Watching MTV's "True Life: I'm A Pro Wrestler" (Triple H, Chyna, Tony Atlas)

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today we're going to watch True Life I'm a pro wrestler a 1999 documentary presentation that aired on MTV I've seen clips of this in the past but never watched it from start to end we have a one hour run time here so let's get [Music] started the popularity of pro wrestling is the pop culture surprise story of the late '90s and with 35 million people watching them on TV each week wrestlers are now some of the most famous people in the world but who are they really I mean I don't think people realize what it is that we actually do on this edition of True Life we'll find out we'll go behind the scenes with the first couple of the WWF Triple H and China uh first couple of the WWF I don't think so we'll experience life after the Lamour is gone as former Champion Tony Atlas works the small towns struggling to survive and though their fighting may be staged 1 2 3 we'll take you to wrestling school where the pain is definitely real we'll go inside their battered Heads next on true life I am a pro wrestler he almost missed that dive in headbutt there close call so along with the ESPN e+ entertainment and other media Outlets MTV were getting in on the late '90s pro wrestling CRA MTV had a good relationship with WWF in the past but they also work with WCW around this time period see my WCW blunder video looking at snow brawl and Beach brawl what do I love about it the response from the crowd the money the women the sheer violence mainly love the guys they just great they the most creative exciting people to be in the world people hey there he is even if I'm you know feeling exhausted or I'm just not into it by the time I hit the curtain the people just totally I just like suck all their energy and I'm just like woo I love attention maybe a little love for pain it's almost exhilarating to do it it's fun I just like to get in and fight and kill and M and Destroy see my blood M your blood's all over your face I just love it it's here in the rough Arena I guarantee in China for me there's no better feeling in the world this place is completely sold out and every son of a [ __ ] in here was on his feet and never sat down once that's what it's about for us for the two of us is to go out there and do that to these people that that's a shot for us oh don't do that Hunter you don't want to give the wrong idea no I'm saying you know what I mean that's what we got to have 276 lb he has earned the title of Mr USA Tony Tony atas Mr USA when I watch it I get depressed thinking about you know what I had let go them trunks Hogan you going up you gr up you on top of the head now well there you go boom that's a bit sad isn't it being depressed about your previous success instead of being happy with what you accomplished by the way have you ever checked out Tony atlas's Twitter the guy has some interesting preferences let's just say so Matt's a 24y old bum who's finally leaving mommy and daddy in order to attend wrestling school living the dream my boy living the dream I always love wrestling I love how they their characters all of them bad guys the good guys so to me if I did anything else I would be unhappy and I've tried so many stupid little thing I've tried to get a psych degree like for psychology getting a psychology degree isn't stupid mate I tried to get a business degree for business getting a business degree isn't stupid mate um I've tried to sign up to go to fireman Academy becoming a farman isn't stupid mate or police academy or right you may have a point there I mean I've actually done crazy [ __ ] I I would take my dad's Master Card and say come on give me me MasterCard I want to go sign up for school I would oh thank God the video cut out here because I was just starting to get annoyed with that SPO little prick party which uh I've done that like six or seven times now hopefully I will be a professional wrestler as long as I don't get HT and I think I'll be the best just said hopefully he'll be a pro wrestler as long as he doesn't get hurt Matt let's call him Matt classic actually Matt classic you're in for a very big surprise my man and in fact I am going to be the best professional [Music] wrestler get it he sounded a bit like Eric Cartman got it all the years I kept the training up okay but it was all that I had left all my money gone Fame gone everything G only thing I got left is my strength and sou so I try to hold on to that little bit from the past you know I was thinking about like my first match cuz I would be like coming out and have them my eyes like the Crazy Eyes depends I don't know what character I'm going to use but them eyes always I mean if you watch watch the greates the greates always get the eyes going like Hogan Hogan when he gets mad he go you know go for me I like the I'll get like the stone jaw and then I'll get the eye I think you actually have to have a jaw for that M you look like a predator stop doing that Jimmy hit me with that Triple H for everything we do with Larger than Life there's thousands of cameras everywhere there there's thousands of fans everywhere I mean this is The Big Show I mean when you're here it's it's I couldn't tell if that was Triple H or WCW Chris Jerry go there for a moment it's the big time and everything about it is big time when you're a big star you work a lot more ah hold up when you're a big star you work more that doesn't work for me brother or acknowledge your tribal Chief China whatever works when you're a big star you're in the main events when you're a bigger star you're treated differently sets you apart now don't drive like a crazy person NE like you normally do I want to be the man I want everybody to know who I am the Glamour and the glitch to be able to get off a plane and sobody know who you are that's what I want I want to be [Music] known everybody wishes that they had a job that they'd love to wake up to in the morning and I do I love waking up to my job I love what I do I love being a celebrity oh what happened to Steve big floppy Steve Austin my goal at this point is to be the WWF Champion and uh that means that you're the best in this business it means that you're the you're the man um it means you're Top Dog [Music] that's got me some pop shots man all I had to have for on the day of the show