Watercolor of a Girl with easy measurement

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thank you for joining me for today's watercolor portrait painting class i'm going to bring you step by step how to paint the portrait painting of this little girl from composition finding the proportion to finish the painting i think the hair over here is coming up you're gonna make the decision this is very much like a one-third of the whole painting one two three quickly you can mark it approximately about this much we need to find out how much is the height if you know the height you're going to find out the width if you know the width you're going to use the width find out the height so this is the width doesn't include the ears i have this bamboo sticks i'm going to do a little measurement i'm going to take a look the proportion i'm going to take the the longer part first i'm going to mark it so this is the height right i'm going to rotate this i'm going to come over here the left side to the right side now i'm going to find out this is the whole is the height this is the width what is the relationship of that i'm gonna put it down over here actually let me see oh do you know what this is interesting this part is only three quarter of this one because i can divide this into four three of this equals to the same as this this is the width i'm gonna add three quarter of the width stand it over here together become the height i just quickly mark it on my watercolor paper divide it into four now i'm going to take three quarter right i'm gonna put it outside over here it says the same logic as we have from the measurement and then i'm going to take this whole thing together i'm going to rotate it now this is the whole height i'm going to keep the top of the head a little bit higher like this that's fine i don't need to include the top of the head so i'm gonna mark it on my tape okay this is the whole height so now you can see the height of the face like this if you want to include the hair on the top it will look like this now you only focus on the side of the face the outline okay you don't look at the eye the nose okay be able to do a good artwork a good portrait it's very important that you can ignore some of the things that is not ready for you to look at it almost every time when you put the high and the width together you always feel like the face too narrow the measurement every time you need to follow through it is very crucial so the second thing i'm gonna find find out what's the eye location first i'm going to make a little guess i think the eye could be just in the middle from the top to the chin okay let's take a look oh no no no no no what i'm thinking what's wrong it's not really the middle it's lower than the middle so now i'm gonna use the eyebrows could be the middle so i'm gonna double check with my bamboo stick now i'm gonna take this part double check with it do you see that it's perfect sometimes you don't know what you're gonna use how you're gonna find things until you look now i'm gonna see from here to here the middle is the eyebrows line i'm gonna erase those marks so i don't need those here okay and i'm gonna put it here maybe right here right i'm gonna i'm gonna see i'm gonna take the middle over here now it's not exactly a little bit too low i'm gonna put a mark over here now from here to here the middle that would be the correct line so that means i'm going to draw this line softly from left to the right when i get the eyebrows everything else will become so simple do you notice from the eyebrows to the chin the middle is the nose the middle is the nose and the eye is i can see that from here to here i can divide it from here and that actually interesting almost like a little bit more one quarter from the eyebrows to the nose so i'm going to do a quarter by a little bit more than a quarter here you go now this is the eye line you see that how easy you just have to go by the step okay and then we're going to find the mouth and the mouth this is actually easy on her i think the lower border divide into half okay from the nose to the chin so everything it has his is placed and it's really easy to find them and from here to the nose almost half is the upper but a little bit more than half right over here the next thing we're gonna do is divide it horizontal we're gonna look at from the left side to the right side it's very much look like five proportion now i'm gonna from here to this side this is the corner of the eye that's the corner of the eye this the corner of this eye this corner of this eye the center line a little bit off to the right side now we just talk about center lines find out where's the center line it's about off to the right side right something like that coming down it will help you it's almost five one two three four five the difference is the center the middle part between the two eyes a little bit more than one eye space and also the left side and the right side over here is a little bit less than one eye space we already know where's the eye line so i'm gonna divide this so first i'm going to put this mark over here we only need to know the proportion okay i'm gonna divide it it's not exactly one to one i'm gonna divide it into five this is actually a little bit less on both sides the middle part have a little bit more so i'm gonna do a little adjustment so now i'm gonna move the both the left and the right and a little bit less now the center a little more right like this the center a little more you see that the center over here a little bit more so in matching proportionally now i'm going to come to my paper now this is the eye so i'm going to put the rough shape of the eye vertically center over here there's going to be iris in the middle and this eye and over here the iris right over here this is very crucial if you don't get the eye position correctly the following steps or just go by luck based on the i space have the vertical line coming over here to measure the notes okay we already know vertically what the nose is so now i see that the nose a little bit outside a little bit outside this oh this side is just aligned to the to the side of the nose so in that case this is pretty easy i'm going to vertically