WE ARE GETTING CLOSE! 50/20 MODE || Ultimate Custom Night

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Wow if you clicked off the total clickbait video then job I mean I am better than Jack Paul Oh low steady on Oh God you come on camera okay guys if you remember yesterday stream and we beat Noah at 4920 mode and took us a long time but we finally did it and then we started practicing 50:20 mode we got a brand new tactic and it's working really well and we got to 4 a.m. and we got we got killed by foxy because Fox is our main enemy at the moment guys Fox is causing loads of problems for or sudden it foxy didn't Jim scare us at the specific property would have got to at least 5 a.m. and Elise and you know it happens maybe we'll get lucky with foxy today who knows we'll see our lips fine I actually Google DNA's actually we've like the skin of the peach having like pollen and stuff even though I washed it okay hold on got a when AK forget and our hopes back you guys to watch me farming our rows of pointing up I don't classes he a classes okay doh if you remember the tactic normally thank you guys the normal tactic is what we do we get a bunch of em we get loads of em fast according to the star get the deathcore and get rid of fun time foxy right there way for plushtrap to spawn and get rid of plushtrap go straight on to come to before a minute starts I need to warm up though guys I need to warm up oh the first few things will be deaf deaf deaf deaf death because I need to remember what I did my fingers seemed weird on the keys odd on guys let me just have them a quick warm-up with all my senses [Music] now it's little up - it would take some time to get used to to be okay I still feel off you have the worst board point ever now again [Music] [Music] Danny my fingers are weird guys our fingers are not see weird out of place when I'm pressing the keys remember how I had them I remember weird on this [Music] [Music] I'm dummy Rockstar Bonnie spawn in there again boys I feel like I've got my fingers better I don't know it just seems to off just seemed off get the crap out of me [Music] [Music] again I got lucky with blue strap and then toy Freddy gets me [Music] yeah Topher DS trolling me hi you so much we've got this this is gonna take a long time let you know that just warning you now make up your mind choice ready like of your Moines yes come again I'll David stop Oh foxy this is what I mean guys I'm gay [Music] yes it's a better apart from Foxy all I'm saying I wish you could double deth Corinne man yeah double def coin toy Freddy in good time foxy you're amazing the record on record on record is or I am on wreck on record producers other people have said that they've got different times what they haven't filmed it thanks my face to time boys once we get jumpscared boy toys Freddy now I clicked on your freaky guitar oh my god didn't I click on that that was really weird it must have respawned straight away I clicked on his guitar and it respawns unless I'm hallucinating I'm pretty sure I clicked on that doing that guy's takin too long gonna die oh boy jj-just something stupid like that there's no point okay I have the vent short but sometimes it just goes weird in the blooming Nui good good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay goddamn e you are a horrible thing I hate you with a passion no I'm Ariane ruin so many good runs because you lift up the camera and you have to go on the mask you have to if you don't do it golden Freddy gets ya so it's such a stupid place where we ease because you have to go on the mask if you don't then you screwed and it's just in the way all the time constantly bloody annoying I see my height no it Merion look constantly in the way I get ready hurry up you stupid bleep screwing boys [Music] how am I still alive thanks foxy I appreciate that but God sighs I thought that's already hurt and it's been what do you mean it's guys I'm foots already hurt in they a lot give a joke game good start guys getting screwed over by stuff not mean to do that again Oh you go again I want to beat my record - no at least I always withered body was in the office anyway guys that would have died you long for stuff to leave oh come on golden Freddy disappears straightaway boy I am for Iams the records so far I want to get to 5 I am at least [Music] oh damn it man have a little there chill guys a little bit hello chat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am trying all the animatronics what are you talking about that's 5020 mode I [ __ ] her still must watch my tummy hurts as well Marie I think I'm dying [Music] [Music] you frickin horrible troll [Music] [ __ ] Danny what a troll that really screwed me over then I'll hate Valora when she she always spawns at the most stupidest times always a new spawn in the most Awkward places as well Oh God sighs and I always misclick LP always and he makes me freakin reset accidentally lifted up the camera boys you have to die about a billion times to get to 1 a.m. and then you get screwed over by something else you're being a big troll today if spawning in the same place and I don't want him there we did it again of course you did and I accidentally lifted up the camera again and now you're here I can't look and see anything [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh keys out guys I'm gonna die I bought you guys a high-poverty oxys a runkiller I hate the dude hate him really sucks he doesn't leave the table and he shouldn't have jumped scared me there no Ava because bonnie was on the tae-hee ball I hate it when foxy just doesn't leave the table when you know I think it would have been more fair if he did like it was a 50/50 split between Bonnie and foxy being on the table so when you lift the camera off Bonnie's on the table on the on the camera boxes on the table before that would be a much better mechanic than Fox she's just been an absolute troll all the time change the office [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please deposit five good [Music] I really needs to Berkeley restaurant that annoys me like that I don't think that's fair when Bonnie's on the table Fox you should not be allowed to jump scare you it completely breaks the Mechanica foxy in the first place it falters on the table then foxy gets an extra step with Bonnie's on the table and it shouldn't be allowed to do anything [Music] [Music] that's why I never let it took my camera anymore guys because it seems those Scots doing it where can just jump scare you [Music] a DJ yeah I'm doing a short stream today I think I don't know why I'm do you mean I'm not getting close I was the first time I got close and that was an error there died died died died accidentally went off the camera [Music] voice-off got to put the things on [Music] [Music] I shut the door I must have lifted it up too quickly [Music] [Music] come on [Music] you are you better a trekker on a stick do don't play nice new slow are you oh give me a goddamn break you Jesus Christ guys do not attempt this ever in your lives just don't do it don't do it do not do this to yourselves let someone else do it like me or DJ cuz we're the only stupid idiots who actually want to sacrifice their lives to do this for you guys employ into cannot see we're all yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] accion sugar [Music] was it five coins please thank you oh you kidding me it's over when the hell does rock star Barney appear then never warning gazillion chance for rock star Bonnie to spawn there oh my god onon gazillion chance boys that happens and it happened to me when we're doing good well I'm not good our power was terrible but that's not the point we're doing it to just beat it it's just [Music] I hate you you spiky little [ __ ] Oh get lost oh my god [Music] a sharp affinity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I didn't you know not deaf Koide him it distracted with plush pony would strap whatever technically come on foxy what the hell is your problem guys this is ridiculous give me a break man [Music] [Applause] gotta get lucky guys really this run is look like I had you shorts I've ordered you shirts I actually did but I couldn't see because shadow Bonnie blocked it so I couldn't see what I was doing [Music] god damn for you [Music] come on game oxy god damn it foxy is to Opie Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our banks will defuse the chats Boxey is guys i know you're supposed to watch him but the like the way that we deal with foxy i think is a good tactic because we try and get Bonnie on the table as much as possible the thing now with foxy is that foxy is always on the table it's like 80% of the time even if you lift up your camera about 20 billion times foxy is still on the table and I don't think that's fair oh oh I preferred the original mechanic where it was between Bonnie and foxy all the time now it just seems like foxy is constantly on the table and you can't do anything about here and it's looks I'm just try and get lucky that you get Bonnie on the table and when you do get body on the table foxy still freaking get you anyway look at the table boys [Music] oh my god oh the music for literally a millisecond then noise it's definitely when scrap trap appears when scrap trap spawns below our kills you instantly if you don't have the door shut [Music] come on foxy guy this is what I mean Foxy's not moving he's waste so much freaking power keep lifting up you god damn camera all the time and foxy does not freaking leave that table ever ever ever ever never does ever and it's so annoying because he freakin shorty should leave when you go up on the camera oh look how many times foxy spawn please no it's Barney [ __ ] on a stick let's have a little break boys of getting angry stone you I really wish Fox he was more fair guys I feel like 50 20 mo is gonna be impossible if Fox he's gonna keep being like that I'd do anything you lift up the cab when he's still there you have to keep lifting it up until he goes and he sometimes he never goes and then he just spawns in your office you [Music] you you you you you [Music] hello Psychopaths welcome new people I appreciate the support and old people [Music] anxiety now you can't guys you've got a deaf go in front I'm foxy cause you'd you would one time foxy is the one you need to def coin you have to do you have to def coin front I'm foxy or that if you want to survive till six because you need to stay on camera too to keep on god of the plushies you don't do that you dead part go on to funtime Foxy's home because the plushies will just kill you you have to stay