is just one meal uh Jo to [Applause] [Music] Joe even though I'm not a big star in professional wrestling no more I still love with the people cheer in the hollow USA USA USA that really make me feel good you know at the beginning you could kind a lock up with me give me a hip toss you mean to tell me the wrestlers discuss what's going to hooping beforehand no I don't believe it take a b you get right up you give you another hip TOS come back I give you a slam shoot that clothes line if you're going to shoot it shoot it uh it's Liz ther I've been described as a drill sergeant as a Tas Master as uh you know and I I guess that's true a lot of these kids have a problem with being able to eat properly or to train properly my classic doesn't have a hope in hell does he I do hope he proves me wrong but all signs point to this guy top and I should have got the business degree my guy you have to live it you have to eat it breathe it sleep it that has to be it's the overwhelming consuming thing in your life but I'm not going to look at it like it's going to be no junk food it's I'm going to look at it like as right now I'm going to cut back on my junk food of like I'm not going to eat no candy bars or maybe one or two couple Swedish Fish I can't I can't stop eating Swedish fish but if he wants me to I will I mean that's what I have to do that's the price of Fame and Fortune and millions and millions of [Applause] fans who do you want this to uh to Bradley and Jessica I don't think people realize what it is that we actually do a part that one in the ring is not really where the work is the work is traveling 250 days out of the Year trying to keep your body in shape you know trying to deal with life outside the ring it's a lot of work we do this all the time and it's something we do 24/7 it's not just your work [Music] anymore some absolutely banging music I love it go to Toronto work Sky doome back to Buffalo good night's rest have the pay-per-view in Buffalo right pay-per-view in Buffalo 1999 that would be fully loaded Triple H versus The Rock Steve Austin versus The Undertaker and from there we go to Cleveland this is Triple H from the World Wrestling Federation all right Matt take your T-shirt off we're going to be trouble here all [Applause] right well you could be worse [Music] 20.9% body fat is that bad that's bad how many yeah 20 9% the average male should be around 15 that's a bit harsh isn't it means you're carrying 40.5 four lbs of body fat all of our characters are a little bit of ourselves China is a powerful strong woman she's attractive and she holds her own in a male dominated environment I want people to look at me and think that I'm beautiful and that I have a nice body and that I'm nice to look at but I never wanted that to be my sole purpose I think that women as a whole could do so much better than that and it really annoys me when that's the only worth that's given to them work with me I'm going to start you off the Rope the main thing we're going to teach you is how to break your fall without breaking your neck we hope when you come back like again it's like a breast stroke fall fall on your shoulders tuck your chin okay your hands are hit yeah so try again I'm not going to say anything here because even though my Classic's a bit of a tool I'm sure wrestling school is absolutely no joke remember the cameras are rolling here so this is thater school being shown in the absolute best light possible I have nothing but respect for inexperienced guys and girls who want to learn this because it can't be easy mod cling still a prick though [Applause] yeah you know just like the ring people think oh it's so springy and bouncy it's so much fun but let me assure you when you get slammed on it you get dumped on it you get dropped on it it hurts and hurts and it keeps hurting it doesn't you don't get used to it you never get used to it what's going on here beautiful you go out and you do it and then you come back in the locker room and it's like ah damn that was great okay beautiful sometimes you come back and you God damn that was great 5 minutes after your adrenaline shuts down you can't stand up beautiful beautiful beautiful yes God damn beautiful baby every single night it's a different city and every single night every ass in those seats expects they want the absolute best they couldn't give a crap less where you were the night before or what you did at the pay-per-view it doesn't matter you got to be on you got to be ready and you got to be on it's a lot of preparation and I think a lot of it is just mental preparation here comes CH of Triple H it's the accentuation I mean I can stand here and punch you and nobody looks right but if I lean my body all the way back and roll my body through it then the punch looks at more devastating tonight look at this it's all in my body language or my facial expressions that I'm cranking on and trying to interrupt the count there not again naor again that should be all right there this this electri the ropes are an education all in themselves yes the ropes can bite you m claic attacks the ropes better than David Flair let it be known 1 two yes it's [Applause] over might even drink the blood from my my ass is like on fire we just finished our first day of actual professional wrestling school and um I'll tell you my ass is like on fire I'm in some real pain oh my God and for all you people don't believe that it's real let me tell you something it's real all right I'll show you the bruises later I don't want to see your ass bruises M thank you but I don't want to see them I've ever been in in my life and I've been in a few that was like so intense it was fun oh was great man I had the best time of my life I was doing what I love to do I'm wearing a speedo for my nuts because my nuts I'll tell you right now my nuts hurt more than anything else in the world bam that's how it feels when you go over and like one of them snap suplexes or something and your nuts hit your leg and it's it's very painful do I look out of shape I don't think I'm out of shape personally look at it I got some shoulders and everything 20.9% body fat m in 3 years we spent more time together than hey hey pick that [ __ ] up stop littering Triple H you big stupid litter bug most people that are married we wake up we go eat we go work out we go to the building we do our show