WATCH RFK Jr's FULL Rising Interview

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foreign [Music] we're back with you on a Friday for a special Rising exclusive interview with 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr he joins us now welcome to Rising thank you so much for having me yeah we so appreciate it uh so many questions we want to get to so let's kick it right off with kovid so friends of our show Michael schellenberger and Matt taibi reported the other day that the earliest coveted patients actually did come from the Wuhan lab they were scientists there if this is confirmed it would all but guarantee the lab League Theory which I believe you've said in the past you also think covet originated from a Chinese lab if that is the case I want to know will you prosecute fauci and hold others criminally responsible in the U.S health apparatus who advocated and funded gain of function research I I I think I'm gonna have to look at that I think they should be prosecuted I think um it was you know Reckless into Enderman they knew you know these all of these Labs including the Wuhan lab at a history of leaks uh there were numerous memos from the state department and others saying that the lap was dangerous it wasn't even a beast a self-fore lab that they were doing these This research and it was a bsl2 bsl3 Labs that have uh you know have very very low thresholds and have have uh and this kind of research is malpracticed to do it in the labs the the actual scientist who got ill they're now saying is patient one is Ben who who was the underling for the bat lady for XI jang li and his funding and her funding came directly from NIH and NIH taught them the technology or developing not only for uh for making the technology that was used to make these viruses more infectious uh more virulent more deadly and also the this technology called the seamless ligation technique which is just a bio weapons technique for concealing human tampering on engineered viruses and uh it was utterly irresponsible to be teaching anybody that they should not have developed that technique in the first place it's the inverse of everything that you would do if you actually were interested in public health it's just um it's bioweapons technology so sticking with kova just for one more minute here uh President Biden obviously mandated vaccines for millions of workers before The Supreme Court struck that down president Trump presided over operation warp speed to have Government funding to get the vaccines off the ground how would your Administration have handled vaccines differently in terms of mandates and government funding for them what did those two individuals do that you would have done differently almost everything wrong hey you know first of all they shouldn't locked down Society we now know and do back then and it would be cataclysmic that it would cause far more injury and economic cause long-term economic costs 16 trillion dollars it's going to cost our country over the long run it shifted four trillion dollars in wealth from the middle class in our country to this new you know uh all argue of billionaires we created a billionaire a day during the pandemic all of the pandemic response preparedness protocols that have been developed for decades in fact almost for a century all set unanimously you do not lock down societies you keep them open you quarantine the sick you protect the vulnerable you keep the Society open and that you focus on therapeutic drugs drugs with proven safety histories and that's what we should have done it would have been much more effective to give people even vitamin D and to lock them down and wait for a vaccine that we now know you know the Cleveland Clinic study just came out yeah a new version of the study yesterday that shows that the more vaccines you got the more likely you are to get coveted this is what the science is saying that's something 56 000 employees of Cleveland Clinic you know a a major large study showing the vaccine not only doesn't work but it works opposite of what we were told that it was going to work we should have focused on the therapeutic remedies that actually work is things like scissor Max hydroxychloroquine ivermaged in the countries that use those had much better records we our protocol gave us the worst odd account from covet on Earth so doing everything that our government told us to do we racked up 16 of the covet tests globally we only have 4.2 percent of the population the countries they used Ivermectin hydroxychloroquine countries like Nigeria didn't even have a pandemic we were told they were going to suffer terribly because of their poverty instead they had a death rate one two hundredth of the death rate we had in this country and you can look across the globe countries that adopted our protocols did the worst in terms of covet deaths coveted mortalities the countries that did the opposite that employed I've been employed hydroxychloroquine Nigeria had a 1.3 percent vaccination rate and it had 14 deaths per million population we had 3 000 deaths per million population and of course it was a war on the poor the poor suffered and shouldered the burden of of these protocols more than any other parts of our population well that's a good segue to our next question to your point actually about uh the aggregation of wealth that happened during the pandemic and how it disproportionately uh the what the economic burden was on the poor in 60 billionaires Millionaires and billionaires wealth