WATCH: 2024 Fiesta Flambeau Parade in downtown San Antonio

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[Music] hello miente and welcome to Kat's coverage of the fiesta flambo parade I'm Stephania Jimenez and I am Myra Arthur we are here along the parade route for what we call our flambo pre party though it kind of feels like the party is very much underway at this point it never stopped I mean this here is the Premier event the fiesta flambo which starts in just a few hours and this is 11 days of fiesta fun and it's just been amazing Myra it has we're here live at Avenue E and 6th Street we have our Kat watch party for this parade right behind us hundreds and hundreds of our fantastic viewers joined us they have the best seats in the House we've loved meeting so many of you out here tonight we want to toss now to Jen Tobi aesy she is inside that watch party with some of the best fans in San Antonio hey Jen that's right you got that right Myra all right me [Applause] definitely the best fans and we've got our Kap crew here we got Courtney and M and Justin and David and John oh here we you get [Music] a yes an amazing group here can look Diva one more time diva they are ready I think they're ready right so we are going to continue to hand out medals and yeah we're going to toss it to Adam here in a minute but I got some people over here asking for medals here you go here you go she asked for one all right Adam how's it going where you are lots of confetti huh oh Jen it ain't a party without the Fetti and we've been busting the confetti all over I'm on street level with all my friends here getting pumped up come on getting ready oh the Insiders up in their bleachers Insider shaking sorry I got to shake it a little bit you know get people moving we're This Is Where Brooklyn connects with Avenue East we're right at the turn here so we get the surprise of once everybody comes boom they're right within our sight and that's when we see what's coming down the line so it's it's a bit of a bit of a limited view but that corner gives us a good surprise of what's coming next and who's coming next hey [Music] there hey we're on Kat right now how you doing what's oh what's your namey Frankie Frankie is this your first Fiesta it's her third Fiesta nice I knew you were older than than than a baby what how often do you I mean how many years have you been doing this uh about seven or eight in this spot since the you know cling close to this area yep uh the route changed so we moved a little bit with it but we love it we're usually across from the qu area yep unbeknown to us now you're with us again and I know don't worry I got more for you kids here we go I got my holster I'm going to come around here for you for you and for you we're always prepared we're always locked and loaded in Fiesta aren't we what's up friends heyy it's party time it's party time oh here we go love it hey hey love it keep it up keep it up oh I don't know if they're going to get that Championship but you can keep dreaming buddy I love the costumes that come down here you get people dressed up you get people just wearing fluoresence you get some two tws you get some three threes I'm just kidding stupid joke I want to show you the Ikea part of our insiders event right here behind the fence and the Ikea folks set up this nice best spot to view had it for Battle of flowers we have it again today and obviously our rowdy crowd up there [Applause] behind sometimes you just got to see the sights and take it in and if you're at home I want you to feel like you are here with us having a good time now it's a party now that you got all the confetti in your hair hey you got your chicken can you give me a div Fiesta one two three [Music] can't beat that take it away no no does not get any better than that cutest little chicken out a stick I've ever seen so cute adorable thank you all right so you might have seen uh Jenny and Forest running behind Adam casy well that's part of something that we want to show you that you might have missed a little bit earlier this is the fiesta de los Spurs run yeah it's The Unofficial start to this parade that's how you know it's going to get rocking when Runners take the course dressed in all kinds of fiesta outfits I mean I've seen Taco hats right we've seen that all kinds of uh costumes Spurs gear of course you got to represent the Spurs here it's so awesome to see what everybody comes up with because you know we talked about this earlier during Fiesta more is more just make it loud make it out there make it fun this is a race that's a little longer than the par route it's actually a 5k ending at Piaza Italia park across from Christ's Children's Hospital downtown yeah because the parade route is 2.6 miles oh no oh oh we have a Throwdown in the middle of the [Applause] run this is what you call entertainment look at that Macho Man you know what up it's a it's a match when somebody loses their wig this is true now here they have a costume contest prizes music and so much more and all the proceeds go back to Spurs give it's always really fun to see just how creative people are I mean you just said it a moment ago but I really think that to fit in you got to stand out here yeah I think you coined that phrase at Fiesta Fiesta and it's totally true I saw our Mike there he is giving high fives to some of the runners I think we're going to have to get uh Mike and running shape next year yeah cuz he's just doing that we need to get him in shape ready to do although you know who nobody was really complaining because it's really not like it was out here last year there's a really nice breeze every time it comes I'm like Oho that must be that must feel great for the runners you know what we have lucked out between Battle of Flowers River Parade was fantastic weather so many times these parades can be so hot and steamy but the clouds are definitely working out in our favor no matter the weather though San Antonio comes out to party San Antonio turns out for Fiesta and tonight is no different no definitely definitely not look at how excited everybody is here and you know you might see a lot of empty seats here don't worry okay it was like this about 20 20 minutes ago you had fewer people I mean people are just progressively coming in and filling everything up we can't wait 750,000 people expected to come out and sit along the sidewalks here to watch this parade in action we couldn't be more excited vaa Fiesta we'll be back with more after the break it's time time for a fiesta history trivia moment who was responsible for the founding of the fiesta flambo parade was it a Henry Ford b lla cochrell or c Reynolds andrick the answer after the break so who was responsible for the founding of the fiesta flambo parade the answer is c Reynolds andrick and while we're talking about the fiesta flambo parade you know it hasn't started yet these are the runners here this is the unofficial start yes The Unofficial start and it's funny because you could already feel the the the party around us but you know it doesn't even it starts really when it gets dark and it's just stunning out here but this is all right we're getting warmed up this is the warmup yep it absolutely is the warmup this is the largest illuminated night parade in the entire country and tonight is a huge night for so many who look forward to this every single year but also for the Grand Marshall of the flambo parade my boy Michael Ken I mean I love him he's got such a a wonderful spirit about him he's an esteemed fashion journalist he made a name for himself as Mr Fiesta he likes to be called that that yeah that is the official medal of Mr Fiesta and it lives up to its name but I feel lucky I got one here's the thing about Michael though if you meet him he's so warm he's so friendly but really he says he's just a San Antonio native who's always dreamed of getting the title of Mr Fiesta I'm just a regular guy from the southside of San Antonio who loves his community who loves his City who loves to make things and I just I'm just a person who is just about the stuff of Life some know him as Mr Fiesta others know him as a beloved fashion journalist I love to talk to people that's why I have been a lifelong journalist and whether or not you know him personally his passion for San Antonio is one thing you cannot miss I'm just going going about living my life every day doing what I think that I need to do for myself and and for my community for the city that I love I truly do love my city I'm from here I'm educated in San Antonio I live here I contribute to the city and that's all I ever want to do after 25 years of traveling and writing about the fashion industry Michael retired to take care of his mom and husband eventually they both died within 6 months of each other then I thought I need to uh reinvent myself press the reset button in my life so I took the skills that I have my journalism skills which are writing and wanted to offer that to nonprofit groups in terms of helping them with uh things that they needed fundraisers writing scripts for Gallas and events and then also offering myself as an MC because I love I'm I'm not Shock and so his work as a community advocate began working with organizations like BS to youth Eva Heroes the list goes on I'm also involved in our GED Foundation that was that was started by Martha Tarina we raised money for Alamo College's districts I remember uh as a Young Man helping my mom uh earn her GED when she was trying to raise for children education on all levels is is is critical for our city that's very important to me all causes that led him to become a big part of the Citywide party with a purpose the thing that I love about fiesta and how I relate it back to what I've learned in journalism I'd have to pinpoint it to Fashion I covered the shows in New York Milan and Paris twice a year and because I was writing for a major newspaper like the Los Angeles Times I had the best seats in the House going backstage and actually seeing what they made touching the the the garments studying them interviewing the designers and how they think and where ideas come from ideas actually really come from the street I often see that at Fiesta too I love to see what people are wearing how they're wearing it you know how we have the term fashionistas I call them fiestas I love my fiestas I'm always looking out for them and uh and I stop them and I talk to them and I and I write about them on Facebook known for his own extravagant Fiesta fashion and over the the top hats Michael is hard to miss wherever he goes I actually dress for every day of the year there are many times when I'll go to my neighborhood HB and the the ladies who know me there they they want to send me home because I'm underdressed this year he's taking on the biggest Fiesta role yet oh when I heard I was this year's Grand Marshall I screamed like a girl and then I cried like a man I was so excited I I I could believe it I I still can't believe it I mean me if I had to tell the 5-year-old me or even the 15year old me or the 25y old me the 45y old me that this is happening I I would say that it it can happen so many things can happen in your life that you would not expect it's like the adage of always keep dreaming that dreams are possible [Applause] wonderful I love hearing that from him because you know it's also so much about giving back and those are the kinds of people that we usually recognize during Fiesta because you've heard you you've heard of saying it over and over again a party with a purpose well yeah a lot of the money that's raised through this it goes to scholarships to help kids local kids go to college yeah and this 10day party is some of the biggest fundraising some of these nonprofits do all year long one thing about Michael even if you come across him just once for the first time you can tell how much he loves San Antonio so we'll be excited to see him come along this Parade route we are getting closer and closer as our flambo pre party continues we'll be right back hi I'm M Sergeant Christopher Mullins I'm the manager of ISR strategic plans for headquarters space Operations Command at joint Bay San Antonio Lackland this is my very first Fiesta and I'm really looking forward to sampling