Watch me make my small Heart Collage Quilt!!

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[Music] good afternoon everybody this is Jean here Jean true love from true love quotes for you I'm coming to you from my sewing room here in cloudy Pennsylvania we've had some beautiful days but it's got a little bit cold actually again um what I've been doing in my sewing room fortunately I have a hobby issue though because we're on lockdown for the last six weeks or so I've only been out once it's okay anything to stay safe and to keep you guys safe um I have been just doing some small projects I didn't want to really get too stuck into something huge although I do have a quilt that I want to make that what may or may not be my next project but the other day I was looking in my sewing room and I'll take a picture of it right after this little introduction you saw when I had done my sewing room a couple months ago when we just moved into our new home my husband had hung up three small wall hangings above my patio doors here going out to the deck I was looking at the one and I thought I want to make a small little wall hanging and replace that one just to change my quilts around now I haven't put a hanging sleeve on the back of my wall hanging we put our don't judge we put we hang our quotes with little tiny tiny little Brad nails just tiny little nails in each corner right near the binding so my husband can just pull that out because I don't want to I don't want to because I'm gonna change it around I don't want to put heavy hardware or curtain rods rods up there because of the size so that's how we've done that and he's going to change at that little quilt which I'll take pictures of for the quilt that I've just made now before I show you my quilt this is not a tutorial as such um I'm inviting you into my selling room to show you how I made this little quilt it's only about 28 inches 29 inches square it is a wall hanger proper wall hanging I had seen a photo of a picture somewhat similar on Pinterest of a pillow may like this um it was a pattern I didn't use I didn't use the pattern I look at the picture if I can do that and of course I've added to it and I've embellished it and I've made it bigger and I've changed it up a little bit I put a border on um so those two things I don't have I don't have a hanging sleeve on and I was thinking about Pinterest for you people this is sort of a collage quilt and I will show you my quilt right now there's my lovely little quilt it's hopefully you can see that it's a um it's a sort of a graphic heart again I didn't have a pattern I show you exactly almost every step of making this quilt to making the heart pattern into cutting out the flowers of the collage again it's not a tutorial but as I said you can just sit and look over my shoulder and I'm trying to encourage you people um you know people say oh that looks so hard well it's not this was very easy it's it is a matter of having some fabrics but again I explained to you that that a small your fabrics that you have in your sewing room if you're new to collage quoting you could just have a tiny little flower or a leaf or a little bit of green and you you let your imagination go and as I said um in my in my following video you could just have a little pretty vase of like a blue fabric or green fabric with some flowers on it on a small background just make it small and that's the beginnings of a foray into collage quilting now I use glue there's a lot of patterns and a lot of pattern making people out there who do collage quotes and once you get the pattern you know everybody has that pattern so it's awesome and they use different product schema seen a lot of them are just fused I've sewn this this is a complete sewn and quilted small little quilt here just a small little thing and then I show you how I actually did the border um I had a ruler hanging around it didn't really work so I I almost did that freehand I just put the scallops out and um yeah and then I did the back and I show you every step of the way now I was thinking about it um so many people say oh where do you get your ideas and some of most of them are out of my head but as I said I saw a picture of this but also Pinterest or magazines or wherever or the internet if you type in greeting cards just greeting cards there are hundreds if not thousands of pretty cards that you could sort of break down into a collage quilt and again like let somebody else do the work for you and then and then you just put your own spin on it say my bicycle quilt which is over here which a lot of you have seen and was a picture of a greeting card of course it doesn't look anything like the greeting card because I did a I did an orange bicycle with a window with green shutters and I put birds on it and I made it bigger and I invested but it's a it's a um the idea was there so you can get a lot of ideas from Pinterest and this was a again this was one little idea which I completely I completely took ten steps further so this is my little quilt that Ian will be hanging up above my door I'm changing it out then what I have up there is more of my um more of a winter Dresden Plate I'll show you the pictures and I thought this would be spit summary I know I think I said it I think I'm a bit of a one-trick pony this reminds me of my girl quilt my Patty see if you've followed that collage but that was a big one and also my bicycle quilt that I just made up myself and that's hanging up there you'll see it and it's sort of the same look I've gravitated to this but I show you how I free motion quilting it at one point when I'm free motion quilting Maxwell Maxwell was messing about he turned the camera to himself he was filming me so you must excuse that but this is my little quilt not a tutorial just again I'm I'm inviting you into my room and showing you how I made this and I'm how very simple it was I backed it with a pretty pretty salmon and I showed you how I auditioned into the differ fabrics for the binding and also the different fabrics that I used so I hope you enjoy this um my my little collage heart and you will be seeing it up above my door so um thank you so much again for everything and please everybody keep safe keep healthy um things are easing a little bit hopefully so but we are still taking it taking easy going out obviously with masks not nothing to be messing around with so I I am send my love the true love's do to all of my friends at in YouTube land who support me I really appreciate it and I do hope you