WD Black SN850X SSD PS5 Tests

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foreign let's boot up our PlayStation now and take a little look about what it says and thinks about the sn850x for those of you that have followed this channel you'll know this is not the first time I've looked at a wd black SSD on the PS5 and this latest release from the brand the main thing I want to take from today's video is trying to find out whether the PS5 can actually take advantage of the improvements that this drive does bring because WD black sn850 the original 2020 release is now the official PS5 drive and for now the sn850x we're looking at today is a higher performing drive just only marginally in read operations but in right operations more than a thousand megabytes per second Improvement something that a lot of us question whether the PS5 can take advantage of but for now let's format this SSD we're going to do three individual format operate here to give ourselves a benchmark and that first test is a lovely 6522 megabytes per second so we're going to boot into the graphical user interface of our PlayStation here and then from there we're going to reformat the driver two more times just to see if what the sustained performance of The Benchmark can be now anyone that's ever utilized uh an SSD in a PC system May well as we see the SSD there already listed there is our 2tb Drive um if we go ahead and reformat that drive and when it comes down to utilizing an SSD in a PC environment where reading rights are quite um kind of balanced more outside of just gaming read and write uh are parallel to themselves aren't always used 50 50 but the ratios are like 70 30 maybe 80 20 but in the case of the PS5 it really does make very clear separations between read and write activity as we've seen on numerous tests that we've performed in the background and consequently it's more like a 9010 scenario if that maybe even 95.5 read overwrite now the reason I'm doing this Rory format you're seeing here on screen one after the other is nice and simple a lot of the benchmarks that are advertised to buy hard drive and SSD manufacturers once again 6005 500 lovely stuff the benchmarks that are provided by most brands are based on PC Benchmark tools they're built on custom PC rigs that arrive with 8 12 16 and even more core processors in the Xeon and ryzon family these are PCS that are incredibly High spec whereas the PS5 doesn't take advantage of a diverse range of benchmarks there and indeed the benchmarks that utilizes and provides are not designed around PC implementation they are designed around PS5 targeted benchmarks that's why whenever I've tested ssds in the past where the brand has said seven thousand seven thousand two hundred seven thousand three hundred megabytes per second I've put it inside the PS5 and that Benchmark has shown me five and a half thousand maybe five thousand and the reason is because the ps5s Benchmark is based on PS5 suitability whereas the PC benchmarks that are advertised on ssds are based on that PC environment but right now this drive let's see if it can be three for three has so far given us that beautiful Benchmark of 6500 which is pretty much the optimal Benchmark let's see if it can deliver three on three because sustained performance and once again boom 6500 another great score there now why did I test that three times nice and simple because some ssds don't have the cash which is kind of like the memory on the side uh for sustained utilization they become oversaturated and it's one of the areas that a lot of SSD manufacturers can cut Corners with slower cash or smaller quantities of cash so what we were trying to do there was over saturate the cache by performing The Benchmark which is a pretty hefty thing to do three times but the sn850x from WD clearly did a very good job passing there now as you can see my cocktail storage is looking pretty full there I've got quite a lot of games there I've also got a USB drive connected there as well and what we're going to be doing today is bench testing a handful of games to see how they perform uh while loading and running on the WD Black sn850 versus that of the internal SSD we've also got comparison videos coming very very soon against WD black sn850 normal as well as a return comparison between this brand new X drive and the Seagate fire Cuda and the sabrant rocket 4 plus for me to the best drives in the market right now the PS five players and what we're going to do is head into these games apps and storage and the first thing we're going to do is a heavy right operation on that disc so what we're going to do nice and simple is move a select junk of games we're going to be moving these games right here and that's equating to 286 gigabytes of data or 207 I was looking at the wrong figure there so 200 gig of data now being moved I forget Elden ring um 250 gigabytes of data are being moved over now to the internal SSD and what we're going to see is how long this takes to move that data over we're going to go through it three two one now while it does that you're going to be able to see that little Benchmark score there on screen and although it's there's four minutes remaining that is by no means a guarantee the reason being one because the size of data being transmitted changes in size all the time it's not the same sized Blobs of data What's Happening Here is as that data is being moved over as the amount of data that's left in the amount a data that's been transmute has moved over is averaged out across the connection that average three minutes there which sadly