais oh those key turns are huge i hope i can scoop it was it too early yeah oh i was too early oh come on push these down push these down push maybe right here can i get any of these anything ah they got pushed yeah that was close i got three tries left with my five dollars okay oh i gotta jump about to win this goal i wonder what's in it i wonder if it's ramen ramen ooh that would be good well i think it's a dewdon bowl is it a huge one i don't know maybe because i see gildong bowls right there oh i would love a giodon bowl right now guys i think it's ramen leave a comment down below what is your favorite japanese food to eat yeah right aren't these making you hungry looking at these goodies i know what mine is what's yours sukiyaki yeah i want the bowl what is it oh what is it what is it uh looks like udon it looks like udon yum right noodles noodles udon udon i got two tries left okay what to go for what to go for haven't had any luck picking up the big keychains maybe i can get i don't want those those aren't keychains i want keychains i want keychains i want keychains those are all decorative plates yeah those are for just decoration i want the one with the keychain so i could put on my bag or my backpack or oh that's a big one coming up yeah i think that's uh it looks like curry it looks like curry kinda um that's what it looks like or it could be stew could be japanese stew oh no maybe it is curry oh did i go too soon i think i went too soon ah oh i got a plate oh and you pushed it back i got a plate though i got plate that's a key chain back there the very very back one honey df5 ready it's gonna be your turn soon we want to keep it open oh oh oh come on yes yes i got two honey nice all right your turn five dollars in oh that key chain looks like it's about to fall in we've seen that ramen bowl in um the mini claw games we haven't won that one yet looks like a seafood kind oh oh with that it's in the back so i'm gonna put it in the back okay that's a good idea to push those forward yep push those nice big keychains forward oh what about this ketchup right there with the tomato and broccoli oh that's michaela's one of michaela's favorite dishes to eat yes oh put it in the back in the back nice oh no that fell off that's okay oh no i'm hoping that big one's gonna fall off you think so i hope so what the omures you want that to fall off yeah the real big uh which one is this one the plate to fall down oh you said fall off did i say fallout he said fall off that's like no don't fall off to the bottom platform okay oh no my omori's kitchen is now in the dead zone oh you have three tries left okay oh look at all these goodies right here a steak plate a kid's meal the square one the soba noodles ooh soba noodles didn't really get much either no you know what they're getting pushed back yeah maybe we should try a different spot maybe maybe try for the almond try to get a pillow oh [Music] big power jumper right oh please please please oh it's getting there it's getting there it's almost there you have one try left hand okay one try left then my five dollars yep yay come on you got it ready right you got the five dollars ready because it's gonna close okay just want to make sure this door doesn't close just in case that one's about to fall in [Music] you can go right here there's like three things in one spot you can get oh oh oh but you got a bunch of gems that's a big scoop of gems nice all right money honey money honey before before it closes oh yes all right my five dollars and if we don't win anything here we move on you know because oh you're dropping money you're dropping money yeah if we don't win anything here this has been there for a while i don't see it moving all right let me see let me see let's try for this hamburg plate right there yep i got it honey you dropped money again you dropped the bill that was good come on bring that keychain bring that keychain down come on come on come on yes that's what i was hoping for oh come on it's moving it's do you see it guys do you see it moving oh nice nice put it in the back yes oh look at that keychain isn't it pretty oh wow come on i'm gonna go for this gildon bowl right here oh [Music] i got it i got it put in the front this time i got two tries left we're we're doing good i'm wondering if this keychain is going to fall back into the kick nope it fell in nice yes all right how about these goodies right here can i get these goodies anyone anyone i got no i had it i had one i have one try left you want to see what kind of goodies we got so far yeah all right one of these okay so we got two of the baskets yay and then i see a key chain there nice what else that oyster right i think it's mussels are those mussels those look like mussels oh and a casserole dish yum like a gratan and a mackerel a few of my favorite dishes to eat yum yum yum um i think they're kind of pushed back now what do you think i agree i think we're gonna do this one last try and move on to another section yeah another section or another game we'll see another game okay we can do another game there's a ton of gem games here ton of gem games yeah i think i'm gonna go right here i'll go right here right here right here no yeah everybody this one this plate the one that's upside down yep okay now there it is right there right there right there come on come on i went too late huh yeah put in the back push things down oh i lost a plate i lost the kitty plate oh it is moving it is but it's gonna take a long time you're right oh no i lost the sushi plate the sushi fell all right that door's gonna close now [Music] wow this door stays open pretty long is it oh is it stuck no no obviously oh interesting i know right do we have anything else in there did you grab all the prizes yeah it's still open oh there it goes it closed oh i like that i like the fact that it stays open for a long time that's good nice just gems and these are all the goodies yep these are all the goodies yay yeah let's try a different gem game look at the cute little whales oh my goodness there's three of them on the platform honey can we try oh i see seals penguins bunnies is that a princess in there oh they got a bunch of different crystals in here all right five dollars in six tries oh it didn't go through what happened oh sometimes it gets stuck always good to chat and then oh there it is there it goes all right now we have our six tries good luck sweetie oh another small scoop oh but that looks good oh just barely he's putting the gems in the back to help push the pink whale down yeah they have a killer well too oh oh i want that killer and a panda and a doggy oh they got a really good selection of crystals in here they are kind of far back you are right about that but if you get a big scoop of