enjoy my videos and follow along with this just just just come along and and and watch me do what I do in my sewing room alright [Music] she's waiting for [Music] so the first thing I'm going to do in my head to try to make my little collage quilt here I only want it like I would think that space that I'm thinking of above my door there probably about 30 inches maybe 28 inches I should probably measure I will do that and what I'm doing I'm just taking a piece of paper I want to make a square I want to get a square going here so here's my here's my eye this is how I make a square then I'm just going to turn that in and then here fold that point right there pretty much is my square right yeah that's so here's my swear that my patter my quilt size is gonna be I believe say 30 inches square now what I'm going to do is oh I will show you how I will cut out a heart shape very simple very simple quilt project here for me I'm gonna do I quite like a again I'm doing this freehand so you must excuse me I quite like a sort of squirrely longer heart I think now um I would like to actually I could have done it now so that's good yep that's a little bit too skinny but anyway whatever I'm gonna do make my heart so now the pictures that I had seen is I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do a black and white stripe which I was saying to you that's what the pictures are on Pinterest a lot of lovely blood just Bella Pinterest a ton of black and white striped heart hearts on Pinterest okay and I was thinking when I was going to be doing this project I was thinking oh well obviously I'm gonna make a black and white a black and white stripe heart a black and white stripe so black and white stripes together I wasn't quite sure how maybe two inch strips or whatever but then I got thinking well I looked at my stash look what I found duh I decide it's a black and white straight um and I think for this size the scale I think this um I was thinking I was gonna do wider stripes but I found this when I was looking in my stash on my fabric wall and I found this and I think for this smaller project which will only be you know that large I think this size you must be a sort of aware of the scale of your fabric by all means I had pulled this too because I thought it would be much prettier rather than a plain black to have this fabric here which is it almost like a sparkly black with black I mean with red and pink hearts I quite like that I think I'd probably like this more but it's an easy project I have my stripes so thumb don't I don't need that I have a black and white strip the whole purpose of this quilt hopefully at the beginning of the video you'll have seen it I haven't made it yet is that it's really a graphic so there's my stripe that's it I will cut that out but I will show you and then what I'm going to be doing is again is hopefully have you seen it this side of my heart it's just that it to be flowers it's just going to be flower collage okay and then the background of my well I'll talk about I'll talk about my background in a minute I think what I'm gonna do is I began maybe on the one-trick pony because I did it on my my lady quilt my bicycle quote I'm gonna do probably in the corners here coming down a few a few fabric floral collage bits over there and then maybe maybe just maybe put a floral border on my quilt just a small border and then bind it so basically maybe that's maybe it's always evolves my my my things now my quotes now again if you had been following along with a year and months ago at months maybe last year my girl quilt my lady quilt you you will have known that I had gotten I have been collecting of course for years a whole entire box pot which I made look my cardboard box I covered it with wrapping paper to hold this this is all my my floral fabrics um oh there's a dot that doesn't go but all these fabrics are floral fabrics bits tiny bits bigger bits tiny bits small bits bright bits every color look a tiny little flower and what I have been doing for a while there's a huge great big flower what I've been doing is I have been cutting out all my all my floral bits again not really thinking about what I'm doing I'm just cutting out flowers and images like there's this like a Paisley there's obviously a rose there's a flower there they're all sort of wrinkled it there's a flower there here's a collection of little flowers where's my scissors oh here we go um so here's like a here's like a little like a half like a medallion half medallion a bit of flowers um again funky flowers with a leaf now I might you not use that I might just want to go and use the leaf and then cut it out and I want to just tell you that when Jen and I again if you've been following along Jen and I wrote the quilt show one of the quilt shows the last last year and both of us were doing our collage quilts and these are called these are these little scissors here they're not cheap but man they're from Kay Buckley they're called perfect scissor six inch perfect scissors Karen okay Buckley and they have a tiny little serrated edge and you're thinking what you don't want to you don't want to you know have a serrated edge but to cut out to cut out your fabric to to grip they're especially made for collage quilting so you can just cut out and it grips as opposed to an open a different pair of scissors it just grips that the fabric beautifully so I would absolutely absolutely recommend these little scissors Karen kay Buckley if you look her up these are wonderful for any kind of tiny little cutting that you want to do so again I've been I've been saving these little bits of fabric here there's a lovely little a little Paisley and here even if you think oh I don't have I don't have that fabric you have if you you have fabric that has a little tiny bits you can have a piece of fabric this big and get three things at three three Kalash bits out of it obviously like that is a beautiful pink red rose obviously that is but I might not want to use that whole big rose on such a small little quilt so anyway this is what I've been collecting for for many many years these are my bits I'll show you as I progress with my quilt how and what I'm going to use for it for that but now what I'm going to be doing is so that would fill this part here and again I will show you when it comes to it here and here perhaps but now I'm doing the preliminary the first thing that I'm going to be doing is trying to figure out my background and what I have pulled vert I mean the the the obvious