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when I see a client who tends to have good hair come in and suddenly have bad hair it's usually one of a few factors that I actually don't see talked about as often so one is your diet at on point fresh I've only ever had one Mission bring you guys the absolute best advice even if sometimes it's not from me in this video I brought on one of the most knowledgeable hair stylists in the game to answer some of your most common hair questions without further Ado let's get to it hello on point fresh my name is Andrew does hair you can find my work on Instagram or YouTube by searching Andrew does hair I'm a hairdresser here in Orange County California I've been doing hair for almost 20 years and I specialize in short hair I wouldn't quite call myself a barber I'm a hairdresser I style hair and I want to thank on point fresh for giving me the opportunity to speak to a new audience here hopefully I can bring something of value to the conversation so here I was given a list of questions first question how do you find the perfect hairstyle that suits you and the second half of the question is how do you assess what hairstyle would suit someone so because it's kind of two questions in one I'll answer it in two parts so the first question the most effective route that you can start with is to seek advice and I don't mean on a screen because I can't see your hair I don't know what your cxs are doing I don't know what your curl is doing nobody on a screen can advise you in the way that professional in person can when you go to somebody who cuts hair even if they've only been doing it a couple years this is somebody who has spent years now looking at hair thinking about hair combing through hair touching hair elbows deep in hair and their understanding of what hair can do and can't do and should do and shouldn't do and what looks good and what looks is just a little bit more informed than somebody who's watched a few YouTube videos looking for the answer on their own that's not to say that it's bad to do the research for yourself to find out what you like but your perspective is like here and somebody cutting your hair has this perspective they can see things about your head that you can't now I do understand that a lot of people are going to YouTube for this type of advice because they don't have someone they trust to stand behind them and advise them on what they may or may not be able to do with their hair and I get that in a case like that I would say you know if you're cutting your your own hair your mom's cutting your hair you're going to a barber who just um isn't offering you advice I would say to start with a regular haircut and what I mean by that is almost every like men's haircut is built off of the same type of haircut we would call it short Square layers if you get short Square layers and then you have them finish the details in whatever way you like oh maybe taper The Sideburns and maybe square off the back whatever if you start with this this is a normal haircut but every classic men's cut that you've seen from a side part to a slickback to a quiff to a pomp to any of those those kinds of haircuts they're all built around the same kind of shape so if you're trying to find a hairstyle that suits you and you don't have somebody who can stand back and give you ideas I would start there with just a basic haircut and then from that basic haircut you will know just based on how your hair acts what you like and don't like about it from just the basic the standard and you can lean in One Direction or the other you might like your hair sides a little bit more after they grow and they lay back so the next time you go get your Square layers you say give me some short Square layers but leave the sides long enough to lay back or you might find that on some days curls more than other days or as it grows in a little bit longer you see more curl on top and so the next time you go in you might say you know can you cut it in way that would be more conducive to curl but starting from kind of a standard regular haircut you would be surprised of all these like celebrities that we look at these Brad Pitts and and and David beckhams and Christiano ronaldos and and Zayn malx and all these guys we look at for cool hair they're not walking in with some detailed explanation saying like I want this here and this here and this here and this here what they're doing is they're hiring an expert who essentially gives them a basic haircut they all almost have the exact same haircut believe it or not and then the details are just tailored to fit that person I want to take this moment to do something very special to you guys our Exclusive Hair Care line for men has finally been released Ono Fresh Hair Care line features four highquality products flow serum this is our Flagship serum that strengthens and moisturizes your hair giving you that dream flow that you've always wanted fresh waves sea salt spray for getting amazing wavy hair made with high quality quality sea salt and seaal for moisture styling paste this will make your hair smell amazing and give you a strong texturizing hole texturizing clay this creamy Clay gives your hair a thicker appearance provides texture has a softer more pliable hole check out all of our products over at shop. onpointfresh docomo Andrew so the next half of the question is how would I assess what hairstyle would suit someone so I'll be honest when I have a brand new client who's seeing me for the first time as as soon as I walk up to the front door here to greet them I'm looking at what they're wearing I'm looking at how they're carrying themselves I look at how their hair is previously cut and styled and I'm getting a feel for who they are what their Vibe is you see style is what you tell somebody about you without opening your mouth fashion is copying a cool haircut that you saw online I want to help somebody find their style and to begin doing that I need to just read what's going on with them already for example if they're wearing brand new crispy fresh Yeezys they're probably not