all the culture and food viva fiesta you love a first timer welcome back back to our Kat flambo pre party tonight of course every parade has a great theme and tonight you'll see a lot of decorations on these floats a lot of outfits even reminiscent of a very popular game especially here in San Antonio in South Texas yes lots of that's is what you'll see splashed all here around the parade today now a moment ago you heard from um Michael Kia he's our Fiesta flambo Grand Marshall but he's not the only one that's getting special recognition tonight each year the flambo association also chooses an honorary Grand Marshal so they hold an art contest as well for local artists that design and actually make their poster but we're going to talk about the honorary Grand Marshall I'm getting I'm I'm fast forwarding to the actual party you're just you're excited I get it okay so this year the honor of being the honorary Grand Marshall that goes to an extraordinary woman she's so impressive she's opened up a world of first not just for herself but for women and Latinas everywhere watch my name is Angie Selenas I'm a retired Major General from the United States Marine Corps and I'm the CEO of Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas a lot of people often wonder what's a nice little Latina girl like you doing in the United States Marine Corp and I'd often say that was never my intent I was a sophomore in college and that was the first of five in my family to go to college and to be perfectly honest a lot of people that look like me uh weren't there I really had convinced myself that people like me don't go to college that time it's the middle of the 70s Vietnam War was ended the all volunteer force was in its infancy and I really didn't have any money to go back to college and I went to go mail a letter and out stepped uh talk um very squared away United States Marine and he looked me in the eye and he said why aren't you a United States Marine this was not a time when Marines were looking at women and what he said to me that it's not easy but if you earn this title no one will ever take it away from you 10 days later I mean I went off to boot camp and 10 weeks later I became a United States Marine back then each branch of the service could only have 2% women and so the 2,000 women in the Marine Corps less than 300 of them were officers and so when I got put in those positions as the first you know commander of a recruiting station or the first woman to go do this it was more about just being really good at my job because came the pressures of what happens if you fail will they ever put another woman in that job because my mom would say great you're the first but if there isn't a second then it doesn't matter when it was time to retire I wanted to come home to Texas I really had no intent of working nothing spoke to me because I think when you've been in the military you have this sense of a calling like something really needs to touch you and something needs to matter and then finally I got a call from a Head Hunter and they said the Girl Scouts and San Antonio are looking for a CEO this idea to be able to have some influence and with the next generation of women leaders and especially when 65 to 70% of the girls look like me oh my gosh that just got me so excited to be able to say wow I remember once being the girl looking around to see some somebody look like me that had made it or that would give me hope I spent 39 years basically wearing the cloth of my nation Every Girl Scout wears the American flag on her Sash and on her vest I mean this just I felt like a glove when I first was literally approached to be the honorary Grand Marshal of flambo I was literally I think I was looking over my shoulder to say are you talking to me I mean cuz I was really like stunned I'm honored cuz I'm a major general first Le being and all the other cool things but this ought to be a celebration about Girl Scouts there isn't another organization that has been building the generation of leaders in our community as Girl Scouts for 100 years everywhere I go women will say I was a girl scout or they'll they'll show the girl Scout hand you know which is the three fingers and that's kind of the signal that they were a Girl Scout and they still have their sashes or their vest from when they were 10 years old so there must be something so powerful about this experience that they still kept these or their moms kept them and we should be taking a pledge to make sure that we're here a 100 years from now right because there will be women here 100 years from now and the question is will they be as strong and as vibrant and will they be the leaders that this community needs you know what I'll remember from that is so great you're the first it doesn't matter if there's not a second yeah yeah she Paving the way for all these other women who are going to come behind her I just love how humble she is also and I couldn't imagine a better CEO for Girl Scouts right here in San Antonio love that and I can't wait to see what she's wearing tonight and how theat that she's going to be and I mean that is what it what it's about tonight so we're excited to see Angie Selena before we toss a break here we got somebody waiting in the wings David Sears bringing the confetti we will have fun you have fun Sears all right you saw a few glimpses of the theme I was so eager to tell you about lot of L we're going to tell you more about that after this break [Music] welcome back to our Kap pre- party here for the fiesta flambo parade the crowds are taking their seats and they're pretty cute it's a nice rowdy crowd ready for some fun tonight oh yeah for sure now we're going to see you know the the theme of tonight is L uh it's been the theme of this year's parade and each year the fiesta flambo Association holds an art contest for the local artist to create the design that that's going to go on their poster their medals and their merch this is a big honor for every single parade that we are lucky enough to experience during Fiesta so let's meet this year's winner my name is Victoria Lara and I am the fiesta flambos poster winner for this [Music] year my background in art really primarily starts from when I was a kid I've had countless countless sketchbooks always drawing my mom was a very artistic person whether it was drawing or it was musically my whole family loves f I'm from Mallen but we did come up to San Antonio when I was a kid to come up to a couple of fiesta events and then we moved here when I was in fourth grade if not every year every other year we go to Fiesta so it was always the six of us I have two sisters and a little brother and my mom and dad and my mom was you know seeing me do my art she was heavy set on always telling me to enter all of the previous past metal competitions that they offered for the poster itself this year's theme was L leria and I don't know about any anybody else but me and my family we play ladia all the time and so I really wanted the poster to be a Laria card within itself these are more of like highlights of San Antonio the inspiration for these was the papel pic this is the anocha downtown this is the Pearl this one's my mom's favorite cuz my grandma's name is B so this one's her favorite the Northstar Boots the cathedral the walk and then the missions the Alamo obviously I feel like every poster has to have the Alamo on there this was the hardest part to do and my mom again was actually the one who gave me the idea to name the poster El sananto as AIA card as that's what they call it in Mexico this was my first ever competition I've ever done uh absolute first art competition in general and then when they came over and told me that I actually did was the winner my mom was just like yeah I can't believe she did it honestly sometimes it still doesn't hit to me sometimes I I think that that's not my poster there's no way that's not by me but it's it's a wonderful feeling I actually got to be a part of their Mallen parade that they had in the valley so I got to go back home for a bit and go see my family down there at the parade and then I do get to be part of this Lambo parade this year I'm really excited I I don't think again it's going to hit till I'm actually there already on the float then I'll realize oh wow here we are so much detail in that poster and you know what I love about this too that everyone can participate in Fiesta nobody gets left out whether you're really artistic and and you know we use that for designs or other people that just contribute or or they volunteer their time or they they donate resources from their businesses it's just awesome and whatever your background is coming to Fiesta it seems like everybody has a tradition she shared what her tradition was with her family people have so many memories tied to this party with a purpose tied to this parade in particular we're going to bring it all to you right after this [Music] break the party hasn't even started look at this oh look you got the confetti everywhere the bubbles my friends this is the Premier event of fiesta this is Fiesta flambo it hasn't even started yet but look everybody's already in party form yeah and some of these folks have been out here for hours they didn't just get here they're not waiting for dusk we have somebody Out Among the crowd who really knows how to have a party and frankly get a crowd going so let's find Adam casy wherever he may be with his pink pants hey Adam my pink pants y it's on a party till it's not a party till there's some Fetti hi I love all the cute kids down here hi what is that what do you do with that what do you do with those little hands so sweet and we've got a parade first timer over here what's your name Adriana Adriana how old are you five who's the who's the puppy in your hands um a girl what are you excited for tonight um a TV yeah all right on three say viva fiesta with me one two three fiest viva fiesta we've got a good crowd over here here too hey what's up man down here look at these kids oh we got a we got a nice little costume [Music] here I believe that's Viv is that right yes Viv and then we've got others what's your name kyani yes your name George oh George my kind of man good energy George I love it love it loves you well I love your mom too I love you and your mom yes say hi to every say hi to everybody watching on Kat say hi to your mom we're live say hi youa we just did hi Yolanda she loves you oh I love her all right hey guys great come on kids dance with me give you your best Fiesta Dance come on come on come on there it [Music] is oh yeah we got it all viva fiesta with you a picture of course are we still on down here okay yes we are we're we're taking a photo say viva fiesta viva fiesta a there we go sweet they sweet so you see the people you see the confetti you see the costumes the flower crowns food all of this stuff but you know what we don't have yet floats and that's how we know that the fiesta flambo isn't officially underway yet they're just iconic every every year a team of float makers they come together they plan they build and they finalize a lot of the floats that you're going to see here tonight and some of these people have been doing this for decades it is an art to them Jen Tobias struski caught up with some of the teams Behind these [Music] creations I mean if you got to work from 5: in the morning till 5: the next morning it's got to be done I do it bit of everything so everything is challenging when you have a deadline on to meet so it doesn't matter what you do and you just have to do it right Jeff Spears and Bel clay have been building Fiesta floats for 30 years that's a lot of teamwork and it's a lot of uh like an assembly line you know you go from the the Builder to The Decorator from The Decorator to the assembly and then put everything together do you ever make mistakes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm not going to lie say I don't no I've made it I made a couple yeah don't we all this year the fiesta float building team has around 25 floats to assemble so you can start from anywhere from we usually work 8 hours but sometimes it's 10 12 14 hours sometime more than that it all depends on what's Happening for clay who's in his 80s the job