is to use a white background okay and you applique your your your heart on to your background it could it be about a black background and make it pop or or a white backer but what I've done is I quite like the idea of using a different tone on tone fabric that if you walk away if I walk away all of these fabrics here they read and completely neutral if I walk away from the the end of my sewing room I will see a bunch of cream-colored and white colored fabrics on my sewing table here and that's the look you want even though up close you will see that that's a cream and white polka dot this is this is a tonal tone but it has all like diamond squares on it but it reads completely white this one has all sorts of swirls and flowers but you see white this one has words faith charity hope love joy all sorts of flower I mean all sorts of words but it reads cream the same with this one now this one you might say no gene that's a complete patterned print that's a patterned print that has script and words and all sorts of things but when you walk away it reads cream but it's an interesting cream so I'm gonna use that again you're thinking well that's just plain white no if you look at it it has little Paisley's on it and you will be able to notice those small little the small white on white it'll be a bit more interesting than plain white fabric this again that's a cream and sort of a pale brown Tanny Brown print and I'm gonna use that this one you're like now this is this is of like a newspaper print but if I just use bits of it it would just read on the background of all the brightness of all my flowers they will just read neutral and and white or a creamy white and the same with this one this is a script this is almost like a cream with a gold script but that even that these will all just read just neutral just took like a nice creamy white background for my heart to pop against so these are the these are the fabrics I'm gonna be using for my background now how you're gonna say how how do you measure your background now what I'm going to be doing on my mind I'll turn this over now this say it's 30 inches by 30 inches I have to figure that out I have to figure out where it might somehow be my spaces so I say 30 inches by 30 inches what I'm gonna start doing with really no rhyme or reason except making the sides straight except making straight sides not not circles obviously I'm going to start cutting out from my fabrics I'm gonna start cutting out squares and rectangles I'm just going to start cutting out squares and rectangles and then what I'm going to be doing is they're all going to be different sizes but at one point or another I can attach them so maybe I'll make a row here of smaller so here's a row right but you won't be able to see that row of finish the row say so I have a one that big and then maybe I'll have a square like that in there and then maybe like that that's one row I'll just start cutting out shapes squares and rectangles and put them together into a row but when I start attaching my rows this row might be only that wise okay but it will have bits like that so what I'm getting this this row here may be this wide but I might have smaller bits just maybe two like that so by the end of my background this one might be big this one might be much wider so by the end of my background what you're going to see is a whole an entire moat like a mosaic of white fabric just put together and then I might do a horizontal row over here with fabrics like that and then finish off so so so hopefully you can see what I'm what I'm saying I might have three you know or six small squares like that so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to start with all of my fabrics here cutting out rectangles and squares of all different shapes and I might have to have some why seems some some partial seams but by the time I put it together you won't even see it it'll just be a cream and white background so that's that's how I'm going to do it there there I know if you follow a pattern there's rhymes & reasons of how you do all of this stuff but I'm I don't I don't think that it's fine so as you can see it looks like a mess of seams but when I as you can see my heart is absolutely going to pop off of my background so I'm gonna get to start cutting and start putting my background together so I'm working on the background the background of my heart wall hanging here and as you can see what I've done is from all of those fabrics that I just showed you I have started cutting out pieces squares rectangles now they are all thus they are all have straight sides they're obviously not all the same size um I have measured my wall hanging and it's going to be 27 inches square it's gonna be 27 inches square so what I'm going to do now is what I have here is there's three or four there's three pieces three fabrics that I had that had a directional script okay that that's tracing you now there's a script like that way this one is like a newspaper the bloomin times plant a garden about gorgeous butterfly garden I haven't cut this one yet because I really like this fabric here I really like that and I might I might have a larger piece in amongst my collage background again here's just a weight I have just cut these pieces and the way I'm gonna have to sub cut them recut them I've just cut them this size this is this is again a directional script this is a script that's going that way but it's narrow and this is the same fabric a lengthwise this is just a rectangle of my dotted fabric there's a tone-on-tone beautiful white fabric with beautiful like a stylized flower if you can see that and your eye will notice that here's a larger script again of my creamy tan which again just will read cream from a distance and this again is a script that I will be aware of when I make my quilt all of the script obviously the words are going to be the same way here's a little tiny piece that I made and a smaller infill these smaller in fills of this pattern here and so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to start here's that here's a lovely little tone on tone but it has Paisley's in it but obviously it just reads completely white now what I'm gonna do is my cutting mat is uh here's 27 inches why but it's only 20 25 inches not big so basically it's the size of my cutting mat from here over with a little bit so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna turn all of these around and I'm just gonna start laying my fabrics out just literally willy-nilly making