everywhere we go we're together we don't get a chance to go to very romantic dinners or go on a vacation we're together but we're together in the [Music] business yeah baby tiger's tongue China likes what she [Applause] sees we're going to get stuck behind him I like that scar cuz that scar reminded me of how stupid a human could [Music] be welcome to Atlas kitchen what we have here is a nice big old plate of meat that we're going to barbecue up that smells good one thing about being at the top all the time you get uh too much too soon I felt that I was uh Invincible I fig I could do what I want to do and um get away with it I was taking U at that time what they call diab balls the steroids and you know and that messed me up and then I smok some weed before and other stuff and none of it agreed with me each time I did something is mess me up and it caused me to miss a show so this happened several time in my career I Stone do you have to be the m a whole show like a high stone do you have to be in the meanwhile you got bills coming in you got a expenses to take care of you got a family to worry about you know and and you know and your life is just falling apart but I should have known better I mean I was grown you know I wasn't a kid I was told leave the ster rolls alone and You' be all right I didn't listen I said I'm grown I'm 280 lb I can bench press 600 lb and I could whoop your butt and I do what I want to do that was the old Tony Atlas come on I want to go honey I really do okay cuz you know I'm not good at the no come on now you'll be all right Mrs classic or Mommy classic why is this dude getting trouble off the wrestling school by his mom isn't that like setting yourself up to get ribbed just be careful and don't Bey we are fine I think I think it's great that she left finally now I feel like I'm an adult so I'm happy she's gone well I'm not happy that she's gone but I am happy that she's gone and and it it's time for me to do my own thing 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 please don't fart please don't fart please don't fart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 a little sore from yesterday still but going to do all right four 5 6 I got tired in about 2 minutes then I figed I was in the best shape of my life and then I get in the ring with guys that eat baloney and cheese and drink beer and fought all day long and they was beating the hell out of me out there I got hit over the head with a chair and it knocked me out cold you're just a Total Wreck All Day first time I wrestle I had two matches in one night in front of about uh 15 people for probably less money than that and uh lost both of them but first time I I was like oh my God you know it's like I'm going to be doing what my like heroes are doing you know GQ go get your gear you're you're on next GQ Masters the third from iwa Midsouth looks like the love child of Stevie Richards and Eddie Guerrero you know you're you're wrestling a girl I said okay no big deal so I get back there they introduce me to her I shake her hand uh you know he says now this is our first match GQ I said that's cool that's cool uh I'll just talk it over where they're in the ring we'll just do it out there he is oh no she don't understand brother she's deaf and she doesn't speak and I went oh my god oh it was scary I mean it was you know there's a couple of hundred people and all eyes are on you she couldn't we she couldn't cooperate she couldn't hear what I was saying so I just went out there beat the holy out of her picked her up for a slam just laid on my back and held her on top me and said you're you're you're winning tonight cuz my my car's going that is how it happened buddy Master must be talking out his ass here there's no way she could have beat me legitimately I can tell you that right now yeah so you know and and I just built up this reputation like my first seven or eight matches were all against women move man let's go no no time them feet are high people can't believe this little thing you know again the illusion accentuate the movement okay here we go they don't call him M classic for an often that's it that's it good that's it there you go way to go Matt way to go mat way to go here you go that's it good man all right good good my God this looks tyring he was want you to stay Sheila that's it there you go that's a baby breathe breathe there you go don't hold your breath don't hold your breath breathe Matt breathe that's it up come on take a deep bre he's losing it he's definitely losing it kick be sure Feed Us you're almost halfway there come on Matt come on let's go you got him B whoa whoa there he goes all right come on Matt come on baby come on baby let's go there you go come on that's a boy that's a boy come on come [Applause] on one more you got it baby there you go that Italian behinds get a little heavier all right good good first effort man good first effort ready here we go this every day you're right my God again fair play he may be a knobhead but he's getting it done brother now here is a picture of me that bring back doc days when this picture was taken I was the icw champion the reason I had that long Rob BB is because I was ashamed to show my body at that time they had deteriorated so much for all the abuse it was taken when I left that Arena that night I fell asleep in the park cuz I had no place to go and I was the champion when I was here they used to have drug houses crack houses the house I used to stay at they don't toy down they was so infected they had to get rid of it I couldn't believe that I ever stayed in that place it was like 10 people living in one apartment and we all slept in one bedroom all on top of each other I didn't have a pen into my name I woke up one morning and I started thinking I said Tony you was there Madison Square Garden a year ago with 22,000 people screaming your name USA us say the Tony outet stuff definitely serves is this documentary's reality check I said well I can't live like this no more so I pulled out a razor blade and I sliced my wrist one of the girls that was in the in the bed with me she jumped up and went and got the police they took me to the hospital and then about a month later Vince McMahon called me back and that was the turn of my life and I went to the WWF I wrested at sa simma for eight months and I made enough money to get myself