increased by 64 in the context of the pandemic and so I want to put to you a majority of Americans support a wealth tax for that reasons and others you've described how much better the economic system was the cultural the culture of your youth was in the period between the war and the 1980s would you support the kind of Taxation that also existed back then when there were more taxes levied on the very wealthy and my plan Brianna has not to change the overall tax burden up I will shift the burden around I don't know exactly how I'm going to do that I know that I will restore the uh the child tax credits and uh and so the burden will shift but I'm not going to raise the overall burden on taxes for Americans so Biden committed to not raising taxes on uh people who made less than four hundred thousand dollars a year are you saying that you wouldn't raise taxes on anyone including those uh like the billionaire tax which is extremely popular and others who make well over four hundred thousand dollars a year I'm not saying that I won't shift in that tax burden I'm saying that I'm not going to tax people more who I'm not going to raise taxes on people who make less than four hundred thousand dollars a year as I said I may shift the overall tax burden I don't know exactly how I'm gonna do that yet I need to study that issue and I need to sit down with experts and figure out the best way for achieving for keeping our economy moving and actually rebooting our economy and but also ultimately I think what you talked about at the beginning which was figure out ways to restore the middle class in this country and reduce these extreme disparities between very wealthy the very wealthy these huge aggregations well and the widespread poverty that we're seeing below we need to do that and it's not healthy for our society it is an unstable configuration that cannot support democracy for any kind of sustained beer it's one of the reasons I think you're completely right that critics of extreme wealth think that they're anti-democratic implications are because the very very wealthy have tried to do things like buy their way into elections the way that uh Bloomberg did in the last cycle there's obviously an incredibly corruptive influence from lobbying money and politics things that you've criticized a great deal in the context of the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry and so I'm curious how you plan to run your own campaign do you have any plans to take a Norco no corporate money pledge the way that Bernie Sanders did in 2020 and still managed to out fundraise the rest of the field and if not how do you plan to manage some of the conflicts of interest that emerge when people let's say some of the Silicon Valley billionaires who have shown interest in your campaign start to make demands potentially that are out of step with what the American public would like I am going to I mean all right you know there's there's there are limits on what I can accept you know the the campaign can only accept contributions of three thousand three hundred dollars per per person that's the maximum campaign contribution most of our contributions so far have been much smaller than that uh and you know and I and we are not legally allowed to accept campaign contributions that are larger than that of course there are these other ways that people contribute right they host fundraisers for folks that are independent expenditures they're not supposed to be directed by campaigns but campaigns have found ways of getting around that I'm not saying you specifically obviously but there are ways that campaigns signal how they would like money to be spent and with citizens united there's almost an unlimited ability for corporations to spend uh to support their own political causes is that a concern for you do you have any plans to address citizens united do you have any plans to do campaign Finance reform I don't think there's anything that's probably more important for a democracy than figuring out a way to reverse citizens united from a pragmatic standpoint because the Supreme Court has upheld that it has I think very very wrongly equated campaign contributions with free speech and essentially giving them first amendment protections I think that was a very bad decision I think has been a catastrophe for our country I I am open to suggestions about how to reverse citizens united it's something that I've been thinking about since 2000 I think 2008 when it was uh when that decision came down you know we almost lost democracy we did lose democracy in the this country and during the yielded age in the 1880s and 1890s and uh where you had on our country Senators at that point were not directly elected they were chosen by the legislatures the big trust that steel tribes the oil trust the railroad trust the sugar trust own those legislatures it was literally literally said Pennsylvania state legislation that nobody was for sale because John D Rockefeller already owned them all and he would not part with them and that was the way it was for legislatures all over the country and so those wealthy individuals were choosing the United States senators they control the political parties they chose the the president and on we were able to rescue democracy in in 1908 we passed a law one of the things we did we passed Annie trust for all laws we passed child labor laws we gave women the vote uh but then probably the most important law that we passed to restore democracy was the law that we passed in 2008 