coming down over here right coming down there's this the side of the nose on this side i'm going to coming down over here so this side come out a little bit that's the nose so you put the nostril over here the nose in shape i'm going to show you how to measure the width of mouth look at her mouth at the corner over here it's very interesting it's coming out like that right so i'm going to define this is the corner of the mouth this the corner of the mouth like a one side is very serious the other side kind of like laughing at you i'm going to get it down it's right from the middle of this eye on this side and coming over here is only about a quarter even less than the quarter of the eye from the left corner so that's good it's about from here coming down right on here is the middle coming down it's really handy i'm gonna put it down over here and then put it down over here like that now here you go now we just know extend the corner over here coming up a little bit from here i can see that and like this this is the mount and this the corner over here and coming in over here so we got the location of this mouth you just have to do it step by step because you don't want to skip this step at the end your painting is not going to be making you happy but while you are doing that right it's going to be a sad ending so you should follow step by step slowly now everything in place from the left side of the ear the right side of the ear you can see as a right above the nose right right above the nose over here it's that much right above the nose right over here so i'm gonna put the this side of the ear and this up the either bottom of the ear the width of the ear is about this much coming like right from here about because looks like her face two down a little bit like that and this side is on this side like that this about this wide that's easy so i'm going to put everything else so look at the shoulder now i'm going to look at the angular measurement of the shoulder okay like i put over here i'm going gonna actually interesting from this angle it's directly pointed to the bottom of the lip so i'm gonna keep this angle coming down over here you see that that's the shoulder that should make it easy right so right over here like that and how wide is it and you can measure how wide is the uh shoulder over here take this and wow perfect just like the width of the mouth okay i'm going to take the width of the mouth over here and put it right over here and it's correct right over there always double check i'm going to come into this angle and now finish the shoulder so the first brush i'm using one inch flat brush where are we going to start uh i would say doesn't really matter you're going to feel it in the color everywhere and then you're gonna come back to adjusting it so you can start from the background and get in the face and get to this side of the background it's totally up to you maybe we're gonna try something a little bit different and we're gonna start from this corner all the way to the right corner how about that so i'm gonna use the yellow color okay i'm gonna loosen this yellow color okay i'm going to start right from here is that right that's good right i'm going to start right over here see that you don't have to be afraid of it it's just no fear say that's good like that now i come over here okay that's good now come over here i i don't want i don't want to waste this beautiful yellow color i'm going to put over here so put over here because it's going to be the same color it's just take the just the yellow okay the bright yellow color i'm going to put it over here and you may be thinking about whoa wait a minute so what about those here we have different technique to take care of the hair uh the loose hair now i'm going to paint them around over here it's that easy okay you better say easy because it's nothing hard like anyone can do this right you say oh i can okay come on give yourself some credit you can do this exactly the same thing now i'm going to i'm going to continue because there's nothing complicated so i'm going to add the red color in here the red with the yellow color that i already have in the brush and make it into an orange color right that is pretty easy just take this orange color and put it over here see that that's pretty easy uh if you don't agree with me it's easy let me know okay so i can yell at you because nothing difficult i'm gonna put this color a little bit more in just put a little bit more red color and in this time i'm gonna have a little bit darker a little bit kind of brown color you don't have to look for brown color just get the blue color in here that's the brown color so there's just no fear if you worry too much about mixing colors spend more time on mixing the color that's pretty easy and you also mentally should know that from the experience and their color after you drive they're all gonna look lighter so no panic okay also watercolor you can lift up the color erase the color i'm going to show you just the clean brush and just going to erase this i'm going to re-erase this you see that just use the water wash it and leave it up that is watercolor i'm gonna come in over here and i'm gonna add a little this the same brown color you know this is the first round putting the color so it's it's it's going to be look too light after you drive okay so no worries just put something over here you can start a painting okay so you have to start from somewhere right so i'm gonna put a little color over there going into a little simple color on the face uh what's the skin tone the skin tone is just red color really okay yes it's just red with water i'm gonna coming down over here show it to you it's just the first round i'm gonna put it like that i'm gonna leave the area that is really light okay like over here like that over here on this side of the of the nose you just need to looking for the color the different shade you can see there i'm gonna leave the highlight you see that this this brush looks like a huge but it's not that huge okay you can use the corner of this brush and i can say that again and again in every video you need to remove the fear okay the fear actually making you not doing things properly or maybe