is much more than assembly I I was worked for the Department of Defense for a while and this guy came and asked me would I mind driving a float in the Battle of flowers parade and I said oh okay I'll take a day of leave and and try it and I've been doing it ever since well it it's fun it's fun you meet a lot of people a lot of people it's like a family affair really because you know like Jeff and I we've been together for working together for over 30 years and and it's we like family seen a lot of these parades since I was a little kid um my Grandpa's been doing this for 40 years he's has a lot of experience the thing is when you're little you don't get to really appreciate how much work goes into this cuz you don't really see that now that I'm older and I'm here helping out um it's it's come to life for me like it's just it's incredible to see how would you describe your title here like yeah what do you think well with the previous Sone I I gave myself a title I was a hi TI and that means I was a head Illuminating technician in charge so I did in other words I did lights that was a simple thing to that sounds better it was it was funny you it definitely takes a good team to get the work done here in time for the parades what you may not know is this team behind the floats doesn't even get to see them along the parade route well we go in the beginning to make sure everything is good and then once they leave the starting line we we don't see the we don't actually see the parade we're at the beginning and then we meet it at the end so we we don't ever see the route and this year the flambo organization has a new float they don't see them I I know right but you know what we can show them to them no matter where they are they can watch it right here they can watch it on our streaming apps I'm just trying to think of all the glitter that he must go through okay then it must be a thing we were Comm unting telepathically because I was like o I wonder how long it takes to get rid of it to wash it away because you know how glitter glitter ises yeah right because once he does he's building the these floats all over kind of like this confetti by the time you get rid of it there's it's time for another Fiesta this is true that's the fun in it we're going to take a quick break we'll be right back where the pre-party continues after this [Music] we have talked about the people designing the floats and how hard they work you met the Grand Marshall you met the honorary Grand Marshall you know what we haven't spoken about yet music and that is a huge part of tonight they just you can't just sit here and do I mean you you just have to get in it it just gets you so energized marching bands especially the Texas Longhorn band is going to kick off the parade in just a bit and some bands travel from across the country to join us tonight Wisconsin Michigan I believe we even have some from outside of the country but a lot of the most anticipated acts they're from right here in San Antonio we caught up with the pride of the East Side the Sam Houston marching band to find out how they put on the show that they do it's something to come down the street and to hear Sam Houston Sam Houston it's always fun they're like Sam Houston B yeah we love y'all like thank you once you start dancing like it's a whole energy kicks and it's like you kicking a second gear [Music] here crowd energy is is like wow we we feed off that energy the more they give us the more we give them Bruce Adams is the band director of the Sam Houston hurricane band and he himself is a product of the program I am a Sam Houston graduate and I was in the band while I was here as well I was under direction of Mr Charles mcken had a lot of fun I mean I I lived band I I slept B and I ate them after graduating college he returned to his roots and has maintained the legacy of the band for 17 years hey from one thing to the next we we we were the show and we want to continue to be the show here come the Hurricanes of Sam houst all of San Antonio knows they're a great show to watch growing up I was actually obsessed with the Sam Houston van I would used I watch them on um when they were on the news and I would come to their games and watch them and I was like I know what I want to do in high school students when they come here they they can relate a little more when you find something that they like to do well I love to dance and from when I was like four years old I've always said I told him I said when I grow up I want to be a drum major being drum major and the band director's son means helping craft the energetic choreography they're known for the challenge is always find something that's going to outdo what you did before we get home once we figure out what we're doing we start brainstorming looking up moves I go to him tell him he may tell me no I don't want that I'll sit down and said no I don't like this yeah I like this no let's do it like this a clip here clip there put this in insert that my thing is when I look at it I want it to be wow after Decades of fiesta appearances the San Antonio crowd has come to expect nothing less let me tell you after after the day parade the kids like oh my god I've never seen anything or heard anything or felt anything like that before and I said I told you my first parade I didn't I knew what to expect but just being in actually doing it it was a whole different feeling once you step out start marching start playing no matter if you tired you still just going to have fun energy is going to be there oh during the um I feel like the same amount of energy what we put out is the same amount of energy we receed from the crowd one or two people might be a little out of there they get down with us too it's always fun many times I get caught up with them you know they break down and do a dance you look up front and there I am dancing with my you know it's just it's ingrained in me so what can we expect this year from San Antonio's very own showcase band I know at the parade we're bringing out something that I've done years ago but we're bringing back out James Brown It's a James Brown uh things a couple of his theme songs we're going to do and so what I try to do is I try to bring some of the old school songs that have more substance in my opinion to them uh to to the to the band and then I give them some of the songs that they like and we try to merge those in as well that's one of the things we try to do is make sure we keep the fun in it as long as we keep the fun in it we'll keep [Music] rolling we are going to hear some James Brown I'm so excited when they fuse songs like that together old school songs new songs oh I'm so excited you cannot sit still when you hear the Sam Houston marching band I can't wait for that band and so many others to come our way the Parade's getting closer but we have Jim Tobias streski she is standing out in the crowd look at those pack stands hey Jen yes all right Viva one more time one more time Viva okay yes they're having a good time some people need confetti in their hair okay are you guys having a good time yes ma'am we sure are all right what what are you looking forward to with the parade uh all the fun and excitement that comes with it did you get some good food that's a big important question tell me what you had we had uh tacos y'all had here they were delicious so chcken on a stick chcken on a stick yes good can I get a via Fiesta viva fiesta we'll go back here what about you guys are you having fun had a great time thank you tell me what's your favorite part is so far the pr hasn't started yet tell me showing the shoes the shoes that is always a great part do you guys want a medal who wants a viva fiesta get some medals okay let's hand out [Music] some there you go I'm coming over here to you are you having a good time oh great outstanding yep what's your favorite thing about the flambo parade the lights oh that's a great thing what about you um favorite thing just the community and having just a great time and seeing so many people that you don't see the rest of the time of the year yes is there anybody in particular you're looking for today are you seeing family and anybody in the pr my sister so that makes it great and um just just everybody that we can see friends from school and I don't know just Community it's really fun everybody together AA Fiesta yes okay ready one two three [Applause] we got to meet so we got to meet so many of those wonderful viewers they're all here as part of our Kad watch party for flambo 2024 and I have to say you know we were talking about the outfits earlier I got to say thank you to Esther I told her I loved this bracelet and she took it off and she gave it to me yeah they're so generous you also got glasses here like I got some glasses which uh obviously that's the queue to put them on got to bring them out if this is the accessory I did not know I need it yeah there you go but here we are there you go but you know you know what I love when when we hear from our viewers or all the all the people right here is that when they they fly in some of their relatives from out of town to come and enjoy this I mean they look forward to coming here every single year are you are you not are you trying not to laugh at me wearing these glasses yes I you know what I'm doing I'm doing this trick where I'm just looking at your mic because I don't go ahead Stephania tell me tell me what you need to tell me a serious take a quick break and this is clearly not the time I'll be not the last time I'll be wearing these glasses we'll be back right after this I'm Sierra Zula and I am Miss Fiesta 2024 and you're watching Fiesta 2024 only on Kat 12 and now a did you know Fiesta moment did you know flambo comes from the French word meaning flaming torch or large Candlestick the fiesta flambo parade was originally inspired by the night raes of Marty GR in New Orleans welcome back to our Kad coverage before this party gets started here the parade officially underway we want to take you down to the Alamo that's right earlier this evening the United San Antonio powwow held a special blessing right in front of the Historic Site Irwin deuna is the immediate past president of the flambo association and he's made this a tradition for the past few years he's also one of the pawow organizers and he says that this special Native American bless is their way of asking for permission from our ancestors to occupy this Sacred Space and bless us all with a safe and smooth parade and so many of the organizations involved in Fiesta order of the Alamo Texas Cavaliers they do have such a tie to the Alamo and sharing that story so nice to see this included as part of the tradition this year now tonight's parade is filled with all kind of entertainment one of a kind in particular not just floats and bands we also have some very talented dancers that's right you'll recognize some of them one group that's been part of flambo for decades now is Samba they're a dance company from right here in San Antonio founded by a husband and a wife now that company is led by their daughter which is really cool so it's safe to say that dancing runs really deep for this family you'll see them out here tonight with their illuminated costumes that is a signature everyone must have here in flambo we wanted to give you a little extra Taste of their performance though more than you can catch during this parade so now let's enjoy some sambara [Music] that we've been waiting for since the last Fiesta FL B concluded is upon us it's about to start any moment now let's make way for the Vanguard the United San Antonio powow they were the ones that held that traditional blessing that has become a tradition over the past couple of years for flambo their mission is to promote the traditions and the culture of the American Indian in a positive way they kicked things off with that ceremony in front of the Alamo before this party got started just one of the many Traditions that take part in this Fiesta flambo and every year we keep adding more and more things and it's just like you know what the more the marrier we love it and this is a group Guardians of the children so you might have heard of organizations like this before motorcycle enthusiasts AKA