Watch this Before Buying A Gas Water Heater Tank

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hey guys I want to give you on today's video for tips for buying a gas water heater what to look for to get a better tank that's gonna last longer I also want to say big thanks to more supply this is where I buy most of the plumbing supplies for my houses ok first tip you want to typically go with a smaller tank today than you might have a couple years ago in 2015 the regulations for efficiency changed and these 40 gallon tanks may be all you need even if you've got a 50 before let's take a look at the energy god they've updated these as well if you look at the centers you got it's going to tell you of course what it's always told you which is the annual energy cost but now it's also gonna tell you the first hour rating so this is a 40 gallon tank 38,000 BTU of input that's how much gas it's gonna use but look at that it's got sixty four gallons of hot water it's gonna provide in the first hour let's move over here to this 50 gallon tank ten more gallons two more BTUs this is a 40,000 BTU tank but look how much more almost $100 more to operate it but we are getting more hot water in the first hour now we've got 87 gallons instead of 64 now if you're a family of say one two three this 40 gallons gonna be all you need if you have a bunch of teenagers in the house that are showering back-to-back you might consider the 50 but most of the time this one's gonna be all you need okay second tip look for when you're buying these a metal Silcox see this right here this is the drain that's at the bottom of the tank and if you've seen my other videos where we cut these in half you'd be shocked at how much sediment accumulates you want one of these because now we can actually drain it we have a metal body that's not going to break the lesser cost units which are inferior are gonna have a plastic Silcock here you might see those at the local Home Center avoid those if you see that third tip go for the bigger warranty most the time when you think of extended warranties or bigger warranties I think well there's just additional profit but when it comes to warranty on these tanks it usually means that you've got a better one of these and that's your anode rod so the units that have a three or a five year warranty they typically have a smaller anode rod and the bigger warranties are going to have a bigger a nerd so a bigger warranty is better you want to go for at least a six or maybe even eight your warranty and the last tip ask your plumber to install one of these this is a four year extended warranty kit and again this is not hocus-pocus this isn't just additional profit here's what the plumber is going to do for you that's actually going to provide a great amount of benefit for you you're going to get one of these this is gonna replace I believe the cold water inlet with now another tube so this is the one that's going to be in the tank standard and now you're gonna have two of these in the tank and that's how they're gonna take you from let's say a six year warranty that these come with now to a ten year warranty if you have one of these extension tubes in there this is basically sacrificing itself so the inside of the metal tank doesn't rust now remember you still need to drain them once a year but if you have one of these in there you're gonna go a long time before you have to replace it and you might double the life of your tank with this compared to not having him guys happy fourth this is an amazing country that we live in and thank you if you're a veteran who contributed to my freedom that I enjoy be sure to hit that subscribe button new videos every Tuesday and every Friday and by the way stay tuned for Friday's build today we're gonna be talking more about hot water see you then
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 329,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40 gal gas tank, gas water heater, gas water heater buyers guide, which gas tank to buy, 50 gal gas tank, gas tank heater, rheem tank, tank water heater buyers guide, water heater which to buy, 40 vs 50 gallon tank
Id: jpt4HdxOIP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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