Ways The US Civil War Is Likely To Progress

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okay excuse me as soon as i start the video i sneeze doesn't usually ever happen okay um so we're on we're on monday the 14th of september at roughly 8 30 and weather-wise i'm looking at unusually cool-ish 78 degrees now a dub a high in my area of about 96 this is a couple of ticks higher than what it should be it i would buy 91 92 as reasonably normal this time of year although a little bit hotter than it should be i think it should be clicking along at about 88 not that much but it is what it is uh they're really not seeing rain they're throwing 10 chance of rain around like candy tiberius in the cities around here probably hit 98 uh nick that kind of thing and it'll go down to about 70 72 at night which is nice we could probably start uh stopping with the air conditioning at night and looking forward to that saves the bill and i don't particularly enjoy air conditioning that much i enjoy it when it's hot outside but i would rather have more tempered you know temperatures and use the fans around october i think you're usually going to get highs of about 80 82 83 you're not going to get that much you'll have days when 70 stuff like that okay let's see if youtube's treating the video correctly never trust youtube yep it's it's out there um i'm having another side issue with them on showing my subscription videos are not coming up which is no big deal i went through them already and there's not any real revolutionary items in the news or anything like that um i'm getting a slow amount of people coming in because i'm a little early from where i usually start so uh we're getting people coming in the iphone jaffa was courteous enough to get me up early today uh barking where'd she go she's on the move i don't know what [Music] where are you there's a food bowl yeah for what's up you okay you okay princess huh you got a word for the dogs out there not the cats the dogs java what are you doing under my chair uh she likes to go into my chair um she likes to go under the bed she likes going into the chair she's uh if she joins the dog on me she'll be doing tunnels and i'm having trouble with the phone rotating the camera hold on there we go all right i'm going to pray father god jehovah please forgive me of all my sins beshem yeshua hamashiach can i pray for good livestreams today and tonight good anointing on them good bible studies bible teachings revelations correction of errors pray for all the true believers wherever they are for your peace safety protection and blessing to be on them their households their animals and pets and their finances their health mental physical and spiritual and their freedom and i pray they continue to grow in you and your son and your word bashem yeshua there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no god like jehovah there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like yeshua there is no messiah like usual okay now we're getting a few more people trickling in it'll probably take a little time to pick up i'll go through some of the news items now um of course one of the big ones which is going off around the world which i'm not really understanding why so many people are interested in this but they are um you know i don't really get it but um hey listen so what we got is israel's student lockdown which i've been saying is coming for several weeks they're going to start friday at 2 p.m they're going to do 21 days and they're going to cover some of the so-called rabbinical high holy holidays and the details are not all that clear but they did approve it it's a done deal they haven't released all the fine points but this is what we know so far they're going to have the malls closed the regular retail stores closed you know beauty falls gyms parks beaches public recreation they don't want any meetings or gatherings indoors of more than 10 people indoors okay so they don't want um more than 10 people so the synagogues have a problem and they can gather an additional 20 outside so that gives them a total of 30 which is for the high holidays very lightweight for the cinnabots but it is what it is now as i've told you in the past the problem with the orthodox and is they're not paying attention to the the policies the government is trying to set forth the other thing is when they walk into a building or a structure they have a mezuzah in the doorway usually at an angle like 45 degrees or not exactly maybe this is 90 this is 45 they come in at about here usually a psych kill but that's not important and they touch the mezuzah with these two fingers they're very careful with their rituals they touch them and then they go like that so everybody with the sweat and the germs and blowing their nose stuff touches the mezuzah and then they put it on their lips so it's going around kissing everybody basically so does that surprise you that the corona would be spreading in this community nowhere in the bible does it say thou shalt put a message in your doorway and kiss it when you walk in and out as a matter of fact they pervert the scriptures relating to that um if you took say the ten commandments although there's no mandate to do that let's say you did take these specific pencil actually the way they indicated i think you would be best off with the ten commandments and you put it on your doorway or your fence post like you typed it out on a piece of paper then laminated it framed it and hung it up there so people could see and read it i would say that would be fulfilling the scripture uh what they're doing is they have a tiny rolled up piece of paper with some scriptures on it in micro type you know like you know two point type or something something like that that you can't read but it could just as easily be 20 point type because they roll it up and they seal it inside the mezuza where nobody could read it so that defeats the whole purpose of it and then they they do the kissing to show how much they love the torah well they love it so much they don't want others to be able to read it what's wrong with that picture you know all the big organized religions of frauds and phony that's what's wrong with that picture um they're covering up this it's a satanic thing they're covering up the scriptures they're concealing it inside the sealed mezuzah which of course they sell to you and they have different degrades great grades of mezuzah now you can go online in amazon and buy a any old mezuzah but the orthodox are going to go to certain places and buy kosher mezuzas that some rabbi endorsed talk about selling the gospel you know oh my gosh like i've showed you guys many times the bottles of water say kosher water let me grab a bottle i got some on the floor here and see if i can show you this again um you can't have kosher water first of all their own definition how could it be kosher the fish is swimming around in the water that are non-kosher like sharks and whales and they're also pooping in the water so how could it be kosher i gotta get the glare out of my [Music] do this [Music] usually said this stuff comes from italy and i'm thinking that it's one and a half liters i gotta see where it says kosher it'll say kosher here somewhere yep okay i found it these big lettuce here is sham kosher or ocean so they're saying the water is kosher okay now is that a scam the bible delineates pretty precisely what's an unclean first of all the word kosher is not biblical okay kosher is another scam that the rabbi has certified him and the bible doesn't go by that the bible goes by the animal itself or the fish or the bird or whatever it is or the reptile of all the reptiles as far as i could go off the top of my head are uh uncommon um it's the animal and if the animal is clean it's clean from head to tail okay everything you know so if people want to eat the eye or the brain or the tongue it's okay all the guts and you can do it and so you can't crash down on people that that do that type of thing okay the the animals clean the whole animals clean all right the animal was an unclean animal everything from the animal including the milk and where eggs are unclean all right now let's move forward um so they create this uh koshering everything they've penetrated the government the government has merged with them and they have an office in the government called the chief rabbin office so these orthodox rabbis have gotten into the government and no rabbi that's not associated with the chief rapping in office can declare food to be kosher you go to jail or you get huge fines of both so you can't go to rabbi schwartz down the street and say please give me a certificate that says my food's kosher he'll get busted and you'll get busted you got to go to the chief rabbinic and if you're just a little falafel stand he's going to charge us something by the month or you know something like that he's not going to break you back because there's nothing to work with but if you're a big restaurant or a supermarket or something like that he's going to take a percentage for keeping you kosher and he'll in a big supermarket like a 30 000 square foot supermarket he may set up a little office someplace and he may actually show up three or four times a year and say hello but he's not going to really supervise too much um if they start playing games with him and selling pork rinds and you know alligator kale or something like that which i never heard of but if they did oh he he pulled his coaster certificate and they would announce it to the press and the media that the coastal certificate was revoked and all the synagogue going people wouldn't wouldn't shop there until it was reinstated so this is a kiss to death for the merchant if they decide to invoke it you know um it's it's really important for them now the orthodox and observant jews tend to play games over the well years ago [Music] i was sitting around by the sea of galilee with other messianics and some women tourists came over to us and said hey boys what do you know about this store i looked at his kosher certificate i don't know much about it and we didn't know what to say so we said it's kosher so she looked at us and just walked away because we didn't give her a big discourse so um there were different kosher certificates 25 years ago i believe or the woman wouldn't have been questioning it now there's just one kind you have a different rabbi on it but it's got to go through the chief ravenous rabbis so when i say that in the scriptures ezekiel 34 he's going to punish the bad shepherds in israel the lord will i believe it includes the government because they've taken on the role of the rabbis in several areas please pray for us about this guy that doing the construction behind our house it's like behind our lot and over one and we're getting all kinds of dust my wife can't go outside it's getting in her yard there's a neighborhood group of people that are rising up against this i think she's on the phone with them now um they contacted the police the police came and saw the debris in other people's yards and they gave them two weeks to clean it up so in other words you're giving them time to continue the pile driving and then clean the mess up uh we're not about to have any arabs come into our yard and try to do anything in our garden um and uh the workers are average usually because they work cheaper than the israelis and uh they said if they don't clean it up then you got to take them to court but having the police report that says they saw the debris uh combined with videos will uh mean that but me and my wife are not going to go take them to court we don't want to get involved first of all i don't think there's anything uh such as real justice in any of these courts in any country in the world today i don't think it exists okay there's so much corruption and perversion of the law and so on we're not going to bother with it we can continue to call the police and if you call the death sergeant or even go down there and you're nice to them you say come on we need your help they're killing us here you know it's not like america or england or something like that there they're gonna do something okay and something would probably reach the level of they go to the people that are running the construction site and they're saying they're coming down and they're complaining to us they want to see the captain and they're complaining and they're pleading with us and if you can't control it we're going to do something because they don't want to hear it you know the other thing that can be done is you can go to the well they call it the vod what would you call it city hall and you could go down there and they'd probably have a construction permit and try to have the construction permit pulled but you're not going to get anywhere the guy is going to finish this house um what in other countries happens is they've got to put netting up there or screens to stop all the dust and debris debris from flying around when they do it but israel doesn't have such an ordinance so i don't really think we're going to get too far with them you could file a lawsuit for the damages to the garden and getting debris all over your property that would work but i don't really i mean what are you're not going to get a hundred thousand dollars or something like that you know they the court's gonna give you something and probably give you a thousand dollars and if several of the neighbors do it it's gonna it's gonna make them suffer but you know it's not gonna stop anything so you know there's not much we could do um the woman that lives next door to the site has a lung problem she goes into the hospital frequently she's an elderly widow and she might be able to go down there and scream health hazard in there building permit goes down but i'll tell you something the neighbors are all i mean i hear them calling my wife all day long um i mean they're up in arms here about this these people are real goofballs real donkeys uh the construction site so what's gonna happen i don't know but these people are living i mean they're not happy uh it appears to me that they're finished on friday at two o'clock when the uh