a new star you know I'm still struggling trying to make it but at least Vince gave me a a star I like that scar cuz that scar reminded me of how stupid a humor could beo it's pretty heavy pretty heavy My ultimate goal to be rich and famous get on the cover of TV Guide make it to one of the big federations WWF WCW mod Striker the other mod match Drager he wrestled for Ring of Honor for a few years not to be confused with the match Drager who commentated for WWE and Lucha underground World Wrestling Federation of the world championship wrestling cig zelner big Z right here got into mixed martial arts career four wins and three losses the big two either WCW or the WWF I wanted to be rich and famous ever since I was little and I didn't really care how it happened be on top of the world right the champion and all that ason Augustus Ambrose triaa that's quite the gimmick name you got there bud good luck with that being happy doing what you're doing and doing it well and being content with that for sure just like you know continue doing good here on the independence right now and then hopefully maybe you know maybe someday you know get to one of the big leagues you know WWF WCW you know but I know I have to work on my physique whatever I would like to step back in that WWF ring just one time just one time we get to have the rush but you're always chasing it you know every everybody thinks it's easy though I'm a big guy I bet you I'd be pretty good at that pretty athletic I used to bowl a little or something like you know I think they can just run in the ring and be a wrestler and it's it's so much more than that we just watched all these young cats sharing their dreams of getting to the big leagues and then Triple H emphasizes how difficult it is kind of makes you feel like those kids have no chance of making it at all it's kind of like you need to be Superman to make it in this business you need to be like me you need to be triple HED [Applause] [Applause] Triple H constipation [Music] [Applause] face China constipation fece all right let's get this show on Road I get the feeling that reality is starting to kick in for old M classic nice you [Applause] guys [Applause] I've never met somebody that can train as focused her heart as China does she's a 200 lb woman and she's all muscles she going to be a lot bigger than your average guy I really enjoy lifting weights but I don't like this it's torture for me never really thought about it like oh my God she's bigger than me or oh my God she's stronger than me or wish she's not but I never really it was never really a factor for me um I just saw her as a as a person and got to know her personality and to be quite honest I'm impressed and proud of everything she does I watch her in the gym and see people just you know giving her the oh my God and I just I'm proud of it makes me laugh yeah moving on if you not wrestling for the WWF if you're not wrestling for the wtw then you what you call a weekend warrior which mean you go and do the independent show hey little kitties what y'all doing little kitties down there too be a lot more cheaper down that match be Hercules against mercenary O Sullivan against Kua darkangelo against Steve King okay well we can't that's going to be it that's that's no more matches I don't care who's here we can't put any more in is this a dressing room I never got a hold I could never get a hold of Brandy this week to talk to we saw this kind of thing in the ESPN documentary I recently covered the people making these documentaries like to show booking meetings and locker room me just to emphasize that wrestling scripted even if the footage they gather is pretty boring to watch they still like to show these [Applause] things hey guys guys when you're up there please do not use the word suck okay we're at we're at a boys and girls Club let not say suck don't say suck guys just change it up a bit and say something else like [ __ ] my life on the independent circuit well I spend a lot of time in my car I actually sleep in my car sometimes you know and I I kind of sleep amongst the bags of Doritos and you know Empty Bottle cans and stuff there's some stuff you should never admit to on camera though I do appreciate the honesty the money is not hey hey Shark Boy put through your body for example uh I I worked on a show last week where I uh I was super perplexed and uh sort of messed up my tailbone and the pay that I got for the match wasn't even enough to cover the trip to the emergency room there's no retirement there's no no benefits whatsoever the wrestlers most wrestlers don't even have insurance long car ride suck they'll promise you an amount of money you'll get probably the half of it or maybe you'll get nothing it happens a lot what about she going to be here tonight when I walk walked into the dressing room I couldn't even see the wall for so many wrestlers some of the guys to hear about the show and they would just show up just hoping that they would get put on the car we have 42 wrestlers I basically told Tony some of these people couldn't be on the show cuz we didn't have the money to pay them to be on the show a lot of them guys they would get 20 bucks some would get $30 some we get 50 outside of your main event guys like King Kong Bund the highest paid guy on the show get $100 I had two people sitting in the dressing room that I booked myself and I felt that that I was responsible for them to wrestle that night and to get paid so it's I pull myself out and put them in bye bye now he's all mad at me because I paid the boys off of course we were angry at Tony at that because it's my money I am the promoter and we just have so much money allocated per show we have to stay within that budget I don't feel that no man should drive for 10 hours be away from his family for the whole weekend and not even get paid for it you can maybe see both sides of the argument here Tony feeling he was doing what was right but he was also doing something he didn't have the authority to do boy there train wreck downshift Matt downshift can you breathe all right it'd be [Music] $5 everything hurts I think my ego Hurts the Most cuz I thought I'd be like this here and I I suck she an IDI I knew this was going to happen you could tell from Matt's attitude on one hand I do feel sorry for him because it can't be easy on the other hand he's a cocky