doesn't show a seconds marker will fluctuate but in recent updates to the PS5 firmware unlike when the M2 SSD upgrade option first arrived on the scene for PS5 the movement of data to and from the SSD has been refined it's also been improved how it's visualized on screen and from what we can see here the fantastic write speed that the WD black sn850x provides us is doing a very good a job of moving this data over lovely and quickly and we can see that speed there and as you can see it flicked there between seconds and minutes as it was moving small and large blocks of data now later on after we performed our tests we're going to be moving this data back over to the PlayStation's own SSD and that is when we're going to be testing the read operation in sustained operation Now by that what I mean is right now the SSD on the inside of the PlayStation 5 is moving the data over to this WD black sn850x this is our heavy right operation all of the right is happening to our WD SSD whereas after we've done our tests we move the data back over this same 250 gig during that operation we're going to be testing its read the PlayStation is going to be accessing that high read figure of 6500 on that SSD to move the data back however even though there have been improvements in the PS5 Zone migration tools and how it does it it should be highlighted that moving data to and from the inside of the PlayStation 5 Zone SSD the data itself is still encrypted lots of work has gone into copyright protection and right protection as it's moved back and forth in blocks and consequently there is a certain element of packaging um archiving and extracting during the movement of data between the two Targets and just because we're running an SSD right now that has 6500 megabytes per second Benchmark read according to the PlayStation and the internal PlayStation SSD which is at least five and a half thousand megabytes per second the result is going to be that that reported maximum speed is not going to be matched because of that archival and encryption methodology in the middle there but for now we're going to let this wrap up it looks like it should in theory be done in the next 30 seconds for now 250 gig of data moving in this kind of speed between these storage method that is pretty standard I would say right now between moving them around it's very hard to compare this against the internal SSD because I would need to have another recipe you can't just reverse the read write operation because you'd have to match the internal SSD but for now the figures I'm seeing are still pretty solid for me there and I think right now we can start making our way after this into our first game but for now it's moved all of that data over and as you can see if we come out we can go back to the M2 storage we can see we've freed up all of that data and there on our M2 of storage we've got all of these lovely games ready for our testing so why don't we make our way into our first game for testing which is Assassin's Creed Valhalla so we're gonna run a couple of different tests on Assassin's Creed Valhalla now Assassin's Creed Valhalla was one of the earlier releases in the PS5 catalog and it has to be said I can you know spoiler alert say to you that the difference between the WD black and the internal SSD is not exactly ground breaking it's not a game that is going to give you too much in terms of difference there because of the way the game loads in it's quite heavily front loaded as you can see our first test is going to be loading from the title screen directly into gameplay we're using the same save spot uh in two different recorded instances one on the internal SSD on the top left and one on the top right there of rwd black sn850x both loading into the same area the map same safe Sub Spot same part of the game and the difference there the wdp black at an 850x definitely loaded in quicker but seriously that must have been if you're lucky a fifth to maybe a quarter of a second difference so the difference there at least in this loading instance being very very small as mentioned this won't be the only test that we're going to perform but I wanted to rush around in game there as you can see on screen just to kind of show the loading difference there and seeing if there's any texture problems or frame rate drops which didn't really occur as we went through those two comparisons and we'll load into our second test in just a moment there but right now I was mentioned because this is an early PS5 game um no one really taken advantage of the performance benefits what is made available on each of these and they're both running a smoother silk there across both of the tests now as we load into our second test there this is a fast travel point from within game world into another area of the game so again this should in theory be much quicker loading than we'd see from a title screen load there but it really does make a difference how and what assets are being loaded in both of the games loaded in very fast and yes the WD black sn850 did load the game quicker probably almost a second there I don't think it's enough for us to worry too much and start capturing frames but the WD black sn850x certainly loaded the game in a little quicker now a lot of you may argue that I've not loaded into a particularly different area of the game I didn't load into completely different climate different asset load in there again it's not going to make a fast amount of different it does still load in it doesn't kind of maintain any large cash style stuff uh scale stuff that's going to make a