Water Powered Sawmill with Wooden Gears at Kings Landing

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this is the pump house or two electric pumps that uh lift water above the uh Dam to power both The Sawmill and the Gris Mill this is water from a pump uh replenishing the uh head Pond is 41 ft diameter 48 buckets each bucket contains 5 Gall us we run them one gallon to get or two strs a minute if you put 5 Gall it would go 150 stres wow which develop 13 horsepower 15 50 shs 13 horsepower yeah and the turbine on the other side him he developed 26 horsepower so the wheel is 16 ft in diameter and it's got 240 TT okay made of wood you know what kind of wood they're made that oak oak great and also the trendle 20 trendle of wood so it's wood on wood pressing on this okay and after that you get a sha right a pit one arm holding your so going up and down yeah driven made from Birch Birch or Oak and it wears out and you replace those yeah you do I have to replace about 16 of them in year they break off more yse the teeth on the Cog wheel here I break about N9 or 10 a year because they do break and BBE makes a nice picture when I'm here so you can see the difference for less of a break less more of a moist to the teeth CU well that would be dry wood we breaking too so that's why we put moist and right now we need to redo the car you see how the teeth on that yes yeah has to be in the same spot and then not so that's why we have problem here but this one is 42 years old so and a meal like this last 20 25 years we're opening the gate to let water into the mill where the logs come in the v here for contr rolling the speed of the water wheel right here because right now if this is not here the water goes all over the bucket instead of going on the tip and it wants go on the tip to have a smooth speed slows down and picks up again faster the reason why this Mill was designed to run 20 25 years this one been going two years so the water wheel and the wheel they're not anymore and like a SP the egg's going with that same here so it's called a tension gear because you have to put tension on the Rope no tension so that's what they call aing so the more turn you do the more it's going to turn by itself what makes this one special this SM is the water wheel Cog wheel trying to give pit one arm wood on wood everywhere so that what makes this s special compared to the other Mill you could see everywhere in can here's the view of the mill running this is an oak uh gear tooth it's about uh 5 in uh wide and about uh 2 and a/4 in uh thick and about 16 in in length so the first Alo in existence in North America un States was in Maine in 1623 near KC River first Al with a water wheel like this Al over here right here onto the Carri there a big sha in the spindle got up that tension gear that water in the water fast this is as fast it's going to get
Channel: herbcrosby
Views: 660,887
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Id: bBPl1PcckGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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