on camera - or the minute marker before the minute marking you do everything else get rid of plushtrap then you just gotta say on cam - that's all you need to do it's that freaking simple it's just an it's just a 4921 that's it but for some reason boxey's just been really unfair recently and I I can't do anything about it usually Barney spawns on the tire buh buh not at all I don't know every 50:20 mode has changed foxy or something shouldn't have or if you def call in a character or everybody else's difficulty goes up I don't know I've got the global music box on to take care of the puppet and chica boy Freddie's just look diced care of him once and then go and see what you want and hopefully he doesn't jump scare you hopefully it takes care of him for the rest of the night and get lucky if you do it you you having I don't think it's nothing oxy I don't think ox is being nerfed I think it's making it balanced balance between Barney and foxy because at the moment foxy is overpowered compared to Bonnie because foxy spawns more on the desk than Bonnie and if there were both the same difficulty shouldn't they be the same difficulty which is 50/50 if Scott maids Bonnie appear more on the desk that balances the game out it doesn't nerve foxy imbalance is he Oh that's my opinion no my opinion is at the moment guys foxes just being stupid and really Steve and he's not leaving the table when he should greens black because I'm not on the game I'm because I'm talking I'm having a bit of a break no I mean don't have to check on foxy in Pirates Cove you don't have to do it you can just do a tactic where Bonnie's on the table at all times and the way to do that lift up the camera and back down and then Bonnie spawns on the table but with this new patch it seems like foxy or anymore on the table and then seems to have them affected the mechanics a little bit you and you it's why it's what killed over and last get that last night we got to like 4:00 a.m. but Fox she was being a troll when I died because Fox he was being a smelly poo now he patched foxy air guys because apparently he was getting stuck in the office and I think that's why he's made the oxy things appear more to fix that bog but because he's done that it's unbalanced the mechanic between Bonnie and foxy you I think the way he's fixed Hoxie is to make foxy appear more on the table though he jump scares you faster but because of that Bonnie's sporting less and that makes it unfair that's a smaller pinion though don't hate me that's what I just personally think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that Oh Dee Dee's fine [Music] same problems foxy boys I'm not even kidding the main problem is foxy at the moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is always happen why does rock star Bonnie always spawn at that specific point up Tommy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now so much stuff was going on then guys what the f word Jesus man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] five coins this is what I'm eating guys this is exactly what I mean how angry I lifted it up for literally a second foxy what the hell was that for [Applause] [Music] ox is bullcrap voice I won't be able to do this if foxy stays like that [Music] [Music] please just goes back too much stuff going on again I got sworn a high-touch phone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] actually still here guys [Music] broken ass character broken is like should just cease to just go away when you lift up the camera unless I'm just get really unlucky with it I don't know boots ain't on my nerves now oxy spawned in the office if you didn't see behind night Mariani was there no I just died because there was no point trying and I forgot me too I got to get rid of their visual effect [Music] [Music] that was the perfect one that was the perfect run boys that was perfect [Music] [Music] look she's still here are you kidding me game this is what I mean I'm dead I'll just keep going no because whatever power no leads very good boys I'm triggered really starting to annoy me now I've full-on ribbon in everything what she jump-scare me if it bodies on the table guys look this he should not be able to attack me next turn but he will [Applause] [Music] nevermind he would have guys you would have attacked me I swear he would have got me then I promise if chica did you get me you is gonna get thee [Music] if noise if if Fox you didn't jump scare me then and chica didn't I would have got beat my record because that's when I died before because of foxy and but I just left the power running and I didn't I didn't I didn't reset the vent because I knew who is gonna get me but I feel like if Bonnie's on the table foxy shouldn't be allowed to get yeah oh why windows [Music] now you can't def coin foxy an only deaf core in front I'm foxy end of story I don't do anything else at the moment you want to be fifty twenty mode you have to deaf core in front I'm foxy gone deaf corn foxy [Music] [Music] I don't think Scotty's going to balance Fox you know to be honest [Music] [Music] and only use a deaf coin once I don't know what you're saying both because you can't do that deaf coin doesn't decrease points eyes I'll be playing this game for a week you're acting like Sherlock Holmes [Music] [Music] I