little [ __ ] who relies on Daddy's credit card cry go ahead cry um what's that we don't do a different TV show every week where one week we're playing a doctor and another week we're playing secret agent we are a hunter in China when we leave the ring we're still hunter in China physically we look the same we can't hide can I get another one for we're hunter in China 24 hours a day people view US is that than you're welcome so on TV when we uh go out to eat at 1:00 in the morning every drunk person in the world still considers him and you know exactly it makes it very difficult you cannot separate yourself from the character on TV Heartland wrestling not bad how about you wow what's happened with young Matt from Chicago young Matt has been to one training session in 10 days oh dear on an hotel room which I hate I can't stand this room I'm lonely I'm bored I really miss my family and friends he is not disciplined he is not structured uh he's pretty much he might call Loose Cannon man I missed one class I called in before I missed it he's bitching and bitching and bitching about it Matt I think uh like a lot of young men has a high testosterone level the young ladies are an important part of his life since I've been here I'm a I'm a SLO but seven women so who do man who the man yeah forget about what I said earlier on this guy's an [ __ ] it seems like this has been a great conversation piece for him to talk to people I can slip that into my my uh the way I talk to the girls that I'm in wrestling school and uh sometimes you'll get a negative reaction out of it you got to really turn around a situation but if you get a fan if you get somebody that's a fan you're hooked dog you're hooked you don't need how to talk too much in plain simple English Matt is spoiled and has the work ethic of a dead man he's totally convinced that I'm going out every night and getting late every night and drinking every night and it ain't happen I'll go out maybe three times a week maybe four but you know for somebody that comes from Chicago that parties every day his life that ain't nothing 3 days a week is minimal yeah I don't think my Classic's going to be here for much longer now I think I'm ready for another show if you are going to become a large star in this business you in a lot of ways give up your life you trade in your normal everyday life your normal personality to be in this business it's a it's a exchange you make because when you become a big star forever from then on you are going to be to a large percentage of this world that person um and and even to yourself in a lot of ways it's so true what he's saying here and you see it all the time now especially on social media people don't know how to separate the wrestling character from the real life person and it always has a detrimental effect if we can see this from the outset imagine what it's actually like being a big pro wrestling Superstar trying to tell people over and over again that hey I'm not really the person you see on TV uh when your career is over it's very difficult to walk away from that to change what you've been for years and years and years look out him right in the spine oh this is bad so thanks to Austin and The [Applause] Rock good night night I go to the Second Street which is Pine Street I make a left right then I go to the traffic light and I turn right onto Manchester Street right okay okay did I just miss the damn road now I can't see [ __ ] Captain which road are you looking for um Pine Street Street and Perry Street I think I passed it it kind of reinforces how spoiled we are these days with satav and what have you I wouldn't get into my car without Android auto setup seriously it gives me anxiety if I don't have it all hooked up sure what's your name cin it's it's very difficult to have a normal life outside of our business all right you know when you go home you you tend to not have a lot of friends you lose contact with a lot of people because you're on the road so much you know it's late when you're the only one at the airport mean the last 3 years for me until like the blink of an eye and I um I just worry sometimes that I dedicate everything to this job and then maybe you know 10 years from now I'm not doing this anymore and I will have not you know gotten married or had kids or done things that normal people do this is a very shortl business and I just sometimes think you know that day is going to come for me when I'm going to plan on being here but you know suddenly I'll be gone and I'll think oh now now look what I did you're disrupting my business in my life and that's [ __ ] yes I realize you're already telling people you are a wrestler if I hear you tell somebody that I'm going to make you prove to them in front of them with me that you're not you understand me okay because you're not until somebody makes you a wrestler you're talking [ __ ] plain and simple and I'm tired of hearing [ __ ] you know the big chains and and the roll of money may work with some 17-year-old girl but I'm not a 17y old girl now I went down to your room Thursday night and couldn't find you someone let me to leave you a note which told you to be here Saturday at 1:30 to talk to me K I was going home for the but you didn't go home for the weekend but Saturday was the day I was at the but you didn't go home for the weekend no I didn't make it home no you sure didn't and you didn't make it here now you've got a problem and it ain't just your timing and we both know that you want me to open my mouth and tell you what that is yes that's we called smok and weave dear dear ther mustn't be end the puffing the herb I've been around the block son two or three times been there done that so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about it won't happen again well you're right it won't it won't ever happen again if you're not here when you're supposed to be here and not here on time you and I are going to sever this relationship at one point in your life drugs were a problem yeah yeah well you know teenager years drugs were real big um cocaine pot never her one uh ecstasy for a while there I was getting out of control and so I went into a rehab and I went in this rehab in Florida on the beach um you can't tell I really haven't had that heart of a life you know people go to rehab and then I go to rehab on the beach I get back I get