live now from Fox, you know that we always bring you a police chase when it's happening this 1 in the Los Angeles area. Let's take a look here. right now as we're getting this feed in we don't don't have a ton of information. Uh, but this car has been going at very very. fast speeds here the driver of this vehicle. topping some high speeds on the highway. Looks like he's going through a parking lot scary situation here. Especially below the trees there as there are a lot of people walking through that sidewalk and it's a a very dangerous scene, especially when you're driving at very quick speeds and weaving in and out of traffic. There's pedestrians in the roadway. There's another 1 right in the middle of that busy crosswalk there. We're working to get some more information here. We're going to keep this shot up as we bring you more. All right, you're taking a live Look here as we work to bring you more information. on a police chase happening in downtown, Los Angeles. evangelist right now it was I believe a silver vehicle there that has been very much weaving in and out of traffic very scary scene there were numerous pedestrians that this car got very very close to and you can see that police are closely behind. as well not uh not a unique site necessarily to say the least when it comes to Los Angeles comes to Los a very close moment yet again that car just getting right behind the other vehicle and weaving off to the side the shoulder of the highway here. as it continues to make its way through. downtown. Los Angeles looks like he was going to exit their or she for a moment, but now continuing down the highway on the shoulder. going about 60 miles per hour at the moment, but before this before we had exited or she this driver had exited And looks like we might be getting some more information. It looks like our team at Fox 11. is on the air right now covering this. Let's bring you more of their coverage. of intensity it really is, You know, you're kind of holding your breath as you're watching this Pursuit here as this suspect has been on the freeway. then surface streets then off the freeway back on surface streets and now staying in the downtown area going on this Loop here in this look at that high rate of speed taking that curb their Uh, it it is really scary to watch this 1 and you hope everybody is going to make it out. Okay after this, so we know downtown Los Angeles. uh is packed at this time of night as we approach 5:00. Uh, and there are several 1-way streets. Uh, there are uh, like like that right there this 1 so this driver is now going against traffic on a 1-way street in downtown LA flower and fifth is what we're looking at driving right by the Bonaventure Hotel there those iconic towers with the elevators there. now moving the other way. uh back towards whoa. almost had a collision right there. uh moving back towards La City Hall, uh, Disney Tower, not far from there. Um, and now moving very quickly. Uh, we're also not far from the courts, uh in that are also in this area, uh people may be coming out of this is right around the time as we now officially welcome you to the Fox 11 News at 5. uh, where people uh will be leaving work. and uh and nobody is expecting this, Okay. Wow, so that now and now turning in the other direction, here we go. Christine well as you think of why police are pursuing this vehicle, it's it's a shooting suspect Sometimes they will back off and go into tracking mode when it's a really dangerous. like something like this we've not heard of that. We've not heard of LAPD going into tracking mode and that sometimes goes to tell you. what they're looking at here. They might have a lot more information than we have when it comes to a shooting suspect. Was it a current shooting is it is it recent do they have details on that? Do they know who the suspect is but obviously this suspect is going at a very oh, wow. There it is. well and he's gonna probably keep going. Out of the car. So we're looking at multiple people. you feel for the innocent driver who got hit this looks like this might be a school right there. or or some sort of. Park where where it looks like there are kids playing. basketball. on the court right there. Look at them. So they're now in the middle of their play time when this this shooting suspect on the loose and running and and this is a school, right here at edgewear and Temple. Uh, so now they're trying to lock down the area. the challenge is there are multiple uh, multiple suspects that are there so this this school which is we're looking at right here. is now of being locked down. Um, I'm sure they're trying to get those kids off of that basketball court. to wonder if they're having part of some sort of after-school program or something. Um, and and trying to protect themselves as these folks are on the run and you also feel Christine for that innocent driver who was hit uh, and and hope that they are okay after that Collision, so, We don't know at this time. where those suspects ran. to are they in 1 of these buildings that you're looking at right here. You see the residences across the street You see innocent drivers there. in the road you have that those suspects running in in in unison there, but did they split up are they in different directions now look like they were wearing all black again. This is a shooting suspect police were looking for uh, we have already 1 car that's been damaged when this car. hits. the suspect car hit a passenger hit a innocent vehicle there. and look there Is that someone innocently walking down the street there not knowing what's going on. on the other side of the street with all those LAPD cars. So if you are in this area, maybe you live at those apartment complexes across the street or something. This is a good time to stay inside and lock your doors. uh, because we don't know if these suspects who are on the Run. uh, are armed or not. We do know. that they were very, do know that they were very desperate to get away. I mean, we we watch Pursuits here all the time. So here is that moment of Crash watch right through an intersection right into uh a car. They were very lucky Christine not to hit into that pole. right there that power pole. uh that that light pole I should say that would have Um, okay. Oh, okay. There's an update there. You have 2 people there on the ground remember? 