that made it illegal in 1908 I made it illegal for large corporations to contribute to Federal political campaigns and that law stayed in place for 100 years and protected American democracy the United States Supreme Court threw out that law in 2008 and unleashed the tsunami of corporate money now you know I'm going to tell you this I'm not allowed to coordinate with our super Pacs um but uh it's I think you know and Bernie was able to do as you said raise a lot of money and I think Obama was raised a lot of money and that's what I'm going to focus on from small donors but you know if you're a Super PAC I you know the law is just wrong in our country but it's hard to uh you know at some point you have to say Okay I'm going to play by the rules as they are given to us I'm not gonna you know I'm not gonna bring a knife to a gunfight and I'm and uh so I don't know what they're gonna do but I can see the logic of of uh of taking money from larger donors if you're you know if you're supporting somebody that's going to try to reform the system I want to ask you about the culture of social issues you are someone who's getting some support from I think Republicans or former Republicans maybe because of your stances on vaccines aspects of covid conservative voters right now a lot of them on the right are animated by culture War issues these questions about gender identity in school in sports it kind of goes under the category of wokeness I wonder uh because I'm not sure I've heard you talk about this as much or answer questions about it do you what are your views on wokeness do you have a definition of wokeness do you have views on transgender individuals participating in sports um the the what's being taught in schools you know what is your view on this package of woke issues that so animates uh the right which are some of your supporters I have said this in the past I'm opposed to um to uh uh transgender people the people who were born as biological males participating in competitive female sports if if the sports and I'll tell you what my uncle was the author of Title IX and he spent years and years allied with with women's groups who were being uh who were being treated like uh red-headed stepchildren when it came to by colleges and everybody else when it came to sport to organize Sports my uncle fought for wrote and passed Title IX and it finally gave women the ability to participate in sports and it doesn't make any sense to me that somebody who has the advantages the physical advantages of being born a a biological male in muscle mass and height and size and strength and coordination should be able to walk off a Playing Field playing men's sports and and then walk onto a Playing Field playing women's sports and that I want to start by saying this though anybody who makes that choice to be transgender gender should not be shame they should not be embarrassed they should be proud of of their choices and they should be respect those choices should be respected we should all do that but there's there's that that is a boundary that just doesn't make any sense for anybody to you know to me it just doesn't make any sense and you know I have a niece who is playing softball for Boston College right now and she has devoted tens of thousands of hours in her life practicing that sport with the hope of getting that scholarship and everybody on her team is in the same way and it doesn't seem to me Fair as somebody who has these profound biological advantages should be able to walk on that team and take one of those places from one of those girls it just doesn't make any sense hey Mr candy there there's a recent study that shows that a lot of Americans are increasingly divided on that particular issue but given the very small number of trans kids there actually are or trans people generally speaking that are seeking participation in sports some members of the trans Community are frustrated that there hasn't been more attention to the literally hundreds of pieces of legislation that have been coming down the transom just since the beginning of this year that it would do things like restrict people's ability to dress as the gender that wasn't assigned as birth in public there have been drag performances performances of classic Shakespeare plays that have been implicated in some of this legislation legislation that impedes on a parents and Family's ability to make decisions about the health of their children and consultation with a doctor and I wonder what you say to the Republican Party who are largely pushing let legislation are pushing pieces of legislation like this down the pike uh I would say what I said a moment ago is that I believe that people should be respected in their choices and that you know they should be supported in those choices and that um you know about their their gender choices oh I I don't you know any legislation that is mean-spirited or that is that is disrespectful to people or is bullying I don't you know I'm not going to be for that you uh changing years a little bit about Donald Trump obviously he was just indicted under the Espionage Act now you have been very vocal about your support for Julian Assange saying on day one uh you would like to Pardon him he was also obviously charged under the Espionage Act and many conservatives right now are looking to the fact that putting my pants uh Joe Biden Hillary Clinton have also had these document retention cases all of whom have not been prosecuted we don't know yet what's going to happen in the