Wasserwelle Anleitung Tutorial - 20er Jahre Frisur

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> Waterwave Tutorial by PÜPPIKRAM < Hello from our Beauty and Hairdressing Salon 'PÜPPIKRAM' from Berlin! I am Silke and I love waterwaves! This is why I'd like to show you today how you can create your own waterwave at home! We also have an Ebook including all the steps and a list of needed styling materials (german only). The link to the ebook and to our salon in Berlin you'll find it in the info box below! Step 1: Side parting! I am gonna make a side parting which is placed pretty low. Step 2: Parting hair into sections. I go from ear to ear... On the left side I made 3 sections between the side parting and the ear. On the right side I made 2 sections. Step 3: Making curls I am gonna part my sections now in further several narrow strands. It's important that all those strands have the same width. I take one strand and I curl it around my curling iron. I prefer using round curling irons without clips but with heat protection gloves. With my other hand I can feel how hot my hair becomes. And then I simply pull out my curling iron and I use a hair clip to attach the warm curl on my head. Now I work on the next section. I treat it the same way like the section before. I wait until the hair is hot enough. Pull out the curling iron and attach the curl. When the curl cools down in that pinned up position, its much more durable. Now I take this last section, which is a bit smaller then the others, so I am done with 2 strands here. Don't be afraid to work really close to your hair roots and try to keep a 90° angle. That way you create beautiful bouncy curls. Aaaand here's the last strand. Don't burn yourself :) That's why wrap my gloved hand around my curling iron. I don't want to burn my ears, my cheek or my neck. All the same for the other side. Make sure you cool down your curls in the exact position you curled them up. Fixate your curls with clips on your head and let them cool down. This is how you get very durable curls and a longlasting waterwave in the end. Without that cooling process, your curls would become stretched or flat really quickly. Done! You can leave your curls that way for now. Apply some hairspray. And now we take care about the back of the head! Step 4: Curls on the back of your head I think my hair looks fabulous already! Meanwhile I used a rather small curling iron so far, I'm gonna use a bigger one for the back of the head. You see the difference! It creates bigger curls which is fine for now. I create an upper section on the back of my head simply by using my two index fingers. I go from ear to ear and let them meet in the middle. So I parted this section and curl it around my curler. Below that, I created another section in the level of my ears and parted it in three strands. And the last hair section is parted into 2 strands. I curl all the strands the way I showed you before. Fixate each strand for cooling down. Step 5: Brush through front curls We're getting closer to the actual waterwave! I remove all clips from my hair. Brush carefully through your curls, starting with the ends of the hair. You can already see how the hair falls a bit into place. We already have a beautiful wave here. I do the same with the other side. Oh look, we have another wave here! Step 6: Create the waterwave I push the comb right into the first wave. I fixate the wave with a special waterwave clip. To create the next wave, I press my finger onto the valley, comb my hair into position and fixate with another clip. And we're done with the second wave! All these loose strands here don't bother me yet, I am gonna include them into my chignon at the back of the head later. I'm currently looking a bit like Edward Scissorhands! In case you want to have a very exact waterwave, you can fixate the valleys with another clip. Step 7: Brush through the curls in the back Ok we're done with the waterwave preparation, and I open the clips at the back of my head. I'm gonna brush through them very carefully too. The curls will make it easy to create an updo. Step 8: Back-comb the back of the head Maybe I should keep being Edward Scissorhands but instead I'll back-comb the back of my head. This will give my updo a well-shaped silhouette. I'm putting the back-combed strand to the top. Fixate a bit with hairspray. Step 9: Pin up the hair in the back. I part the hair at the back into two sections. I temporarily pin up the upper part. On the back of my head, I am gonna create 'crosses' with my bobby pins. It's important that the bobby pins cross each others so they stay in place. This way, these crosses are a solid base on which i can pin the rest of my hair. The look of this updo is gonna be pretty laid-back. Now I take my strands and back-comb them a little bit. Now I grab a strand, twist it a little bit, take a bobby pin and work it into my hair from the top and fixate the strand onto the cross that I built before. Try to hide the bobby pins into the hair, they shouldn't be seen in the end result. Now comes the upper part. I have no idea how that looks like! Try to relax a little, it doesn't need to be perfect. You can try to work with a second mirror, but really don't be too perfectionist with the updo. Whenever you feel like there is a strand escaping from the updo, just take another bobby pin and fixate that strand. Try to navigate the bobby pin like you're weaving, that way it's more stable and less visible. Step 10: Remove clips from waterwave. Now I remove those clips very carefully. This part seems too loose for me, so I'm gonna fixate it again with a clip. Here's a insider tip from me: you can use the hairspray can to define the waves. First add hairspray, then press the can before it's drying. When I'm done, I work the ends of my wave into my updo using bobby pins. I don't like this part here yet, so gonna pin it up as well. This part here seems too voluminous to me so I weave another bobby pin into the wave in a way that it's nearly invisible. Now it's already a little bit closer to my head. That's a good trick anyway especially if you plan to dance through the whole night! It adds some extra stability to the hairstyle. And the waterwave is done! I'm turning my head so you can see the sides too. I made sure I fixated everything with hairspray. For some extra glamour you can also apply some gloss spray. If you still feel like some valleys aren't 'deep' enough, use those clips again, leave it in for a while, apply lots of hairspray and stay cool! If you feel like you can work a 20's hair ribbon or feathers into your hairstyle you can simply place it around your head onto your hair. Last but not least add some intense 20's inspired make-up! If you liked our video I'd be happy about a comment or if you subscribe to our channel! In the info box below you'll find all the links to our shop where you can find all the styling products that you'll need as well our german ebook and complete bundles. Make sure you don't miss that! And now: party!!!
Channel: PÜPPIKRAM Hair & Make-up
Views: 635,862
Rating: 4.7983074 out of 5
Keywords: waterwave tutorial, fingerwave tutorial, 20ies Hairstyle HowTo, Wasserwelle, Wasserwellen Tutorial, Zwanziger Jahre Frisur Tutorial, zwanziger jahre frisur machen, hairstyling tutorial, waterwave step by step, schritt für schritt anleitung wasserwelle, anleitung zwanziger jahre frisur, wasserwelle mit lockenstab, wasserwelle selber machen, wasserwelle anleitung, wasserwelle legen, wasserwelle frisur, wasserwelle locken, 20er jahre frisur
Id: 8ltx-D-K5Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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