going to want some messy grungy like lived in look like a Z Malik like you know dirty little mullet or something they're probably going to want something a little crispier a little more fresh and on the flip side if if they come in and they're wearing like tattered jeans that have cool Fades on them and stuff and they're wearing like like beat up old vintage work boots and and that style is really working for them they're probably not going to want their forehead lined up they're probably going to want something a little bit more lived in a little more organic looking because that's how they dress so that's the first thing I look at the next thing I do again the client comes in and they don't know what they want at all like this is not me saying I tell everybody what to do but a client comes in and they say I have no idea what I want to do help me I'll sort of fit that normal haircut to them with just enough length that the hair will move but not so much length that it only falls down and so I give them a basic haircut for the most part but as I'm working toward the end of the haircut I'm looking at the details and nuances in their hair and I'm leaning into them so something really important to understand about finding suitable hair for you that's your perfect hair is we have a tendency to look at CC here or this parting there or this curl here that we don't like and we think that correcting those things is what's holding us back from the hair that's just the best hair for us but truth be told if you were to look at the Red Carpet and look at the people walking down the red carpet they have CX sticking out their hair Parts naturally their hairstyles lean into these natural characteristics they don't fight them they go with them it's really easy to look in the mirror and go I can't control this CX so therefore it's bad and once I control it I'll have my perfect hair the way that you're really going to arrive to hair that works for you is to lean into those things so you start off with let's just say a standard basic haircut but once those CS are doing their thing you detail it and texturize it in a way that it looks cool with the hair sticking out right there or at least it looks shapely if it's going to stick out by the time I finish a haircut after kind of detailing working around these personalized characteristics on the head even though it started off as the same regular haircut by the end of the haircut it's completely unique to them so that's how I would find somebody's personal style and then in subsequent visits as they come back I would ask them what worked what didn't what fell apart first on a good day when your hair was doing exactly what you wanted it to do what was it doing more of on a bad day when it wasn't doing what you wanted it to do what was it doing a have of firsttime clients come in and they leave just perfectly through world with their hair and they go wow I've never been happier with my hair and then the next time they come back they're actually even happier because now I know their hair a little more they know their hair a little more after the first visit I've given them styling tips and stuff and so by the next time they come back they have a better idea of what they want and I have a better idea of what their hair can do and will do if you want to find your perfect hair don't go to one Barber one time and if they don't hit it go okay well that guy sucks you might have to go back two or three times but it ends up being this collaborative effort the perfect haircut is one that your hair naturally wants to lean into it's one that has to be cut as frequently as you want to haircut if you're lining up your forehead you have to cut that weakly if you're doing anything bald faded you have to cut that Weekly for it to maintain that look if you're doing a high fade it's an every twoe haircut or it doesn't look good even if you think that looks great on you but you hate the routine of getting a haircut every 2 week that's not your perfect haircut your perfect haircut has exactly the routine that you like for your hair you got to find something that's going to work for you in every sense of the word work for you not just look good but it's going to fit your lifestyle it's going to reflect who you are it's going to lean into the natural tendencies of your hair now you found perfect hair now you've got the kind of hair that people who know you compliment you are jealous of your hair because it just works for you question two is what are the current trends you're seeing in hairstyles right now based on ages I can say it's a very interesting time for hair trends for the last 10 years it's been almost the same haircut for almost everybody shave the side slick the top back that's been just so popular for so long but what's happening right now is there's not any one huge popular thing that everyone is asking for in my chair there are two common things that everyone seems to be asking for the first is they want haircuts that last longer people who started getting Fades a couple years ago but never had Fades before that they got sick of being in the chair every 2 weeks 3 weeks and so now they're like what haircut can I get that I can cut every 2 months and I think another aspect is maybe the economy a lot of people are like I can't afford a $100 haircut every two weeks what can I do that's going to last a month or two months so across the board 99% of my clients are leaning into hairstyles that last longer and the other thing is they're leaning into natural texture a lot of guys that I work with they they spent years blow drying their hair flat ironing their hair putting like 10 different products in their hair and what they want now is washing and wear and so the haircuts that are becoming popular for any age group have been wash and wear and cut it every 2 3 months the fun thing about that is depending on the head in the chair the bone structure and the hair texture just the way that the hair dries or whatever it ends up being a slightly different haircut for each head to make this work but on average what it's looking like is