Watch What This Metalworker Does With an Old Hard Drive!

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hey there welcome to farm craft what do you guys do with your old hard drives when they break well I've found a really good use for them I like to put on my envelope no actually let's let's back up I already took this apart and it has something in here that you can really use so let's rewind and go back in time there's something in here that I've that I found pretty useful and used in a lot of different areas in the shop so let's pull this thing apart and there's always a screw here that they cover up with a sticker and that's so that you can't try to claim warranty after you've you've dug into it and that's what I'm after that is a rare-earth magnet that is mounted to a special piece of metal that doesn't let the magnetic flux go through that direction it's pretty interesting but very strong that way almost nothing that way they're very convenient if you want to put this on something you just put a couple screws in and you're good to go so here's my bench top drill press do that this is one of those magnets from an older hard drive they were a little bit bigger just popped a couple screws in holds a chuck key very well almost a little too well you really have to yank it off of it but you're not gonna lose your Chuck key on the other side of that drill press I have another one mounted this is an old chuck from a cordless drill that broke this Chuck doesn't grab small bits well so I just used this chuck to grab what I usually use is 1/8 inch bit for a pilot hole so I just have this sitting here whenever I want to drill a pilot hole I put this Chuck in this mount like that I can go ahead and drill and then when I'm done with this I just stick it on the magnet you know that chucks pretty heavy and that magnet holds it no problem I mean you turn this thing on we're not gonna fall off that magnet is really strong we're looking at my lathe here this front plate was supposed to just be bolted on but I wanted to be able to get behind it easily so rather than putting the bolts on I just left the studs in and when I put a couple of those magnets and then I have access to the back that's just where I keep scrap metals and whatnot and this thing just easily pops back on and stays put makes a very easy access there so what else could this be useful for the discs oftentimes are aluminum so those can be used just for metal stock the case is I think aluminum it could be zinc very unlikely that it would be magnesium the main thing is these magnets let's screw this magnet to a board and we'll see how much weight it can hold all right I just weighed out some chunks of metal for this thing that's 310 grams that's a kilogram that's a kilo and a half and now that's three kilos so place your bets how much is this little tiny magnet gonna lift get some reference here it is an inch and 1/8 long and it's longest dimension and it's about it's only a quarter inch wide that's a tiny little magnet well let's start out with 300 grams no problem kilogram 2.2 pounds Wow no problem steel and a half I can shake it off but it picks it up pretty easily and now you know three kilos come on no way we'll look at that I can shake it off that's right at the limit of what it can lift but it sure can three kilogram look at that thing that's a big piece of train track that that shows you just how strong these little magnets can be and this is from one of the newer drives the magnets that came with the older drives they had two of them and they were much bigger a lot of you aren't going to take my word for it so I'm gonna screw one of these on this is one of the old type magnets all right how much can that hold I can tell ya that can pick up that three kilos no problem so let's get something heavier all right here's a piece of quarter-inch flat bar that is about what three feet long it weighs 5.8 kilograms there's the big magnet now just so you know it's just the one the one is not involved not even in the middle let me stack these on it yeah I can do that too that is right on the edge got it try to keep this balanced got it well scraps got it got it this is getting ridiculous my hand is slipping and I think we might have found the lip let me take those last two off see if it'll lift that oh that is so close got it all right that is the limit of what it can lift let's go away that 11.1 kilograms it's over 22 pounds one little magnet so this one was not an aluminum disk as you can see there the disk shattered so it was a glass based type disc I'm not sure exactly what they are maybe I'll look it up and put it on the screen but I might be too lazy so maybe not I hope you guys enjoyed see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell her we'll see new killer or not he'll never petals our girl colores do is tagging [Music]
Channel: FarmCraft101
Views: 67,211
Rating: 4.5375724 out of 5
Keywords: repurpose, neodymium magnet, hard drive
Id: ksrdxyVWxJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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