Joe Biden case of course but they contrast that with how certain whistleblowers like Julian Assange reality winner Etc have been treated even when they too had no um there was no proof that they were attempting to do actual Espionage give the documents to a foreign party and one instance a 66 year old Vietnamese American Civil Servant was jailed for five and a half years for taking documents home just to work on them over the weekend to get ahead so what do you say to conservatives who say what's happening to Trump is in fact a political prosecution if people who have are similarly implicated in what he's been charged with or who have done less have gone to jail but Hillary Clinton Mike Pence and Joe Biden himself are not being charged well first of all I don't like the Espionage Act and I think it should be repealed um I think you know I I thought in Rihanna I thought the New York prosecuted I I also want to say this I don't know that much about I have not studied the case against Donald Trump so I you know I'm speaking kind of off the top of my head I looked at a kind of casual or cursor because personally the Cave the New York case um at uh you know that the New York prosecutor Eric Adams brought and I thought that that case was weak and I I if I had been a prosecutor I was once the prosecutor I would not have brought that case and I think you can make a case for it but um I think when it comes to Prosecuting Aid political figure particularly at president United States that prosecutors have to walk a really thin line and a very very delicate line because we our country has always tried to avoid the Optics and the reality of politically based uh politically grounded prosecutions it's something that's done in totalitarian countries it was something that was done in Great Britain uh prior to the American Revolution and that the framers of our constitution were warned against so people are being they're too kind of countervailing for um ID principles one is that people who are in political power should not be above the law if they break the law they should pay for it like other people but there's another countervailing uh principle which is and democracy is it's dangerous to start Prosecuting people criminally uh and unless there is a really compelling reason to do so because it it gives rise to accusation and the Optics that it's a politically based prosecution so I think prosecutors have to be careful about that I thought the New York um prosecution did not in my view and again you know the perhaps can remain more about it than I do so I don't want to second guess him but in my view it didn't pass the threshold that you you know that I would want to see for a prosecution of the of the president of the United States um the I don't know enough about this case I mean I've heard things about it I think that the danger to president Trump in this case is that the judge made this extraordinary decision to penetrate the attorney-client privilege which is almost never done but it is done in cases where the attorneys appear to be in collusion to commit a crime right you know and that is um you know I guess was the rationale in this case and I think once that decision was made that the case against President Trump is very very strong Espionage Act has been an anti-democratic act from its Inception it has always been a disrecute particularly among liberals liberals have always hated that act and it has been used the silence people who should have had the right to free speech throughout American history it has been misused and abused by people in political power throughout our history and you know if it was my choice I would repeal it well just quickly on that Tucker Carlson in the latest episode of his new Twitter program made the the reason that Trump is being While others haven't been is because of the statements that he made in the context of his 2016 campaign and after that were targeting The Blob and the fact that he's positioned himself whether authentically or just rhetorically as an anti-war candidate you have spoken about the consequences of doing so again talking about the fact that you think that your uncle was killed in part because of his anti-war stance and I wonder what you make of this argument do you think that Trump's politics and his dissonance with the intelligence community in the military-industrial complex are part of what's fueling the prosecution of him under the Espionage Act I would have no idea about that I mean how would I know that I mean nothing those guys do you can't see it's all obscure so I would have no way of knowing or I would never speculate about something about which I just I have no way of knowing what motivated the you know the this prosecution I mean listen I don't look I never I try never to look at people's motives because you know you never can understand them I wrote this whole book on Anthony fauci and Bill Gates and never in that book do I look into their heads and say this is why they were doing that action all I can say is this is the actions they took these actions appear wrong on their face but I can't really speculate as to why they took them and I'm not going to speculate about this the DNC uh has stated it won't actually hold a Democratic primary debate I wonder what you make of how you know you're being treated by the DNC given your your fairly significant minority but significant poll numbers and if for instance we held a debate here at rising at the hill with you at Marianne Williamson and we would