for the teenagers to young 20-year-olds they're doing very 1990s looks kind of like Leonardo DiCaprio just all longer all swep back but still very classically shaped a little bit tidier around on the neck but for the most part they want this flow um actually I think that's one of the key words they're like hey I want my hair just to flow everywhere if you've had the long top and short size for a bunch of years now think about how nicely the top of your hair combs back but how hard it is for the sides to lay back once they grow in a little bit that's because the sides if they're short they don't bend and lay back and so what I'm getting a lot now is I want the sides long enough that I can go like this and they just flow back on my older clients I say older like my age um the I'd say the mid 20s to 40 year olds young professionals my real estate agent my lawyers these kinds of clients what they want is almost like an 80s businessman haircut a very American Psycho so similar in structure to the Leonardo DiCaprio but less of like a super long top and they're a little bit less afraid of having a bit of a mullet like they kind of like seeing the back of the hair from the front is a request that I get like they'll say I don't want to mull it but I want to see from the front I want to see the back just a little bit that's been a huge popular request lately as well and I think the reason these two styles are very popular is again you don't have to cut them very often and for the most part you barely have to do anything to style them number three tips on the awkward phase of trying to grow your hair long the thing that makes your hair awkward is that it either doesn't have a shape or it each hair doesn't have a purpose and a direction as long as you figure out where your hair can go and where your hair wants to go and then you style it that way it should look for the most part natural and it should look good there are certain areas to Sideburn the nape uh where once they kind of get long it doesn't matter which way you comb it it's going to look kind of funny and so you do need to shape up your hair and and keep the edges tidy as it starts to grow out and there's definitely a factor of like if the top isn't quite long enough yet and the sides start to get too long and you get this disproportion at like super long sides with like relatively long top it it'll look weird and so for the most part you just go with your classic like short sides long top until you start to have some good length on the top and then you've got to let the Sid start to fill in and the sides won't feel as unruly and as out of control or as disproportionate if the top is longer before the sides begin to get long so that's definitely helpful as well one thing to know if you're your hair out long is if if you're used to getting a haircut every month or so once you begin growing it out as soon as you get to the point where everything can lay back now you need a haircut every three or 4 months like if that and once it's all tucking behind the ears you just have a little bit in the back to trim every few months and so life is a lot easier actually when you grow your hair out as far as Salon visits but that's the advice that I would give you is keep it shaped up and keep a plan along the way and so whether you're just doing it yourself especially if you're visiting a salon or barber shop just ask them on your next trim say how can I style it until the next trim and as long as you know where each hair is supposed to go should be easy number four what's a basic men's hair care routine guys can Implement for healthy hair this one's interesting because what I see online what everybody's afraid of online like that's going to damage my hair I've never seen damage very rarely very seldom seen damag hair in 20 years I've been doing this you know I I see people online saying if you use hairspray the alcohol is going to dry out your hair and damage it I've got clients who for 20 years have hairsprayed their hair every day and I don't see damage so I'll just speak rather than saying whatever statistics or common things I see online I'll speak from my perspective itive having done this for so long when I see a client who tends to have good hair come in and suddenly have bad hair it's usually one of a few factors that I actually don't see talked about as often so one is your diet if if you're just like life's crazy you've been busy you you're not watching what you eat you're eating a lot of processed junk food your hair can take a hit from that I've seen clients come in and suddenly their hair is a little more brittle a little more wiry a little bit more damaged looking than usual and I'll ask them like oh what are you doing different and they're like dude I've been like studying for an exam and I haven't been EA eating clean it's been just like 3 weeks of chaos that can affect your hair so good nutrition is very important another thing is stress and that might tie into what I just said about studying for the big exam I've had clients go through divorces and come out the other side with Like Straw hair I've had clients you know get fired from their job and start losing patches of hair because of it so I've never seen somebody use the wrong product and their hair fell out or wear a hat too many times and their hair fell out I've never seen damage from wearing a hat theoretically maybe like the tension of the Hat pulling on your hair could physically pull some hairs out but see online like don't wear a hat too often your hair's going to fall out I've never seen it but I have seen I I'll say as far as hair dryer damage the very I mean in 20 years I've probably seen maybe five guys actually damage their hair with a haird dryer it is very very hard to do and these Five Guys they all had the same thing in common I asked them how often do you blow dry your hair and they go well twice a day I do it once in the morning after the shower and I go to work all day and then after work I go to the gym and when I get out of the gym I blow dry my hair a second time and then I go out to the club or whatever I'm