making you not doing enough so i'm gonna put the color just a little corner of the brush like that and coming over here coming down over here now here you go now i'm going to just wash her face with the same color uniformly coming down to the chin over here and now since this is still wet i'm going to put a little brown color okay i'm going to i have to do this wet into wet all the way coming down i'm going to have this little brown color the brown color basically more red and yellow than blue in the three color because i only use the three colors so don't waste the money some other colors you may not really never gonna use them okay i'm just tap the color over here you see that and that color is merged together over here so whatever you put it there you're going to change them okay coming over here and a little bit in here now let it softly emerge into the face that is fine and if it's too much you can move it out right and it looks like i have a little bit more yellow just tap a little yellow in the neck and coming over here like that and you go one more time like that beautiful isn't it right now just try to do your best to put the color cover the entire painting that is the simple mission so you don't worry about oh the details the edge now i'm going to put this color over here i'm gonna try to make this a little bit darker and also actually this is going into the shadow of the eye over here above the eye i'm going to do a little bit more like right over here like that and the top over here also put this color over there in your mind everything is a shape color how dark is the color how dark is the shape okay i just use the corner you can see that sometimes i use the whole brush sometimes you use only a small portion of the brush and now coming over here add a little bit thicker color i'm gonna have a little bit thicker color like that okay a little bit thicker have less water that how you make it thicker oh this color pretty dark i want to use this color set it right in here because i want that to be darker you see that this kind of thinking doesn't really matter what medium you use we already settled the base tone now we're going to come back to adjusting the colors three things we're adjusting one thing is trace is too dark we're going to make it lighter if the brace is not dark enough we make it darker and the prey supposedly have soft edges but it has hard edges and we need to change the edge after this step we're going to go into the detail and this is easy i'm going to start from the top first i'm going to mix a little bit darker brown color mr brown color is very easy you can start from red and the yellow color mix the orange color right the orange color makes a little bit blue there you're gonna get the brown color okay very easy formula it's perfect okay now put it right in here just a little bit like that put over here i'm going to smooth the color blend the color a little bit i'm going to put just use the corner see that this brush very good and functional and when you have a large brush and make it act as a small brush you have lots of freedom and you just need to control how this brush would work for you okay and put it down over here and i'm gonna come down over here this corner i'm gonna turn around because i want this edge the corner over here line up to this area that's good like that when i come over here and just use the corner over here a little corner and that's good i'm going to have a little bit of orange color connected i'm going to come down over here and a little bit here like that that's good now i'm going to come to have some orange color now i'm gonna let go some color but not totally so so let go some of the color i still have quite a bit of color in the brush just get the yellow color right and think about the good way to thinking about uh how to analyze your color your brush i'm going over here i'm going to put a little orange color right in here and put the orange color connect that into here you see that this is wet into wet on top of the dry layer so coming over here like that connect that nice very nice blending i'm gonna put over here maybe have a little bit more red and the ear area i'm going to have that right there it's good now i'm going to have this same color orange color i'm going to put it over here just use half of the brush it's not the full brush like that all right i'm going to just use the corner of this i'm going to put it like that that's good now we're coming over here and also now i'm going to put a little darker color underneath the uh chin you see that i can use half of my brush coming through i'm going to define the chin see that that's easy right no need to change too many brushes just one brush and you can use for lots of phrases now that's good i'm gonna have a little bit coming in over here i'm gonna do some lifting a little bit later so i'm gonna have a little bit more red into the ear just take the red color i'm going to put it right in this space because the ear is very warm now talking about the ear i'm going to take this color and coming on to this side there's the ear okay like that now i'm gonna have a little bit red uh just a little bit red but i still see a little bit kind of light brown color and i'm gonna put it into this shape like that this shape now this is not really uh soft anymore and i'm gonna put this a little bit over here too now i'm going to come in to do a little bit adjusting a little blending that's good right there that's good like that okay and what i'm going to do i'm going to now clean my brush totally now i want to do just because this is still wet so i'm gonna just extend the color coming in a little bit standard color coming in a little bit like that nice a little bit softly now i actually need to have a little bit more brown color i'm going to have this softly connect together and i'm going to have little yellow color put it right in here like that that's nice maybe a little bit red okay a little bright red color so make it look like an orange color like that as nice okay continue softly coming over here in the corner over here i'm going to get a little bit this orange color and put over there too so this is nice and now i'm going to come back over here they