difference there but between the two games I would argue that the difference although in favor of the WD black loading quicker it wasn't a tremendous amount of difference between these two game loading assets then we'll make our way into our next game uh which is of course Elden ring as you can see they're on screen at Elden ring very similar to what we just did with Assassin's Creed there we're going to be loading in two different instances there with both of these one from the title screen and one loading in from in-game World this is a much much much later release I believe this was spring 2022 when Eldon ring dropped a multi-platform title uh running the PS5 version of this on the PS5 although you can download the PS4 version for some reason and we're going to be loading in uh on offline mode it should be highlight I'll touch on that later on why loading from the title screen there this is going to be immediate load into World both on the running side by side and very fast load time virtually identical I mean again if there is a difference the naked eye is not going to see it and before we load into the next instance here on Elden ring why I didn't load in from the PlayStation xmb menu quite simple there is a bunch of title screen stuff from from soft to other engine stuff which doesn't really affect the SSD loading why did I go for offline mode because this game does connect with from soft servers and that does impact the loading there so both of these instances were loading from an offline State something you can boot into from the settings menu but we'll get ready to load our second instance with these either side we're going to be looking from the in-game map we're going to move to a quite significantly different area again not going to make a huge amount of difference there's no metadata or anything like that for us to be concerned with but even looking at them they're running absolutely fine they're no difference and as we move into our second test an in-game World low this is to the a kind of windmill area north of uh the whole world map my God this is a large map and again activating fast travel there let's see this is going to be another quick one and I think the WD black may have had like a tenth of a second Advantage there but again huge like like no real means to give any kind of differential where you couldn't put that down to only one of a million factors and even as we're going into the game we're seeing no dropped in frame rate we're seeing no drops in texture we're not seeing any differences there between the two of them and ultimately I think I'm going to call this a tie because there's just no consequential Advantage there uh we're going to be doing a later video hopefully in a week or so where we compare the WD black SN 850 versus the X version but right now between these two we're not really seeing any Peak Performance difference both in the world loading or on the in-game stuff so we'll start making our way into our third test game which I believe is the Stanley Parable Now The Stanley Parable there again get used to seeing that Corridor there on screen uh you're going to see a lot now another thing a number of you who haven't played the game before May notice when we have them side by side on screen is a title screen difference um now the reason for that is as you progress through the game uh the game does change the title screen it doesn't make any difference to in-game loading so don't worry I am still loading two instances from the same safe spot and this is a constantly reload reloading reoccurring game so it's not going to make a big difference so this is a tile screen load and again ignore the slight flash you see there of the title screen being different between the two of them no consequence again and we load in very fast loading there straight into the game and again if there was a difference there it must be absolutely minor now don't worry about looking at the text boxes on the bottom of the screen on either of these or a different pace as I make my way through I've been doing this just to kind of monitor around the building so as you uh pass through it consequently they're not going to keep identical Pace In The Stanley Parable tests and in our fourth game test that's going to be another Factor as well but as we make our way through we're seeing no drop in that frame rate no drop in textures a number of you might argue this is quite an old game a 2013 release on PC uh to be testing but this is a game that has seen an enormous high quality upscale re-release for PS5 and as you can see they're on screen but sort of making our way around and I went for uh one of the very quick endings that you can get in the game there are millions and squillions of different endings and we'll try it again this is a second phase World load and by that what I mean is Stanley Parable as you make your way through the game ads assets ads choices ads differentials so a second world load is right off the back of that first initial suicide run there and as you can see once again completely clean unfettered loading identical on the pair of them there again this the game changes a lot of assets as soon as you pick up that bucket on a table this game utilizes a really intriguing loading system when you go through doors when you look for a number of the doors you think you're looking at another room and what it's actually using is a stretched uh kind of angular image which loads in every single room on the fly so again if you go to the YouTube channel boundary break they're going to a lot more detail about this