gems you can push that pink one down yep come on sweetie come on get the otter get the otter oh oh it got pushed oh oh is this gonna push down the whale we got four tries left right oh the seal looks no not the seal um oh the penguin oh he's going for the penguin maybe that looks good come on oh it's still in the running though it's still in a good spot for next time when it comes around that pink whale is moving it's moving i see it oh what is that i think it's a princess is that a princess i think so i want this whale oh is it like the dolphin is it oh yeah it's just like the dolphin it's hard to scoop oh no usually the big ones are yeah and you have two tries left oh look at the whale are you gonna get the whale i hope so oh my goodness wow this is really hard to scoop you got one last try and then my five dollars yep yay oh come on come on please please please please i think i'm going too late can i go over there real quick yeah i'm gonna go over here and go by this side yes thank you sweetheart all right he's putting in my five dollars right now yay he's got puts us at 30 i think so 30 now yes we played 20 on the food game and now we put 10 dollars in here all right go ahead and drop that your last scoop excellent what's it gonna do oh i thought it was gonna fall down all right my turn all right let's see if i can get this doggie right here you want to hold it for me oh yeah sure thank you oh that was bad yeah yeah the scoop is really really really tiny so buddy trying trying to scoop yeah they're really late they're too far in that way they really get them yeah yes oh yes get the wheels fall down nice nice oh and i get pushed back oh man maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe not oh i hope it doesn't get pushed off does it oh because there's a gem right underneath the that whale down there oh no don't fall i think this is gonna be it is gonna be it i think this is gonna be it they're all in bad positions yeah oh oh no oh no it's gonna fall yeah yeah that the pink whale is sitting on top of a gem and it's not it's kind of like the gem is acting like a wheel it's just gonna push it right off just like that yep there you go it is moving the wheel is moving is it it is you want to try five more sure okay let's do five more i did see the whale moving so there is hope so let's go for big piles of gems then forget trying to get the crystals i agree okay all right five dollars and six tries 35 into gem games oh that looks good gonna go for the front yes nice nice nice it's moving it's moving it's moving you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good big pile jumping big pile of gems yeah these kind of gems they're kind of hard to get underneath they are they're really difficult come on come on you gotta wait for the platform to go to the back and drop nice that's great all the pink whale honey the pink whale [Applause] oh can you get the pink one oh my goodness did you see that i know it's somersaulted off it's too bad this apple isn't moving this yellow apple right there yeah these gem games are really slow no slow well you've got the blue whale yeah and i think that's it you got two tries left two tries all right oh big big scoop big scoop oh that's a good scoop that's a real good scoop okay what's this gonna do is it doing it yeah it's not moving anything on the left side because the gems are falling mainly in the middle and to the right oh but you're doing great oh thank you anything last scoop all right big pile hopefully hopefully hopefully oh wow look at that big scoop it was a big scoop till it all fell off well it was slowly falling oh there goes the pink whale oh it moved honey did it five more dollars what moved the white whale the white one uh-huh well the clear one five more yeah but is it gonna move that all right it's it's right up against it it's right up against the yellow apple okay and then that pink wheel is coming around again you want to try for the pink whale yeah oh but look there's like a big pile coming right up by the orange dog or what about this scoop right there yeah we need some big scoops of gems the bigger the better yep uh oh that looks nice yes yes all right so we gotta wait right away in the front yep yeah it's right up against the apple oh oh man everything's just like moving behind it okay wait you know i'm gonna try going right here and maybe it might cause the bunny to move down a little bit it didn't but here comes the pink whale oh here comes the pink wheel honey you get ready yep here it comes here it comes please scoop it please scoop it please okay please okay okay please i have a feeling it's gonna fall in the back yeah me too ah just like that oh no and it's to the right uh two bad areas oh we'll just get two big or three scoops we got three tries left okay so three big scoops but yeah you got the whale on there again just in the wrong area oh [Music] nice those went on to the left side which will help push the left side right a little bit right two tries left two tries left oh big big scoop honey big scoop right here yeah yeah right there i see it comes here come on gems fall to the left only one really one chest it's because the whale is there oh that's right whale is there and it's just oh bouncing everything off it yeah all right last scoop okay last one i don't know if it will do anything yeah i mean the whale did move a little bit but it wasn't much all right last one and nothing went to the left because because of the whales there because the whale all right oh oh that was fun though it was fun yeah the whale's moving the whale is moving no more yay we got a blue one you're so cute nice good job sweetie i love it how you display our prizes [Laughter] i tried our prizes for today that was so much fun that was amazing it was hard it was hard it's definitely a different gem game than what we're used to yes but it was still fun to play and we're not walking away empty-handed oh look at all that stuff right now i'm hungry all right guys if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up comment down below subscribe turn on that post bell notification ring a ding ding and we'll see in the next video bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Kawaii Arcade Masters!
Views: 38,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kawaii, kawaii arcade, kawaii arcade masters, japan, japanese, plush, prize, game, play, win, how to, the time, family, fun, luck, mystery, collectible, toy, gem game, gem, crystal, fake food, toys, kyoto, claw, the claw, crane, the crane, crane game, cranegame, arcade, masters, arcades, japanese arcade, gem push, gem push game, gem pusher, gempusher
Id: y_6KrAnWgdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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