sure making sure that I do have the of that one I didn't cut and I think I'll just cut a small piece like that making sure that I have the the the all of the UM script facing me and obviously I'm going to be trimming these and there's this and there's a seam allowance there but as you can see I'm just going to start putting these down I'm gonna put that one up there it's not probably not the same size and I'm just gonna build this is I'm just gonna build now you can see here what I'm doing is there is a seat there's going on what I'm looking at is I'm gonna have a seam there now I quite know just trying to see there's a there's a piece of there's my um script there and I need sort of an infill an infill there of a fabric and I might obviously I'm going to go back over to my stash and I'm gonna start cutting some more pieces out to infill that but as you can see what I'm going to be doing is I'm just going to be putting in pieces so that when you look at the background it's just going to read one sort of solid pretty piece of fabric where's the script the script goes that way on that one so I'm just going to I'm just going to put these this way and that way and then start trimming off and then obviously making making my making my see making my seams making my my pieces fit it's like a puzzle it's like a puzzle now when you buy I think I'll have meant I felt well mentioned it in the beginning when do you buy a collage pattern from a quilt designer these pieces I believe I've never really done it but these pieces of something much cut that much soap clothes that these pieces will all be the same size I've noticed there's this specific designer I'm thinking of I won't mention her name but all of these background pieces of a patterned fabric whatever your choice would all be cut the exact same size and then the image on it is the cut the exact same size obviously according to her pattern which it's much easier to follow a pattern to do this than the way I'm doing it but I like the fact that this is just sort of willy-nilly that I'm creating my own pattern as such I love that um here is this larger piece here of that script now I do have this over here my lovely again as you can see my lovely timeless blooms now I'm gonna figure out what I want maybe I'll have that little bit of script in there what I want to do with this lovely piece and as you can see this piece here this script facing you there is a nice big piece and I might have that down there I'm going to start laying everything out and then just figure out trim everything up to a to a seam here but you won't really see the seam like if I do it that that way you won't really see the seam so I'll construct all this knot together and then the and then I'll construct this lot maybe vertically or horizontally going that way just enough there there's like there's 25 right there to fill over - there's my 20 might or I'll make it about 29 inches about so I can trim it down and figure it out about there so just in those few minutes you can see that I've started to just have an infill of this lovely of my lovely fabrics placed just again just sort of willy-nilly wherever wherever I wanted to place them so I'm just gonna continue I'm just going to continue making this collage piece back so here's my little finished background of my little collage quilt here and as you can see if I come back here it reads just cream or white there's just a white background right but again up close there's a random bunch of fabrics that you saw me pulling and just sewing together squares and strips and rectangles into making this collage background again all of the script of the fabrics are going the same way so this is going to be up and down obviously so there's my little background which I'm really pleased about measures about 29 inches square this will be about 20 make up man I may put a little border on it I'm not sure I quite sure again it's evolving but yeah so I got not a tutorial but this is how I do things so my background is finished from my little heart and now I'm going to figure out how to make my heart and my little pattern so I finished my background and now I want to making my pattern what I've done is that I've taped together four pieces of copy paper and this copy pet paper measures 8 8 and a half I think it's 8 and 1/2 by ten and a half by eleven eight and a half by eleven eight and a half by 11 sheets so it measures 17 inches across now I'm just doing this freehand and I'm starting down at the bottom here I'm starting at the bottom and I've just sort of done a very rough wide heart I quite like my hearts to go in like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna fold this back into itself in half on the tape line and with a pair of good scissors a pair of paper says only cut this set I'm gonna cut it a little bit bigger so if I'll have to mess about with it and trim it down I have it so I'm gonna cut it just slightly bigger I like sort of a curvy heart going right down there now my my um my my background is as I said about 29 inches across so I want my I want myself oh yeah that man no I don't love it I don't love I'll fix that but again this this is about 16 about 16 and 1/2 so I quite like that but I'm gonna mess about with my heart and make it a little bit more more of a heart they look more like a kidney so I'll just come down here on this top one I'll just mess about with it let's see uh yeah yeah like that I might even Kirk no I think that's okay because now we realize after I have my heart here it is that's facing you after I have my heart this side here is going to be black and white stripe um I don't know anyway I've defined my black and white stripe this site use gonna be or this side wear whatever it's gonna be my back black and white stripe and then I'm gonna fill this bit over here with my flower collages I don't need an awful lot as you can see um but what I am going to do is I'm a hairless I am going to I'm going to sew together my a black and white striped fabric here I'm just gonna do a square and I'm going to sell it on to a piece of white fabric the reason I'm doing that is even though my collage my fabrics are going to cover my background I'm going to have a base of another white fabric um in fact what I think I will do is because the background of my let me just grab it over here oh no maybe it'll be okay I'm just gonna get my my background here [Applause] because here's my background and here's my heart and I quite like that sighs yeah I quite like that size of my heart