have just a little red color so i'm going to take a little red color at this corner just use the corner over here to have this color uh for the side of the face also close to the cheek and the cheek has a little bit warmer color now i'm just going to softly blend the color in here like see that is so many here this brush so it's so easy to render the big space and save you lots of time and hassle okay like that nice on the other side and so on here i'm also going to soften that a little bit it's how easy to blend the color is so easy isn't it uh if you don't agree with me let me know but i know i know it's easy okay coming over here i'm gonna have a little bit brighter orange color i'm gonna take the yellow color and take a little red color from here from the side okay coming over here you see that that's beautiful yeah coming like this now it look more as a person already like that i'm the side over here i'm gonna make it a little bit softer because i don't want it to be look a little bit too hard because that is supposed to be the the outside so i'm gonna soften there a little bit right over here like that and a little bit softer over here we're not doing the lifting it's because we're not at the timing yet we're still doing the adjusting okay okay i'm gonna soften that in the background oh that's good and i'm gonna have that little bit softer right over here the overall balance is already established if the overall big relationship is not there you don't want to get into the small details so i'm using this calligraphy brush i only use two brushes and one is large one is a small that's all i use now i'm going to come to the nose and the eye area so maybe start from the eye area so i'm going to mix a little bit orange brown colors i'm gonna get a little bit red in here and like that i have a little bit brown color into here this is good i'm gonna just painting around the eyelet over here it's good like that i'm going to preparing to come back to do the eye because around the eyelet is a little bit darker over there not on this side this side's a little bit darker on the other side is not so i'm gonna come with just with a little more red color on this side comparing both both sides i'm gonna coming over here an eyelet now here you go i'm gonna have it right there that's good now i'm gonna paint it into the smaller area smaller shape okay smaller shape that's good now on the top over here now i'm gonna looking at the smaller smaller area smaller transition like right over here that's good now preparing for the final i'm doing the a little bit more adjustment like over here i'm going to add a little bit red color over here basic because it looks like a little bit warmer right it's very easy look at what you have on the paper and looking for what you can do from there to get to what you want okay like that i'm gonna have a little bit shape over here now i'm just open up this brush a little bit and just blend it a little bit and this is also easy blending okay come on the top over here like that that's good on the top over here have a little big warm color coming up like this that's good i'm gonna get that very nice impression okay and now i'm gonna go into the nose on both sides of the nose have a little bit light brown colors you have to think about what color is it how much yellow how much red i'm gonna take this color and maybe a little bit red but a little bit yellow i'm going to have this color look carefully now coming over here you don't want to think it's a nose if you think it's a nose it's a problem you may be uh think about what i'm thinking about should i think about the mouth it's no not the mouth not the nose you think about the shape think about how dark is that color okay get down a little bit over here a little bit more red actually also a little bit more darker color i'm gonna add a little bit darker color right over here you see that that's pretty easy now on the other side now coming over here it's not really that dark on the top over there and when it says keep it coming coming down like this look at that coming down a little moving a little bit and coming a little bit and the bottom over here i'm going to have a little bit darker so a little bit more red too so coming over here you see that there's a smaller shape now wrap around at the bottom of the nose is a little bit darker too so i'm going to come in over here now before i move forward i need to wash my brush make it clean now what i want to do i'm going to soften this side you see that a little bit softer make the edge a little bit softer also make this a little bit lighter and the top over here now also the same thing on this side i'm going to make this side a little bit softer like almost like a lost edge on this side so very very relaxing you don't want to not too much nervous more you do it and you're gonna feel them easier for you okay now make it the bottom of the nose a little bit softer and i'm also going to clear this area a little bit this a little bit lighter now the nose looks like a pop-up already like i seeing the dimension of the nose the other thing i want to do i'm going to get a little bit red color okay and you're going to remember what i just said and coming over here and add there a little shape over here on the lower eyelid okay a little shape over here on the lower eyelid okay all you see is what's the shape what's the color okay that's supposed to be easy you don't want to complicate it you don't want to say i'm going to make a person or that's hard you need to take at least 10 months or 9 months right some of you have the experience already it's not easy but you can ping a person make it look like a person that's easy so how you can do that just all about shapes all about how you can make the shape work together make it look like a person but you're not really making a person okay it's just making something look like that person so how you can make it look like that person the only thing you can do is to use the correct color correct darkness of the color okay and the color we're using only the three primary colors right so we come back to the nose a little bit later so we're gonna continue create the structure now we'll talk about the structure of the