4 people fled that suspect vehicle. So looks like they got 2 of them. no word yet on the other 2 and that's right near where the car ended up stopping So it looks like 2 of them did not get very far at all Alex. I mean, that's quite an image that the the silhouette of those of that painting there, which looks like a tribute to Kobe Bryant. uh and other kids holding hands and then the silhouette of these 2 shooting suspects on the ground. laying out in and the the painting of course is all black and they're wearing all black. uh is quite an image. Um, and and they will take their time. especially if it's a shooting suspect to make sure that these uh suspects are not armed and not put themselves. in in danger. We're hearing that at least 1 of those suspects is outstanding. I counted 4 people I'm wondering if those suspects were not able to get. away because they're right there by where the vehicle stopped after hitting another car. I'm wondering if maybe they encountered a wall or a fence and had nowhere to go. right Um and and you you wonder also about the school and and what sort of uh Gates or other things may be in in place there. Um a very and so this is Betty Placentia School. uh, and that it's an elementary school. So School as you would expect for 5:00. uh is not in session right now, but it it certainly looked like there were kids playing basketball. outside at the time of this crash. There may be other after-school programs on campus. uh that are being impacted by this and uh, I'm sure the adults on campus are trying to make sure that those uh likely Elementary School age kids. um are you know safe at this hour so here's a look at that crash again. Boom. Look how they barely missed that light pole which frankly and a collision like that may have killed them. But why watch how they took off running their and again, 2 of them are on the ground there. so you can imagine about to be taken into custody. There were 4 of them We know 1 is outstanding So does that mean they have another arrest somewhere? the driver they say is outstanding so that means they have 2 there on the ground. a third 1 somehow. in in custody if they're still looking for 1 person, So how that 1 person, okay. there there you see the commands by LAPD. Uh, basically hands in the air. They're separating these 2 people so they can't you know do anything together in unison. They're doing 1 at a time. They're getting that person away from the car away from that other suspect They're on the ground. They want to separate them. and also they've got those sweatshirts on they probably already did a check, you know lift your shirt up to make sure there's no weapon back up now to uh, the police vehicle there, They'll take that 1 person into custody you can see guns trained on that other suspect there on the ground. and and when we saw it to your point Christine, uh those suspects try to get away the 4 of them get out of the vehicle. we never got from the are a look of them. getting away or getting anywhere. it it didn't look like there were they had a clear path anywhere. Um and clearly these 2 suspects were not able to get away but where is that? driver and and uh all of these suspects in in involved in this are are wanted to some degree. but in any Pursuit the driver is is the most Wanted of all of them and uh likely will face the most criminal charges. We don't know if these folks were part of some sort of criminal organization. Um, they they certainly the way they're dressed um is a bit suspicious and the way they all got out of that car together. Uh, but uh, you know, we need to find out more information on who exactly they are. I'm wondering if the suspects they have now, in custody the 1 they're walking to the police car. might be a woman looked at me like a little bit. like a feminine build not sure. um there you see looks like more officers standing by that school that does have a fence around it. there. They do believe now we're hearing that that driver. is on school grounds. So that's a big concern because Alex, you know to the students that were playing their and that basketball court area the good news is that uh the school itself. um would not be in session at 5:00, so there would be far far fewer number of kids on campus at this time. than if it's a happened at 2:00 in the afternoon. Uh, but um, there still are kids but campus and you don't know what exactly uh is happening in terms of after school programming. there. And uh and those kids. Um, certainly are not expecting and and don't don't look to to uh, to look you know for this sort of thing happening on campus. So we want to show you some video from well, let's as we watch them. take this suspect. into custody. um show you some close calls from just a few minutes ago. uh as they were driving. in downtown, LA if you you just want to get a sense of just look at that almost ran into pedestrians there. Um and kept going this was uh, right in the heart of downtown. Los Angeles. um at times this driver was running uh, you know, almost hit somebody there. uh in the sidewalk um was was driving the wrong way. at certain times. you know, right near a bus there. Um, I mean, we we see different levels Christine of desperation. with uh with drivers and this driver was was pretty close to it 10 in terms of how quickly almost hit a a bicyclist right there. Um, and this was these are those famous graffiti Towers. right by um, Arena, which You see at the bottom part of your screen and the LA Convention Center right there. Alex as we see this second suspect right now being taken into custody. noting the attire. It's