again I'll find the exact center of it and then I probably will put a few little colorful bits on the top there but um what when I do this um when I put this here let me just see if I have to as it were line know I might I know I don't think I'll have to mmm maybe I will no I don't think I will I think I don't think I'll have to line this bit of my black and my black and white when I cut out my heart um but I will line I won't put a piece of white fabric on this side so what I'm gonna do now and then I'm gonna line that side even though my collages will be covering this I want them still I want it to be a aligned thing anyway like that so so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to get a piece of white fabric just a piece of white muslin and I'm going to I'm going to make a square I'm gonna make a square and then I'm gonna cut out of my black and white and my muslin seam together I'm going to cut out my heart I have sewn together a piece of white muslin just a leftover piece of white muslin and my black and white now then take my pattern and what I'm going to do is I just have a pen if you have a proper marking pencil by all means use it what I'm gonna do is I want to make sure that I have a little bit yeah I want a little bit of black on the top of the heart here and I want a little bit of black on the bottom of my heart now what I am going to do is I'm going to mark this and I'm going to mark it just slightly on the outside of my heart shape because then when I cut it I won't have any I won't have any pen marking so you can see there I'll just put it a quarter inch marking about an 1/8 of an inch bigger so just so when I cut it out I won't see any marking here I'm going to be gluing my heart on to my backing my background and I will show you why I do that and how I'm going to finish or how I'm gonna make then my collages so there is my my heart and do some pair of scissors or my scissors there you go and I'll just cut this out just inside that inside that now what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put my backing um right in front of me my background and I'm going to find the middle of it and what I do with my collage I always use this you know if you followed me I always use a a glue stick this isn't Elmer's glue stick with disappearing this is just purple blue so I'm going to be putting my lined heart down just around the edges there this will disappear this blue by all means there are there's proper quilt blue I've just always used this Elmer's glue and find it's absolutely fine it disappears it washes out and this is just to secure my heart into place on my background fabric I did push my seam over that way now looks a bit scary here's the a Labatt purple but that is absolutely fine now this at this side what when we do go to finish it I will just blanket stitch this on there and then my next step is going to be placing oh pardon me I'm gonna be placing my collage flowers on this side and I'll show you what I do so as you can see I've started laying out my cut out pieces of collage flowers now I don't want to I don't want to be too um specific with this but there hast done there because there has to be some kind of loose randomness that's the whole beauty of collage but even though you want it loose your your it's sort of to evolve you do need to have some kind of structure and by that I mean what I've what I've decided on is I'm having I do like that I love my roses so I'm going to anchor this like to here and then to to down here and I have and then I'm having an infill so my eye wanders around I'm having an infill there's a little butterfly and that's black and white it picks it up over here um and I have a little bit of Paisley and a leaf and another fabric another little leaf flower like that but I want to I don't want to follow the pad the muslin some specific I need it to be a little bit more random as flowers would grow now I quite like this blue a splash of blue but again as I said it doesn't you don't need you're not you're not um limited so with this blue I'm going to cut that and I do not want to follow obviously the shape of my heart now I'm going to just go press that because it's not wrinkled and see how that turns out for me so tucked under just tucked under my little butterfly there a quite like that little dash of blue and it follows the heart [Laughter] so as you can see I'm working on my my collage heart and I just have a few bits to fill in here now what I'm trying to achieve here is it's very random except there's some semblance of order in colorways I'm trying like I have I have my pinks and peaches over here sort of dotted and then I do have blues in it in a little in a few places there and there's another than a blue now that's a blue Paisley and it's going slightly over that seam which is fine that's that's creating a slight bit of um you know not rigid you don't want to be rigid with this whatsoever now I have I like this green and there's a big space but I'm going to instead of just plopping it down I'm just gonna tuck it under there and then put things on top of it so you just see a bit of green there and there's that rose and then I have this rose here this peach peachy orange rose there or flower whatever that is and I'm down here if you can see I have a little heart I found a heart and then two pieces of like a leaf and a another little piece that I'm going to put in on this bottom piece here to make sort of the heart and I'm gonna finish this bottom off with that little cutout heart there just a little thing but I don't like that it's it's a little bit too it's a little bit too Jack straight so I'm just going to tuck that one bit under there and do that so it's all a matter of being comfortable where you want it and again I have a little bit of a I have finished gluing down all my lovely collage pieces here there's some glue there but that's okay it'll go right away and now I was going to put a as I was saying collage pieces around the edges here but I've decided not to umm what I'm going what I have what I've decided to do then my courts are always evolving I thought I'm gonna add a border and I have pulled quite a few of my black prints from my black shelf over there and the one I really thought I would like is this stripe border here this stripe fabric I save every bit of stripe when I get the fabric and as you can see as you can see it has a lovely and lovely stripe but here here's the whole fabric is in its entirety so I was looking at this stripe here or this one which is