of course invite President Biden would you participate in that well I would love to participate in the debate of President Biden participates in debate I think it's wrong you know I think it's wrong that he's not going to participate and the reason I think it's wrong of course he has that power to not do it and it's a strategic choice for him and I think if I were in his shoes I wouldn't want to debate um either but I think it's bad for America at this point I think if if he doesn't feel that he can debate it's not it's not good because you know there's so many people in this country who feel that the system is rigged and that particularly the political system and the electoral system is rigged and that art you know it's the political parties like the Soviet Union that are picking the candidates and the public has nothing to do with them and I think it's really important for both political parties to make themselves at this point Role Models templates or democracy not only for this country but you know to show around the world that we actually have a real democracy where politicians are out doing retail politics going to town halls that are not just you know fixed where you know what the questions are going to be you know who the people are they're screened and are actually going into barber shops and nail salons and diners and gas stations and talking to the public if there's a huge number of people in this country who feel that they've been forgotten you know 57 of Americans who couldn't put their hands on a thousand dollars if they have an emergency right now and they feel like there's nobody in the political system that's listening to them and they're right they're the political politicians now because of citizens united they're they're it's very easy for politicians to go to the billionaires raise a billion dollars and then fly over the country at 30 000 feet and aerial Lombard the country with advertisements and then drop in occasionally for these phony rallies that are just Kabuki theater where they know everybody who went into that rally they know the questions they're going to ask and and you know there's a lot of flag waving and clapping it's not politics it's fake politics and I think it's really important people know that Americans feel that they're not being listened to that the system is broken even you know January 6th as bad as that was you have to understand that there it was motivated by people who think the system is rigged and one of our responses to that other than Prosecuting the people who broke the law should also be okay it's time to fix the system let's not let's not you know let's uh let's not allow people to continue to believe that the whole thing is rigged against them and that you know everything is fixed and that the political parties get to choose who's going to run and anybody who tries to enter the process is fenced out I don't think that's healthy well you made it just quickly you made a really excellent point about how few Americans can access cash right now uh the stat we used to say during the burning campaign was at 40 of Americans can come with 400 for an emergency right now in the fall Biden made a deal with Republicans to end the student loan moratorium that Trump implemented during uh the pandemic and so people are going to be asked to pay a lot more than a few hundred dollars uh four or five hundred a thousand dollars two thousand dollars when their student loan payments kick in again in the fall do you see any daylight between how you would handle the student debt crisis and what Joe Biden had done and what do you make of the choice to in the student loan moratorium I mean I think we've got to we've got to give some kind of massive debt forgiveness this generation of kids if we want to unleash their creative energies and rebuild our country you know what it costs now I paid when I went to the University of Virginia law school I paid 600 per semester and uh you know and that was that's slowly but but um on average the course of Education since 1970 has multiplied by seven times and they you know my wife I it took her until she was a you know well-known actress and well it took her till she was 37 years old the payback her student loan and that's life it uh it's an anchor on on Creative activity and entrepreneurial activity and the kind of you know um and the kind of energies that we want to release in our our children to that point specifically Mr Kennedy the the when you're talking about barriers on creativity and Entrepreneurship Etc Healthcare is repeatedly raised by people small business owners Etc as one of the largest costs they have when they start a new business and of course Medicare brawl was such an animating force of the last two Bernie campaigns and really galvanized a lot of previous non-voters and disgruntled Democrats into a movement you said in a recent interview that you were for Medicare for all in theory but that you found it um I believe it was something along the lines of uh politically unlikely some something about if that's I don't mean to put words in your mouth but it strikes me that some of the other things you've been fighting for I think really valiantly like cutting the military budget taking on the military industrial complex are also things which will face intense pushback from the blob from these deeply entrenched very well-funded Industries um and and that being said given the obstacles to fighting the military industrial complex what do you say to progressives who are