doing for the evening and so these guys blow the hair twice a day what'll happen is the ends start to get brittle and break off and it starts to look like straw but once you cut that off the damage is gone and it's healthy again I've never seen somebody drying their hair three or four times a week even five six times a week damage their hair again keeping in mind that I am a short hair specialist if you are going to grow your hair long try to blow dry it less but if you're keeping your hair short and you're blow drying it even once a day you're 99.9% more likely to trim off the ends before you damage them than you are to actually damage the ends of your hair so healthy hair care routine good nutrition don't stress and be a little bit careful with the heat if you're worried about the heat buy a heat protectant they actually work there's a whole bunch of good ones on the market out there number five thoughts on the no shampoo Trend I like this one I haven't read about it too much what I know about it is I've had clients come in who suffered from dandruff for just had oily scalps or or dry frizzy hair and an oily scalp at the same time I've had clients with Troublesome hair come in and suddenly not have Troublesome hair I started asking them like well what did you do to change your hair and they go I stopped shampooing it what I know about the no shampoo trend is I've seen it work miracles on some people and I've seen it do nothing on some people so my advice on that is just give it a try if you skip shampooing your hair for 2 weeks you're not going to lose your hair it's not going to fall out you're not going to die you're not going to stink up the room you still want to you know rinse it really good and and that sort of thing but letting those natural oils build up on your scalp I believe is kind of a good thing you still want to work it through your hair maybe brush it through your hair with like a bore Bristol brush or that sort of thing but just experiment with it and see how your hair changes I'm a big big fan of telling my clients like when they're like hey should I I'm like yes should I try yes yes absolutely women will get their hair done and then they go here's the 19 ways I know how to style this but men are like this is my haircut this is how it's styled this is the same Pomade I've used for 17 years we get stuck in these um routines and we and oddly enough men are so afraid of like I'm going to damage my hair if I touch a hair dryer they're so afraid of these like marketing lies out there that are trying to sell heat protectants or whatever else we're trying to sell shampoo if you don't shampoo your hair it's going to be bad for you like well who told you that the shampoo company try it the only way you're going to damage your hair to the point that you don't have hair anymore that it's going to be permanently damaged is if you literally burn your scalp or dig follicles out of your head nothing you do to the hair out here will affect future hair that grows in that is like an old wi's tail that like if you bleach your hair it won't grow back not unless you third degree burn your scalp with bleach and so try not shampooing your hair just see what happens number six how to fix a coarse frizzy dry hair without the use of one-offs like keratin treatments okay I want to tackle the word fix there because I'm assuming fix means make not curly or make not frizzy the easiest way you can fix it is to go hey you know what here's a curly frizzy style that I kind of like so don't think that curly frizzy hair is bad hair you can have very curly frizzy hair that can look cool so if if you don't want to put in the work or the effort or pay for the one-offs to fix the curly frizzy hair you can just fix your your view of it I have a lot of clients who will wear their hair curly and Frizzy and they like it that way another easy way is load up on the products you know you put in some moisturizing curl serums and stuff and you can you can help with the frizz assuming by fix you mean smooth out straighten polish just get the hair to not be a wiry Brill pad the way that I like to explain this to clients is you're looking at time versus money and you have to give up one or the other if you want to change what your hair is doing by time I mean if you have wiry frizzy curly coarse hair you can straighten it and smooth it daily by blow drying it but that might be a 10-minute job or a 15-minute job even depending on how nice your haird dryer is so you can trade that time every single day or you can go trade money at the salon once a month to get a keratin treatment or whatever and then you spend less time daily and so you're going to give up your time or you're going to give up your money and there's kind of no other way around that except to just Embrace like hey I got frizzy hair it is what it is which is easier said than done I don't have frizzy hair personally and so I'm like oh what's the big deal but nobody likes what they have I've got receding fine hair so you know we all have our own complaints right number seven how to make the best of thinning hair well and I just mentioned my thinning hair generally speaking they say if your hair is thinning you should go shorter with it and it kind of makes sense if you've got very long hair and it starts to get thin you'll look like schmagel but you know just think Bruce Willis like that dude he he thinned very gracefully he went shorter and shorter until eventually he was just bald and it worked but not all of us just want to jump right to the bald right away the biggest thing you can do the most helpful thing you can do is realize that there's there's not a hairstyle that you're going to do that's going to completely mask the fact that you're thinning don't try to mask it like if you're receding in the front like I am right here maybe don't do a hairstyle that has like a big front maybe do a hairstyle that has a little bit smaller front and then what you want to do is get some composition elsewhere my hair might not be the best example for this because I I actually need a haircut really bad but think of