got sick of their foxes orangey guys and I def coined him for my 49 420 rune because he's just a troll you you guys Fink nightmare eons annoying but at least he's you know it's fair if you put your mouse on the screen where he is that's your fault but foxy is just on a different level Pisces like s plus plus plus rank where he just stays on the table all the time and you start complaining like me [Music] [Music] I'm doofen nightmare eons a little bit unfair when you put the mask on you shouldn't be allowed to get you and you've on the buttons but the mask button in the camera but and you shouldn't be allowed to get you then but he still does good oh that's what it's like [Music] [Music] oh but that's a hard work over the food shop there [Music] Topsy oh I'm foxy when we're doing well man oh my god what a Joe I'm dead Rockstar bunny is a troll [Music] not mean to do that my mouth freakin went on the camera of course it did IIIi don't know what my mouse did then [Music] obviously is not something good [Music] [Music] would you expect me to new game what the hell do you expect me to do [Music] you you now again [Music] [Music] [Music] give me a goddamn ride Topsy guys look at this bullcrap that's the love that's the biggest load of crap I've seen in a game I was literally off the camera for two milliseconds yeah I go tonight get out bull crap [Music] Boxey is the biggest load of crap in this game is completely just brush item [Music] [Music] have to get that out boys you sack of crap a good day is it not getting very lucky are we okay I'm very lucky today [Music] [Music] - trash trash wasting everything Thanks thank you so much for Laura because that is really fair isn't it that you're allowed to do that [Music] [Music] you I am kind of doing I'm getting done guys this is starting to affect me a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] right voice let's have a break have we already been streaming for an hour and a half I'm flies when you crazy then my eye sees just broke [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna give up guys let me just get a drink and stuff [Music] oxi man bricking foxy [Music] oxi foxy foxy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not dead or into a dream and some foods to chillax for a little bit and think about stuff boys at this current stay right this is the only possible way to be 50 20 [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I'm craving a coca-cola - in in always a bunch of always coca-cola slushy [Music] I'll show you that true circle hello [Music] I love your videos we just relax guys have been streaming for an hour and a half so just need to chill for a little bit or I'm gonna get sick and die yeah a coca-cola guys with a bunch of like like this but we've coca-cola oh good isn't it water's fine but I just fancy something gardeny drop my drink like so I need energy I'm not I'm not I'm I'm not sponsored I'm not that car you [Music] and yeah I can explain this strategy I could make I'm gonna I'll probably make a video about this and this for this weekend a proper video like three minutes long just talking about the mechanical know if you watch and I'll tell you right now okay but Sam I'll show you without anything active now at first okay the mechanic is soon as you spawn turn on one press that now on the dog took the right bed we'd be being go on that get rid of toy Freddy get coins if you can go on to come so and duck it down turn the phone I'll put the music box on go down that's it let me do it slower camera down mask egg open bats camera down there and if help ease their click on him as well okay so camera down mask and and yeah healthy camera down ass and that's helping and then you should have ten fast corns boy then then go on the camera by the def coin to go on to come six DEFCON fun time foxy off the camera back down but the fan back on when you can you activated anyway when that's done and Dede will start to activate and the characters though shallow Bonnie's the first one when you hear the second signal that's when police trap spawned okay when you want to do that press I W F on and then plushtrap should be here wait three seconds you'll disappear as soon as that happens no one come to camera day and maps everything off put the power back on on that and then you just wait around if you foxy on the desk you're gonna have to quickly flip it back up and back down but if you want to do that always keep the left and front vent short for that down open hey I'll show you in fast mode I can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got unlucky then guys rock star Bonnie spawn so I would have died anyway thanks going Nick I won't beat it today I'd love to be is my records [Music] pressed F instead of day press D instead of F by the way every time I go off the game guys I'm just resetting my last save which has my own eye all my power ups on I didn't do that you'd be waiting about two hours from all my powers back and I can't be bothered [Music] you may open a strap boy Friday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many times has that happened how many times has that happened guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys that was the angriest I've ever beam I accidentally pressed X instead of Z as always because the freaking keys are