the lockdown comes now if they work during the lockdown i think we can call the police i'm not going to bother they will and say they're not wearing masks and they're working in the lockdown and it's not essential work and you know i don't know what the police will do they said private businesses can work during the lockdown but you can't receive customers okay so if you're an accounting firm you could work and people come to work and do their books in the office although they're going to probably work from home but they could do this work but you can't receive your clients the clients can't come in and have appointments and visit you in the uh the area now you could could the accountant go to the client's house doing the lockdown the answer is no because it's not essential i can go to the pet store and buy pet food and pet medicines i can go to the drug store during the lockdown i can go to the medical facilities they call them a coupon holine it's really social medicine they have three big medical plans macabee claudia third one and you know the differences are minimal in some regions they got more services than others you know that it varies you know um and they um they use the same hospitals and the lab work and it's all that's pretty much well no they got their own labs but they use it they will use the same hospitals um they don't have their own hospitals they have their own clinics so you know so uh that's open uh food stores are open so if you are selling food in any way shape or form you're open but not a restaurant that's not a food store restaurants are shut the only thing the restaurant could do is take a delivery they can't receive customers so you probably could show up up down there and give them an order but they're gonna probably tell you to just here's the phone number call us you know and then you you can stand outside and call them and then say deliver it to my you know red and green chevrolet parked outside and that would work i think you know um but they can't have foot traffic in the store they can have deliveries so i don't know i know pizza delivers over here that's i think others do but i'm uncertain i wish pizza but they don't um the little mini markets or you call them 7-elevens they're open the gas stations are open um so you're not supposed to go out of your house and go visit others but you can have up to 10 people indoors and 20 outside so you could have 30 but you're not supposed to do that during the lockdown so does that mean nobody's gonna go visit somebody else of course not could you call the police on that if you saw it i don't think the police would respond if you said so and so at you know 2120 main street has got a party and there must be 70 people at the party oh they'll come they'll come for that and they'll start writing their site well i don't know what they they might write tickets but uh i guarantee you they'd break it up and they would uh question the people and make reports with their names and uh tell them not to do it again and they would do all this to record the data in case somebody popped up a quarantine they could uh contact tracer but they would they would be very angry and upset if something like that happened if you had a pool party at the house and you had 30 people over um i don't know what they would do probably shut you down um and then you would say well we got 20 and 10 but they're gonna say yeah but you're supposed to stay within 500 meters of your house and coming here and doing karaoke and drinking vodka is not exactly essential activity when they're closing so bars and discos are shut the ice cream stands are shut the pizza stands for waffles stainless steel shirt they're suffering see these guys can't deliver they're suffering taxis i believe are gonna run from the last lockdown the way they'll do it is you can't have more than two passengers in the taxi and you gotta be from the same household so the cab driver can't mix and match and you know these cab drivers that are really good at the game have built up a clientele that called them on the phone and they go pick them up so you could be in this guy's taxi and then he'll pick up one or two people on the right on the way to your destination and stuff like that and if he's a good character and a smooth operator it'll work it'll work out and they could run around uh you know picking people up uh they won't let them do that now so they're going to be suffering so the assistance that the government hands out i i think unless you're a big player like the us you know they're going to support the rich if you're a little guy and you got a you know a little restaurant that seats 15 people or something i don't think there's much help for you i the people are complaining restaurant owners were threatening to avoid to disrespect the uh the lockdown and keep opening again that got blocked out of the media all of a sudden i haven't heard that they've repented of their wish to rebel against the government so i imagine that is going to go on and that will be controversial and will make the news and let us not forget that protesters gathering at netanyahu's house are now going to be prohibited from doing so because of the lockdown they're going to be in and over 20 people gathering together they're not going to be able to get any commits for this if they ever get permits and they're uh you know they're gonna be violating more than 500 meters from the house for no good reason so netanyahu gets rid of the protesters here however they probably will jack it up in other locations around the world the idea is to keep the perpetual pressure on the government by making netanyahu into an extreme embarrassment for israel so they eventually figure out how to get rid of them mandelblit the attorney general i haven't heard anything again on him forcing netanyahu into a uh leave of absence until his trial is over so i doubt and he's gonna do anything um he's weak you know uh and i don't know if that theory he had would work either with a conflict of interest and getting him to take a leave of absence till after the trial i don't think that is going anywhere and i'm reasonably sure netanyahu probably called the guy up and said look if you do something like that i'm gonna get you arrested and for trying to overthrow the government or something like that and i'm going to ignore your order and i'm going to go after you and bury you under the jail and the guy probably didn't want to take a chance and it also would would lead to some form of civil war we don't have a genuine risk for civil war in this country like america where you have one people group hating and other people group that really doesn't go on here you know black versus white latino versus black let's say we don't have that it'll be the we the people versus the government and they would start disregarding the government so it's what you would call a soft revolution but still a revolution because the government is made to look disrespected and that you don't have to pay attention to them and that generally if not reversed would in a matter of days and weeks lead to dissolving the government or dragging them out of their office and locking them out and stuff like that so you would have something like that but i don't think israel is going to have you're supporting netanyahu i hate netanyahu leo i'm gonna shoot you boom boom boom you're not gonna see anything like that you know it's it's light years away from anything like that there's no point that the people are not turned on each other like that then they're not gonna do it it's not gonna happen you won't see it but you could see disrespecting the government and ignoring the government and i'd say we're right at the brink of that um the last time netanyahu came up with economic relief for what they gave me it was uh about 210 or 20 or something like that 220 or something something like that which is not much economic relief you know to really you know give people economic relief i'd say he has to come up with oh i don't know if it's a three-week lockdown you know probably 750 dollars ahead something like that and i don't see them doing anything like that netanyahu's so tight-fisted and hates the people so much so people are trying to put him in jail take his money away ruin them he hates the people he's he's opposing people at this point he just goes through the motions of making it look like he's a real prime minister he's an al capone he's you know the crime minister you think al capone would be uh respective of the people's rights no al capone would try to make the people think he's a really good guy for them you know jimmy hoffa was another one now hoffa was a funny animal because he used to actually um be good for the union people because they got great benefits and a lot of uh high pay uh but it was basically extortion with the threat of putting the company out of business ruining the stock prices was causing labor strikes so it was just a shakedown racket you know but then what did he do with their pension funds well he invested in las vegas casinos seemed to have worked out but um nobody else was going to put their money into las vegas casinos but the teamsters and they got you know what they did is they went there and they made a loan to the casino and they got percentage point interest but what they also got under the table was a percentage of the casino so they sent people over there called the bag man every month and he would go to a certain place and pick up a bag of money which is they got paid off in cash and he took that money and that was their percentage of their ownership and that didn't go to the union people that went to the handful of people that were running the unions so they became extremely wealthy and they funded las vegas and reno lake tahoe and the nevada side and then later on atlantic city and the unions got broken up uh eventually somebody killed hoffa i don't know who killed harper was it was it edgar hoover maybe maybe not probably not some other hoodlums got him who knows what he did you know he could have went out with somebody's wife he could have killed somebody who had somebody killed that he shouldn't who knows what he did but they they killed them for sure he just never they never found his body you know but there's a million ways you could do that you can use a pet crematorium easily or a human crematorium or you can burn their clothes and grind them up in a meat grinder and put them in animal food you could tie them up in chains and go out on a yacht go out 50 miles and you know just drop them overboard wrapped up in chains and eventually it'll you know if the fish don't eat it it'll decompose the bones might float up or stay there or something but if you're 50 miles off shore come on it's going to come again or they could have sealed them in concrete in a construction site they could have just threw them in a pit where they were laying a foundation and poured several feet of concrete over one of the odds of that ever surfacing you know a million things they could have done they could have just took a minute they went to a cemetery dug up somebody's grave and threw him in there where they could have took a cemetery and phoning up a funeral for clyde kadiddlehopper and put harper in the car in the casket instead of card cadify you know there's so many things they could have done you know they could have just took them in the woods and buried them you know you know it it's you know not an endless amount of possibilities you know so um okay we got people coming in so let's uh cover a couple of things in the news and then we'll go on to talking about civil war the uh the fires are arson it's coming out more and more there's more videos of people with the gas can um there's a sheriff in oregon talking about their i have it on my twitter they're taking chainsaws and cutting the telephone poles down uh and trying to use the phone poles to start fires maybe they think that when the phone lines go down it's going to spark and cause fires they might be right or they're pouring gasoline on the wooden foam pole and hitting it with a match so if you take a five gallon can of gasoline and pour it all over a foam pole and you light it it's probably gonna gonna take up now foam poles are are treated wood so they last a long time they can last a century or something like that but apparently they'll burn easily anyway they're dried out i guess uh and the chemical they put in them is not a fire retardant i suppose it's just to protect and preserve it against wood and they're getting a massive amount of fires in the united states and the fires seem to be respecting the international border of canada and they don't go over the border you know animals don't respect international borders the whole concept of it is non-existent to an animal and the next thing is the same with the fire there's no international border it doesn't burn and then stop at the border okay these fires aren't going over the border to speak of because they're not interested in trying to topple canada right now so this is an interesting thing and then let's compound this i remember several weeks ago like a month for six weeks every time we were going into the news they took down the statue of columbia christopher columbus they took down a statue of andrew jackson they took down a statue of this guy and that guy they were taking statutes down remember that and that stopped now see and the taking the statues down was coordinated in many cities and states it wasn't regional or localized it was all over the place so there's a control for this antifa blms somebody is telling them what to do somebody that understands revolution and now they've shifted off the statutes and you're hearing about fires now we also i gave you the video on this too where i i told you the link with that uh mems video of the jihadist guy the big mullah telling the people to go out and commit fires arson on forest land and in the cities and that's exactly what you're seeing you're seeing it in the cities in farce like you're seeing explosions and i read you an interview with a 30 year firefighter 30 years of experience he said that wildfires don't break out in residential