bikers for a lot of us so they do so much for children who have overcome abuse they provide them protection they provide them you know accompaniment to various school activities if they've been rescued from a terrible situation they are there to be a shoulder for these kids and I think that's such an incredible service yeah also the children request a lot of their services which is cool so they're really um there for them now here we have a commander Gilbert V Rodriguez a Vietnam veteran he's with the San Antonio Armed Forces parade Association this is a group of all War veterans who fought for our country serving our country we owe him the salute yes thank you so much sir for your service and for that of all of these families that were part of that mission as well yeah very special considering we are after all military City USA now making way here we have the San Antonio Civil Air Patrol squadrons uh they are comprised of Alamo Lackland and Cadets from Randol as well and these young Cadets they are our future we'll see them in just a moment yeah they train for search and rescue missions they learn a lot about Aerospace as well and many of those and I believe we're still working through the other one the San Antonio Armed Forces par Association but we will see that Civil Air Patrol Those squadrons in just a second and there they are as we just said they're comprised of Alamo Lackland and Randolph Cadets from all three of those places and these are our future as I said just a moment ago let's see how many of them there are there is such a military presence in every single one of the fiesta parades and I think that that's incredibly important that these young men and women some of them veterans sometimes they are the ones that kick off the festivities because they're a huge reason that we get to celebrate like this and Gather By the hundreds of thousands in downtown San Antonio and have a party with a purpose they are a huge part of that look at the crowds there are going wild for them now here we have the Vietnam Veterans of America this is the Alamo chapter 366 there are more than 60 active members here with more than 107 members um that have been there since the creation uh they honor not only the veterans from Vietnam but also all veterans and they salute all active military and First Responders can I tell you these this group has figured out a thing or two carrying their Banner on Wheels yes is just smart yes way to go and again we want to say thank you to their incredible service it's our honor to highlight them tonight and to have them leading off this parade okay let's see who is next there on that Parade route and that would be the Defense Language Institute English Language Center the at joint Bay San Antonio Lackland known as the gateway to America they build security cooperation through English language training and cultural immersion for more than 2500 resident International military students every single year and you know this is such an international City and it's great because this group also it represents more than 110 countries so it's really cool they have several locations throughout the entire world and every single Airman every single person who in you know enlists in the Air Force goes through Lackland and that's incredible to think about that everyone who serves in that Branch comes through San Antonio yeah you're going to see a lot of military members here tonight which is a great representation as we say we like to say that we are military City USA and boy is that on display tonight look at the crowd and I love energized they are I love that a lot of them are on their feet I don't know if you can tell from that camera view but there are so many people standing up and saluting these men and women for their service to our [Applause] country here we go and you know what we're seeing so many different angles of this tonight oh right here we have the San Antonio alzafar Shrine it's a philanthropic fraternal organization comprised of masons from the south central area of Texas they do so many cool things they support the Texas Children's Hospital uh the fraternity established Shriner's Children's Hospital as its official philanthropy in 1922 they've been doing this for 102 years and they continue to support it today and they do it and they have a lot of fun doing it which I think is awesome up next here is the military order of the Purple Heart chapter 1836 they are entirely combat wounded veterans this is the largest chapter in the nation which is incredible there look at that showing us his shoes yeah you can't hear that enough [Applause] tonight and the [Music] Grinch a mariachi Grinch that not just any old Grinch because why not because San Antonio so this right here right after the Grinch the Mariachi Grinch hopefully he didn't run out of gas all right there we go is the national letter Carriage Association it's an American labor reunion which represents non-rural letter carriers employed by the United States Postal Service this was founded in 1889 it's got 2500 local branches representing letter carriers in all 50 states the District of Columbia Puerto Rico the Virgin Islands and wow and I got to tell you Stephanie I got a chance to do a story going out and meeting some of our letter carriers from USPS going to the processing plant where they process every single piece of mail I got to say hi to postman Pete he is the guy who delivers our mail to our station on St Mary's at Kat and he has a big job to do in fact the day that I met him he was delivering in the rain so you know what they say Rain snow sler hail and he even said or even Co we're out here and we're delivering it so maybe Postman Pete that could be his rap name I'll I'll ask him if he's got that in the C yeah all right yeah now we're gonna send things back on over to our friend Jen Tobi auski she has been just chilling out with the crowd feeling all of that energy now that the parade is officially underway Jen can you feel the difference oh yes everybody was zoomed in over here and I think they're ready right for this parade to start we're coming right here to this lovely lady okay how many fiestas have you done at least 20 at least 20 what's your favorite thing about the Plano parade I think it's all the bands and the energy and the fun that you just see everybody smiling not a not a house without a smile exactly speaking of look at everybody everybody's having a great time out here I love your flower crown are you having fun I'm having a great time what's your favorite part about being out here sorry what's your favorite part about being out here the celebration of the history the history of winning San HTO I mean all this wouldn't exist if we hadn't won the Battle of Santo thank you for being here and enjoying it and being here with our amazing kak crew I'll send it back to you Myra and Stephania yeah you know Jen thank you there there is such a tie to you know Texas Independence that's really how Fiesta got started 1891 a group of women wanted to commemorate that in Texas Heroes so they put on what became the Battle of flowers parade that's how it all got started flambo came about years after that but all of it has just become this tradition that San Antonio looks forward to and this it's a Citywide celebration that's what I love is you can find a fiesta event in every corner of this city and what I like about it is that it's an amalgam I mean San Antonio is such a diverse City and like I said before there's just something here for every and and and they welcome new ideas and sometimes when they when you ask them how did you start this well you know someone came up with the idea and now it's just stuck it's a thing I love it it is a thing okay here is the United States Navy yeah the maritime service branch of the United States armed forces one of the eight uniform services of the United States it's the world most powerful navy and largest by [Music] tonage you can't beat those uniforms and look at that float that that's creative it's pretty fitting and these servicemen and women you know they're not all from San Antonio so you wonder what are they thinking as they walk down this Parade route especially if it's their first Fiesta I think it's so cool to introduce this tradition this event to people from all over the world which is a beautiful thing about us being able to to bring this to wherever you are watching this you can stream it online you don't have to just be in San Antonio to catch it oh let's he they seem to be [Music] cheering yeah the city just wraps its arms around all of our uniformed uh our men our servicemen and our service women and this is just a part of that as I said you're going to see a lot of uh celebrations here uh honoring the military tonight I love that we see people along the parade route they're parade participants right but they've got their phones out they've got their cameras they're recording it they want their own video to look back on and you wonder if some of them are going mom and dad you're never going to believe this you're never going to believe what these people in s Antonio do it's so fun yeah well that well that's an awesome thing right uh because you do meet so many and you know you have so many people here who who they're in the military and they they're in San Antonio and then they decide to make it their home even after they retire and it's because of events like this is just a little sample of how warm this city is and how accepting uh it is towards people you know me servicemen and women yeah absolutely we got a lot to celebrate in San Antonio let's find Adam casy he has met some of the cutest fans out there tonight and uh let's find out where he is now and how much confetti he's fired off hey Adam I'm not even fired all the confetti I did get this nice Margarita popsicle though it's really good our friends over fused over there oh my goodness it's so good so good everybody wave say hi come on where's the energy viva [Music] fiesta we've got W we've got oh hey hi come over here come over here let's scoot this way oh what's up shake it with me shake it see we just come up and down and have oh baby and have a good time D what's your name yes ly ly do you how many flambos have you been to 26 seriously for real 98 baby yeah come on that deserves a hip Shake yeah I love my city viva fiesta viva fiesta give me a viva fiesta viva fiesta oh so many fun people that's what I love about it you see people in costumes you see people just dressed up you see people year after year sometimes as well and it makes it fun to get another picture one year after another after another I got to catch my breath a little bit I've been running around and moving up and down quite a lot uhoh what's up man what's up that I did have somebody tell floss oh we going to have a floss off I did have somebody tell me that the other day that something they love about fiesta is they may go an entire year and not see somebody but it's like their fiesta friend they run into them every single year I feel like we kind of feel that way you know out here with some of our crew every year that we get to work with and see once again so let's find out what else is happening out there in the crowd we got Jin Tobias streski she is standing by she was giving away some medals and now she's found the food hey J yes you know what I was led here to the smell of tacos so they're cooking here you know if you get to come to this amazing watch party here with lots of our qua insiders they're getting some tacos okay what kind of tacos are you getting oh I'm getting uh the asada tacos yeah and what what else is on the menu excuse me I'm sorry stick they also got a Frescas uh watermelon lemonada and orata all right so let's let's let's show yeah it is windy let's show those tacos to the camera look at that and and you know Myra and Stephania if you weren't hungry I know you won be now after you see that that looks amazing but I'm going to really try to make my way over here and get a chicken on his stick I don't know if they'll give it up though cuz look at this line okay this is always the longest line if you know you know cuz chicken on a stick at Fiesta I mean that's my favorite so I'm coming in here let's see can I cut in line maybe maybe