too close together I haven't still no I don't have no I I still have no idea boy Scott decided to put Z as the flashlight instead of control [Music] Oh [Music] I was a good Verna's well guys and I screwed up again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what and their boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a shame what a shame [Music] [Music] [Music] I may not like wet floors of course the powers to logos because I had to keep the music box on because of mangle being in the office look who's here guys look who's here everybody bonnie was in the back rockstar bonnie was in the background guys as always when i'm doing it when i have a good run he always spawns always you you you [Music] sorry rockstar bonnie is really trolling me today [Music] [Music] [Music] but every time guys a mask twittered Barney women Bonnie spawns in the office every single time Roy and that triggers toy Freddy's jump-scare that's what I think that's what keeps happening got to learn what's going on and that's what happened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please deposit five points foxy frickin foxy boys god damn it it's over I'm not even gonna lift up my camera or chica [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from that guys that was atrocious all thanks to mr. you know who Jesus I knew he was there come on Brian Jesus I know how to get rid of nightmare chica Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not getting triggered guys I'm just trying my best to concentrate he my head in the zone big break Oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to get I want to beat my record I want to beat my record [Music] Oh bond def coin Oh marionette No [Music] Thanks that's guys more and I will be M dreaming again tomorrow guys tomorrow night I'll be trying again and if I stop playing tonight the only fine guys this is gonna take a long time to get used new well I'll say that but I don't think a long time he's gonna help anyway because it's just crazy it's crazy 50 20 mode is crazy I'm really proud that I've got to for I am though that even if we don't beat it I'm prayed with that time I'll be very I'll be I'll be like proud but if even if 50 20 mode is impossible I got to at least 5 a.m. I'd be like really happy now I am deaf cording front I'm foxy because I have to because I can't go off on time Fox's camera if I go to check fun time foxy guys I'll just die those are the plushy animatronics I it is literally impossible impossible yet 60 fast coins it's impossible because knowing on the cameras spawns everything and impossible now the strategy I'm using now literally is literally the only strategy you can use at the moment until fast coins are more common or something [Music] [Music] I come on guys oh this is my tactic this is my strategy you can clearly see that it works because I got 2 4 I am let me do it please just let me practice with the strategy of use ok [Music] [Music] some of you guys in the chat really need to chill I've never met so many disrespectful people in my life in this history in the history of this whole channel I mean you guys really need to learn your manners the minority by the way guys hey you guys are great some of the comments are reason for so bad [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coffee's on the table any like noise boxes did not move again oxy always gives me the best look there's a name I hide him [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why door didn't spork born quick and quick enough guys [Music] I can't eat a peach boys my lips swell up confirmed [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] and closer than the clothes with the most the closest we beam or I am 50 20 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] noise it's a set system it is plan devs anytime I check on plushtrap it's over withered Bonnie or rocks are Bonnie spawns every single time it's set out guys and there's a warning gazillion chance that that doesn't happen [Music] vámanos [Music] yeah nods come on I'm knowledge it's abandoned than mean people and you're not doing it why aren't you doing it I gonna get fired [Music] [Music] [Music] what am i doing always happens dork spazzy toe [Music] oh come on Dave are you kidding me I bought you guitar whatever what the hell why was Rockstar Bonnie's still there I literally just clicked on his guitar and he was still there broke-ass B word Jesus Christ he literally respawn twice in a row what a load of that was bullcrap that was you paid I can't even explain how stupid that was he respawned like that i clicked on the guitar and he stayed there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's still there folks he's still there you dopey game [Applause] I heard you got a record but still I could have done better than that confirm going next to the camera and the night Merion right next to the camera as well is literally impossible because I have to take my time to get it because I'll flick the camera the night Miriam was there as well I'll take 316 that's a 13-second record he's a long time when you think about it that's almost a minute to say em that's fourteen seconds from 5:00 a.m. guys oh it's not 30 seconds they'll breaking fungi on the camera that ruined everything because I had to conserve power big