WATCH NOW: PLAN B (60mins Valentine Movie Special)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LowlaDee
Views: 6,165,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lowladee, lowladeetv, sarah hassan, catherine kamau karanja, daniel etim effiong, plan b, planb movie, this is it, this is it series, akinny girl in transit, mtv shuga downsouth, mtv shuga, mtv shuga ds, african movies, nigerian movies, kenyan movies, romantic movies, an african city, the men's club, red tv, ndani tv, oga pastor, happiness is a four letter word, tmc series
Id: d1Hii5thnhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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