okay let's see any chicken a stick available wait in line I have to wait in line they said Okay I I I'll get his in a little bit are you having fun out here definitely am I'm having a great time what's your favorite part especially about you know coming to watch it here with all eating all the cas at Celebrities I love it are the best thank you and thank you for watching I might get his chicken on a stick okay and I'll get one for you Myra and Stephanie send it back to you would you do that yeah can't even not even if you're a case at can't can't cut the chicken on a stick line to the back of the line you got to wait Jen thank you so much you know one of the cool things we have here at our Kad watch party is an amazing photo op I don't know if you've seen some of us sharing it on our social medias things like that it's a flower wall backdrop it is a hit every single time we have one of these parade parties we started doing this and we're bringing it back every year and get this those flowers are made out of paper oh so he actually hand makes them one by one the artist behind it has created a successful business out of her love for Fiesta Flowers what's not to love take a look my name is V Cruz roblo and I'm a self-proclaimed paper florist I have always been crafty I've been into photography I like to draw it's just something that I've always you know grown up doing especially with my grandmother she would make like little pins and little broches or wreaths so I definitely got that from her muerto Fest is literally the start of forever petals by V I actually created an ofrenda in honor of my grandparents although I was doing it as a hobby it created that business for me and really that push to say you know what your art is appreciated so there can be more for you in this journey and it's kind of just taken off from there you'll take your scissors and you are going to cut cut fringe with Fiesta being an annual thing here in San Antonio it's literally kicked off The Following season so I started doing inperson workshops and in 2017 I officially had my first ever inperson Fiesta flower Workshop flower crowns Fiesta flower crowns are a big thing if you're not wearing one then what are you doing if you know San Antonio you know Fiesta is literally year round there's Fiesta baby showers and weddings and the theme really just goes hand inand with San Antonio alt together you can use them for centerpieces you can do bridal bouquet you can do prom corsages and boutineers it is a process it takes some time I do get often you know you must have a lot of patience and I do for paper flowers Fiesta has always been part of our just family tradition going to the day parade the night parade we would take our wagon and our chairs and we would just go out and enjoy being able to be part of just the culture and the Traditions it means a lot to me because I you know celebrate Theos moros I celebrate Fiesta and I feel I feel blessed I love that she said there are Fiesta themed parties all year long outside of fiesta I I feel validated some of my out of town friends will say do you throw Fiesta themed everything CU I have boxes of decorations that come out multiple times a year and the answer is yes you do accumulate them throughout the year and why not it brings people so much joy I mean I don't know I I look at the these flowers and I it just puts a smile on my face even it's not Fiesta time because you know what a good time you have and you can follow her I started following forever pedals by V on Instagram and I love just checking out what she creates I mean this is a crown that she made and gave to us earlier that flower wall we have at this party is incredible but just watching what she makes all year long I think is fun you know what else is fun all the different points of view that we have here tonight we want to show you our float camera um there it is so it's basically it's on one of our floats this is specifically on the float of Michael Kia aka Mr Fiesta AKA The Grand Marshall um here and this is just gives you a different perspective on this so you can see that the floats are moving but it's just another get another vantage point to see the crowds to to enjoy the parade and here's the thing you can also access that on our website just to get a different perspective yeah that's pretty cool one of the guys throwing the confetti there that's David Durban from Monarch trophy he is a guy who designs so many of these medals that you see every single year he does the casky medal he does uh the official Fiesta medal which was beautiful came with matching earrings this year was a big I saw a past fo there making his way out shaking hands with people as they walk so we got a lot of people who are excited about the parade they're finally seeing it we're just waiting for it to make its way to us here on uh Avenue E and 63 oh and there he is he Mr Fiesta and he's going to keep that energy up the entire time uh more than 200 floats that we're going to see here tonight which is so exciting I we barely even scratch the surface we got a lot to talk about and it's not even a challenge for Michael to keep up that energy for the entire evening I love his I love his just his passion for San Antonio and the Creations I love what he wears yeah also he's just so warm you meet him once and you feel like you've just known him for so long he's so welcoming and I'm like oh what a perfect person to represent San Antonio that's how I feel and I believe a couple of years ago he took Steve sprester and they went Fiesta fashion shopping uhoh he got to deck Steve out and create his outfit for Fiesta and I said personally I feel like that should be an annual thing I think we need to do that every year I would love to see the footage I know Steve had a lot of fun awesome no look at here and now we're going to send things back on over to our friend Adam casy who's just with the crowd by the way my mom hi mommy she just sent me a text and she was like whoa uh Adam's been swinging his hips a lot all night and I just and look he's got the little thing there with all the Gus got on his hey you got you got to move the hips on when it's Fiesta especially flambo come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people oh this is the definition of Rowdy you know I love that word hash rowdy [Applause] oh okay come here oh [Music] yes you ready oh oh she's like okay I don't know I have second thoughts about this okay hi come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] CR look at this Rowdy Crow I love it having a good time it's all everything starting to get illuminated we have all the lights up there and that it I just looks great now that the sun is set the parade is not that far away and I do want to give a special shout out to the San Antonio Police Department and the way they're handling the crowds is fantastic and they've got their Cadets out and I was just chatting with one of the officers and we're like he's like yeah this is good training for the cadets shout out to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] PD you're welcome oh yeah it's a skill to run backwards like that yeah now let's go on over to our friend gent dreski she is in the stands mingling with the crowd again she went from the food to the stands did you bring a chicken on a stick with you no chicken on a stick how sad is that but I have these amazing people and they are having an awesome time this is so great seeing so many families and friends together smiling and laughing and just having an amazing time and it's look at this making memories making memories okay look I love this Crown I'm coming to you I love your crown all right what has been your favorite part right now being here you guys always come to the flambo par yes what is your favorite part about the par the atmosphere the lights the floats the all right everything and you got me earlier it's payback okay it's payback time okay he's got more he's got more all right we'll save one for my Stephania too they got it they got it it's a party you got party what does casy say it's not a party without some Fetti J thank thank you okay so this is this is the your second flambo right yes okay so what stands out the most to you about fiesta so many things but really it's first of all with this what I love about flambo specifically the bands yeah you can I mean they get you really like in the mood you're dancing you're moving along with them and it's just I I love that this is a tradition and everybody is so happy and welcoming and you know you people give so many hugs I just think back to co we were like afraid to just kind of touch each other but this is it's just it's just nice that now we're we're doing this and we're kind of this is a of course a new normal but it's wonderful this is just a great City it keeps growing and keeps adopting adapting new New Traditions yeah and you know for and I was telling you about this earlier Stephanie I used to be one of the Rovers what we call them out on the street you know talking to people in the parade route as they pass by I some of my best memories here at Kat in this job hopping up on floats with people riding along with them the Zulu Association I love you guys they are a group that puts on the taste of New Orleans they know how to party they know amazing food and just you know getting to meet people and be out there A lot of times in our line of work we don't meet people when they're at their best we don't meet people when they are at their happiest and so for us to be able to bring you this and bring you the joy that San Antonio pours into Fiesta pours into this party with a purpose it it may sound cheesy but it truly is an honor for us to share this tradition with everybody at home I mean we're one of you right we're among the community we we're we're here we're we're we love living here uh in San Antonio representing the community of course you just said we're here bad times but good times and we are here tonight celebrating our beautiful City and this beautiful tradition of fiesta the 76th Fiesta flambo and after the break the part's on we'll be right back welcome back Fiesta flambo is on the San Antonio Police Department officially getting this parade underway revving their engines and a whole lot of those in the crowd out here tonight riding their motorcycles down the parade route that's right and people here celebrating them we've got 7 50,000 Spectators along the Route tonight 2.6 Miles ready for a party everybody gets so excited as each new thing comes down the parade is underway we're just waiting for it to make it to where we are set up here along the Route and this crowd you wouldn't know that they're having to wait they're having a really great time everybody just is excited to see what comes comes next well you know it's it's the food also right the food kind of holds you for a bit I have to say if you talking about the sights The Sounds the smells I mean chicken on a stick is just everywhere I wish I could bottle [Applause] it another group of our armed servicemen and women as you see people standing up removing their hats in honor of our country all right and we see they're coming down again yeah yeah you see those flashing lights they are turning the corner there throughout the night that's how you'll know what's coming and who is that the mayor of San Antonio and our first lady wearing some uh looks like wimpy gear there of course because why not right that's mayor Ron nberg nearly halfway through his fourth and final term as mayor of San Antonio and uh you can see his wife right there alongside him Erica and his son is supposed to be there too Jonah nberg yeah or maybe not well in support of the fiesta flambo parade association's commitment to lower their carbon footprint this is pretty cool um the mayor is traveling in a fully electric truck look at that you know you mentioned this is his last term so this is his I believe second to last Fiesta his last Fiesta will be right as our next mayor is elected next year so as I've seen him through all these events I've thought what must he be thinking knowing this is second to last you know as mayor of San Antonio got to be emotional for him but also I would I think he looks like he's just in the moment which