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Channel: Louis Rossmann
Views: 2,983,181
Rating: 4.9291196 out of 5
Keywords: apple, lawsuit, sues, repair shop, unauthorized repair, iphone screen repair, iphone screens
Id: oNl2q6YZXlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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I sued Apple once for a really petty reason - I think I posted about this on /r/pettyrevenge once and was later told it was more /r/maliciouscompliance, but anyway - I had numerous issues ongoing with my laptop and iPhone, and every month Apple was requiring me to change my Apple ID and password, to the extent where I could never remember the password anymore because it was changing faster than necessary. I had AppleCare+ on my devices, but your Apple password is required to make a Genius Bar appointment. This sounds more petty than I think it should, since I'm skipping a lot of the issues I had with the "Geniuses" not fixing shit, but I ended up taking them to court for the replacement value of my MacBook and iPhone since they weren't working as expected, and I had a copy of the AppleCare contract which made no mention under the responsibilities of the consumer of needing to play along with their shitty password games.
Court date #1 - Apple sent the local Apple Store manager to court to defend, and the court didn't accept this. As a corporation, they could only hire an attorney, or send Tim Cook himself. However, he did say he could make a Genius appointment for me right now and he'd guarantee me their Lead Genius and an absolute fix to my problem if we took a continuance. Judge encouraged to me to go with that, and I did.
Court date #2 - Lead Genius had indeed fixed my issues and even synced up with corporate to figure out why some idiotic setting with Apple ID was forcing me to change my password at an increased rate. However, I had still spent $60 in court costs to file the action and intended to recover them. The same store manager showed up again in court, and the judge said once more that he should not be there and that they need an attorney, but made an exception because the docket was huge and we had to move on. I made my plea for my costs, Apple manager said they shouldn't have to pay, and before I could get through one sentence of reminding the judge that Apple's own terms don't require the password-changing barrier to get an appointment that led to all this nonsense, the judge said "you know what, you'll split it. Apple pays /u/Matchboxx $30," gavel.
I'm not happy with this because my state law specifically states that I'm entitled to all of my court filing fees on a judgment in my favor (which the judge had entered), so I filed an appeal to the Circuit Court.
Court date # 3 - Same fucking manager shows up. New court, new judge, so he doesn't know about the history, asks the manager where their attorney is. Manager says that he has a letter from Apple's general counsel saying that Cupertino is okay with the manager representing Apple. The judge says he doesn't care what Cupertino is okay with, the state law isn't okay with it. Apple manager then moves for a continuance. Judge asks me if I object. I say I absolutely do, because this is now the 3rd time the manager has been told to not show up and instead defer to an attorney, and Apple keeps refusing the court's lawful order. This rightly made the judge pissed off at Apple and he said "continuance denied, and now you need to sit there and not speak, because you're nothing more than an observer here now."
I made my appeal to the same state law, saying that not only should I get my $60 for the lower court fees, but the $160 for the circuit court appeal fees especially since Apple defied the court's reminders repeatedly. Judge agreed, judgment in my favor for $220.
Apple refused to pay after 30 days and I actually have an email from their paralegal saying that they disagree with the court's judgment and are "continuing to review their options" (the timeline for a motion to reconsider had passed, so the next step is the state Supreme Court, which most likely wouldn't hear something so small potatoes).
I asked a buddy who worked there what bank their payroll checks were drawn on. I filed garnishment against Wachovia and collected $260 (garnishment costs got added on).
TL;DR Apple repeatedly defied court orders and wasted manager pay and even more cash (even though they certainly have enough of it) rather than just doing what they were told and saving themselves a lot of headache, because "hur dur we're Apple we're pompous"
A Rossman video under 1 hour; noice
This guy really needs to go into law, hes got the passion.
Edit: also we need to do something about 60 year old senators dealing with decade old electronics they no nothing about. Their interns could better represent the American public when it come to technology
Some kind of Apple war Kickstarter perhaps. (I have done 3 edits on this because of the stupid fucking spell check on my iphone)
Is this the same guy that made a whole video about Yelp or something screwing people over?
So basically they are saying it's counterfeiting to repair a phone with a screen with the apple logo not actually bought from apple. The new screen being an old original apple screen sent to china and had the glass and touchscreen replaced. I want to know which part of the screen had the apple logo, because that's what matters.
He uses a transmission analogy. And he's kinda right. I can replace a gear in the transmission with one I cut myself and sell it as refurbished, that's not counterfeit. But if I make that gear myself and put a "getrag" logo on it, I'll be in a world of shit technically. So it matters where the logo is.
Also, fun plug for the MMWA, in the US no manufacturer can deny you a warranty claim simply because you used non original parts or had it repaired outside an authorized network. They have to prove the part or repair you used caused the failure. Of course they will and do deny warranties for failures which obviously weren't caused by your part, and you have to sue them. But you can recover costs. Also why all those warranty stickers are 100% bullshit.
*from the replies, sounds like the logo was on internal components, and obscured with marker
The Linus video that was mentioned: Linus Tech Tips
the ending is the best
edit: is this normal practise in the US that they sue each other all the time just to make an extra buck? if so why isnt there strict regulations to protect the consumers? feels sometimes that corportations are the first class citizens and the human being on second place
here in sweden you are very well protected by consumer laws (eu regulations) and can get most stuff repaired by third party repair shops (i have an apple iphone 6 and had my battery replaced once) and i dont see how apple can dictate what i do with my phone after i bought it because in the end its MY phone and not their phone after i purchased it, i know how dodgy apple can be and for this reason i dont buy their products or own other then my phone that i got as a birthday present
edit2: sry for any misspelling and would be happy to be corrected if i did butcher your language
Why the CLICKBAITY title? I think I could READ it without the EMPHASIS.