areas he said this is something he never saw in 30 years of being a firefighter it's awesome and they're catching some people and they're getting videos of others doing the arson they take a beer bottle a wine bottle a soda bottle made out of glass anything as long as they could get glass and they mix it with gasoline and generally a laundry detergent there's different ways to make it and they put gasoline in needle they could just put straight gasoline in it the detergents make it stick but if you're doing wooded areas you just stick gasoline in it take rolled up newspaper stick it in for a fuse stick it in tight in the opening of the bottle and uh you light it and then you throw it and it hits a rock or a hard surface and it causes a fire or the fuse just burns down into the gasoline in the bottle and that probably causes a small explosion or something like that but it gets it all burning and then the you're burning dried woodland and it starts to spread and then you got thousands of acres burning and there's somebody sent me uh a countdown i think was it the father or something let me find it what this person sent me as a subscriber he sent me rutgers i guess university two dead in eighth shot grand rapids michigan 11 shot tampa florida 4 shot chicago 32 shot i think you're probably looking at the weekend he didn't give me the date and then he said protesters shut down washington okay it's not washington bridge george washington bridge in new york city last night that's one of the biggest bridges i've ever seen and it connects uh new york and new jersey and it's it's really a big bridge and i don't believe it has an upper and lower deck i think it just has a very wide upper deck one deck i think it's about eight lanes you know four and four something like that it's a big bridge it's a big bridge and it's an old bridge but it's uh they built it well it's quite a bridge i believe of course it crosses over the hudson river but as i said it's quite an impressive bridge so so the civil war people the antifa blm and whoever else is with them is now embarking on a concerted effort to commit arson they're doing it in cities they're going to hotels and they're putting incendiary devices on the gas lines for cooking gas and getting fires going like that now your average kid that's sleeping on a mother's couch playing video games doesn't quite understand the concept of getting an incendiary device and attaching it to a gas line let alone where the gas lines are likely to be what they look like uh you know tracking the line from the propane tank inside and all this then i'm understanding that so somebody's training and that's a nation state most likely china could be russia it could be north korea but most likely china iran could be anywhere but mostly china and it's um it's it's effective and it's working and the government's losing somebody said i'm right because they come from a family of firefighters yeah i have no knowledge of firefighting i'm just absorbing the material uh i don't have any hands-on firefighting uh you know i was never a firefighter i never had any close friends that worry um we got a [Music] couple of prayer requests here let me get that out of the way e l echo lima e l e l and ap alpha papa ap alpha papa ap healing and strength healing and strain for e l and ap and we got a prayer request for mike foxtrot mf mike foxtrot mf uh protection from the hurricane not sure what this hurricane's name is laura maybe i don't know but this hurricane the hurricane coming in it's a tropical storm now and it's supposed to blow up to uh in the gulf of mexico around louisiana it's supposed to come in at a category one or two hurricane which is not very serious you gotta understand a category one hurricane is 75 mile an hour mile an hour winds and or higher and when it hits the shore it'll drop the tropical storm which is about 60 or something like that immediately and it's not going to cause an incredible amount of damage and if it's a category two it'll drop to a one immediately when it hits land and then shortly there have to be a tropical storm so what i say is when you're dealing with a three it it's a serious hurricane and i used to sit there when i lived in florida and i would debate whether or not to evacuate with a three it's not always that critical you know you can ride those out okay sometimes and i lived on a bayou so it made it worse because the bayou connected to the ocean and it was bad but um and i was right on the water's edge so the i even noticed when big hurricanes came into new orleans when that big one came in it raised the water level in that bayou went up about five or six feet and the water was washing up in my backyard it was getting close to the house but the lord never let that happen so but many years after i left that community i got pretty devastated from a hurricane not when i was there but um a three is you know you gotta really think hard about evacuating but if it's a four or a five there's nothing to talk about you gotta go you gotta be nuts now if you're living five miles i this is the rule of thumb i would take from any body of water uh other than a sealed off lake you know or a pond you know that doesn't count but if you were living near an ocean or something like that or an inlet you had to be about five miles away to make sure you weren't gonna get it with a four or a five hurricane now if it's a five even at five miles from the shore if it's a real category five you might have a lot of damage but i don't think it's gonna flood inland five miles you know but it could but the winds are dangerous enough you need to get out of town at that but you got to remember as soon as the five touches land it's a four but that's still plenty dangerous but when you're dealing with the one or two i wouldn't take a one very seriously at all and a two a little serious stay off the road stay in the house prepare for the power to go out keep a full tank of gas in the cars and make sure you got groceries and water and stuff like that and sometimes i would uh fill up the bathtub with water so you can use that to flush the toilets for a few days if you have to um you can feel we had i think two bathtubs you could fill up and uh one of them was a jacuzzi tub that was pretty good size so you could put the uh you could you know so you take a pot and you feel you take the water from the bathtub you put it in the top of the tank but the toilet and then you can flush the toilet um that's what you know if you needed to take a bath if you didn't have shower water you could go take a bath in the bathtub water and still use it to flush the toilet you know it wouldn't make a difference but you might in an emergency want to use it for drinking water but i never went to the point of washing the tub thoroughly and then rinsing it extremely thoroughly to get all the chemicals out of it which would be a big job to get all the chemicals out and then use it for drinking water it's easier to just keep drugs water around the house and they used to sell these one gallon jugs of water dirt feet uh not spring water just cheap water so you you know you get a handful of those i used to keep about five or six around uh later on i had more like 10 i think so you got you know like 10 gallons if you you know if you needed some water and if you conserve how much water you're drinking you can go usually they tell you in about three days they could restore most of the problems with the water and stuff like that the power would rarely go out that long but parts of florida and stuff would get power outages that would go out for a long time days 10 days you know it would happen i waited for a hurricane once to dissipate and then back when i drove to orlando uh as soon as the storm passed we got in the suv and drove to orlando and got a hotel down there and then we uh took a cruise after that a couple of days later so we're in the hotel for two days or so and then took a cruise one time we got on a cruise and we did get stuck with a hurricane and they kept us an extra two or three days and it wasn't so much fun the cruise company had planned activities for every day for the seven-day cruise after the seven-day cruise was over they didn't have any planned activities so they were they were trying to put shows on and they were ad hocking them you know seated the pants and they weren't very good but the entertainers were trying and their food they had plenty of food uh but the food was you were getting the same things over again so it was what they didn't use up so the food was still good they were trying they were all trying but it wasn't it wasn't like the way it was it usually is on a cruise it was it wasn't so good um and the guy didn't want to go to any port because you didn't have any port call reservations and stuff so they just stayed you know probably about 200 miles away from the storm and they were basically sailing the ship in circles keeping us in good weather one point they got into rain where it was a light rain with very mild seas there was little waves and that lasted just a few hours and then he got us out of that and he was just driving around in the ocean uh making probably very broad circles maybe 20 mile circles or something i see you didn't really feel like you were driving in a circle out in the ocean you had no concept for that because the water looks the same in all sides and we were just having a floating vacation you know so we got an extra few days of the cruise for free and they dropped us we i believe took the crews out of orlando but the boat didn't go back to orlando i think there was damage or something i don't know what it was they didn't go back so they took us into miami and then they put us on a bus and drove us up to orlando i think it was about two and a half hours or something like that uh and then that was that so it wasn't such a great thing because they keep these these cruises are on an extremely tight schedule for entertainment and port calls and tours of the ports and you know planned activities at the port and uh the food and everything else so it falls apart when they have to do extended days it just seems to to go to seed so if you like laying around in the sun which we do sitting in the jacuzzi going to the gym and working out which back then i did and uh eating the meal you know and you know taking walks on the exercise deck you did okay it was all right you know they were cleaning the rooms and none of that would go back to the home port and uh you know many trucks would pull up with you know fresh food for the next week they have the same menu week after week after week after week on the cruise so you you know you know that this is tuesday they're going to have uh you know greek food or italian food or something like that you know so that was a an interesting thing i think it happened to us twice i think another time it was a one-day extension of course of the storms but anyway my experiences is that if you're on a cruise for a week when the cruise is over you're like oh i don't want to go home whenever such a good time right if you're on a cruise that's two weeks by about the tenth day you're ready to go home two weeks is a bit much so i think that probably the optimum cruise length is about 10 days but there's not much of a cruise industry anymore and i don't know if they're going to make it i have a feeling that they ain't going to be sailing again the spanish flu in 1918 went two years and this corona thing is probably going to be of the similar duration um so the people are doing arson in the cities with buildings there's a lot of buildings exploding and going on fire in several countries it's not just the united states and that's the jihadist approach so they're burning rural areas getting residences and they're burning in the inner cities now inner cities are building burns maybe one or two buildings next door would all catch fire but the whole it doesn't get to be a massive thing like you see with the forest where you got a hundred thousand acres burning you don't get anything like that in the cities the fire departments are pretty efficient and they control it you don't have a hundred buildings burning down and stuff like that you know it doesn't happen but in the wilderness they can't do it and they can't seem to patrol the wilderness they're not set up for it what they would need to do is fly drones and helicopters 24 7 on all the roads in the wilderness areas all over america all the little dirt fire roads and everything else and looking for awesome jerks day and night and they don't have the manpower to do that they don't have the equipment they can't do it it's too much land it's huge they can't get it so all these people need to do is get access so when you're driving on a highway and you see big wooded areas they just have to park the car someplace where it's not going to be seen and walk into the wooded area with the gas and their molotovs or whatever they want and fling them and walk back to the car and go home and they're going to have a wildfire it's not hard i don't know how the military or the police or the or the fire departments are going to patrol it they even have militia out there patrolling it and that's of course going to help but it's not going to be an absolute it's not going to get the problem resolved it's too big of a problem there's too much acreage to cover you're not going to accomplish it this way and if they even do see somebody that looks like they're going to light a fire what do they do if it's a helicopter they can sit there and scream at the guy you know to drop the gas can or will shoot you or something like that and it might work the guy might drop the gas can uh he might not he might just run away said i get a good picture of the guy so what so they arrest the guy so what he already caused the fire you're not taking a highly trained criminal out of circulation that's committing insurance fraud through arson if you're an owner of the business and your business burns and you're well insured and you file an insurance claim and the investigators for the fire department you know they got these guys their arson investigators they're like cops they got guns