is the best way to enjoy events like these we just turned around so that we could wave to the mayor as well and he's been at just about everything we talked to him the opening night of NIOSA um he was on the barge for the River Parade on Monday it's a lot of work this fiest yeah I I was just gonna I was just gonna say you know if you're mayor of San Anton especially during Fiesta looks like a lot of fun a lot of parties yeah there's a lot to do during these 10 days and I love that everybody kind of has their favorites right sure people went out to King William this morning so many people who love that I think it's such a great one for kids for families that parade while it's not you know an official big parade like this it's just fun everybody is just kind of casual having a good time and you see the quirkiest things at King William is that your favorite I don't know if it's my favorite and honestly I don't know that I could pick a favorite M the River Parade I think is so unique it's just beautiful it's unlike any anything you can find anywhere else but so is this yes I mean this is an the the largest illuminated night parade in the country in the country I think that's really cool and part of the energy here I mean you don't normally see a parade that's all lit up like this you know and they say that a lot of people describe San Antonio as a town in a big city it's a big city with a small town yeah you just and when you go to events like this it just feels so intimate which is weird to say when you've got hundreds of thou 750,000 Spectators here uh lining our streets today but that's exactly how it feels it's a family Vibe out here for sure let's find Jen where is Jen Tobi a struski out in the crowd Jen we're waiting we're waiting but we're so ready I know you're ready right for your chicken Ona stick I'm still going to get that for you guys don't worry yes everybody is having a great time come on can I get them to yell okay they can't see me everybody come on come on there we are and these people here get to sit in this nice Ikea section this is amazing and the lucky winner one of our Kat insiders okay tell me about how you got to sit here uh yeah so I signed up um through the email through the kad2 um website there was a contest going on I just clicked on it I said you know what I'm just going to give it a shot so I did and then I received the call from um Emily from ques and she's like hey you won and I was just so excited I can't believe it out of a thousand people use that yes out of a thousand people okay I hear you're pretty lucky with a lot of things that's what your family was telling me is that true yes definitely I've won actually a lot of other prizes as well got get some good Juju let me see I'm GNA rub her arm okay okay yes and you guys want to do a via Fiesta for us ready one two three thank you guys you know what I tried to tell them ear Jen I walked up and I said excuse me uh you're in my seats exactly I I tried that too nobody moved no they didn't we've both tried yeah those are the best seats in the house they do look very comfortable you could just sit back and enjoy the pade yeah for sure it is a comfy spot to have all right so we are moments moments moments away we are waiting for something around the corner out there just listen to the crowd though Courtney fredman and Mia Montgomery two kads out there getting the crowd fired up we appreciate you ladies and now let's look I mean everybody here is just anticipating o they can't wait until everything gets here I mean for me I like I said before the bands are my favorite and we just can't wait to get down everybody I think is just kind of like chilling out for a little bit little bit and then when the band start coming out yeah we got to rest our legs before the Sam Houston marching band gets down through here cuz we're going to be up dancing that's right that's how you can get all your steps in right I'm going to make sure to tell our producer Alyssa don't take this camera shot while we're dancing because we don't want to embarrass ourselves this is true this is true it's going to happen one way or the other and Stephanie just for you I might put on my uh Peta just for me glasses look at that they're just so so if you want to see these and some dance moves on a serious journalist stick stick with us because that's what we're bringing you here tonight let's go back out and see some other uh shots there of the crowd you see casy there and he's easy to spot because of the salmon colored pants that he wore especially for Fiesta Stephanie as you know there's a big debate in The Newsroom every Fiesta is it pink or is it salmon yes I think we've decided on D okay here is our next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's [Music] time for the nation's largest illuminated night parade and San Antonio's most beloved event taking over the streets of [Music] downtown the 76th Festa flambo parade starts now and there we go B benos welcome to the 2024 fiest of Lambo Parade from the heart of downtown San Antonio with all of the excitement all of the love here onto the F hum menz and I'm Myra Arthur we are bringing you this tradition unlike any other this is the grand finale to 11 straight days of a party with a purpose in every single corner of this city yeah Fiesta flambo is known as the nation's largest illuminated parade we are so excited to bring you all of the sights and the sounds from the hundreds of floats dancers bands and entertainers from across the city the state even the country might and we ought to tell people that what they're watching this San Antonio tradition is going out to people across the country it's not just people here in San Antonio who are viewing this we are sharing this with people all across the us some of the entries you will see in this parade they are from all across the us but we know where these folks are from right up the road in Austin let's listen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] the show band of the Southwest they are a flambo favorite every year yeah they always pick it off in great style I mean you don't even you don't need to see the Texas Longhorn sign we just know who they are come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] The Eyes of Texas getting this crowd excited not that they needed it not that they needed any help but you know what that certainly does the trick w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh how lucky we are to be deep in the Heart of Texas and sharing this tradition with you at home yes by the way 375 students you're looking at right there oh [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let [Music] and that right there is why the longhorn band has been Fiesta flambo's lead showcase band for more than 70 plus years that is how you start a parade I'm not a Texas X but you know what I'm excited for some UT football oh yeah oh yeah gets you right into the spirit of things they're going to take us to break as we march on here for flambo 2024 we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now joining you live from Fiesta flambo's 76 now here you're looking at the police chief here William mcmanis appoint to uh that position in March of 2006 he left for a little bit went to CPS Energy for a while but then he came back he came back to this department and has led it for several years since a department of over 2400 officers and 800 civilians as he makes his way he's got his vehicle there in the front but he is walking this part of the parade route tonight that's right he's been in law enforcement for 40 years oh and you see the sign there do you see the theme L that's the theme for tonight here at Fiesta flambo the parade Association they're the ones that organize this incredible event they work all year long to put this on and organize these floats get these groups involved you have to imagine there are so many especially when we talk about people from all over the country who are coming here yes it's a big undertaking yeah and right there you have the San Antonio firefighters Association uh this is the local chapter of the International Association of firefighters it represents the firefighters of the San Antonio fire department and negotiates their working conditions things like that and they work for the betterment of the department and the citizens of San Antonio I appreciate that the firefighter has a uh necklace of peppers around his neck little spicy this is another group this is the firefighters Association they got a lot of Walkers behind them here tonight with that old truck which I always think is so cool when they bring in some of these vintage vehicles to take part in these parades that's always really neat to see obviously the crowd really excited about what they're seeing here so many people taking part in this parade uh you're seeing the spectators 750,000 people lining the streets here of downtown San Antonio and there you're about to see another vintage fire truck there it [Applause] [Music] is and the music they're playing that's pretty much vintage now too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and how fitting how wonderfully fitting that right behind the firefighters we have fiesta flambo's torchi you're going to see that in just a moment what's going on here with our vintage fire truck oh did we have a bit of a break down like we need some help okay if we're requiring manpower to move this I'm glad they got a lot of folks out on that Parade route in those shirts okay Stephania the irony of them playing push it real good that's why no I'm just thinking I'm like is this a setup is this real right right maybe it [Music] is I see I said the driver there Switching gears so maybe it's [Music] real and we can all enjoy some salt and pepper in the meantime no they look too happy to be in trouble think of you think of the 200 plus entries into this parade every year naturally something goes wrong something has to be reordered so it's going to happen Happ we'll see if this is a stunt or not though and what and you know what timing right in front of our cameras now behind them oh let's check out torchi in 2006 the fiesta flambo parade Association introduced torchi this is the mascot of the fiesta flambo parade uh torchi was a year round symbol to spread Goodwill throughout the community for the parade uh we know that in 2015 the association established a charitable Foundation Tori represents that as well and uh Fiesta flambo refocused T torch's message as initiative to encourage reading literacy and education also a little bit of Insider info Torchy and case That's Mike the mascot besties oh they have lunch once or twice a week oh that's good I'm 100% making that [Music] up all right we're going to take a quick break break as we got a little stall in this parade where we're going to get things rolling when we come back [Music] [Music] all right welcome back we still have the Vintage fire truck behind us it does appear to be stalled something's going on but Adam casy is right down there by it investigating yeah we could see him okay casy what's going on okay so I was chatting with the uh fine men and women here and the Vintage fire truck when it's when it's turns off the brakes automatically Eng hey the brakes automatically engage and now that they're trying to get it started again the brakes won't disengage cuz it won't start right now so you can't put it in neutral and just push it like any other vehicle like you know the irony of push it push it I like to push it push it right right we physically can't push it physically can't push it yes and and let me tell you these firefighters they got some they got some pipes on them you know it's it's a gun show out here with these short sleeves on these guys they would have no problem these men and women would have no problem pushing this thing it's just the brakes automatically lock and then to disengage it you have to get it going again so it could be like a vacuum issue you know in part of the vacuum in there um I don't know but that that's what they're working on so in order to get in they have to get it started yes even the littlest what's your name samam how's the party tonight good yeah what's going on with the fire truck here I bet it's safe to sit on