I had to keep keep the music box on longer because of the music man and then everything just got screwed over Isaac took me it's took us 2 hours and 20 minutes to get a 30-second PB 13 seconds personal best 2 hours and 20 minutes to freakin hours to get paid taken TV are you at least it's progress boys at least its progress although at least it's progress [Music] [Music] I feel like it would be more balanced if no Marian's biding a wire was faster booze night Merion takes about ten years to fight away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my God look at this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'd ruin no point in trying if you know it's bad ruin to stop because you're just gonna waste your time and just get lose power anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah that was the best run of had all night and that happens of course it does what a joke what a stupid joke that is I can't believe he wasn't feeling it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Boxey is trash I lifted my camera I gave him a chance free time said and he did not move at all [Music] speechless guys what a rush Makani unbalanced unbalanced and not fair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh my god you can't even see no it Merion with all those little craps on you man that's what I keep dying I died like there that's time because of then you guys I apologize that I get angry please realize that is perfectly normal when you die by stupid stuff all the time constantly errors and errors and errors working on this and you die by stupid stuff like that you just have to sadly deal with it he's annoying now hopefully you guys understand that I get angry because it's not gonna change by appreciate all your support boys just make I'm not getting angry at you guys I'm getting angry at mechanics we need to do with you [Music] [Music] the funny thing these guys I knew that he was standing up then and my brain skips it's the zebu [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] you almost glitched sometimes on these screen my mouse is broke [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid [ __ ] that was a really good run as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good joke game you are a joke let's be real here [Music] the others are under my protection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh give me a problem or solve it and then you ruin it I'm okay boys I'm not dying inside [Music] as I might buy the deaf coin [Music] right I'm having one more set of runs guys and that's it for me I think you know one more set you then I'm gonna go watch a film in bed we've ice cream because I'm depressed Oh [Music] My gods now is the perfect ruin bootstraps board at the perfect time and then I gets ruined Jesus got me [Music] [Music] Oh God sighs I would have beam of toys there's always something he's in that always I was gonna be my PB then and that freaking fat piece of crap spawns sweaty nerds Lucy's games ten times easier to fly just me Tori Freddie if you are bad at that then you freaking suck Jesus Christ got free office doors to deal with what the hell am i doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll just be my record guys just be my record [Music] let's get to five IME all I was gonna do guys is try and get lucky and not get jumpscared so I was gonna get jumpscared anyway but now I regret doing that Sekai though that's we made a 30-second TV and I 30-second PB boys I should have waited but you know unlike no in seconds from 5:00 a.m. [Music] nine seconds from five iron boys and that's what I want is box he was trolling us again not fork just grew it Yolo just do with him in the office [Music] less than a minute away from beating it just the power guys that's the problem [Music] [Music] but if I eat yy-you know probably would have got better than that or I didn't I'm stupid and I don't think probably when I'm really on the verge of death I don't think right I could have then guys just kept the pelicans conversion finge on survived until five think EPS switching between it we'll do that next time now I'm reducing as much power as possible I turn off the fan and put the power saver on but like ten seconds at the star and then I get all the coins and I'll put it on again and I put it back off on and off on and off it's just when all that stuff starts happening guys like when I have to show all the doors for foxy that's when I lose lots of power because I have to keep those door no boos if I don't then I'll get jumpscared now when foxy trolls me guys I waste a lot of power [Music] [Music] [Music] two seconds guys are going for a week and then I'll do fine on all runs or a little bit but about 45 minutes maybe I'll keep going nimma give a sharp profanity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm back and [Music] when you're less than a minute away from be in fifty twenty mode you images sorry [Music] but [Music] my allergies have been horrible today [Music] I've got and I've got an alien living inside my neck if you haven't noticed [Music] well Jeff I was just waiting for you to drop into Garth [Laughter] I want to get to five a.m. guys I really do what a milestone that would be [Music] [Music] beeps happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stranger