and badges they got peace officer status they go to an academy and they learn about search warrants how to do a raid how to arrest somebody how to do a vehicle stop you know they got to get certified as a cop so they're kind of cops and they're also trained in arson and it's nearly impossible to convict somebody unless you got a video of them holding the gas the gas can and the lighter because a business competitor could have done the arson to this guy's business so yes it's arson there's no doubt about it they can establish that hands down arson it is but they got to get this guy and it takes more than motive they can't just you know say well his business was doing bad and all this stuff so that's the mode it doesn't work that way they got to get him evidence that he did the arson and it's near impossible so the insurance companies got to pay off they may put this guy in some sort of a list and other companies don't want to insure him after that that's always something that can happen that's that's just the way it is but if they don't pay off the guy's going to get a lawyer the lawyer's going to complain to the insurance commissioner they would have to write a policy that says if there's arson from anybody we're not paying off and they nobody would buy the policy so it's very easy for them to prove arson because they could establish how the fire was started and you know it had combustibles you know they can prove all that but how in the world are they going to prove who started the fire that's a hard thing to do i'm going to take a one-minute break guys i'll be right back don't go anywhere we'll continue with how the civil war is going to progress okay kids can i get out thank you how did the ball get by the door all right the antifa blm people seem to be getting help from jihadists um what extent that health is i don't know i i don't know but they seem to be following the patterns the using approaches the jihadist use living in israel for a bunch of years i have pretty good first hand knowledge of how they operate so based on what i've seen them do in the middle east i can tell you what to expect i think in the united states and i'll go through this week cars is something they're big on okay and i haven't seen them do that in the united states but it's relatively easy for them to do it one of the ways they did it in israel is they had a glue that they buy in the store i don't know the name of the blue it's a big sticky glue and it's combustible and they would take a couple of tubes of it and squeeze it out on the interior of the car and they would light it up and it's very difficult to put it out once it gets started and it would get the interior of the car burning and eventually the gas tank would go and you know it would wreck the car there wouldn't be much left of the car um the other thing you could do with the car is just break a window with with anything with a crowbar with a rock and then throw a molotov in the car you don't even have to do that just throw the molotov on the surface of the car on the roof or the hood or something like that and you're probably going to convince to get the uh the car to completely combust you're going to have a destroyed car the gas tanks will explode and they could explode and reach the cars parked in close proximity to them and then you have a regular cookout with many cars burning i haven't seen these antifa's blm people do that it's not going to impact the economy anywhere near as hard as burning buildings and wildfires but they could do it and they could burn uh police car police cars that are unoccupied they could drive by a police parking lot where there's 30 or 40 cars and try to do it there but that in today's times um i don't understand 17 19 20 20. i don't understand what oh you mean 2017 19 and 20. okay so i don't think that's an easy thing to do because there'll be cops around there that'll start shooting at him there'll be cameras there'll be cops chasing them and going after them and stuff like that so i don't think they're too high on that but they could drive around a particular city and when they see cop's car parked with the flashers on or some other kind of lights and the cops have gone in a building or going around the corner or gone someplace else um they could drive around and throw one or two molotovs at the cocktail at the mouth of cocktails at the car from a slow roll and just keep driving and probably not many people are going to notice it or hear it or anything like that the um the car can uh be coasting and put it in neutral and rub the gas up the gasoline up to make a loud exhaust noise to muffle the sound and then the comp car will burn there's no cops in it to defend the car so they might not know it's burning for two or three minutes depending where they are so they could do that which is going to be not a real fear tactic on the police but it's going to be uh weighing them down they're going to be told things about where to park the car or not to park the car you know so they could just phone in things like say in the basement of this building there's a dead body right so they'll go over there and investigate they'll send the unit over they'll investigate it so he parks the car goes into the building goes down to the basement and then they drive by a molotov that got the cops car that's a very very low risk proposition and if you're in a city and you start doing this to enough of the police cars what happens well you're probably not going to get enough we're going to run out of cars okay unless you live in a town of 3 000 people and they're probably not going to target such a town but you're going to make the police go into all kinds of special practices and procedures to follow about leaving your car unintended and that's going to hinder the police it's going to slow them down and make them less effective how do they do a domestic disturbance call when they gotta park the car in the street and leave it there one of them say stays behind with the car well you've hampered them now you've hobbled them how do they investigate a burglary without going into the apartment you you're gonna get them you know there's a lot of ways you could do that the cops are not going to be able to give chase if you're molotov their park police car because it's on fire they could try shooting at you but that'd be most unlikely because they probably wouldn't see you and they probably wouldn't want to shoot on foot against a moving vehicle in an urban environment that's pretty stupid so nothing will happen here unless they get you on video they could burn buses but they're not going to want to do that because the we the people are going to suffer if they're going to go around burning the cars what they're going to look for is bmw mercedes cadillac lincoln uh expensive foreign cars jaguar porsche ferrari lamborghini rolls royce bentley expensive vehicles and they figure they're not getting the ft for crowd and let's stop burning them uh in terms of doing the internet outages they're not really set up to go get the deepsea cables but they probably are set up to go do the cables in the cities the internet cables but they use the internet to communicate with each other to run in protests so it's something you may not see right now uh they may not want to knock the internet off so using the internet and they don't want to knock the internet off that's my opinion um what knocking the telephone lines down with the chainsaw which they are doing to start fires means they don't care about landlines and a lot of people do care about landlines they have landline phone systems they don't you know businesses for instance might have 80 90 phone extensions and stuff like that they can't use a cell phone because you call a cell phone number how do you transfer it to an extension you can't what about somebody that has 3 000 people working there and they might have a thousand extensions you can't do that with a cell phone you got to have a landline many law enforcement i'm reading this from the chat many law enforcement officers nationwide are mentally exhausted with all these type of things going on more so the firefighters nationwide are also feeling the same and i'll add to that the hospital workers and the emts not the fire department emt's the hospital emt type people you know emergency room people icu ward and all this stuff they're brought down too they run down also so the fires is something they're going to run with now because they're getting mileage but you've got to look at the goal of the antifa blm and they're got a crazy goal like what is it well ideally they want their own piece of geography like texas or something like that well the united states is first of all they got no right no power to succeed part of the united states in other words surrendering texas as part of war reparations in the war with antifa and blm or something like that they have no authority to do that they haven't even declared war against them so they're not going to do it okay the people in texas wouldn't put up with it or any other state so they're not what do they do with the businesses with the plant and equipment over there what do they do with the military bases over there what do they do with all the infrastructure over there they're not going to do it then i the water departments on the water lines in the sewers the electrical utility companies on the electrical lines and the generators and all this and then you have reservoirs for water you got internet lines you got all this stuff it's cable tv lines the bank wire systems have lines you're not gonna see it the swift system is not internet based where you could hack into it it's got its own alliance and they have their own terminal so the only way you're going to get into the swift system is to have one of their terminals and hook into a line you can't just dig up the cable and hook into it because who are you you know they have no address for this machine so they're not going to let that machine have access when it hooks onto the system it has to log in and they're going to check its location and they're going to get a foreign terminal the terminal serial number is here yeah i've never heard of it getting hacked into it's a closed system there's no internet for it so you need to have access to get into the line which apparently is underground and it doesn't share that line with other entities and you would also need to have a terminal and so you don't get into that but you know what do they do with the banks that have branches there what do they tell the department stores in the malls you know none of them don't want to be there when antifa and blm take over and then antifa and blm are going to want to set up a militia police department whatever with arms you know it's not that might be what they're trying to do with the western states they're trying to burn them down and bring them to their knees why would they want the western states lots of reasons one reason is they have access to two foreign countries of the land border which is canada and mexico the second is you know california oregon and washington have access to the pacific ocean directly so they can route commerce [Music] through the pacific ocean with ships and that would be very important to them if they were going to try and be their own country so the thing we're trying to do here is take a look at what else they're going to do okay one of their ideas is to get the police defunded clothes shut down or be hamstrung so they can't function they're not doing very good with that but they're getting it police are defunding and police are afraid to do anything and they're doing nothing and some police departments are getting aggressive but they're going to buy into it trump using the military is an option there's no doubt about it being an option it's an option but imagine trump sending cobra helicopters which are armored into play to bust up a violent protest so he turns the cannons on they pick up targets they've you know i don't think they're gonna ever do that i don't think they're going to turn military equipment of an order of a cobra or another kind of helicopter loose on people on american soil that are american i don't think they're going to do it first of all the collateral damage talk about these uh gatling gun things they hang under the helicopter they just need one they can be radar controlled or computer controlled and they'll fire you know like 3 000 rounds a minute and they can put a pretty sufficient quant good quantity of uh ammunition in a helicopter not unlimited like a gunship like a big airplane but they can get quite a lot of ammo in there and they could also fire these oh i don't know what they are three inch rockets they have pods that might have 18 rockets in each side and they could so 36 little rockets they can shoot and they could probably carry a few a few thousand rounds of ammo if it's 50 caliber they also use these with 20 20 caliber but that's really overkill for a city those things are incredibly powerful 50 calibers bad enough 50 caliber will make divots in a building in a brick building or a concrete building the 20 you know the 20s are what are they called 20 milliliter or something i know the millimeter cannon i think it's a 20 millimeter what are they quite either it's 20 50 caliber but the 20 must be millimeters they're huge they're like you know two three times the size of the 50 probably three times um they got a range of five miles and though you're gonna hit a building a concrete building with that you're not gonna get divots you're going to destroy the building and get it to collapse uh they're not gonna shoot 20s the 20 they'll use the uh 20 millimeter i think is what it is they'll use the uh the 50 caliber and they could probably put a couple of thousand rounds in the helicopter and they could but they're not to do it they're going to damage buildings other civilians cars trucks streets street lights electricity gas lines all kinds of stuff will be damaged so i just don't think they're going to do that okay i don't see it i don't see it so let's talk about tanks putting tanks in and arm and humvees will they do that yeah if they try to take cities