Water Nonsense (WDPLaSS 14)

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so Jordan I heard you wanted to talk about water this has been one of those things that has caused some disputes in the comments and discussions ever since episode 1 when I brought up dr. Emoto mr. Masaru Emoto has so-called PhD from the Open International University for alternative medicine in India which is not recognized as an accredited university according to the Indian University Grants Commission it's a diploma mill his degree is fake the university is also listed by quack watchdog as a questionable organisation who spent his life researching water and demonstrated that by projecting love onto water and freezing the water it would cause the water to freeze in beautiful patterns oh yeah this again Emoto doesn't use proper scientific methodology basically his experiments are prone to confirmation bias and he can't reproduce the results of the experiments under controlled conditions James Randi has been in touch with him and told him that all he has to do to win a million bucks for demonstrating anything supernatural is pass a double-blind test Emoto has not responded to this challenge as far as I'm concerned that proves he's a fraud any honest scientist would want to put his idea to the test and that's even without the promise of a million dollars if the test is successful that's how science works that's how you convince people in science you present the evidence you're asked for you put your ideas to the test running the risk of falsifying them you show the skeptics that you're right you don't just accuse them of being closed-minded or conspiring to keep your discovery from becoming common knowledge this is how science works you have to be willing to demonstrate that you're right and science as I've said before doesn't make exceptions no not even for dishonest people now the common argument from the skeptical perspective is that there was a triple blind study on emoto's research and several times they didn't see nearly the same results that Emoto did she was part of the triple blind study does this mean Emoto is a lying crazy Japanese guy not necessarily he seems like a pretty level-headed guy irrelevant I don't care what anyone's impression of him or Widow as a person might be his claims stand or fall on their own merits also do you think scam artists to wear scam artist signs around their necks there wouldn't be very good scam artists in that case a successful liar always seems trustworthy that's why he's successful could it mean that the people who did the triple blind studies didn't understand what Emoto understood about wanted Emoto was part of the triple blind study and besides it shouldn't matter let's objectively look at water for a second what do we really know about it scientifically yes what well we know that it's the most common substance on earth no water makes up about 0.02 percent of the Earth's mass by contrast 32 percent is iron 30% oxygen most of which is found in various forms of silica the reason why so many people think that water is the most common substance on the earth is that it covers most of the planet's surface and that happens to be where we live but that's it the earth is like a wet Rock it's covered in water sure but it consists almost entirely of you know rock we also know that every living species of life on Earth comes from water yes in the sense that all life shares a common ancestor and that ancestor originated in water yes and needs water to grow well not growing specifically in order to grow you need to survive and all organisms we know of need water to survive so sure this includes crystals too by the way no crystals don't need water to grow crystals need a liquid to deposit material it doesn't have to be water specifically and also crystals are not alive I've already been over that we know that the human body is roughly 75 to 90 percent water yep it's prevalent in all life true without water life could not exist on this planet correct at least not life as we know it water is the only element in existence that can exist in three states solid liquid and gas damn you were on a roll there Jordan and then you go and select elementary schools ions water is the only substance that we encounter in all three states in everyday life but all materials can exist in all those states and given the right temperature and pressure conditions also water is not an element it's a compound consisting of the elements of hydrogen and oxygen what else do we know about water well it's the only element that expands when it freezes unless you can silicon bismuth antimony gallium and oh right water is not an element which science today cannot explain yes it can Jordan before you assert something like that you may want to at least google it water molecules are dipoles which means that when you remove enough thermal energy from them they will spontaneously organize themselves into a lattice structure due to the attraction between one molecules positive Pole and another molecules negative Pole this lattice structure takes up more space than the random mess the molecules are in when they have more thermal energy as a result water expands when it freezes why does water have the highest surface tension of a liquid water has strong surface tension yes this is also a result of the polarity of water molecules which creates relatively strong forces between the molecules with that said water does not have the strongest surface tension of all liquids but normal room temperature mercury has a much higher surface tension of water just to name one example why is it that it's the most powerful solvent on earth I don't know that it is but well it is a good solvent this again has to do with the polarity of the water molecule since what Poehler it will dissolve other polar or ionic compounds including acids alcohols and salts it won't to dissolve nonpolar compounds like fats or oils and why is water able to rise against gravity through the trunks of giant trees against thousands of atmospheres of pressure because it it years through a lot of surfaces and has strong surface tension the truth is that there are a lot of unanswered questions about water and what it is that we have absolutely no logical conclusive answers to such as I mean you haven't given a single example so far I think what you mean is there are lots of questions that you can't be bothered looking up the answer to but you know what I think it goes beyond laziness I think you want science to be unable to answer questions to a scientifically minded person a mystery is appealing because it begs to be solved I think that to you a mystery is appealing because it's a gap where you can cram in the supernatural am i right it seems to me like you guys not just Jordan but those who follow him as well celebrate when the mystery is discovered I celebrate when it's solved you celebrate ignorance I celebrate knowledge you see this as arrogance I see it as the exact opposite I go where the evidence leads me you won't even bother looking for it the view that your beliefs your completely unfounded beliefs or as good or even superior to believe supported by evidence that's arrogance this is an absolutely beautiful thing because admitting that we know nothing allows us to open up to learn new things about what it is that we want to know in this situation water if indeed we did know nothing I would agree with you Jordan but in this case we know a lot look if you're gonna do this and this you should also do this or expect a lot of people to do this the following clips are from a secret documentary I found about water floating around on the depths of YouTube if it's on YouTube it's not much of a secret it keeps being taken down and one hmm yeah why would copyrighted material be taken down could it have something to do with copyright now that we've looked at the light side of things it's time to take a look at the darkness this is how water flows naturally in nature however water makes a different trip when it goes into our homes it goes like this lots and lots and lots of right angle turns and hard edges this doesn't flow it's not healthy why not and how is this relevant on an even greater scale it is known that most cities work on a closed loop system this means that the water we use is continually recycled over and over the water passes through aggressive chemical purification and powerful filters if you think it's bad to purify water please enter the nearest sewer and have a drink then the water returns for our homes still remembering the chemicals and violence it was subjected to I'm not at all surprised you think water has emotions and memories but seriously the only way to respond to this is in order to experience emotions one must first have the ability to take in and process sensory information this requires at the very least a nervous system and sensory organs or something that could serve a similar function if water despite lacking these can experience emotions then what about other things that lack nervous systems Jordan what about your clothes do they have emotions when you sit down are you hurting the fabric in your pants what about when you sweat oh man what about when you fart yeah I know I'm in a fart joke but I'm actually being serious here if you think inanimate objects experience emotions then why do you wear clothes that's disgusting and oh man why do you eat what do you breathe are you considering the emotions of the poor molecules that you've sucked into your lungs probably against their will what am I being silly well then Your Honor I rest my case see ya
Channel: Martymer 81
Views: 123,279
Rating: 4.8202972 out of 5
Keywords: martymer81, martymer 81, jordan david, spirit science, spirit, science, water, masaru emoto, new age
Id: VVaUcQwBGzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 14 2014
Reddit Comments

Those who didn't like Martymer's last video WDPLaSS 13, will probably like this video a bit more. He debunks Jordan a lot better here.

No, Martymer doesn't make the best youtube videos out there, but so what? The content, not the quality, matters in this case.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GravelCake 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2014 🗫︎ replies
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