a hot day today all of them were in these black. hooded sweatshirts and long pants here. It gives me some concern when you see everybody dressed the same like that. uh in a very at a very hot day. and and how much police were not going to let this vehicle get away. It was driving so very dangerously, you know, you can Envision an accident happening. happening and then 1 did and right, but they didn't back off They didn't go into tracking mode. From what information we have is and now they have 1 suspected onto these school grounds. I'm thinking with all that. fencing there and those buildings maybe 2 of those suspects just were able to get around them or to get away and that's why you see them being arrested right by where that vehicle. ended up stopping. and not to be hyperbolic or or over the top but the way that they were driving the chance of somebody getting killed either a pedestrian another driver or somebody in that vehicle. uh was significant. Um, and it's a good thing It appears that. uh that vehicle they hit into hit the back. it looked like the type of collision. uh, that would not lead to Serious injuries for the driver will have to check on that person and find that out. You look at that. Um, but then, you know if they hit that poll which they were a few inches away from doing you know that that could have been a deadly thing for them and and the way they were driving against traffic so fast. if they hit head in head on to another driver they could have killed somebody. as as well. Um, so the the intelligence we're getting now from from the scene is is that police believe that the driver is between the school and this store that we see on the corner there. Um, but they haven't or the house, Sorry the house in the store. Um, we haven't seen though. um evidence of that driver from the air, and uh, the it appears that LAPD hasn't gotten that person yet either, you know, we've covered so many Pursuits and we often think of them possibly ending. in a deadly fashion or some kind of crash or somebody's injured either of these suspect themselves. or an innocent driver, but this 1 if you watched it from the top of the show you really saw how very dangerous this Pursuit was. on the surface. streets and the freeways and and again, I would love to hear the update from LAPD as to why they were not letting this vehicle get away. Um again, you saw 4 people come out of that car all dressed in black. again, they're talking about this being a shooting. suspect. the question also is when was that shooting was it minutes ago? and and are is that driver potentially armed uh, which makes this process? for? uh LAPD? much more? complicated and much more potentially dangerous. and frankly 1 that could take a lot longer. Um okay. so we see somebody up there Do we see that that person uh that we're looking at. Um, and and is this the suspect so uh, let's just or is this somebody who just happens to live there? Yeah, and is wondering about all the commotion that's happening. right outside. Okay. So now we see the police moving in in a line. and maybe Sky hopefully Sky Foxx can move a little Sky Give us a better perspective of exactly where they're going. Are they going to open up this gate? Okay. this guy our resident out this guy is out of the way cooperating so it doesn't appear that they think that he's a suspect or anything like that. Okay. so now they're opening. this. door and they have guns drawn. And they're trying to get a sense. of if this suspect is indeed there how scary can you imagine Christine being that? Resident and then all of a sudden? this pops up, right in front of you and and you're now there dealing with LAPD and the helicopters and everything and and you know, wondering if that Resident did some of them verbally to say hey I need to come out. Is it safe to come out? Can you help me get out because that looks like they push they got that person out of the way. and who knows if that suspect they think if is in between these the the the house and the store were told. Um, why LAPD is going in on this side and notice also Alex we haven't seen the canine. Officer. often. They'll have a canine kind of which is really intimidating. for suspect. Yeah. or or a robot in in in you know. in these days as well. days. Yeah, there were times. so as we look into this, uh backyard uh, or it's not really a backyard but this parking area behind um this this home here uh, We we see. all these vehicles. parked so this now there appear to be moving in a different direction and potentially. regrouping um, so obviously this thing this standoff this search could take a long time. Uh, so we are going to keep our helicopter above as soon as anything. happens. We will go back to it. Um, but in the meantime uh, we do want to get some other news of the day and it has been a busy day we officially now welcome you inside to the Fox 11 News at 5. I'm Alex michelsen. I'm Christine DVI. We begin with this. dozens hurt today in a midday. All right, So, uh wild scene there. out of Los Angeles as you were watching that all unfold. Thanks so much to our team at Fox 11 there. as they've stayed on top of this 1. for us. 2 of those suspects he watches they were taken into custody and what an interesting moment. there too is uh, you saw that this was happening at a school they were talking about the school possibly going into lockdown in elementary school there. This was a driver That was weaving in and out of traffic had almost hit numerous. pedestrians did hit a car moments before the 4 people inside it took off and then you saw that moment too on the ground with 2 of the suspects laying on their stomachs and they were dressed. in black and then you could see the black silhouette there. in the background. uh believed to be a tribute to Kobe Bryant so a lot of different interesting pieces to this 1 here. Sky Fox overhead. We always appreciate our team at Fox 11. in La we're going to go out to a quick break. We'll be right back.