over they'll do that the way that generally works is they'll set up checkpoints where they'll have a tank on the side of the road which she'll have a machine gun and a guy inside the tank where you can't really get him running the machine gun the military deployment is is hard and they can't really use the military to watch for arsonists in the woods because they would have to use thousands of military it may get to that but i i don't think they're there yet they're probably using a lot of drones and what that's going to do is help them find the fire when the smoke is coming up so it's not going to prevent anything it's going to help for earlier containment you're gonna see more of this when rainy season comes and things get wet they'll go off of that and have another trick ready which could be burning buildings which i think they're doing now they can try to go after iconic landmarks like the new york stock exchange or something like that are they going to go after schools no they like schools they're not going to burn schools or destroy schools or close things up are they going to start bombing like the jihadist students no not now they eventually will go to bombing but they're going to need to do that when they go after government offices police stations sheriffs highway patrol stations stuff like that molotovs may not work on many of these things because they're heavily made out of concrete so they'll need to use explosives which they'll get from whatever foreign power is helping them they'll get their hands on explosives and start blowing stuff up you're not finished with these people you know if trump wins the election it'll escalate threefold overnight before trump is sworn in it'll escalate badly they're supposed to be doing something in washington dc on the 17th let's see how that goes i don't believe they're going to storm the gates of the white house and take it over but they could create a good stink over there the shooting is something that's going to be expanded shooting into the crowd shooting the left wing shooting the right wing the right wing shooting the left wing that's going to be escalating that's going to be increasing shooting the police that's going to be increasing the police are sitting ducks some of the cops know it some of the cops really don't know it they're not aware of it but it's not that difficult for them to ambush they see two cops sitting in a car at a traffic light and doing what cops do two cars of the antifa's roll up on the cop one car would be in front of the cop car maybe a pickup truck or an suv want to come beside them on the side when it goes down the people in the truck will in front of the cop car start shooting into the cop car probably with an automatic weapon or an assault rifle it'll defeat any armored glass or armor they have in the police car they can't take a regular police car and armor it against assault rifle calibers it's too incredibly hard to do it can be done but the weight of the armor will make the car wear out do you join to the transmission the tires the car won't stop well it won't accelerate well it won't handle well armoring a car for handgun ammunition is what they do at times that's about it and they usually don't do the whole car they might do the windshield and they might do the doors or something with the windows passenger side i i don't even think they do the windshield they probably just do the doors and the side windows the front doors because the cops could then open up the door and hide behind the door during a gunfight and a lot of handgun bullets are just going to bounce off a regular windshield anyway like a 38 special a 380 a 25 a 32 a lot of these things are not going to penetrate a regular windshield a 357 wood a 45 wood uh 44 magnum 41 magnum probably a 40. a lot of the guns will go through it generally the cop is ambushed from the sideboards so um it's a little bit of a dangerous game but if they got assault weapons even if they're not full automatic they're just a semi-automatic if you've got three or four shooters and they've got guns with 20 to 40 round clips and they roll up under the police car and you've got three or four people rapidly firing rounds at the cops inside the car the cops are not going to in a seated position deploy their weapons and begin return fire there's going to be glass flying all over the car and they're going to be getting hit and they're going to be confused and the whole thing will be over in three or four seconds if they got full auto all they do is they roll up on the car you got two shooters and they just keep the trigger depressed and each dropped 40 rounds into the car and the chances of surviving are pretty low generally the people don't really get to return fire they may get to the point where they can pull their gun out and start to deploy but it's it's over in seconds it you know now will the antifa blm guys have enough cuts for to pull this off and enough training to do it i don't know probably they could be using the muslim training camps in the u.s or they could just have their own antifa training camps they got a lot of ex-military working with them they teach the people how to shoot and then teach them the basics of an ambush if you're going to do if you're just going to roll up on the comps and not block their pass what's going to happen is the cops are going to try to get out of there okay and they might so if you block them in the front and you unload on them by the time they get the idea of putting it in reverse and backing up and all that it's over it's too many bullets in the car they're not going to shoot the car up they're not going to go for the engine compartment they're not going to do any of that they're going to go for the front seat passengers and the chances of surviving something like this are are minimal they can do a drug cartel thing get a garbage truck steal a garbage truck and ram the cop car with the garbage truck keep owning it when they see the cops come just take a nice big garbage truck and t-bone it and then shoot the cops inside they're going to be stunned after getting t-boned and then go shoot them that's you know another way it's done they can steal a garbage truck the ambushing of the comps is going to cause tremendous turmoil with the police it's going to increase vacations phoning in sick early resignation and just outright quitting um they're going to get what they want and then they keep doing looting to keep their soldiers happy so they go to residential looting and they go into the houses and they take money electrical devices like ipads and game boys and phones take whatever they want out of the house rape the people you know these are things that the leaders of this underground movement will allow for in the early stages and they they get the piece of the police into a do do-nothing posture and they're there they got to be careful like if you see a state police or highway patrol car running on the freeway you don't want to run up on him and start shooting at his car first of all he's probably going to shoot back at you from his car especially with this two of them second of all these cars go pretty fast and he's going to be shooting back and putting the gas pedal down and getting the heck out of there and screaming for help that's what they're trained to do when they're encountering force is get out of there and call for help or take cover they don't really teach them to go punch you know you know shot for shot they want to get out of there so you can have high speed chases and you could lose so they're not going to do that they got to do an ambush and they got to make sure the cops over overrun or outgunned and can't get away that's how the ambush is going to work so that's what they'll do and the cops are completely unprepared for this just like the arson they're completely unprepared for it they don't know what to do they know darn well it's awesome that they're afraid to talk openly about it to the people they don't want to lose face they don't want to encourage these protesters to expand their ranks they don't want more people joining me so they're going to hit these things and i don't see them yet trying to go after public services i'll give you some examples in the city trying to go after the water department and the electrical department to cause outages and water and blackmail and stuff the banks are going to be a a target they can't do much to the banks okay it definitely plays into the looting scenario but if you go into a bank a regular neighborhood bank that has you know four or five tellers or something like that what are you going to get out of the place in cash 20 30 000 that's about it you're not going to get a quarter million dollars or anything like that they may have more cash but it's going to be in a vault and the vault is likely going to have a time lock on it so the vault will let them open it up at you know nine o'clock in the morning and maybe it closes at three so you got to hit the bank while they're there and a lot of times they hire an off-duty cop with a uniform and a gun and a walkie-talkie and you gotta take him out that's not an easy thing to do department stores are a target they may start trying to burn the department stores you can walk into a department store with molotov cocktails stuck in your belt or something or in your purse and you know you got a face mask on for corona already then you got a hat on like this then you got sunglasses on whoopi do take your cameras and go fly a kite with them you're gonna get nothing off the camera just gotta tuck your brim down like this put in some big wide sunglasses big ones have your face mask on let's get it they whip out the the molotovs in the store and you start flipping them around the store and they walk out nobody's gonna grip people sit there in shock they'll say hey what are you doing what are you doing no you're walking so you go into a store like that you throw a few molotovs around you burn the department sword down but that's not really what they're about they'd rather loot the department store okay but if it's in a department store for the rich and famous like neiman marcus or saks fifth avenue or bergdorf goodman or something like that they confirm that what they'll go after the atm machines eventually when they get organized enough atm machines when they're full up they get about eighty thousand dollars in a bank atm machine not one in the 7-eleven the one in the 7-eleven is much less money they um they have to attach chains to the atm machine and yank it with a truck but the atm machine is probably emitting a signal for tracking when it's pulled out of the socket of the little atm stand where it's concreted in um they rip it out and they drag it then they got to go break it open but they could easily get you know 30 or 50 000 out of it so if they get a few of those they can fund themselves pretty good but that's a little bit more complicated not so easy not so easy you got to get them out of there you got to get them in a vehicle you got to get them in a safe location then you got to break into them but they got you know videos of how to get into them you know it's i'm sure the torch they could get in probably with crowbars and other things as well so that keeps the troops fed keeps them in t-bone steak money keeps them in booze keeps them in smoke you know pot and all that stuff so they may do that um i don't think they're gonna go work the docks i don't think they're that good even that aware to do anything like that um it's a little early for them to start attacking city hall and legislatures and government installations because that's going to mean gun fights and they don't mind doing an ambush but they're not going to have a legitimate gunfight they'll lose i'll be right back give me a minute [Music] shhh the left wingers just shut down the george washington bridge and one of their protests and that was probably designed to attract attention to the cause of course but also to see what kind of damage they could accomplish to the economy see they're trying to take the country over i don't i don't understand clearly what it is they're trying to do that they think is going to work if they burn the wild country the the wooded areas in the north and the west they're going to make everything suffer but that's i mean bush isn't bush trump's not going to sit there and say okay guys here we're going to give you the state of texas i mean well he's not going to do that he can't it's not his to give away the state of texas could try to give it away but the people wouldn't listen you know it's a joke what do they think they're going to do i mean they're trying to wreck their own country that they live in what's the plan here i don't get it the only plan i get is that they're playing being played for suckers well not so much that they're being told by china to weaken the united states and when the united states is weak enough china is going to attack it and then when they get the victory they're going to take these antifa people and put them in place in great powers of trust and they could run an lgbt communist socialist terrorist regime in the united states which is what their plan is make the heterosexuals into breeders and all of this nonsense you know um and uh the if it ever comes to pass the chinese government is never going to trust these people because they know these people have skills they've been trained and they're used to tony is that china stamped them in the back and is never going to fulfill their promises they'll turn against china effectively so china will stab him in the back but when i look at all this that's the only solution i i get that's the only pot of gold at the rainbow at the end of this rainbow what work with it what are they doing they're going to burn buildings so they're destroying their own cities okay so what are they going to do move into the burned out city um where the production is down how do they do that i don't know how they do that curious isn't that world war one was fought at the same time as the spanish flu epidemic and now corona is going on and it looks like we're the us is in a civil war i mean it is in a civil war that's pretty