I mean I figured out a better tactic if Dede spawns early [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on more guys one more and I'm just annoyed that I almost got five am poor 30-second PB is insane but fifty twenty mode guys fifty twenty mode that's really good if we did another thirty Seconds tomorrow that's four minutes and if we did another 30 seconds on Sunday that's beating [Music] guys Dedes not spawning yes I'll die I am so easy didn't spawn ducks either happens sometimes [Music] thank you [Music] there we wait guys okay let me test this out [Music] never mind I think we should white first get the phase cones and plushtrap at the same time they have a lot of time what am I doing here [Music] thanks for the super chat skies and the support [Music] [Music] [Music] if I def coin you if I begin remember to def coin you that would have been a solid freaking ruin sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar damn it's duping mistake [Music] [Music] Foxy's being a troll babies being a troll come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you beat the gods side that is so unlucky I so unlucky oh wow we used to it boys get over it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boxes in my office guys of course she is that's how quick Foxy can be a complete douchebag I didn't def go in front I'm foxy anyway I forgot [Music] [Music] Edie [Music] am i you're loosening or am I not deaf coining him I just been stupid oh my god you another cool down boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh buddy out guys I can't even get a drink without people colliding in the chat [Music] come on not even open it harder than 5020 mode I mean these are lollies like ten years old but I'm having I don't care how small it is [Music] [Music] but [Music] oh did Brasil win we're never losing to nil when I was watching and Belgium England plague tomorrow guys if you interested in football are Brazil scored he won nice [Music] this is my bright guy I'm not playing am i I mean in this icicle Bob [Music] [Music] coming down boys coming home lats [Music] [Music] [Music] hice that always I used the heater Oh use the heat up just in case that was gonna happen and it happened okay [Music] [Music] [Music] boys well done [Music] [Music] [Applause] keeps again oh I'm changing my system guys [Music] I'll show guy you silly dog oh just kill me least that was the run voice and I blew it because I didn't deaf coin fun time foxy [Music] thanks for the and chance def coin def coin death coil def going def coin def coin def coin after coin def coin death touring death coin [Music] [Music] [Music] five points please deposit thank you for depositing five coins oh god damn II I did def coin then boys at the desk oi [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your rigs it's coming home it's coming Oh Oh scummy how it's coming up [ __ ] coming up it's coming for fools call me [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thank You cosmic I appreciate that okapi for Oh gah being home I said it would enough nice job [Music] [Music] [Music] come on ladies not spawning Dedes not spawning you think I'm annoying why you watching the stream [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hello angle-angle why are we still alive boys that's what you get for leaving me hanging [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god what how many times does that happened in a row guys [Music] [Music] very thank you like that very much and hope you doing well I can do it boys I can beat these just tight it's gonna take some time okay [Music] oh why something you you we've beat our record by 30 seconds guys I think that's amazing we're definitely getting better with this routine and odd man I can't describe how Hardy eeep I used to keep streaming or knowing diced right dying all the time has been the most hardest thing I've ever done in my life thank you Eric been so draining man I don't even I can't I don't even understand how my body's still working [Music] I have not had a single break but that's my choice I have you been patched or something [Music] you I swam Thank You Ali uh I will beat my PB tomorrow I think I'll get 5 a.m. tomorrow God's eye [Music] [Music] [Music] but I forgot against was demanded of me I forgot you know why I've forgot guys was because I had to go back down on the camera and back off that's why off the God because of withered Bonnie he screwed up the tactic and it made me forget you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect timing [Music] don't be shy the timings are great folks Scott is perfectly palms animatronics to come out when you're dealing with plushtrap perfectly good it intentionally because there's a set system here where these things this keeps happening [Music] sighs [Music] [Music] let's go guys and I'm doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bloody hell shade thank you very much I really do appreciate that if it's real thank you so much everybody else for the support tonight I mean that's me done boys I hate stopping because I want to beat it but a height you braid of one more round of token and see one more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got it y'all know it guys I can't get my finger off because of proxy so what is what is yello it boys [Music] now or seconds of 5:00 a.m. yeah or second and what a painful close you the new record guys bought I'm still annoyed it is a new record but I'm still annoyed because the foxy Knoxy wasn't there again I would have made it to like I would have made it to five Miami Fox he wasn't there because I had to yeah I would off the little bit I would have reacted would have been able to reset the Toyman I had to use my power all my power at the end because of the doors [Music] it is it is progress we are old school we beat our old score by like five seconds I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes that's true but we basically got like a a whole game hour before a.m. to 5:00 a.m. so that's pretty good we're getting better we've conserving power obviously by 40 seconds we are getting better with the power I'm not doing it don't much stuff going on guys with animatronics coming in all at once and very hard to conserve power you just have to get lucky and when I be when I when I need em 4920 mode guys had like 10% power left when usually I have none and that's why I die no just have to get lucky with the animatronics spawns Ordnung [Music] I'm going off after these guys I'm going off after these don't worry give me just a little more time just a little more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah whoa that is so broken broken trash you should reset when you go on the camera Laurie go he's had to let the net because he's true and it's something that I suddenly have to deal with every single second of every single day on this game because I don't like the fact that when you go on the camera of night Merion still there so I have to go on the freaking thing back go on the mask because I have to do because you've got them Freddie said that I'm screwed with a nightmare Ian's still there still 100% like 95% complete so when I go on the mask he kills me because he's not in focus ain't complete when I go back on the camera back off he's still there so when I go on the mask kills me because he doesn't reset and I think that's stupid that was a really freaking good run really good noise that is freaking amazing and we die by something like that and it really annoys me we get the gold we get the golden run boys the golden run right and when you die by something stupid like that so annoying African state he hasn't spores [Applause] [Music] the dead they didn't respawn [Music] give me just a little more time who agrees that foxy is a joke I do I do foxy mate you are a joke that was so unfair that's not even balanced you call that balanced then my name's Jim Bob Chaka dagger dude Oh [Music] DD's not spawning so it's the runs over boys the Rooneys over my friends I mean I can still try and salvage it [Music] good run again guys but we're shadow DD anytime I get a good run got Oh Dee Dee's never guys it's over [Music] [Music] you fat elf [Music] come on DeeDee come on darling need to be faster though ash it's not my fault listen up angry you fat elf I'm done boys that's me done for today or our stream we made progress though so it's fine I don't care we was all seconds away from 5 a.m. that's is good guys ok that's very good ok that's the best record I'm see on record yeah I've PB before was free three minutes and now we've got free forty you you won now that's a forty one second PV hey or seconds away from 5:00 a.m. I'll try again tomorrow I'll get some rest I had the footballs on so it will be a light stream like this time tomorrow and so yeah thanks to the support guys I am officially done with today's stream not with custom night I'll be back again tomorrow it is starting to get to be now though I wanted to get this done our users ago because I've just been streaming for a week straight and I'm not I haven't been doing any more content but this games been draining me and I want to get this done before I move on to something else okay I my Theory videos which still need to be done but I would just want to beat 5020 mode now that with this close I know that we can do it basically 5:00 a.m. on 50:20 mode he's really good one more hour guys in game 45 more seconds and it's done The Annoying fingers though I'm gonna go off and I but I wouldn't want to go again but gonna be sensible I'm gonna go off do tomorrow go same time same place where we're gonna die about a million times to try and get this done or try and get to 5:00 a.m. atlee hey I'm happy I'm proud thank you guys for the support trolls can go you know what they care everybody we're gonna do this I promise we'll get closer and close so we just need to be patient and take our time and not kill myself bye
Channel: Dawko
Views: 727,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate custom night, fnaf ultimate custom night, fnaf 6 ultimate custom night, ultimate custom night gameplay, ultimate custom night jumpscares, ultimate custom night dawko, ultimate custom night ending, ultimate custom night fnaf, ultimate custom night trailer, ULTIMATE CUSTOM NIGHT TRAILER, custom night, fnaf 6 custom night, ultimate, custom, night, freddy fazbear's pizza simulator, 5020 MODE, ultimate custom night 50/20
Id: BimoG8-o2MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 42sec (14022 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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