Watch This BEFORE Taking Testosterone - Dr. Berg

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let's talk about the Dark Side of taking testosterone disclaimer I'm not telling you to stop taking your testosterone and I'm not telling you that you shouldn't take testosterone there are definitely positive benefits from testosterone increasing your libido increasing your energy your state of well-being muscle strength what about the negatives what things should you be aware of we have the hypothalamus in our brain that communicates with the pituitary that then sends signals down to the testicle that makes testosterone once you have enough testosterone the testosterone kind of signals back to turn off that pituitary and hypothalamus so we don't keep having more and more of these hormones when you start taking testosterone you're basically sending signals to these other glands in your brain to tell it to turn off and so your testical don't have to make any more testosterone so they go into a retirement now is that permanent it really depends on a lot of factors how long you've taken it your genetics why would some men have these symptoms yet not other men all right number one it can worsen your sleep apnea number two it can affect your mood you can get moody cause acne create dizziness it can also potentially cause a heart attack decrease fertility not that most older men want another child and also thicker blood and I think the biggest side effect is testicular atrophy it means that the testicles now get smaller and smaller and smaller it can cause a loss of erections so when you take testosterone for a long period of time you can develop a problem in the receptors for testosterone where it doesn't work as well anymore if we take a look at specifically age related hypogonadism that means your testicles are not functioning as well as they should and you may uh say well it's just old AG not with everyone there's younger men that are getting this more and more and more at the top of the list if you have insulin resistance that can definitely be a problem number two lower amount of zinc okay zinc is involved with hundreds of different enzymes in fact sperm has a very high concentration of zinc to help the survival of the sperm connect with the egg another cause would be the person is protein deficient they are not consuming enough protein this next one is interesting lowfat diets why because cholesterol is the precursor to make testosterone and statins also can cause lowered amount of testosterone why because Statin Blocks Your production of cholesterol another one would be high soy diet another one is low vitamin A or low vitamin D overtrain probably because it increases cortisol insomnia and then also liver issues an inability to get rid of iron obesity because your fat cells release the aromatase to convert testosterone to estrogen now that you know that what do you do now to increase your testosterone weight training it will really help you increase your testosterone number two zinc I would recommend both taking zinc and also consuming foods high in zinc shellfish red meat liver very important number three vitamin D number four having sufficient amount of fat in your diet the butter the meats as long as you keep your carbs low some of you out there listening are like wow I can't have saturated fats I cannot consume that much cholesterol because either my cholesterol is high or my doctor said not to do it and you might be inou about that you might be concerned because of all the confusion out there and so if it was so bad why does our bodies make it DHEA might be a good supplement for you to help substantiate or fortify your adrenals so that your adrenals can get some relief and make some more hormones so you have some extra material for making testosterone the other really important thing is getting enough REM sleep so the non-rem sleep is like deep Delta wave sleep and then the higher waves are the REM sleep it's the rapid eye movement and if you're losing more REM sleep you won't have the level of testosterone so this is why sleep is really important for your testosterone as well we have videos on all sorts of things to uh help you sleeps and I will put a very specific recent video I did Down Below in the description next one is just losing weight in general why because when you have less fat cells you have have less Aroma taste that enzyme that is converting your testosterone to estrogen if you're just starting out kind of a big person over time when you lose weight uh you will have more and more testosterone and so if you want to know how to lose weight I'll put that link down below as well and the next one is kind of just optimizing your blood sugars getting rid of this insulin resistance and that's done with the ketogenic diet as well as doing intermittent fasting and the last one I kind of already mentioned having sufficient amount of protein to optimize your level of testosterone that's what we really want to do we want to just bring it to a level where everything works fine and if you do that maybe you actually don't need to add testostrone because it comes with a package thanks for watching and I think the best video to watch next is this one on cholesterol very important it's about LDL and you should know this data I put it up right here check out
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 262,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: berg, boost testosterone, boost testosterone naturally, dark side of taking testosterone, dr berg on testosterone, dr eric berg, dr. berg, eric berg, how to increase testosterone, increase testosterone, increase testosterone naturally, low testosterone, low testosterone causes, low testosterone in men, low testosterone symptoms, natural testosterone booster, signs of low testosterone, testosterone, testosterone booster, testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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