curious now we go by the bible prophecy there's going to be wars too with one country fighting another and you're seeing that also but it's still brewing the pakistan versus india china versus india is very much alive but it hasn't expanded it's just a border skirmish between china and india and basically pakistan and india but india's bought some raphael jets and voted for bear i don't know exactly what india bought from israel i expect iron domes and patriots and maybe delilah missiles i don't know remember when i told you they shot two delilah missiles over our house to go into syria a few weeks ago and we heard this like low-flying airplane over our house with screaming and it lasted a long time the airplanes go faster than the delilah missiles did the lyra i think is running like a cruise missile probably about 500 miles an hour and the the jets will usually fly under the sound barrier which could be 700 miles an hour 750 i think is sound barrier where you get the boom the sonic boom so they can easily fly with the sonic boom but they're told not to unless it's a you know a five-star emergency like if there's real combat going on in syria and our troops are in trouble whatever we don't have any troops there so how are our troops going to be in trouble or our bases are in trouble well we don't have any bases in syria or our ammo depots are being attacked in syria while we don't have any mld posts in syria or our convoy is being attacked well we don't have a convoy in syria so why would they break the sound barrier to get over the syria to save the day when there's nothing to save in syria we're not worried about it that much so they don't kick it into gear but years ago when i lived here 25 30 years ago they used to break the sound barrier all the time i mean i must have been through it hundreds of times i mean literally every day you'd hear it all the time the dishes rattle the stuff in the closets rattle the shelves rattle it's uh like a light earthquake like uh you know i don't know like a 3-5 earthquake or something like that you get a little you know shaking you know you don't shake um the floor doesn't shake the stuff on shelves shake the china shakes the herbs in the closet shake this type of thing you know uh and you get the boom but i hardly ever ever you could go years without hearing a sonic boom here now yeah they don't need it they're not um we're not in trouble over there if we were in trouble over there if we had troops in syria and they screamed for help we're being overrun we need air support now stat boom right away boom boom boom yeah they they throw the after burner runs and i guess they get up to 12 14 1500 miles an hour and they'd get right over there but delilah missiles don't go that that way they're they're more like a low flyer and they're pretty hard to get they're they're smart missiles they have uh counter electronics they can screw around with radar tracking them and stuff like that they're state-of-the-art we made it you know uh it's you know you could have the chief robin rabbinic put the jewish star on it and say kosher for passover or something like that you know that's a bad joke but you could say kosher on there i'm surprised the rabbis haven't decided to charge the government to make uh money off them by declaring the uh the bombs and the missiles kosher i don't know how they would justify it but if they saw a buck in it they'd probably do it but uh anyway uh i of course the delight was a pretty new missile and i never heard anything like that so it goes overhead for a remarkably longer time than a plane noticeably longer i should say and uh it's quite a noisemaker i i heard i told you this some of you would remember several years ago probably four or five years ago i heard the tuple of long distance russian bombers flying over syria on the goal line where i was up high on the ridge and i was able to hear it because there's like a valley that comes from syria out to where the sea of galilee area is and the noises from syria [Music] from that part of syria come through this valley and into the galilee so when we hear the bombs and we feel the bombs from syria when they went to somebody using big bombs you shake that that shakes the house that shakes out it's like an earthquake not just the shells but the windows and the doors shake it's not a high grade earthquake shaking the floor never shakes and me and my wife feel it in our ears the pressure in your ears so i imagine these are probably 500 pound bombs or something like that which are uh potent you know very potent jordan is way closer but we're not hearing anything from jordan have a little patience little comments in the bible it'll come but not yet uh so we just really hear it from syria now when they fight in lebanon uh it doesn't get near me i don't i don't hear or feel anything from lebanon for me to go to lebanon i gotta drive uh west to the mediterranean and then head up north or i don't have to go all the way to the mediterranean i can go into the go on and fire follow the signs to get up to you know metulla and stuff like that which is right by lebanon so i guess it's the last time i went up there was you know 25 30 years ago and it looked like the ends of the earth i mean it was like out of a hollywood movie um right by the border where the katushas were flying around back then from lebanon and all that um but i haven't been up there since there's nothing up there people live there they got communities um they've got zones where you can open up factories and you get all kinds of benefits from the government reduced taxes uh pay you money to hire people and you know they want businesses over there it's a lot of people don't want to go there now if you're selling something internationally i don't know why let's say you're i don't know you're selling them medicines or i don't whatever and you're up there close to lebanon your international customers may be afraid to buy from you because of continuity of shipment in case a war breaks up so the government sweetens the deal if you want to move up there and of course the houses are pretty cheap compared to the rest of israel but you got to be ready to you know hit the bomb shelters if the katushas start coming in the last time we had that kind of problem was 2006. and i've told you there's a beautiful community called naharia naharia on the mediterranean the beaches are probably more beautiful than now tel aviv's got beautiful beaches too it's not fair to say that it's they're both about the same the tel aviv beaches seem to be wider in other words from the road to the to the water's edge there's a lot of sand i think there's more maybe they brought sand then artificially uh but diarrhea has enough sand it's not like a 10-foot beach it's quite a generous beach but it doesn't have all the you know the lifeguard stations and the food vendors and things like that i didn't see any of that down here and uh they have i've only been in diarrhoea a few times and never like really go there but i've been there one y twice maybe three times two or three times probably twice uh they got um [Music] um it's it's a great community mostly russian immigrants living there beautiful houses but they're all made out of concrete and generally uh practically everything you see there is a there's a townhouse or an apartment building that's like three or four stories high they don't have any really big 20 or 30 story buildings here they got a numerous amount of restaurants shopping and services there and the streets are beautiful it's urban though it's not country it's all over lots of concrete lots of sidewalks lots of roads and it's all urban you know but you can walk to the beach you know town's not that big you could hang out on the beach and stuff it's beautiful beach and you're only seven miles from lebanon so uh they leave that to the russian immigrants because they discriminate in israel against the newcomers so they let them live there because it's cheaper to live in they don't want to live there of course they're a risk of war so let the russians be there that's their approach you know uh and the russians are pretty happy here right it looks to me and impresses me as a a happy place the russian jewish immigrants seem to for the most part the ones that have been here from years ago are very happy in israel they don't seem to be unhappy here they got plenty of food you know good fruits and vegetables and meats needs um you got high-speed internet you got all kinds of i mean netflix here is i think ten dollars a month and they have a huge amount of stuff you don't get the if you want the current broadcast you've got to go get it with uh your cable company we have something with them we have a i don't know a 32 32-inch lcd tv i bought uh and my wife was using it for the cooking shows and stuff and to practice the hebrew because they would put speak hebrew when you have english subtitles and stuff like that uh she's trying to use it for that it didn't do that much good that's how the uh the israeli people learn english many of them they just watch american movies with uh hebrew subtitles and that's how they pick it up so it's self-taught paper english and you get to watch the movie at the same time so i don't see the plan that antiqua has are they trying to get a goofball like biden elected this certainly isn't gonna do it hey let's go loot some stores for biden well they can't you know root for biden is not a theme that's going to be respected by the people of the united states to get votes so what are they doing ask yourself ask don't listen to me ask yourself what is antifa's plan ripping down statues what's that going to do that's more like china's plan that's more like somebody who wants to take the country over that has the means to do it because they want to get rid of the identification with the heroes to get rid of the statues and then eventually you put new statues up like you know a big get rid of the statue of liberty and put a big statue of kamala harris and biden up there wouldn't that be nauseating dirty joe as you call him dementia joe that's his name dementia joe yeah that's uh and look at the other sluggards that they have that have been around for decades and just want to destroy the country but not the way antifa does like feinstein and uh pelosi and them but they're not the same thing as antifrom blm blm has a heavy racist attitude what what are they doing what's their goal i don't see it what i see is china and maybe iran maybe north korea and others russia are working these people with their intelligence departments and they're just having these people weak in the united states and turn neighbor against neighbors i don't see any pot of gold at the end of their rainbow their rainbow is too skewered it doesn't go to one location it goes to 10 or 12. and they i i don't understand where they go in portland and seattle where did that get them what did they get out of this nothing i don't know where they're going with this other than they're weakening the country and china intends to invade it and china may not tell them that or china maybe tells them we're going to when the united states is falling apart we're going to invade it this is in jeremiah chapters 15 and 51. it doesn't specifically was china as an invader it lists several different countries as invading quite a few so the the idea that the federal government's going to give them texas or nevada or idaho or wyoming or any other states is absurd first of all it has to be a country that's not a state that's not landlocked so they could fly in over the ocean without needing flyover privileges from the rest of the country and they could ship by sea but you know guys ask yourself what are the chances of the united states ever handing them over anything by the time it got that bad the united states would be like a burning garbage dump then there would be nobody left to hand it over without i don't know what they're doing are they going to weaken the country yeah they're going to weaken the country we see this in prophecy it says one people group will fight the other people group well that's antifa and blm and then it says they you know the the uh rule of fighting ruler well nation fighting nation so the other category is that another government or another country is going to come in and fight it and like i've said before everybody assumes oh china will invade the united states why don't you think about the united states invading china japan would love to get in on that one japan and china hate each other i learned this from the martial arts and still goes on it still goes on i've asked chinese people about it this extreme bad blood ah what would it take to see that well not much china decides to get taiwan back in their minds and japan and the united states are at that point probably going to say we need to get china out of taiwan and that's a war then china's spratly islands and stuff start attacking the ships of china and japan australia would be in on this and i think south korea would have to go in on it and then north korea goes after south korea and you got the whole area lit up okay and where is that going to take you china is going to the united states is going to start to realize china's collaborating taiwan taiwan from the coastal areas near taiwan and they're going to go after china in those areas and knock their bases out and that's basically called invading china what do you know what else are you gonna call what else are you gonna call it and that could start in a heartbeat if china decides to hit taiwan china is looking at trump in the election and they're saying if biden if dementia biden gets in and kamala or kamla harris i think her name is if they get it oh we got a great chance of making a deal with them we'll go sit there and we'll make trade deals with them and we'll be on tv in the white house and they'll be hugging us and kissing us and everything will go great you know uh and they're telling the truth they'll get a great deal for them out of biden and kamala they will get the people of america will get a lousy deal but china will get a good deal and then they can start their trade again and they can run