face now i'm going to use just the red color okay take a little red color you see there actually this area have a little bit more red so i'm just going to set a little red color directly right over here connect to the corner of the mouth okay a little bit you're looking for that okay that's good that's good on this side i do the same thing it's in my the the way i'm using the brush and actually the tip of the brush is actually have a little bit darker and this the middle of the brush i have a little bit less pink now i can bring this over like that now also underwear here before i go to paint into the mouth you have to paint the stretcher around the mouth remember the same thing that for your drawing same thing for your oil anything you do i'm gonna put over here also a little bit darker i'm gonna put it right over here like that coming in and a little bit over here like that and just use the brush more efficiently okay like that okay like that that's good now i'm going to soften that a little bit move that a little move that a little and then make a little bit blending into the light space of the chin now this structure is already established after you establish establish the uh the form and the detail it should become very easy so i'm gonna soften that a little bit just use the water it's very simple right so i'm gonna get this color right over here and think a brick too dark so i'm going to get a little bit yellow color okay a little bit more yellow make it a little bit softer like that coming down it just compare more you do it you have you're gonna do it faster you because you know the routine you know the process you know how to get it uh comparing between one color to the other color okay now this is good the next thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna set a little color into the lip of the mouth okay a little bit just set it in over here take a look at it carefully like that take a look if they're too dark you can lift it up you can soften it a little bit later just pay attention focus on it like that that's good i'm going to keep the um highlight i'm going to like hit i'm not what i'm going to do i'm going to just add some just clean the brush just now on the paper already have enough colors so i'm going to just going to let it blend in coming over here like that that's good like this it's good right i'm gonna have a little bit texture over here now on the corner over here i'm gonna use a little brown color okay i'm gonna put it right over here a little bit so you can sew a little evil smiling so i'm gonna have that a little bit softer coming through like this so we don't have to try to finish it at one round so this is should be good enough uh for to setting up the colors so maybe underneath the nose at this point i can set a little bit darker color right over here like that so everything you're thinking about is something that you can use uh in a painting like the shape the color right how dark is the color and what's the contrast those are simple things like that okay uh the mouth here is still a little wet so you don't want to come back to it to put some darker color so now before i i stop this i'm going to start a little gray color so i'm going to settle the gray color inside the eye so it prepare look the next step i come back to finish the eye so you can see the shadow inside the eye over here a little gray color so it's not really just like this that's good all right all right i'm gonna do one more little things and just going to mix these two colors together to make some really really dark colors because i want this to be the deepest area okay you see that now i put this right over there this curvy brush is very easy to to render the detail that you are looking for like that a little bit like this i'm gonna take a look at the eye i'm gonna looking for the eye line with this color it's not really very very it's not really black okay not really that dark so i'm gonna look for the line i'm gonna put it right over here that's good a little bit like that coming through over here and you got to have a brush can render into a very small area okay and in the corner over here like that that's good now coming on this side i usually do it one side and go into the other side so it would be always related okay coming over here you go you don't want to do the eyelashes yet i i think lots of people rush to do the eye rashes okay now that's good i'm gonna at the corner of the eye i'm gonna have a little bit warmer a little bit red a little bit warmer warmer like this so get a little bit more red color now here you go i'm gonna form this corner that's good like that and also this corner a little bit warmer like that okay now i'm going to set a little bit eye line you see how can see how enjoying how relaxing that you can be right you don't need to be uh worried no worry follow this step one step at a time okay now to another eye line right in the top over here that's good like that and a little eye line over here too like that that's good now i'm gonna painting inside the iris and i'm gonna see what is this the first color i'm gonna use this color first there's a little bit a yellow brown color maybe look like a little bit green so i have a little blue color so now i'm going to set this color in i'm going to leave the highlight area untouched just see where's the shape i'm gonna coming over here like that here you go at the bottom like that that's good now a little bit wider okay spend your time enjoy it i'm gonna take a look at the pupil it's right in the middle over here a little bit darker i'm gonna set that color in here and the rest a little bit lighter so i'm gonna have that a little bit highlight i'm to leave that little highlight in the middle so here you go and i'm going to spend a little bit more time on this eye before i move away so i'm going to get a little bit lighter so i have a little bit more like a blue color because it looked like a little bit green so add a little bit blue now get it in the bottom over here so you might also have a little bit kind of texture a little movement like that following the same direction now at the bottom over here also see a little bit light shape so i'm going to leave that little light shape