miles too wide if I was doing it like that let me see let me pull over it like that's miles too wide to have both of them and I'm I'm looking at this quilt and I think I wanted to something um I wanted the darker around it but I thought I just don't want to add borders I just don't want to add a hunk of fabric on each side on the top of the bottom so I'm auditioning these different prints now here's a small black print which is pretty but it's it's small I don't love it um here's another one that I pulled which I quite like pulls out this pink with the black and the purple but I don't love that either this one is very pretty this is more of a stylized almost Asian looking fabric very pretty that would go on the side of my quilt but um I don't love it but what I and then I had pulled this one which is room for bright and lively almost like Hawaiian II looking I think that's very pretty and then I saw this one which to my to my eye just real quick then this looks like that that to me looks like that just at a glance so this is a contender and then I have this one I've quite a lot of yardage of that one um that one also perhaps and a quick glance looks like that but maybe there the design is too big so it's a I think it's either between between this one and that one and I'm gearing towards this one because as I said at a glance this one picks up the black and white as I see that's bright and crisp but this my see the floral I see the floral and a quick glance again I do things in a quick glance so see that that or that but I think because your eyes gotta see that I quite like this print here so I'm gonna put this long story short I'm gonna make borders out of these but I'm gonna do something that I've never done before I don't know if it'll work out or not I have this thing I have this thing it's called a June Taylor a June Taylor wavy edge fancy frame decorative quilt border scalloped edge I don't know what the heck it is but it's it makes scallops so what I'm gonna do instead of having I'm gonna use this fabric here I'm gonna use this is a border and oh I've already you I've already cut out that yeah so I'm gonna use this as a border um so I probably about just a few just a few inches just a few inches wide but what I want to do is I want to scallop the ink not the outside edge the inside edge so it would be like this so you'll see scallops of this on on there right and then I will attach it with a blanket stitch I'll attach the outside scalloped edges but I have to figure out I don't know if I'm gonna be I don't know if I'm gonna make a big song and dance about figuring out my scalloped edge borders I think I'll just try to do that because it's gonna take me a while I would think because I don't know how to use this thing I gotta figure it out so I'm gonna I'm gonna go try to figure that and then I'm gonna cut four borders with this inside scalloped edge and then it'll be time for me to attach my borders with a blanket to stitch I have to get out my other machine because my jukey only has a straight stitch so so I'm gonna figure out and I'll just show you the end result of hopefully having figured out I quite like that though that's a little bit of a punch I'll like it stitch this scallop on and I think that'll add a nice movement to this very pretty movement heart and then I'll sandwich it and then I'll finish it but yeah I will be back so I cut out these scallops I sort of used this thing but I didn't really I just I I did I made sure that the flowers on the side cutting from my fabric were going up and down and then the I cut horizontally across my fabric so that the flowers on the top are going across sometimes you have to be careful with that so the pattern of my flowers is going down now I don't love I don't love this wide I don't love how wide it is I do like my scallops but it's a little bit wider there and it's fine I just I didn't freehand it but I didn't really use that I just sort of looked at it started in the middle what I have done is with my heart the middle of my heart I made the middle here and then I I almost free handed my scallops just made my strips of fabric what I don't love is how wide it is it just sort of over powers my delicate frame and I want to see a little on my delicate background I want to see my background a little bit more so what I'm gonna do next is I'm just gonna cut this down probably about an inch or so and then put it on the side I just had it pinned here temporarily and and then yeah I think I'm gonna cut down maybe an inch inch and a half just so you see that pretty frame and then of course calop which is pretty but it's a bit too bold that much showing I just wanted a small bit then what I'm going to do is I'm going to sandwich my quilt together I'm going to uh I should say I'm going to blanket stitch this here and blanket stitch my scallop my scallop on and then I'm going to sandwich it together and then make my quilt with them a little I don't know if I'm gonna do a hanging sleeve probably not probably not just then I'll finish my coat but I'm gonna just cut these down now just a bit shorter so as you can see I like that a lot better I've cut off about an inch of that big heavy black border there and that's what I ended up with I like white like that I've just pinned that on now what I've done is I've made sure that those scallops are where the roses are and it's made the corners a bit wider but that's okay I quite like that here it's sort of framed it by accident I got it right um so now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna I'm just gonna glue this on I'm just gonna glue this down here just to secure it and then I'm gonna go over to my machine and I'm going to blanket stitch this bit of my heart on and my border so I'm at my ironing board and I just want to show you my progress so far I just um I don't know if you could see that leave the frame whatever um I've just dig a blanket stitched this heart this side of my heart down having glued the edges nice and really good and what I had done is I thought I was real clever I did it in AI because it's black and white I first did it in black a big wide blanket stitch and it only showed up on the on the white correct so then I went back and I did it in white another blanket stitch and that showed up on the black and so so as you can see that's all white there and then it turns black white it's just a little thing um I guess I could have used grey right yeah I guess so so anyway that's done there and then very very carefully I have glued