their slave factories and make more money and that's what they want to do he who dies with the most toys wins that's their logos their motto so they're gonna make a move against trump somehow some way shape or form and the timing for that is about now maybe they could wait a couple of weeks two or three weeks but they got to do something maybe they'll wait until you get into october i think the election is the third or the fourth of november so they got you know something happened six weeks prior to the election people forget if something happens two weeks prior they're not gonna forget so china is gonna try to do something i don't know what i don't know trump and hey isaac trump and his advisors are pretty smart people and they'll try to figure out what they're going to do but it it may not be so manageable but by itself these protests don't mean anything what are they going to start a civil war boys that get them they'll lose where does that get but if they can recreate what's going on in boston in portland and seattle in three or four hundred other cities if they could get that it would really put the united states in a bad way in a bad way maybe they think that they could just deteriorate the us government and then they could step in and raise an army and enforce their own constitution you know the black constitution or something declare us slaves and their personal property all white people and you know it's crazy things like that people will fight against they may start also burning department stores by breaking the windows with hammers and crowbars and other implements and throwing molotovs into the department store or any other kind of store through the broken window that'll do it they'll get a fire going um the antifa black lives matter people have a very strange playbook and the government doesn't know how to respond to that playbook and that's why you see i think there's over a hundred fires in the northwest or something in the west coast in the northwest and they're not doing anything about it there's over 100 fires and they're not doing anything bad they don't know what to do they're flying drones they're looking for suspicious people they're looking for people to inform them suspicious people but the guys and the gals that really want to commit the arson are doing it i want to see what happens on september 17th which is what 53 days from now when they go to washington dc i don't know what will happen there probably just more of the same i don't expect anything extraordinary maybe i'm wrong and it will be extraordinary but generally speaking if you're going to announce an extraordinary event so none of this makes sense to me are they trying to get the military to defect out of american military no no that was a vietnam trick the protesters would try like crazy to get the soldiers and the sailors and the airmen to talk to them and get them disgruntled against the government so i'm not seeing that i'm not seeing them attacking any military bases although that would be pretty dangerous for them um they're hitting city city halls they're hitting mayor's houses governors houses they're protesting at police stations creating disturbances there which is pretty gutsy you got to admit that's not anything we saw during the vietnam war nothing we never saw them go to a mayor's house or governor's house or the police stations they went to occasionally they did government buildings they occupied buildings in washington dc at one point i think just once maybe twice they got tear gassed out of there and they went to um mostly college campuses that was what they did they took over the science building or the philosophy building or the history building or something like that that was you know that wasn't exactly stopping the government they occasionally went to train tracks where the train would be carrying troops or inductees or something and they sat on the tracks and stopped the trains but they were nowhere near as violent they weren't violent at all the black panthers used to run around back then and they did some violent things but there weren't that many of them and the amount of violence they did was very limited they shot at firemen which is not so bright they shot at cops ambushed cops in the street they had back then you had foot patrolmen and they're way too easy to ambush if you got foot patrol all you do is sit in a building wait for you don't sit in the car because then they stop the car you get in a building you keep your shotguns or your assault weapons under your clothing you can seal it in when you see the cops walk by on the street it could be one or two you come out from where you're being concealed and just get close behind them and start opening up with your shotgun or your assault weapons that's on if you're worried about body armor from them that could be a problem but you could shoot them in the head and you could shoot them in the legs so that was something that was done the black panthers did some of that uh there's not that much foot patrol anymore in a lot of cities it doesn't exist but if it does they can use that approach uh but then they'll just stop the foot controls it's not gonna get them very far they got nowhere to go guys ask yourself where is this movement going nowhere but it's going it's causing civil war and strife god it's doing a good job and it's going to get worse they're going to be more right-wingers protesting against them and them against the right-wingers that's a civil war but it's not really a civil war because nobody's got an army with artillery and air force and a navy fighting against another country like that so what is this about obviously they're being supported by somebody these people when they get arrested they're from another state somebody's paying them to come over there they're paying them a per diem they're paying them for hotels they're paying them if they get arrested while they're in jail what who's doing this well who's got the most to gain china trump's trying to put him out of business trump has the advantage of being a businessman not just the politician the government people in china are basically just government people they're not business people so trump yeah it's only um 84 how long are you gonna be you think hour and a half two hours you can leave them i'll keep an eye on it and don't forget the pulls that's exactly part of the trick thank you my dear thank you thank you uh are you going to be able to get hot dogs oh okay okay chief and the offer are very worried um all right you you dissect this in your own head i'm just leading you down the path where are they going what are they going to do you think it's really sane to think somebody's going to give them texas or wyoming or you know utah or any other state that's insane thinking how could that happen it's not the federal government's land to give they'd have to have the state give it and the state can't give it unless they took like a referendum or some kind of a vote and a majority of the people in the state said yes give them our land the chances of that happening are about as good as nasa putting people on the moon to walk around it ain't never going to happen okay they ain't getting through the firmament you know i mean it's it's it's just nonsense you know um you'll see nasa on the moon the day after the cow jumps over the moon okay and the day that they've just they've proved that the moon is made out of cheese that's when you see nasa on the moon okay so you can't trump can't give texas away there's no authority the federal government is there constitutionally to serve the states not give them away they can't do it these people don't realize that okay and the state could the state give itself away i assume they could if they had a majority of the people in the state that said yes we're going to move out leave our businesses and our homes and our land behind and we're just going to give it to them for free so they stop destroying the united states well first of all look i've studied that jihadists having lived in there in israel and these people are getting fed by jihadists by the way they're getting indoctrinated by them and their approaches are very similar they may start getting katusha rockets which are easily built in home workshops but what are they going to do with the katusha rockets except kill each other it makes no sense so why would they have katusas it doesn't help them they could go do suicide vest bombs but none of their people are delusional enough to put a suicide bomb on a suicide best bomb so that's not gonna work if they ever did get the land like we gave them gaza what did they do they turned gaza into a military operation against israel the geniuses of course netanyahu was in on this one the geniuses that orchestrated this idiot behavior of giving gaza to them you know but the approach would be let's get texas from them and we'll set up a military base in texas and then from texas we'll want to get louisiana and we'll go for the other adjacent states and start building our country so they'll start with one state you don't have to be uh you know have a phd in political science from yale to understand that's what the game is okay and china would only be so happy to say oh now texas has become the nation of antifa blm land or something like that so let's go help them we'll give them uh we'll give them some military aid why don't we bring three or four hundred missiles over there and gift it to them but you know they don't know how to use the missiles so we better have our own soldiers stationed there with the missiles and they have the codes for the missiles and they'll do the missile launching and they need some aircraft to protect the missiles so we'll bring 40 fighter jets over there and my gosh these poor people now have a coast guard to protect so we'll put 25 or so coastal vessels to patrol their coast for them and they need radar so we better give them some radar but we're going to have to send the radar operators over there it'll have to be chinese military and so the story goes right they sit on texas for two or three years build it up into a military operation and then they get more states and their plan would be eventually to get you know six or eight states and have a nation but guys it's not realistic it's something that the wonton people in wuhan homovirus thought up okay this is got demented brains behind it they don't even understand that how could you mechanically ever do this and of all the dumb places to pick texas everybody in texas has got a gun and they know how to wear hats in texas and they know how to get a good pickup truck and they're not exactly going to be too slow to put some skull in their cheek and lock and load and start blowing these people at a kingdom come you're not taking their houses and their lands away don't kill you'll kill you they'll have the right head gear on and they'll put the skull in their cheek which i don't do who inaudible lock and load and blow these people right out of their boots these people don't understand a second amendment person that owns 20 guns and keeps six or eight 10 000 rounds of ammo in the house they don't understand he probably has body armor he probably has a kevlar helmet he probably has some hazmat clothes okay and he probably shoots uh eight six eight hundred rounds a year something like that and as a minimum mixed amongst those different guns and you get tremendous transfer okay i'm telling you from personal experience you could go there and shoot a taurus revolver and then pick up a smith wesson revolver and the transference is 90 it's huge okay and you could do that with rifles too i you know it's yeah i was never really that much into rifles i had a bunch but they weren't very challenging to me um i never did quick draw a rifle i mean there are people that will have the rifle on a sling and they'll turn with their back to the target and somebody will say go and they'll pivot deploying the rifle from the sling chambering around and firing at the target i never did that i never bothered that i had the pistol and i was good with the pistol i shot lots and lots and i probably fired a hundred thousand rounds of pistol ammo in my life which is a lot and uh i that's what i would rely on if there was something that dire i would just pivot with the pistol now i did learn how to shoot these things out to about 300 yards i never took it further than that because i never had a range to go to that went out the far 500 yards and stopped at 300. and i didn't find it very challenging at all i bought myself a springfield uh 308 that was a m1a1 i think they called it the old military rifle that they used before the m16 the darn good gun with the wood stock and i put a scope on this thing that was close to a thousand dollars it was collimated it was good for low light i mean it was a heck of a scope springfield scope and with just regular junk ammo i was able to you know very easily at a from a rest on a table hit an area the size of a watermelon at 300 yards it was child's play you know the whole trick was getting the scope adjusted that was it when i bought the gun they used one of those lasers in the barrel to get the rifle to print on the paper so i could adjust the scope accordingly and it was extremely easy and then later on i got these uh i didn't put it on the springfield but i put it on other guns it was uh a laser it was uh green i believe i bought several of these things and you put them on the gun they weren't optical sights they were literal lasers and you could uh put them on the target no no i had optical too i finally put optical on them that's right i put the optical on there's an optical sight which creates an illusion of the green dot floating around out there on the target and you turn it in for i used to keep them at about 50 feet because i wasn't very concerned with fighting at 300 and 500 meters that's for a sniper you know i was concerned with somebody getting within 50 feet of me and you know taking them out that's what it was you could use regular lasers too uh regular lasers on handguns i think are stupid i used them on long guns i had i had other guns i had like a uh a two two three pistol