over there like that and make it a little bit more translucent so that's good and i'm gonna have a little bit darker color for the center of the eye so get the winsor blue have a little red that is the darkest color that you can get this color will look like even darker than the black color so i'm gonna have it right over here at the center okay because it's pretty soft you don't have to make it too hard okay the corner over here the edge but over there there's eye is almost there it's easier as you can imagine okay i'm going to get a little bit warmer brown color some on this side it's a little bit warmer so i'm going to set it over here so let it merge together and also the edge over here a little bit warmer that's fine like that so this eye in a good shape i need to come to the other eye okay coming over here the same deal like this eyes a little bit lighter than the other eye so i'm going to take a look at the size the location of the eye so every time when you do one step uh one thing it's just divided into from the complex task and make a little smaller task and make it simple i'm going to have this a little bit in a little bit over here okay on this side i'm going to have this shape a little bit i'm gonna go through over here uh cooler color i'm gonna have over here also have a little texture on the edge like that have a little bit texture and leave a little light shape at the bottom over here that's good like that and now i'm gonna come to get a little bit darker warm brown color a little bit and put it right in this location i'm gonna have a very deep color i still have it let's put it for the pupil it's right in the middle and also the color above here okay like that i have the shadow now i come to the nose it's a little by little and we get the painting done and over here we're gonna have this a little bit deeper like that coming over that's good all right over here i'm gonna make it a little bit clearer like a triangle right over here that's good now it's not much now on the edge i'm gonna have a little brighter orange color so in that case i'm gonna just take the yellow into the red and that's good i'm gonna have this area you can see our attention get into the smaller and smaller area now okay a little bit over here like that that's good and right under the nose i have a little bit dark area for the nostril it's a little bit here a little bit here that's good now come to the mouth now it is easy one just need to have the side over here see that yes make a little bit darker tone okay like that make a little deck tone and capture uh her expression okay a little bit over here a little bit darker and see how the structure turn up the lip i'm gonna come to on this side i'm gonna have a little bit more coming on here here you go now form the corner of the mouth like that so a little color i think this a little bit darker like that okay that's good and now we're going to put a little color underneath the mouth you see that it's everything is there every little step nothing difficult it's just how to connect all those steps together and you're not missing a part of the process that's become difficult so lots of enjoying our member you are actually here to get trained about following the process and may take you a little while okay to get to make become your second nature because you have been using totally different kind of process your whole life okay over here make a little bit softer now so everything is not hard and over here the corner over here i'm gonna make a little bit more oh see that the little smile came out and on this side i'm gonna have a little bit softer like that okay one brush stroke and i have the personality is right on the page now the person's almost there right so now i'm going to enforce a little bit the underneath the chin i'm going to have the yellow color i have the red a little bit brighter than this color so i'm going to have it right over here so i'm gonna actually put this color right overlap a little bit the face because i want that color also become the color i'm gonna blend it into the face so i'm gonna going around over here to do a little clean up okay that's good right nice that's good i'm gonna come over here like that now i'm gonna use the the brush open up a little bit you see that just like a very soft small flat brush i'm going to softly make that blend into the face so there's the reflected colors from the side and i'm going to come back over here use a little bit yellow and coming over here put a little color for the ear over here that's easy over here to have a little bit suggest the ear and maybe a little bit suggesting the outside of the ear okay on this side have a little bit more yellow so let's put the yellow so you see that every time when you're doing the colors you're always thinking about oh i have three colors i'm going to use them to create that feeling and that is just thinking about how much yellow how much red how much blue right it's pretty easy so the necklace i'm gonna put a lot of suggestions over here like that that is a necklace ah okay what else i need to do oh the eyelashes now really really need to look at how what this small brush can do for you so i'm gonna have this a little bit it's not really black just a little bit now i'm going to take a look and there's a little bit little here i can do for the eyelashes here you see that you can have a really really small thin line and over here too a little bit very small thin line if the color is too much and you can soften it and the top over here so you see that how little the line that you can create you can see this okay a little bit over here too you
Channel: Yong Chen
Views: 9,980
Rating: 4.9464288 out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, watercolor painting, watercolor, how to watercolor, how to paint with watercolors step by step, painting, how to paint with watercolours, beginner watercolor painting step by step, watercolor tutorial, step by step, how to paint step by step, painting step by step, how to paint using watercolor, Yong Chen, enjoyingart, portrait, watercolor portrait, girl, portrait of children
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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