it right now huh yeah it not working it's not working what do you think the issue is I think it ran out of batteries oh ran out of batteries yeah yeah that would be vintage then very vintage down there to hand this situation you it his energy will I'm going to get under the hood okay I'll see you in the B all go to the Alamo that's where the UT band the Longhorns are there again we're going to go and take another look at them let's listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like the shot froze right there but yeah I mean it's just just fun times all around here's the thing you would think that people here would be really stressed out yeah the party continues it is yeah absolutely while we uh you know update the truck is still here so they're still working on it but jent Tobias streski she's moving she's out in the crowd what's going on Jen yes I am I'm getting high fives look at these little cuties look to the camera say hi say hi everybody [Music] okay I love your dress are you guys having fun we're having an amazing time yes it's your first time at the parade your first time what do you think it's fun do you like the lights yeah look at that smile look at that smile and you don't have a metal I have to get you a metal no medals yet you yes to metal okay I'll come back and get you a metal you know what I saw some chicken on a stick though where's that chicken on a stick where is it I chicken on a stick chck oh look look it's gone it's gone I'm still trying I'm still trying to get the chicken on a stick we've got look everybody loves it are you guys having fun having good time yes with food in their mouth was gone and that's exactly what you do with chicken on still trying to get one all right so while we go around and see what else is happening during the par we want to give you another Vantage another point of view as to what people are enjoying here right so let's go to our float cam so that you can see just got a different angle different perspective on people here uh enjoying the Parade route and you can see all the people there celebrating here along the streets of downtown San Antonio and you know I mean Michael konia obviously the Grand Marshall he is moving it's just what's behind this vintage fire truck that's not so a lot of these people I know they're probably going to start going going well where's where's the rest of the parade what's going on down this Parade route but as you heard Adam casy mention something about the brakes yeah there's an issue with this old fire truck they can't put it into neutral so they can't push it so they're trying to figure out how to get this going casy said he was going to get under the hood and I I believe I believe that I 100% believe that believe that Adam can solve this and we can so that we can get this parade moving I know they're working hard on it and I think that's that's got to be stressful for them to figure this out I can't remember another flambo where this has happened before I mean floats break down sure sometimes that happens but they just pull them they're on trailers right so they just pull them out of the the route but when a vehicle like this breaks down it's a little dicer yeah it's it takes a little bit more work to uh to to get it moving at least they're playing good music though another look at the UT band they are walking away from the alamoo every time this band once it gets to the Alamo every year that's sort of a signature moment of fiesta flambo and by the way we're live streaming this what we're showing you our our show and also the live cam uh right now from the Alamo we have one camera there and we also have another one on our floats which we have right now on our website just other ways to enjoy this parade it's kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure for Fiesta flambo you can stay with us here you can check out the float Camp you can check out our Alamo Cam and I have to say one of our photo journalists Kenny whar he is a proud proud proud UT dad I believe his son Kennedy just graduated but he was was a member of the UT marching band and Kenny would come to work especially during football season just beaming With Pride over what his son Kennedy did out on the field their performance I know he is one proud UT dad and there's got to be a lot of proud UT dads and moms out there seeing their kids put on an incredible performance yeah and that's the thing even when you're out there you were just saying you didn't go to UT but somehow you get that Pride you understand uh it's just really nice just a community coming together cheering each other on I mean this is what it's all about here unless you're an Aggie I don't I don't feel that they have that same pride and in fact I saw our meteorologist Justin horn and Mia and Montgomery they're both agies okay they were out here in the crowd as the UT band went by and I don't believe anyone's checked on them we we should see we should see if they're uh probably with their arms crossed somewhere but the Aggie band was here yesterday for Battle of flowers right they they were out here with pride so we got you know we got representation for a little bit of everybody yes exactly and that's what it's about I mean that's not the only band either I mean I don't even know how many bands we have here tonight but we have more than 200 floats here for the fiesta flambo parade which is awesome but you've got bands from Michigan Wisconsin um and from other parts of Texas which is awesome yeah and and for these groups to take part in this you you know you're coming to everyone knows what a parade is right but you never really know the vibe to expect I imagine you're in a different city different Community different culture so it's pretty cool that we have such interest from across the country and I got to tell you about one group that we're hopefully going to see here tonight from Portland Oregon okay the Royal rosarians uhhuh this is a group that goes back to early 1900s they're just a good will Ambassador group from Portland they come to Fiesta every two years they have their own big Festival there the Rose Festival some of our royalty takes part in their Festival every couple of years so when they're here they pick a group of St antonians to honor through Knighthood and I got to be one of them this year it was so cool I mean such an honor it was it was really neat we shared some video of it a couple of days ago during our six o' show I got this beautiful framed Proclamation and I mean it was a real nighting oh it was but it was the most Fiesta looking sword I've ever seen it was bejweled it had streamers like this coming off flowers they they know how to do it but they just said they love San Antonio they love a city that comes together like theirs does for their Rose Festival they are the city of roses in Portland so I thought it was pretty cool that I got to be part of that and now we're going to send things on over to our friend jent to boski she's there in the stands with the crowd speaking to people and just getting a Vibe yes we are out here tell me your name I'm Alec mson I hear you can get the crowd riled up yep I I can get the crowd red up as much as I can [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right you know this doll in the parade is not stopping anybody okay you guys are still having fun we've got a little pause here in the parade look at those chicken on a stick shirts are awesome and here we've got a chicken on a stick hat let's show your hat waiting to wear this hat for a while now that is awesome yes okay how did you get these shirts where did you tell me about your shirts oh my goodness oh chti my sister got them for us who got you okay so you just had this awesome idea oh yeah we had to match it's Fiesta you have to match do you have any more that is the question that's it okay I'm trying I'm really trying no chicken okay can I get a via Fiesta via Fiesta okay Jen I think our assistant news director Sean the other day he was wearing that shirt and he said he got it at NIOSA okay now I know okay for next year we know where to get them we are on it thank you I like St that away scratch and sniff right just saying you can scratch that could get a little awkward but yeah not on the T-shirt but on the hat sounds like a lot of fun you know okay so we got to do um a case that explains about history of fiesta how all of this got started you know dating back to 1891 with the Battle of flowers and how that kind of kicked things off what I don't know is how chicken on a stick got started became a thing where did that come from I'm sure somebody just said this is delicious and then they just and any good fairer Festival if it's delicious you put it on a stick exactly and it's that much better yeah cuz you don't want to use your hands you know just a fun night out here I'm I'm thinking I'm seeing all the the floats here piling up after and I have to think that you know when we're when we when these parades and these float these these floats start going by they're just going to move in rid succession one after the other so what do we do here you know let's think about this we have a packed Parade route there's food booths on the side streets here that you can't see so you can't get through here so how are they going to get this truck moving a miracle I couldn't believe that just a few minutes ago I thought it I thought it was a joke I really thought it was a stunt because they were playing Sal PE push of push it and then the truck breaks down and then they tried pushing it and it didn't go anywhere it didn't go anywhere producer Alyssa what about Adam casy has he gotten any new information down there that we could find out I think still see him in his pink pants yeah he's the pink pants make him easy to spot so you know he's down there it looks like he is he is walking around this vehicle right now because if there is a a machine that needs fixing Adam casy is there to assess the situation you know I like to get under the hood whenever possible it's just one of those things so naturally I kind of gravitate to this this has an unbelievable amount of batteries you know like car batteries that are in series here the front the back and they think it may be a battery issue and sometimes when batteries are connected this way you're only as strong as your weakest battery and that's the problem is getting it going again so they had a few folks with those portable jump starters those little lithium I on jump starters I suggest everyone carry one in their vehicle okay they can get you started and boosted it really quickly and easily may or may not have had to use one one night on a golf cart romping around okay may or may not anyway um and so now they're like let's go around the other side they're trying to connect other ones so they can get power CU these air brakes just they they they fuse themselves in so they need to bump it loose and they had an extra long jumper cable going to another series of batteries in the back and yeah there's the other batch of batteries back here look look this truck to just wobble a little bit or hob about move it move it right like to it looks like an inverter in here as well this is the more this is definitely a um an addition right an addition to the vintage vehicle this this is definitely not original on here I otherwise I'd say if we could get like a generator from somewhere else to maybe get a char on it then maybe we could boost it but we would need some kind of a trickle charger and I I don't think those little lithium packs were enough but hey look at the Spirit though I love it the firefighters and their families have the spirit going and I this is this is going to take a minute okay this is going to take a minute I've been chatting with the folks out here and they're all in they're all of a good attitude Des despite being stuck but I mean if you're going to get stuck this is a good place to get get stuck oh another set of jumper cables even longer oh here we go yep here we go here com reinfor there we go okay now they're connecting them together see resourceful that's that's our SD resourceful they're going to crank it now let's see let's see they're going to crank it all right let's keep our fingers crossed all right all right