that had a seven and a half inch barrel and it didn't have any stock and it was illegal and you shot them like a big giant pistol and i put a uh an optical sight on that and that's when i was working in the world and i didn't care about spending a thousand dollars on a gun and you know 250 on a site it didn't didn't bother me you know um and you know but these people are and there's millions of them they're deadly what stops them is they're afraid of getting arrested and going to jail unlike antifa and blm of course life in jail for them would be way harder than some auntie for well an antifa guy would be hard but it you know they don't want to go to jail okay they don't want to go to jail they're not revolutionaries a revolutionary doesn't care about going to jail they care but when the police break down and it gets into the wild west they're going to open up on these people with their weapons with their training with their skills and they buy special ammunition i used to buy certain ammunition for certain caliber guns like for the 45 acp i bought the hydroshock because the hydroshock got the best kill rates okay from police shootings the 45 hydroshock was king but it wasn't good in other calibers and then i had different rounds i used in other calibers they don't even know these antifa's in blm they wouldn't even know what you're talking about what's a hydra shock you know they don't know this they don't know what range your ammo is the winchester rain ranger which is the old black talent they don't know from this stuff they they don't know what ammo was good when ammo has been so used to use you know very specialized ammo certain shotgun shells uh i never had a uh a 380 i wasn't i never owned one it wasn't really a meaningful gun to me i had 32s which were pretty small very very small guns and they're dangerous police used to use them like going back 100 years ago but you got to place your shots with it with the 32 your uh what you're looking at greens i think uh an 80 grain full jacketed bullet although they make hollow points uh you're going at about eight eight fifty feet per second not very fast you've got to place your shot you got to hit the the heart or you got to hit the brain or you could hit the throat will cause people a lot of difficulty of course if you could get the spine but um you had to hit it you know you got to hit it pretty carefully and i had certain other kinds of ammo for 38 other kinds for 357 other kinds for 40. so you know you would but this is typical with lots of gun guys and you know they got nothing to do in the evening they get a few boxes of ammo get their gun the gun range back most these guys have a bag with all the different stuff in the bag for the gun range drive over the gun range and shoot four boxes of bullets and come home you know uh the gun range i used to use in florida i became friends with the people there and i used to keep rags there in the gun range paper towels rags and q-tips uh plus the hobbies gun oil so i would i didn't have to go home and stink the house up with hoppies so i wouldn't if i went outside and cleaned the guns i had to worry about the no-see-um mosquitoes eating me up so i would do it at the gun range so they didn't care about me stinking the place up they were they were happy i was buying these uh 16 ounce bottles of hoppies which is a huge amount buying big bags of rags leaving big rolls of paper towels there buying big bags of q-tips and you know i used to meticulously clean my gun these people i don't even know if they know how to clean a gun you know i don't know if they know how to clear jams when i first learned how to clear jams they were having us do it and raking our hand across the top of the slide and our hands were getting cut like would go as bandages and tape cut you know bad cut because the theory is don't worry about cutting your hand don't take your eyes off your opponent and just rake your hand across the slide and get that that cartridge that's stuck in there the shell casing out of there and if it cuts your hand it cuts your hand you worry about it later but they didn't do that all day they did it enough so enough people got cut and you got the idea and it was you know not a lot of fun then you got to run around with doing the bandage for the next couple of days it was annoying it wasn't enjoyable but that's you know but they don't understand any of this they don't understand that you can shoot a 45 acp government model at 100 yards and he hit they don't know that you can't i mean from a prone or a seated or you know you're not going to do it you got to get from a still rest you can do it you got to have a good gun you got to have good ammo you can't have cheap made in korea junk ammo with aluminum cases you got to have real ammo you know but uh you can do it you know they don't understand that they don't know you could take a 12 shotgun 12-gauge shotgun and put a choke on it and make it print at 100 yards on the size of somebody's circle you know a circle around their chest i've done it i know the choke to get i know how to do it and it works at 100 yards but you're shooting like you know 9 or 12 pieces of double up buckshot which is a 32 caliber bullet out a hundred yards and you're gonna hit him with multiples you get hit with three or four 32 caliber pieces of buckshot bye-bye you're gonna be down you know you're not going to be walking around you might not die but you're not walking around too good you're not going to be uh like nothing happened maybe for 10 seconds you will be but that's about it they don't know about that they don't know if you want to disable uh your enemy you don't have to use armor-piercing ammo you just go out and get remington core lock ammo or its competitor's equivalent which a heavily jacketed ammo to shoot like rhino and stuff like that right and they go through rhino and hippo and elephant and how do you think they do against humvees oh pretty good penetrate pretty good rip that engine compartment up go through the radiators and if you're dealing with an enemy and they got a water tank you put a couple of rounds through the water tank and you contaminate the water you get oil in the water the water's finished but you the water is going to run out of the water tank what about they got air conditioners get some nice remington core lock rounds and you put them into the air conditioner one round should total the air conditioner what about a heater same thing what about a refrigeration unit for food the same thing you can do these shots that you know if you're going to invest the money like the second amendment guys do the gun owners they don't think anything is spending 1500 bucks on a rifle and then dropping a thousand on a scope and all you got to do is lay down on a bank on a blanket in the grass or in the woods and you take your time and you look at the windage and your elevation and you compensate you squeeze off around some of these guns have a set trigger where you pull one trigger first and then you got a second trigger and all you got to do is move the second trigger about that far and it goes off and you're taking out vehicles you're taking out air conditioners you're taking out power generators you're taking out all kinds of stuff and nobody knows where the heck you are in the middle of a bunch of trees you know they're not going to find you i mean you know if you get this james bond garbage it's probably never going to find you unless you sit there and stop pumping rounds out but if you pump around out and then change your position they're probably never going to find you when we say change position you know you should be thinking of walking 500 yards or something like that you know but then you can do it again you can take out airplanes on a runway but armored piercing ammo is easy to find in america it's illegal it's really legal it's just pistol ammo that's illegal so you can get armor-piercing ammo and go through all kinds of things so if they're going to fight blm these patriots these militia they're going to find out where their vehicles are where they're staging and they're going to disable all their vehicles easily easily just good powerful rifle bullet going through the engine compartment the car ain't running put two rounds in there forget about it you may as well have to throw the car out you're gonna have a lot of problems in that motor block okay with a good heavy armor piercing bullet like a 308 go right through the block or at least go four or five inches into the block which is enough they'll take their vehicles down they'll take if they're in the field they'll take out their generators their water supply they'll take out whatever they have these guys and auntie from blm don't understand any of that they don't they've never read about it or seen it i mean a few of them that were in the military may understand it but the others the others aren't going to understand it they're going to sit there and they're going to play you know ordy murphy or some world war ii hero john wayne they're gonna sit there with a helmet with the helmet straps hanging down and a cigar in her mouth holding some machine gun with a belt fed strip of ammo at waist level firing at the enemy they don't understand that they might be having a hundred or 150 rounds hanging down on their belt okay but that gun is firing six or eight you know 100 rounds a minute so that's going to give them a few seconds of firepower that's all they think they're going to walk around and spray the whole nazi army with the with this one delta bullet hanging down it ain't going to work that way you know they're going to be out in a few seconds 12 15 18 seconds they're going to be dry then it's the enemy's turn if they don't cut any more money any more ammo you know and you're not going to pick up a squad machine gun that's uh got tripods on it with a big can of ammo or something like that and carried around you're talking maybe 60 80 pounds i mean if you're a schwarzenegger you might get away with that but most people it's going to really weigh them down they're not going to be very good with it because it's bulky and heavy and the thing gets hot you know so it's you know it's it's not you know they'll get slaughtered so what's the point of it they can't win see what i'm saying and t from blm i mean what can they win tell me what the prize is what are they going to get out of this tell me what they get what do they walk away with nothing so why are they there a national power is running them think china iran north korea maybe russia they're being run okay russia was paying bounties to kill american soldiers where in syria or afghanistan someplace with that if they're doing that they're doing this they're training them they're probably smuggling weapons into them the ice people have caught smuggled weapons coming in already they'll give them communications equipment they'll give them medical equipment they'll give them money they'll give them phony documents if they need that they'll give them whatever they need okay they'll give them advisors but they ain't gonna win anything all they're doing is weakening the united states government they're weakening the country and the government and the only purpose behind that is to take it over with a violent military attack and that matches prophecy jeremiah 15 and 51 that is the daughter of babylon which is the united states tell me i'm wrong tell me there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for anti from blm all i see is when they get big and bad enough they're going to get slaughtered not by the police by the patriots they're going to disable the police they're doing a good job police are sitting around doing nothing and they're getting defunded and when that happens the patriot it goes two ways they could get away with a lot of stuff and the patriots are going to blow them out of their shoes a lot of these guys have been going to the range for 25 35 years with these fantastic weapons there's people that spend five ten thousand dollars i'm telling you take it to the bank on really high-grade rifles sniper rifles and they practice it they go to sniper training schools there's tons of them in the united states and who teaches them ex-green berets ex-delta forces x navy seals x recon guys that know exactly what they're doing these are the guys that can shoot mosquitoes on the wall from 100 yards these guys have done it they've gone into combat and blown people's heads off okay there's a phases people will go through where they're enthusiastic hey gung-ho kill you know give me your war cry you know all right that's not being hard that's not a hard heart that's motivation you can't give somebody a hard heart until you put them out in combat and they start blowing people's arms and legs off and killing them and stuff like that after whatever it takes it's going to vary from people to people they're going to get hard okay who's heart the l.a swat team is hard they kill people a lot right who else is hard the cineloa cartel they're hard they torture people dismember people the uh what's that crazy isis their heart they torture dismember rape people well they get to a point where they get hard okay now the patriots are not hard unless they got hardened in the regular military and the antifa and the blm people are not hard unless they would got it in the drug cartels so when they get hard then they're going to be way more dangerous but there's no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow somebody's playing them and the people that are playing them are going to betray them because they were danger to them and that's what i got so offering information is in the description box of the video we take gofundme and patreon my email address is at the bottom israelgiving7 at gmail.com but i don't want to hear from false believers and please pray for me and my wife rifka and our animals and pets and i'm out thanks guys
Channel: Israel Bible Prophecy News Analysis & Ezekiel Temple Watch
Views: 872
Rating: 4.4098363 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 13sec (10273 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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