but the way this game loads in every year it loads in room by room based on decisions you make so it's really a silent loading in quite the most extreme form but again absolutely fine the game loading in just very very quickly and both of them being near enough are identical there so we make our way into our last game which is straight I believe this was a July August 2022 released game here it's only going to be a single instant though we're going to be looking at here and in the Stray test it's going to be nice and straightforward we're loading in to I believe the fourth or fifth act and it's a combination of staged active events and in-game World loading there's a lot of lighting effects a lot of Ray tracing that's going to be there on screen during this next bit again don't pay too much attention until we load into this world load unscripted event should be relatively quick loading there between the two of them the WD has kind of had the lead up to this point but not a tremendous amount and we're loading into that save um again same area of the game and let's see and yes that was you know pretty clear win there for the WD black sn850x on the top right of the screen there of almost a second of loading again in the grand scheme of things very very small but at least you know right now that the WD black sn850x throughout this testing has at least proven it is um a pinch faster in loading the games we've looked at today compared with that of the internal PS5 SSD there again this will be a single loading instance there don't worry too much about the pacing um of the uh kind of active cut scene and pre-rendered assets uh taking place for the stories a bit there again I just made sure to try to change things up between the two instances but for now I think the WD black has proven itself let's make our way back to the studio and okay so now I've made my way back onto the GUI of our PS5 here and as you can see all of our games are still there located on that disk as before and now what we're going to do is start that migration of those games back so we're going to move them back onto the internal PS5 SSD there's our 252 gig so let's get ready and move it and let's start it off in three two one go and we're going to be able to see that when that data is being moved back we're going to see a very different number there on screen can you see whereas earlier on we were looking at a performance speed when moving the game uh the games over to the SSD of around three to four minutes now we're seeing figures very much in the double digits between 20 and 30 minutes there and fluctuating between again this comes down to the difference in read and write performance of the internal PS5 SSD versus rwd black sn850x and although I'm going to keep recording this to the end for our comparison videos when we show the transmission back and forth It's once again worth highlighting that as games are moved to and from the PlayStation Zone SSD there is certainly an element of encryption and extraction and repacking on a lot of those files which does take its toll as a bottleneck between sending the data between them but right now looking at all of the tests We performed and how the WD black sn850x compared against the internal PS5 SSD I've personally got two major conclusions to reach number one it loads the games just as good if not a pinch faster in places the difference is mere if not seconds then milliseconds and the um you know there is no loss of loading your games from the sn850x rather than the internal PS5 SSD of anything it is even better the second thing to take on board is looking at the results here and the results that I've seen before when I was bench testing the original WD black sn850 the one recommended now and officially endorsed by Sony I would say that there is little to no little to any benefit of going for the X version on your PS5 I've already speculated this in my reviews and I stand by it now I do think when it comes to going for a wd black SSD the X version's Main benefits are in right activity an activity that the PS5 as it stands right now still does not truly make the most of with all of its Reliance on read with it such a closed system so if you are in a situation where you're choosing between the WD black sn850 or the WD black sn850x go for the standard one you're going to save yourself some money because it's been around for a couple of years and you'll still get all the performance you need thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed this let me know in the comments I will be doing some big comparisons once again I've taken my foot off the gas on the SSD comparisons in the second third of 2022 largely because we covered a lot of ssds and I think this subject is quite well explored but with the new ssds coming in the market I do think it's worth touching on these as and when they arrive and I intend to do so for just the high profile ssds as well as comparing new high-profile ssds with high profile top tier Alternatives so stay tuned for that click like if you've enjoyed this subscribe to learn more go to the links in the description to all of the ssds that I talk about on the channel and the guides and the comparison results and use the free advice section over on the blog if you want to learn more but other than that I will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 28,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 45bttm9cCFY
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Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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