disappointed that you don't seem to have that same urgency with respect to health care which is repeatedly ranked as such a significant concern for Americans and Medicare for all in particular which 88 of democratic voters support yeah well let me answer both all of your questions you know one is just from a practical standpoint Brianna the the in terms of cutting the military budget um it's easier for a president to do than passing a national Healthcare program and a lot of those cause that you know the president can do on his own without that much cooperation from Congress um so uh and that's why I think it's like it's a of course you're you're challenging vested interests that are as powerful as the pharmaceutical industry and that you know the medical cartels but it's an easier thing that the president does not need to get you know a 51 senators and 250 congressmen on court um so and then you know with Medicare look I watch my uncle and fought with him for 50 years trying to get National Health Care throw and so and I you know I'm very conscious of the deadlock that he reached and I am you know if it were up to me I would say we should have Medicare for all right now the current way of fun of funding Medicare is not or funding Health Care in our country is dysfunctional um I what I would Advocate is a for is a public option option which goes which will lead ultimately into Medicare for all if it but but give people individual choice I'm somebody who is for personal freedom for personal choice and I think the public option is more consistent with that belief and if we can make a public option a public option that for example I would charge at maximum of eight percent of people's income rather than the 20 they're paying today if we can make that option work and if we can make it attractive to Americans you will naturally evolve it into Medicare for all but you'll do it through a process of choice an evolution rather than than imposing it on people with a lot of hostility which is just practically impossible to do as you probably understand it I understand because I was involved in the healthcare apparel before so so on well can you speak specifically to what you think yeah I'm sorry I think we need to think acknowledge these dead arcs acknowledge these practical obstacles and we have to think in terms of ways that unify Americans in in ways that will reduce the overall cause of Health Care health care costs now in this country of 4.3 trillion that that is far higher per capita than any other country on Earth we pay much more than anybody can double or triple what people pay per capita in Europe or Canada and our health care outcomes are 79th in the world we're behind Mongolia we're behind Cuba we're behind Costa Rica and Healthcare outcomes and one of the problems one of the reasons for that probably the principal reason in fact the principal reason is is chronic disease epidemic we have the highest burden of chronic disease of any nation in the world why is that why can't we eliminate it we know that it comes from environmental exposures why are we doing the science to identify what those exposures are and to eliminate them I will eliminate a a huge chunk of our health care costs and give us a lot more elasticity and flexibility in the way that we allocate those costs to you know to different actors within the system which is really what you're doing when you switch from hmos to you know to Medicare for all yeah Mr Kennedy I do think I do just want to push back and say that I think for one the continued presence of a private Health Care System undermines some of the savings that come through a Medicare for all style system by letting people opt out in a way that diminishes the pool that the costs are spread over so that's that's one concern people have with that but more specifically you're such a vocal and persuasive critic of Industry capture and the ways and the and the kinds of corruption that cause there to be such a disconnect between that what the average American wants 88 of Democrats and a majority a slim majority but a majority of Republicans all support Medicare for all so when you look at Congress and say well Congress won't pass it even though the constituents and those congressional districts want it I think that what people are looking for is a leader a President Who exposes the extent to which Allah elected representatives are not in fact representing the interest of their people and that they feel pressure therefore to start to do that and when they hear a future a presidential candidate saying well you know there are these obstacles and so we're going to take another track it makes some people ask well when are we ever going to get that Medicare for when are we how many yes we have chronic disease we have these other issues but how long are people supposed to subsist and suffer and have medical debt and die while we know overwhelming majorities of Americans all want one solution and it is elected representatives including many of those in the Democratic party that are standing on the way you know Brianna I agree with saying everything that you say hey um the the issue is that I've been you know I've been in the in the trenches for 50 years fighting on this issue and it's an issue that is because of the you know because of what we're dealing with in Congress and elsewhere it's it's it's it's entrenched it's a source of polarization and I just I feel like I need to look at ways of solving this that are actually practical so I would