back with the old friends and everything and I don't listen to what they told me and and I fed up again and uh you know they were looking for total abstinence and to be honest with you I'm not I'm going to go out once in a while I've learned that I can go out once in a while and drink a beer or two or three if I wanted to and not have to turn around and go on like a 10day Coke PCH you know and that's just for me I'm not telling anybody in the world to do that I'm just saying it's for me you know I 24 years old there's noing way I'm giving up the baring not right now there's no way whoa okay right let me look this guy up I need to find out what ended up happening to him Matthew tlia boy 250k baill for per Le suspected of attempted store and bank robberies in Loop this is from the Chicago Tribune bill was set at 250k for a man Peru last month accused of trying to rob two businesses and a bank this week in the loop my God charged with two counts of aggravated robbery he tried to rob a small retail store in a hotel gift shop taglia I I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that right but Matthew was identified as the person who entered both businesses and passed the note an employee demanded money while implying that he was carrying a farm arm but in both incidents he he left with no money he's as good at Robin Banks as he is at pro wrestling he was later identified as the person who robbed a bank at South Clark Street details on these charges were not available from police he was on Parole for receiving possessing or selling a stolen vehicle Mt classic you absolute degenerate again mate you should have stuck with that business degree I got a phone call and it was 6:00 I saw it was James so I say to myself well there have to be bad news because ain't nobody going to be calling you at 6:00 in the morning unless it's bad news he said the show was cansel he don't call everybody he don't cancel everything and there's nothing that I could do about it Tony said we needed about $500 more to do the show and I wasn't B about to give that boy $500 more to run any show brother sorry don't worry Chief J strong B you have you guys come all the way up here Chief spend money he left his family you could have worked somewhere else y I could have went to Texas for Mike had a personal appearance from me called me on the phone I said Mike I'm book on the 10th right now today I could be in Dallas Tex making a Payday you know this is that's what this business Sports all about sometimes you know you got the show goes on you just can't cancel it because something's about anything I mean we're all here all professionals you know we pay this we do this for a living we don't need to have this canceled out we need to walk home with our Wilds empty I don't understand it I got a call from my wife she said this James called her up he said everything was canceled you know I'm sitting in Portland expecting to work tonight no I ain't got crap sorry boys the rest of you sorry boys you didn't get paid this isn't the first time that wrestlers have not been paid they kind of understand that process oh what the hell what a dick they say a wrestler is self-employed that's [ __ ] and the promoter had all control he got total control I'm Shark Boy my ring name is Athena and my little slogan thing is this is what a goddess looks like was a piranha that I started out as the diva delicious day fishous licking the competition China and Debra would like this guy yeah baby Anthony McMurphy the taxi cab driver Billy Gun is really just a a my attitude it's it's the cocky arrogant think I'm all that great athlete I'm a spoiled little rich brat named Aston Augustus Ambrose Esquire that explains it Helena Heavenly apocalypse and I'm again Dollar Store demolition how did you come up with your character oh character well that would imply that it's like not real right I don't have a character just myself I mean I came to the I came to the arena Dr like this kid USA I'm a kid and I'm from USA so they put it together oh God kid USA I'm a kid from the USA looking forward to seeing man Japan soon or woman mamb I don't have a character I'm Amanda storm I'm Amanda storm in real life and what you see is what you get some of the classmates rib me every once in a while like L says they call me Opie sometimes just cuz of my uh young looking appearance and the baby face the SAU just there was this idea Flo around uh being this uh paper boy and coming out to the ring on a bicycle oh my God a paper boy gimmick absolute money his entrance music can be the paper boy video game theme you know this [Music] one yeah okay maybe not what can you really say uh except the the I don't I don't really feel comfortable with it but uh you know whatever Les wants to do you know I'll do it because I just want to be out there wrestling P guy just wants to wrestle and he's happy to take on whatever gimmick the promoter gives him can't imagine paper boy being a big success if I'm honest I know uh one of the nicknames that you ran by me somebody ran by Me was rapid fire I like it rapid fire sounds like he just pulled that one out of his ass so he won't have to be a paper boy a desperation nickname yeah I just thought rapid fire was just kind of a catchy nickname so Speedy person a person who who is quick quick and athletic I know is something that's been run run by us both is the newspaper boy thing right oh no what I was wondering if you were up for the idea of possibly a compromise someplace between rapid fire and the newspaper boy a very fast paper boy a paper boy who's really good at his job he makes his deliveries in under 5 minutes uh what I'm thinking is rapid delivery hey hey that's pretty good actually rapid delivery if you came to the ring and your out outward attire was more like uh I hate to use the name Opie because you know because we've teased you about you know having that look but uh but more along that line right yeah and maybe with that newspaper bag but then once you you took maybe the jeans of the cut offs or whatever it was off and you had these sleek fancy tights and then the performance spoke for itself yeah I could see something like that come out in a hat and still be oiled up and I just have that bag on me and soon as I get to the ring I just throw that off and I get right up in that ring and I'm all business yeah exactly I mean you're