Ways to beat the heat

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now to beating the heat today marks the first official day of summer with a sweltering Heat Wave spreading across the country Ginger's been talking about it all morning and many people are worried about protecting themselves in the high temperatures so Ginger's here to help keep us safe great to see you to see you this is real this can happen very easily it happens easily it happens a lot and we're seeing more heat deaths than we ever have before so I think it's really important to note the signs which we'll get to but today it's all about knowing oh I'm in an exess exive heat warning and from Fort Wayne Indiana all the way to Augusta main uh this weekend that heat is still going to backtrack and remember this is day three four five Heat's cumulative so even if you are in Little Rock or somewhere like Raleigh or Nashville parts of Kentucky could see records this weekend as well don't spend as much time doing strenuous things outside it's all pretty like you know makes sense but we just go on with our lives and we forget I think you can do it but you shouldn't and then last summer alone in Maricopa County where Phoenix is they had a record number of 45 heat deaths and a lot of that had to do with this length of time they were breaking records for consecutive days of Records so that's where we have to look at overnights those have been warming nearly two times faster and look at a city like Detroit 5 and a half degre is what they've added in their overnights just since 1970 and we were just talking you you've experienced this and it comes on so fast so fast it shocked me you know I was doing pretty regular things I worked early in the morning as we do then I carried my son around quite a bit we were in an excessive heat warning but then it was within minutes and that's the problem is your body can't regulate its own temperature it can happen within 15 minutes where it goes above 106 and so you'll feel nausea you have dizziness if you have heat stroke which is the most dangerous type you also could see a blistering rash slurge speech you could see people passing out and it does so let's talk about what people can do yes obviously call 911 immediately if you see somebody with any of that happening um there's an emergency SOS call feature that can help get people there faster and meanwhile you got to get the person to a cool dry place this was important for me I had a tight belt on loosen that loosen anything tight on them get towels with cold water on them obviously hydrate them but if they're passed out big note do not put water in their mouth they can choke if you put anything in there yeah um so I mean kind of obvious sugars things like that this you want just want to eat regular meals right like keep yourself fed and hydrated you can do coconut water but be careful because it can different brands have different amounts of potassium which can affect different people kidney disease and other things and avoid alcohol yeah stay away from this stuff unfortunately for some but you know enjoy everything safely yeah Jinger thank so much
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 2,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABC, GMA, Ginger, News, Zee, heat, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-111268584, precautions, safe, safety, stroke, temperatures, weather
Id: ohQwwo6mtyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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