WCW Sting and Vampiro on Thunder 2000 Ring on Fire
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Channel: Maxdestruction Racing
Views: 243,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WCW, Sting, and, Vampiro, on, Thunder, 2000, Ring, Fire, GOLDBERG, Monster, Truck, NitroThunder, Jam, Hawaii, CLOD, TXT, JUGGERNAUT, TAMIYA, RC, GRAVE, DIGGER, BIGFOOT, MAXIMUM, DESTRUCTION, TRAXXAS, HPI, YOKOMO, 1/4, scale, 1/10, Awesome, Kong, Blue, Super, Pete, Batman, Spawn, Raminator, Eradicator, Wolverine, Bounty, Hunter, Overkill, Snake, Bite, Iron, Outlaw, Wheely, King, TLT, cre8tive, cre8tions, hawaii, Jessica, Alba, Megan, Fox, DVD, PS3, Playstation, Xbox, 360, Nintendo, wii, PSP
Id: 4l75Y2ZSUSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2009
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