like to get to the same place you are which is Medicare for all but I you know I think the the path to doing that and and if you remember Rihanna when ObamaCare got passed there was a uh there were a lot of problems with it there were a lot of glitches with it and that made people very very angry about it for the first two or three years and then those glitches were slowly worked out and the option that I'm proposing which is to begin with the public option will allow the glitches to be worked out in advance so that ultimately when and if we get to Medicare for all we won't have those uh those times where people really get harmed by by the implementation of a new system so you know that's I I would say that's my best answer to you I want the same thing Yuan I believe most Americans don't want it I think you know listen my my uncle you know I I can't tell you the number of times that I was I'm in Senate caucus meetings with them in his office talking to people campaigning across the country pointing out that this is the only country in the world we're the only industrialized country in the world where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness catastrophic illness is the only country in the world's industrialized country where parents can sit in a living room and listen to their baby crying in the room next door and have to wonder whether that baby is fifty dollars sick or a hundred dollars sick 500 sick before they bring him to a hospital and then have to make really difficult choices and it's unfair it's wrong we should have that we should have Medicare for a while in this country the you know the obstacle that I just recognize is somebody who's trying to deal with issues pragmatically is that it is uh you know it's a it's a hate to put it mildly a heavy lift want to be respectful of your time of course so this will be the last question but just before you go on the show we've been discussing increased interest in Aliens UFOs Congress recently uh held historic hearings on Capitol Hill on the matter uh whistleblower David grush has claimed that these hearings fell short of sharing all the government knows with the American people going so far as to claim the government is in possession of actually non-human crafts so we'd love to know your thoughts on this if you think there's UFO intelligence that should be Declassified um you know rather than having this guarded closely Whatever It Is by military and U.S intelligence agencies all I can say is if they got it it's one of the first questions that I'm going to ask and I'm going to want to see the little fellas and their and their spacecraft and I will uh and then disclose everything that I can I'll disclose everything to the American public unless there's some really compelling reason uh not to which I you know I know I I don't anticipate but I I mean I'm I I read the article by that guy you know about that whistleblower Miller who's still in the military and it just seemed very credible to me but I don't know I don't have any way of assessing it and I guess they're taking it seriously on Capitol Hill which I'm I'm very happy about you know I I think everybody's curious about this everybody would love to know whether we have you know whether we have company Neighbors in the universe it's really exciting and I think uh I mean I would you know I would that's the kind of thing I think we should share with American people and have discussions philosophical discussions about what that means for us and you know what that means for our planet and you know how that and and particularly whether it's a good thing for us to continue to you know spend so much money fighting each other when maybe we should be trying to make this planet livable and habitable and you know do all the other things I think it will be really good for us to know those things and I I suppose they want to keep it secrets so they can you know weaponize those Technologies or whatever they're I guess they you know they probably think they have good reasons for doing it but I think there's compelling reasons if they have that stuff that we should release it to people are you a Sci-Fi guy at all Mr Kennedy am I what are you a Sci-Fi guy do you have a kind of a broader interest in in entertainment that's related to this kind of stuff I would say that I always like science fiction and I mean I you know I'm curious about aliens I've never seen an alien I have can we get it confirmed that RFK Jr is a Trekkie is a Star Wars fan Brianna Love Star Trek I like so I'm going to tell you something my wife my wife had a show uh called son of a sworn which was a where she was married to this alien and so she went to the Comic-Con conferences where you know there was all the trekkies are and and she was for a short time a big hero in those conferences and I a couple of times said I want to go with you and you know and see all these things I'm not completely immune to it but I I'm still going to reached out fantastic well Robert F Kennedy Jr we hope to have you back here on Rising perhaps in a debate format thank you so much for your time thank you so much for having me [Music] foreign
Channel: The Hill
Views: 138,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, RFK, Robert F. Kennedy, Anti-Vaxx, Ukraine, Covid-19, Covid, Fauci, Pandemic, Masks, Lockdowns, President, Presidential Election, 2024, Debate, Gender, Female
Id: -KLixJLtCds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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