Water Pollution for Kids | Learn How to Keep Our Water Clean

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[Music] water pollution for kids have you ever thought about the water you drink and whether or not it's clean do you know what the word pollution means or how it happens well you're in luck because today we are going to talk all about water pollution where it comes from and how you can help prevent it let's start with an example of what water pollution is imagine you're really thirsty and someone hands you two jars of water in the first jar you have water poured straight out of a sealed water bottle in the second jar you have water collected from the rain gutter outside this jar is filled with plastic dirt and other garbage which one would you drink i bet you picked the first jar right because the water in the second is definitely dirty and polluted water pollution is becoming a huge problem which is why it's important to prevent it whenever we can so strap into your water rafts because here we go what is water pollution to put it simply water pollution is dirty unsafe water sometimes water is polluted by large pieces of trash we can see other times it's contaminated by invisible chemicals unseen by the naked eye polluted water cannot be used for drinking because it contains chemicals or other germs that can make you sick water pollution happens when different particles chemicals and other substances cause the water to become dirty pollution can be caused through natural processes like the eruption of a volcano or silt from storms and floods but unfortunately most water pollution is caused by humans sewage fertilizers from farms chemicals and litter are just a few man-made causes of water pollution at times pollution flows directly into bodies of water from places like factories other times it happens when rain water mixes with unsafe chemicals this dirty rainwater eventually makes its way into oceans rivers lakes or streams either entering the water directly or after seeping into the ground and even though we can't drink salt water from the ocean water pollution causes many problems for the aquatic life living there and has major negative effects on the environment sometimes pollution is visible in the water like when there's an oil spill or floating patches of garbage but other times it can look just as clean as water that's safe to drink so how do you tell the difference always remember to consider the source are you getting your water from home or school great you can trust that this water is safe to use what about water from a lake river or stream it might look clean but it should be purified or boiled before you drink it always ask an adult you trust if you're unsure what's safe they're there to help and remember even though you may have access to safe drinking water there are millions of people in the world who don't it's important that everyone in the world has safe drinking water too that's where you come in you can help prevent water pollution in small and simple ways every day here are some facts to share with your friends and family members to help encourage them to conserve and keep our water clean nearly 17 billion pounds of plastic is dumped into the ocean each year that's more plastic in our oceans than fish even though nearly 70 percent of earth's surface is covered by water most of it is the ocean only 2.5 of the water is fresh and even less is accessible for us to drink over one billion people on our planet do not have access to clean water sources ways to prevent water pollution although it might not be possible for you to prevent all types of water pollution there are lots of ways that you can help keep water clean where you live here are a few ideas reduce fresh clean water is a precious resource so try not to waste it conserve it instead take shorter showers ask your parents to water the lawn less don't leave the faucet running when you're brushing your teeth recycle clean up your trash and make sure it makes its way safely into a garbage can or a recycling bin reuse use less plastics use reusable straws instead of plastic ones and bring your own bags to pick up your groceries don't put paints oils medicines or chemicals down sink drains or toilets plant more trees and flowers and now a few questions to test your new water knowledge what is water pollution dirty unsafe water who or what creates the most water pollution we do most pollution is man-made true or false water in lakes is safe to drink false lake water needs to be purified or boiled to make it safe what are ways we can help prevent water pollution don't waste water conserve it don't litter don't dispose of hazardous materials down the drain and plant more trees and flowers great job water wizards you're well on your way to helping our planet stay clean remember knowledge is power you can remind others that over one billion people in the world don't have access to clean water sources you can also share that we as humans can help prevent water pollution with some of the ideas we just mentioned an easy one to start with is the three r's reduce your usage of water reuse bags and other items when you can and recycle any items that you are able to so let's all work together to ensure our water is cleaner tomorrow than it was today hope you had fun learning with us visit us at learnbright.org for thousands of free resources and turnkey solutions for teachers and homeschoolers you
Channel: Learn Bright
Views: 456,495
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Keywords: water pollution for kids, water pollution, what is water pollution, how does water get polluted, what pollutes water, how to clean our water, how does water get dirty, how to tell water is clean, clean versus dirty water, what is pollution, Learn Bright
Id: A3rLfrIUzY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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