all my bits down because I have to take this over at the very end to do ups to do my um to do by a free motion quilting so this is what I mean when I use my glue stick some of it I just go back I'm gonna tuck that under there and tuck do a little dab there just so it's all nice and secure that's pretty secure there's my little ends there and so because I'm taking this over to the machine and I'm not I've not sewed it it's only glued so I just make sure that's pretty much glued down I want let me see I want my butterfly to show so I'll put that little dab of glue there and tuck that under there with my butterfly over that little flower just little things like that so now so now what I've done is I have glued all my border down I've glued all of this border down and I made sure that my I had to I had to adjust it on this side I had to make sure that my my scallops were the same on both top and bottom and side to side but now before I go I didn't do it on this one maybe I should have but whatever I've learned I want to do a blanket stitch around my border here and I'm just gonna do that in black okay this is all glued down I'm just going to do that on black but what I have done is on on each side here I've not done it on the top I'll show you what I'm doing where where the way I've just I've just grabbed a piece of interfacing stiffened interfacing and where I can see that my scalloped edge is I'm just putting that bit of interfacing down there and then my pressing cloth because as you know I don't like to iron right on my interfacing it tends to wrinkle so just kind of pressing off that way when I go to blanket stitch that it has a substantial backing to hold on to it so to make it nice so that my stitches don't sort of wrap up the the the blanket stitch applique so I'm just gonna these are just scraps literally that I have and I hope maybe you can see that this is where my scallop is so all I've done is I've taken just scraps I all my scraps obviously of this iron on interfacing here doesn't even it's not even going to show once I sandwich it together I'm actually I quite um I think I will probably give it a little bit more stiffening so here it is the ironing this this shiny side down I can see that that's where my my stitches will be I make sure it's all nice and smoothed out so there's no wrinkles on the other side and I just iron that down with my pressing cloth because sometimes if you put hot iron on any kind of non-fusible I'm non woven interfacing it can it can shrink immediately and then it doesn't look nice on the outside of your fabric or your whatever you're fusing so I use a pressing cloth so that's that if you're not gonna see that that just gives me a little bit more stability right there when I go and blanket stitch this this edge all the way around it's nice and glued down let me just see I just get my glue stick again and I just put a dab of this purple glue on the edges there to hold mice to hold it down nice and yeah then I can just go over to my machine take the whole kit and kaboodle over and just continue and I would just use just do this in black my black blanket stitch right around right around the edge of my well now I've finished blanket stitching my border down having glued it on the edges and I put the I put the the interfacing as you see here on the back yeah as you can see I just put a little strip of interfacing and that made it easier for me to to stitch down those scallops to stabilize it and anybody and any of you who've done machine embroidery or anything like that you realize you have to you know have a stabilizer on the back and that's all that was just a strip and actually will make my wall hanging a little bit stiffer and nicer hanging so now I'm just gonna I'm just gonna press all this down here like that again and then I'm going to I'm going to sandwich my my back my quilt top making sure there's a little but I gotta get another bit of glue there you see this sometimes they come up so I'll just put a little bit of glue right there let's stick that whoops what this one underneath there like that and um the glue doesn't last forever so sometimes you have to just go and um you know puts up put a little bit more glue on now there's other there's other methods you can use like they're the steam Aseem when I find the glue is is fine for just how long I want to you know work with my collage here and again this this your border if you want to do a scallop border you could just do a Zig zig zag stitch on there or you could do a satin stitch I love blanket stitch I really do I had to change out my machine because my Dookie doesn't it's only a straight stitch but I like that and then as I said this was almost sort of cut not freehand but um what I did is I just folded this strip in half and then just did that then had a mirror image of my scallops quite I quite like that so now I have to figure out what kind of binding on the back end finding and I will show you I that I've finished this now because I'm just going to bind I'm just gonna back and bind it and I'm just gonna free motion quilt which I'll show you when I'm finished I'm just gonna free motion quote my my images my collage down and then probably just do sort of a a meandering in the background there and then um so free motion quilting my my my bits down and as you can see all right when your free motion quilt a collage might the pieces are raw edge obviously it's a raw edge so I've just glued these down and I'm just sort of going fairly close to the stiffness stitching and because it's a wall hanging and I want my I want my piece of stuff hold on now I'm going to just tuck that little bit under there I've glued it pretty good but I want this flower so now see now I have this flower so I'm just gonna just should ever make swirly flower bits I'm closing this with a a pink thread down here a very pale pink thread over in my car I'm just stitching the edges down if it gets roughed up it's okay and then take this off I've pin basted my quilt together and as I said probably about every quarter of an inch I'm so the free motion quilting this comeback and from a distance you won't see you won't see any of this stitching and it's just stitching down my bits there's a lot of little tiny pieces here it looks a little bit messy but pull away Maxwell pull away slowly and then you can see from a distance that I'm just stitching it down and it looks it looks really quite nice now I'll go back over here and I'll do it but I've done a free motion quilting all here with my