uh he got completely roped in he doesn't want to do it it doesn't matter how you wrestle inside the ropes my guy you'll always be known as the paper boy rapid delivery the paper boy it's kind of like the Superman going to the uh the phone booth thing right so let's say if the nickname were rapid delivery have you got any ideas for names Ricky Fury Rob Faith Ronnie forley so I'm guessing the first name has to begin with r and the surname has to begin with f Randy ferret uh ranid farts Rober [ __ ] I don't know Farley Rory Fargo Rory kind of has a a strong it can sort of have a strong no not Rory that sounds terrible uh sound to it doesn't it Roar you know more than you know it's not not too soft rapid delivery Rory Faith rapid delivery Rory Ferris maybe Rory Fox is good Rory Rory Fox I like that better than Ferris maybe Rory Fox Rory Fox my God Rory Fox what do you think yeah that'll work the Cedar Rapids Iowa paper boy yeah James didn't call you you know he canceled this right does the wrestlers know yet wrest yeah yeah they all left went home this morning did he pay to rent this building because I could get some wrestlers here tonight cuz if I could pay for the ring and the bilding I I pay I do it out of my pocket the whole total is what 350 for the building cuz what I got to do I got to get on the horn and see if I can get enough wrestlers up here to do a show now we're going to do some rolling don't close the doors yet who got a cellep phone C somebody got a cell phone yeah while it is remarkable that Tony's trying to save this show with money out of his own pocket sell a phone sounds funny like hell phone this wrestlers okay buddy probably the best thing ever happened to us maybe see I hide money for myself sometimes so I don't spend it that's what I'm looking for to make sure I ain't got no hitting money here there a bill none there this is for emergency one two three four this is a bit sad isn't it hiding money so he doesn't spend it dipping into his emergency fund to try and save of this show seriously I hope it sails out man this is pretty sad that's all I got I don't have a bank account so I can't go to bank and get nothing so here's 2:30 okay so you could go ahead and put the ring up okay yeah excent yeah and hopefully we get enough in tonight where you get the rest of your money no problem okay but they will be a show tonight right here is good [Music] okay it's funny thing Tony you're running a show paying people I'm not sure where you get the money but there's a commissioner in the state of maintenance involved so have fun tonight because the commissioner is probably going to shut you down because the license is in my name have a good one buddy the original promoter screwing them over it's absolutely ridiculous yes sir I just got got a phone call Everything's got to be cancelled they're calling commissioner right now of wrestling they're doing well what they're calling the uh commissioner wrestling up now cuz everything's going to be cancelled I got wrestlers on the way up here too God darn it James called the commissioner and told the commissioner to to cancel everything so it look like it won't be a show so I just I tell guys on the phone to oh jeez do you have any idea what you want yeah actually I have a idea here okay something with red and yellow maybe some Stars down the side here and just have a rapid delivery on the back [Music] okay the making of Rapid delivery Rory Fox A Star is Born ladies and gents [Music] it's just a little bit of an arch you like it arched okay to get you more in the mood now oh yeah just need my wrestling booths okay hello yes sir what I'm trying to do is see if I can get license just to do the show for the night I don't think I can if you can help me out in any kind of way it' be appreciated because I okay sir we as you're coming down there'll be a Dunkin Donuts on your left hand side that's being repaired okay remodel you can't miss it bye-bye the commissioner is on his way okay thank you what is Joy gamas number Joey gamar his father is a promoter yeah he is hey Mara could you look up a number on the Joy gash this is pretty interesting isn't it Atlas is doing absolutely everything he can to save this show from trying to get a license to trying to bring in a temporary promoter I mean fair play dead in dead in we got to sit down and talk [Music] okay [Music] no go it was a hang up no promoter no promoter's LIC they couldn't Grant a temporary one anything no no show no it was his first time he was really looking forward to he was looking forward to seeing Tony and the rest of wrest we have something next [Music] okay okay guys I'm gonna take off now y'all Sor you've been wonderful and I want to bring back some honesty to this business come on give you a picture baby I know that's probably something that may never happen Happ but I'm going to at least put my piece into this puzzle hey Al it's quarter of seven the Commissioners are on their way they're going to shut your ass down and I want to tell you something when it's all said and done I'm going to let you lower than will I just want to bring back some civility to this business you can yourself and if you want to get into a legal battle you better have a very very what a piece of work that's made me angry I don't know enough about about this guy to make a fair judgment but by just watching them conduct himself in this documentary he comes across like a stereotypical bastard Indie promoter who doesn't care about Talent nor the fans he's letting down what else could happen to O atas tonight huh B here we go we're going to see the paper boy just what about 2 and 1/2 hours away been waiting for this my whole life and it's just about here the other main event is uh myself and The Rock in what is called a fully loaded strap match um we're going to be connected by the wrist by a about a 10t piece of leather strap and the decision came down with the Ewa to uh eliminate me right then and there I said West Tony you going to have to think of something real fast you're not getting no younger you have to do something to get your name out there s here s are you decent so what we going to do tonight you just throw them punches you know you do your kick and all the other stuff leg Yeah legitimate punch you know you just nail the hell out of me don't worry about how hard it is D from try to saver wrestling