a haircut as like a work of art in that if you're looking at a photograph or a painting there's a composition which is the shape of the things on the screen or the or the canvas that lead your eyes to move around in a specific way that's like what the composition is so in a haircut traditionally men's haircuts are like a ramp in the front and everything comes up to the front here and that's the focal point but there are a lot of haircuts out there that actually bring attention to other parts of the haircut you get a little bit of a mullet and now people aren't looking at your forehead they're looking at your mullet a very blunt example of it there if you're used to getting tighter sides and the top starts thinning like maybe get a little bit longer sides and just style them like have styled sides and that'll take the attention from right here and kind of bring it throughout the rest of the head and um that's usually what I do with my clients who are starting to thin and they don't want to feel so self-conscious about it like sure you can use hair fibers and you can go get procedures or take pills or powders or potions and things but as somebody who just cuts hair and I'm not a surgeon who plugs hair into people's head my best line of defense for my clients um and what they tend to do is they just get a hairstyle that leans into bringing attention away from that front or away from whatever the balding or thinning area is is I was at a party one time years ago and this guy looked very charming and he very Brad pites and he had very subtle highlights in his perfectly messy hair and I saw him across the room and I was like dang white straight teeth and and muscular physique and a little bit of a tan and this guy's very good-looking good for him and then he turned around and he was completely like bald on the top here and he didn't care he just rocked it everything else about him was just put together and working and I was like that's how I want to live my life I want to be like that guy like he wasn't trying to hide it he wasn't wearing a hat he was just like yeah just is what it is I got highlights anyways cuz I like them and number eight the final question here how to actually change hair from Flat thin to giving it flow and weight without having to use a ton of products every day so incidentally I have a trademarked slogan that good hair doesn't come from a jar I'm not about using a ton of products every day either I think something that most men have been kind of lied to about is the haird dryer I think it's the worst marketed tool in the history of tools because we believe it's made to dry our hair but what the hairdyer is actually made to do is change almost everything about your hair it can add volume to flat hair it can reduce reduce volume from big poofy hair it can add shine it can add Bend to straight hair it can straighten curly hair the hair dryer and a brush and a little bit of technique and understanding how to use it can make your hair do all kinds of crazy things you wouldn't believe it you kind of want to think of your hair like a fabric if I have a shirt that's wrinkled and I take it and I put an iron to it I'm putting heat and tension on the shirt the wrinkles come out right so if your hair is falling flat or if it's curling where you don't want it to or if it's doing anything you don't want it to do think of it like a fabric if you put heat and tension on it with a hair dryer not dry the hair with a dryer but style the hair with with the hair dryer by putting heat and tension on it to reshape it you can get it to act very differently if you were to look at hair under a microscope it tends to have a rough surface when your hair has these rough surfaces they stick to each other they frizz up and the hair doesn't move nicely but once you apply heat to the hair whether with a flat iron or curling iron or a blow dryer in the proper technique you smooth out the surface of the hair now once your hair has a smoother surface a few things happen for one it reflects more light so your hair shines blow dry your hair a bunch it shines nicely but the other thing is it moves really gracefully when you're watching a movie and the guy's hair just like gets to sh then it falls out of place but it moves in pieces and it looks really cool that's because it was blowdried we call that sealing the cuticle and it causes the hair to act nicely if you want your hair to act differently but you don't want to use a bunch of product the key is the haird dryer realistically you're probably not going to burn your hair off with the haird dryer but you know go in the bathroom and try just blow drying your hair for a little bit longer than you think you need to because the magic of the hair dryer actually doesn't happen as the hair dries it happens a good minute after the hair dries just blow dry your hair a little bit longer than you think you need to and see how it changes if it's still a little too curly try it again with a little bit more tension and you you can absolutely change what your hair wants to do I have several videos where I do this if you want to tune in to my YouTube channel every week I I take a client here to my salon and I cut and style their hair for YouTube this is something I've been doing a few months now and I want to continue to do hopefully indefinitely but if you watch these videos You'll see just how drastically the hairdyer can change the hair and in some videos I'm straightening curly hair in some videos I'm emphasizing curly hair in some videos I'm adding volume and some videos I'm removing volume and I barely use any product because good hair doesn't come from a jar so I hope these answers were helpful for any of you out there if you want to learn anything more please reach out to me on social media check out my YouTube channel check out all the other great videos from Ono fresh and um follow me on Instagram Andrew does hair thanks for watching
Channel: OnPointFresh
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Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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