flowers and I'll just finish up here and then I'll just free motion quote with a cream thread some swirls in my background and yeah so my my black and white heart I quilted I quilted them every every um inch or so in the stripes I'm not I'm not doing any more quilting there because I want that to remain nice and stark but yeah just finish this up and yeah I'm finished quilting free motion quilting my quilt I've just got it off the machine I just sort of did the background in like a swirly free motion quilting now um I have yet to trim this I've stitched it around there I've just stitched I've just sort of echoed the border about every half inch or so around there with a black thread and this was done in cream thread and I have stitched my edging all the way down I have yet to trim it but as you can see when I when you're quilting a quilt I don't know if you can see this but it gets stretched out of shape the the the fibers stretch on cotton which is a good thing because they can they can sort of shrink back so what I do before I trim a quilt usually and especially with this size wall hanging as you can see it's a little bit wobbly there I will trim it but what I do is I take a water bottle just filled with water and I spray I'll spray I'll do a nice spray here I'll spray the quote quite generously I let that sort of sink in to the fibers the water and then on the back side of my quilt sort of squaring it up I will just iron it and with the the action of the water and the heat of the iron as you can see will shrink the fibers back into sort of place and we'll flatten the quilt and especially I want this flattened because it's a war hanging obviously so I'm just going to continue as you can see the sheer action of ironing something will flatten it as you can see there's all my lovely quilting stitches and then this Serta has roughed up there but that's where I'm going to trim it off but the body of my quilt has been nice and flattened so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just finish flattening this and and making it really lovely and getting it all the wobbles out there and then I'm going to choose my binding and put my binding on and Mike what will be done now my wall hanging is been pressed and it's been it's laying really nice and flat and now all I have to do is bind it I've trimmed away I've hired it I've pressed it so it's nice and flat all the fibers have shrunk and with a wall hang you might say why do you press it why do you iron the cord I hired my quilts anyway even my larger quotes but especially with a wall hanging you want it flat um I just like to I I just like to iron it because you've been working with it an awfully lot and I just think the ironing just makes it so much prettier the batting will puff up anyway so anyway um my binding so I've pulled out some fabric and obviously the the obvious choice might be and the black and white the black and white stripe bringing the black and white stripe around I was looking at and I thought that's a little bit too obvious and a little bit too much then I thought well how about a smaller black and white stripe but what do I so that it that's very that's very dull to me it's it's sort of like a it's it's just sort of like a dull a dull edging I mean I like it but I don't love it because this is vibrant and really very pretty then I thought well how about just the plain like a burgundy too this burgundy ish rust on the on the the side and I quite liked that the boat the border the binding would sort of just like melt into the border that darkness I quite liked that one then I thought well how about sky likes it completely different and I have the exact black the red and white of the black and white stripe and again I love my stripes but it'll miss I don't love it I just don't love that I don't love that red and white I don't love the black and white isn't that funny and then I thought again will I have a a yeah cuz I see red when I see this or burgundy and I have a small red and white stripe so I thought well perhaps and I quite liked that but again it's carnival II enough this is just a bit too much I thought so I thought the solid that either the burgundy but then I pulled this one and um I like this because again when I when I look at this quote I sort of see this color in here quite a lot I see that quite a lot and so I was looking and I sort of auditioned this this salmony pinky you know color here and I quite like that I quite like that it's it's a little bit of a it's a it's just enough of oomph color but it doesn't detract from the black and white with that a stripe would so and it sort of complements these these salmony ready pink colors so that's my I've chosen of that's my binding that I've chosen um oh and there again oh that's the backing of course you saw that that's the back and it goes really well with the backing also which you're never gonna see but yeah that's my binding so now I'm just gonna bind that boat and then I will be done so here's my little wall hanging quilt it's done of course I ranted my corners which I always do on my quilts you see I ran did my corners there's my binding and I just think that I like that pinky salmon around the around the edges of my little quilt so yeah didn't take me long no pattern as you saw so maybe I'm just trying to have you think that you know you can do this it's not hard I am you know you can just do it if you wanted to just do a phase with some pretty flowers on a plain background you can start out doing a collage on this a little bit more complicated but as you saw it wasn't really complicated and my my quote hangs really beautiful and flat and hopefully when he in gets hope we can hang it up in the UM above my door so yeah thanks so much folks for following along with me and I hope you enjoyed this watching me make my quilt okay bye [Music]
Channel: Jean Truelove
Views: 27,147
Rating: 4.9553647 out of 5
Keywords: easy, quilt, tutorial, free, quilting, class, sewing, lessons, online, tutorials, collage quilt, collage quilting, how to make a collage quilt, jean truelove, truelovequiltsforyou, truelove quilts for you, heart quilt, scissors for collage cutting, steam a seam, gluing a collage down, what glue for a collage quilt, small quilted wall hanging ideas, quilted table runner, quilted table mat, small quilt idea, wall hanging
Id: aFU9A1Vrm5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 24sec (4164 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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