show to performing in a work shoot match kind of feel bad for Tony Outlet right now this is the hardest part about doing the shoot match just the idea of getting punched in the face you know it's kind of make you think I've been thinking about this for 3 days now you know try to get my head mentally ready for it you know I can tell you to relax and you're not going to so I'm just spitting my wheels but the point is be sure to listen okay be sure to listen and if you don't hear him tell him you don't hear him you know I'm obviously going to get on the mic and make fun of you at your first match blah blah blah and then lock up with you we do something blah blah blah say we I come in I hit you or whatever and I go back to him I hit him and like couple drop kicks just relax man and have fun I mean that's what it's all about right shut up Stevie Guerrero he makes me look bad I'm on something to beat the time forget everything we talked about and just beat the hell out of you it doesn't matter if the outcome is predetermined what matters is we go out there and entertain them better than anybody else on this planet where you want to be just to be in this deal is big enough to be on top of this deal is unbelievable and that's where I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] headed get [Music] him GQ Masters the third and his partner from Harvard University the expert Brian [Music] Tay no over your shoulder [Applause] okay he's actually doing it there he is peer boy let's queue up his theme [Music] music [Music] the poor guy's probably nervous as hell and he's got to get make he absolutely [Music] [Applause] [Music] hits [Applause] but this is not the case with these two guys they hate each [Applause] other it's Grim absolutely Grim now I do keep in mind that Tony has uh he has interest in Kinks let's say I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually enjoying this a whole lot look it up if you really need to but yeah I think this makes a bit more sense when you understand Tony's uh his uh his Endeavors away from The Ring just look it up that's all I'm saying whatever he's got [Applause] left does Tony get a chance to punch her in the face I mean you'd like to think so right the scure of the these rules so that we do have a winner by pinfall no flukes in this one no disqualification no excuses oh no look out oh and helsy just hung out to dry there and the rock with another right hand and down goes Triple H who will meet the WWF Champion at [Applause] SummerSlam go ahead rob a delivery Rory Fox I smell a future word Champion right here [Applause] oh a l while I [Applause] [Music] rock yes damn it 1 2 [Applause] 3 a pedigree and is here is your winner [Applause] now we can go on to number two go on for life right you always say good [Applause] good very good good thank you I got another ice pack in there if you need it man again damn it even oh broken Knuckles looks like her face was in good shape though so I'm guessing Tony didn't lay a finger on her I don't know about you that was very good very good it feel kind of numb right now sad thing about this ain't going to be the last one we do it's just the beginning we got to take it all the way up there in the east coast ah another a day another a dollar the kids they really supported me came around and SLA hands I thought maybe they might be hesitant to do that because of this whole paper boy thing but the crowd really crowd really took to it and I was really surprised hey that's not terrible as long as he's learning something from all these losses he definitely won't get booked as a jobber paper boy for much longer [Music] oh here we go we're going to hear all about how M Classic's planning on robbing a bank when I got to Cincinnati it was a lot harder than I thought it would be you know I went in there the first day wanted to be you know God in wrestling and I found out it's really hard it ain't easy humbled the rich kid has been humbled you know you kind of feel alone at certain times like when you're frustrated and and and get scared and you're in a different place and drugs are just a old friend you know it's like having your best friend back I don't have any complaints you know I've seen a lot of bad I seen a lot of good even with this terrible video quality that chicken still looks pretty good you know I just thank God that I got the opportunity to be Tony Atlas most people don't get a chance to live their fantasies I was able to man oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah what I'm going to do next is um do what I have to do to become a professional wrestler why do you want to still do that after all this cuz it's still in my heart I still feel it here that I want to try it it's not going to happen I can see into the future it's not going to happen I think a dream is worth everything you know even if you try to succeed in the dream and not make it I think it's still worth everything I think that you have a innate feeling inside of you that you know that you are meant to do this if you got the dream and then once it's in you just it's hard to say no anybody out there that's trying to do it it's damn sweet when you get there so keep [Music] trying ready ready let's go [Music] you know what I thought this was pretty good I was expecting an MTV fluff piece or something tailored towards younger more casual viewers but this show definitely has value for more Season Pro Wrestling fans too I thought the Tony outlas stuff was definitely the most interesting and see Hunter and China on the road was also pretty insightful so yeah good job MTV it's also refreshing seeing a documentary style show from the Attitude Era that doesn't point the finger and blame pro wrestling for the downfall of society so yeah I had fun watching this one and I hope you guys enjoyed it too bit of a longer video this time around so thank you for watching until the end and hopefully I'll see you all again next time take care [Music] everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Wrestling Bios
Views: 147,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrestling lists, wwe lists, wrestling bios, true life, im a pro wrestler, wwf, wwe, chyna, truple h, dx, triple h and chyna, mtv show, mtv wwe, mtv wwf
Id: IPpc4fEbSYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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