come on baby come on [Music] baby come on he's turning the key I there's lights in the dash that's a good sign the lights on the dash are turning on oh now we've got a oh all right so now we've got their uh one of their response Vehicles hood to hood here to do uh the uh the jump the jump under the hood where I'm assuming now we're going to try to power it from their response vehicle yeah it looked like that was the rescue vehicle yeah the res literally you know what I love all the firefighters they're doing the work and they're still kind of moving along to the music they're like all right and you know what's funny think about what they do for a living they fight fires they see horrible things this is like all right yeah this we can deal with this well as casy said it's a group of resourceful men and women they know how to deal with emergency yep and overcome it adapt and overcome and figure it out oh baby we've got oh okay we got spark now give it a sec all right let's see if this uh F250s got enough juice sometimes these 250s have a couple batteries in them see if this this Baby's Got The Juice I hear the engine going revving a little we've confirmed the issue is not confetti in the engine correct 104 Roger confirmed all of the above it is not not an air intake issue all right the driver is about to turn the key again all right and the F250 is Revan I'm going to put the mic in here he's going to give it a sack looking waiting for the queue you know what I said I said hey what what what year what model is this let's just YouTube it you get on YouTube there's got to be a solution that's how you fix anything these days I don't know how to do it but I'm sure there's a YouTube video out there how do you think I take care of my 04 F-150 it's all YouTube Old Blue old blue baby old blue and uh yeah so that's what I figured you know let's get the model and make and look her up and see what's out there I I'm sure this isn't the first parade this has happened I want to hear that engine turn over yeah so bad oh there's going to be there's going to be a crazy crowd once this baby turns over and I'm positive I think it's going to happen maybe it's just a little bit of bad fuel in there I don't know this probably runs on zero ethanol fuel you know from back in the day or well it's probably diesel there's our man in there I'm going to bring the mic around to the other side of the from where the camera is and see what's see if we can hear anything cranking up all right so if you're just joining us for Fiesta flambo we have a teeny problem he got he got it he got it yeah awesome you did it what's your name bug G oh you did it my man all right get that alternator going and put it neutral just in case oh a TV problem with a solution pressure up we'll be able to move off okay so once they get the air pressure up they'll be able to get it moving again well hey at least like it didn't catch on fire or something right I mean it didn't overheat we didn't need to get the hoses and the extinguishers out just a simple electrical and battery issue I I've got a feeling this baby's going to be on a trickle charger get a whole new swap of battery once they get it back to the station or even the Museum downtown if you haven't been to the uh San Antonio firefighting Museum downtown yeah down near King William you got to you got to go check that out this this might even reside there uh that's a good question I should uh investigate but here listen to [Music] this that's such a sweet sound Adam I've never appreciated exhaust as much as I do now oh my God but it's a beautiful thing so there goes the rescue vehicle all right it's backing out of here back out okay so they got to get it off the parade route now yeah now they want to make sure everybody's safe L away from it yep including our cameraman Dale here let's step back oh just yeah I just want to make sure we're safe thank you I mean how many songs did we go through during this episode here it was definitely it definitely turned into a little dance party out here it's not like the parade just like w music stopped and everybody twiddled their thumbs honestly everybody just got more into it that's San Antonio for you it is it is San and I was talking to some kids down here who you know who's you know Aunt grandfather uncle are you know part of the fire department and you there's a long tradition in the fraternity here of firefighters yeah and it's so it's nice to just chat with them and see their kids and younger generation and I asked her so uh what do you think you think you may be go in that career she's probably 11 or 12 she goes uh maybe maybe may you know give it time but I if there's ever a group around here that's resourceful that can work together come up with a solution there are the breakes there we go all right okay we're up we got to take a quick break as this parade catches up the party is moving y'all we'll be right back to move it move it welcome back the parade is going in one of the most anticipated acts of the night is finally here the S Houston High School marching band that's right led by Bruce Adams a Sam Houston Alum himself he's been band director for 17 years the people go wild for this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the band director he is the father of the drum major if you were joining us earlier you saw a little story about that they are the pride of St Antonio's East Side always always as you said Stephania a crowd favorite they get you up off your seat every year that's right and now right behind them we have Elmer's a conditioning and plumbing your Hometown Heroes for all things Cooling and plumbing this is a company that's based right here in San Antonio that guy right there he's in all the commercials all the commercials yes these are the vehicles you see a lot around town bright pink and those commercials we see them a lot here at Kad and I got to say they make us all ch [Music] that's a nice float I wonder how they got the vehicle up there okay gra [Music] kopy this is a fan favorite every year as well this vehicle and the Oregon they take part in the King William Fair every single year and Stephania we were talking about that earlier just seeing some of these old Vehicles it's always cool you know just it's something unique you don't see anymore these days you know whenever you see whenever you have any other events here in San Antonio you see Decked Out Fords this is the guy behind it this is usually it I mean you you've got to think he's probably a wealth of knowledge there when it comes to old Fords and those old Vehicles we're happy this one's still rolling yes up next the Guadalupe County Agriculture Fair Queens waving her highness there we have Queen Harley bod princess wilky and Duchess Cameron Parsons yeah the Guadalupe Agriculture and livestock Fair Association they invite you to their County's 141st Fair it's the second weekend in October in sigin Texas which is just a beautiful place that's just uh East here of San Antonio and now John John F Kennedy Rockets their dance team established in 1963 yeah and they come right before the band to get us all peped up the mission their mission statement is graduating all Scholars prepared for college careers and the military as per their expected date of graduation so John F Kennedy High School you know there's a lot of those across the country but this was the first High School in the nation to be named after the late president I think that's really neat and when it comes to the band itself I mean super successful the mighty rocket band the drum line the color guard they've had a very successful year they won awards at several different contests let's listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and right here we have the Auda float here in San Antonio Texas and this is action United for entertainers and diverse artists yeah they bring fiest to the West Side they have patas there that's a huge Pata that you see there probably a huge undertak in order to make that the senior citizen King of the bario there you see him is Eduardo arjo and their senior citizen Queen of the btio is ludis Galvan and they put on the event pinatas in the btio every single year it's a big Fiesta favorite and what's not to love about [Music] patas and of course the theme will remind everybody L of L so you're going to see a lot of that here tonight Incorporated in these various floats it's a game San Antonio knows and loves it's cool to see everybody's depiction of it military ambassadors here coming up next yes a group of 11 military men and women representing each branch the Army the Navy the Marines the Coast Guard Air Force and now the space force now the military ambassadors they they are um a civilian club right here in San Antonio [Applause] [Music] right now we're listening to the Air Force Band of the [Applause] [Applause] West these are our military ambassadors representing each branch Army Navy Marines Coast Guard Air Force and space force yeah and that ambassador program aims to Foster the relationship between the military and the city of San Antonio you don't know this we are after all military City USA [Applause] US Army [Applause] [Music] North another group representing joint Bay San [Music] Antonio see them there marching this is the United States Army jbsa Fort Sam Houston [Music] oh this is a pretty cool float yes it is [Applause] a lot of the crucial missions that these men and women go on they come right out of joint Bay San Antonio we're honored to have them here tonight yes we are and we have so much more of this so much more Fiesta flambo on the other side of the spring that is the mullum banded Pep Squad passing right in front of our Kap cameras there home of the mighty cowboy still remnants of that look at how excited the crowd is cu you know who's coming oh yeah this is the Grand Marshall of fiesta flambo Michael Kia Mr Fiesta himself you are about to see the work of art my friends making its way down the streets of downtown San Antonio [Applause] here yeah so let's give you another the the we're taking you now to the float Camp so you get a different view of the audience here the people that are lining our streets this is the float the float cam but you're about to see what the float actually looks like right now this is the one that's where Michael Kia the Grand Marshall of fiesta flambo is going to be is is on this is a San Antonio journalist uh and people saying show me your shoes we can he's not even in front of our Kad party yet but we can see his hat from here oh yeah it's sparkly it's big it's Fiesta it's hard to stand out even during this event but somehow Michael Kia finds a way to do it and there is our Fiesta flambo Grand Marshall Michael Kia born and raised here in San Antonio he talks about how much pride and passion he has for this city he's been all over the world as a journalist he has done work for our home Town Newspaper here and he is having a great time as the Grand Marshall of Lambo yeah it wouldn't surprise me if you ever you came to visit San Antonio and you were to run into him I mean he usually wears elaborate over-the-top uh handcrafted hats and costumes that have been exhibited at the former Institute of Texan cultures uh and this by the way is his favorite Fiesta event and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way forever especially now that he's Grand Marshall I mean he is known as Mr fiestaa before even being named Grand Marshall he's a Burbank High School graduate by the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way and this here is blue cares building strong and safe communities they're the next group making its way down here on the streets of downtown San Antonio and I see a beautiful colorful float right behind them and this is what makes it so exciting when it gets dark outside and you see all of these lights it's just a beautiful sight here in downtown San Antonio yeah it's what makes this parade so unique an illuminated night parade it got started years and years ago when groups of men carried They Carried torches and they walked the streets at night time that's what the roots of this parade are and you see people of all ages walking along spr I mean you have people who come out here every single year this is just a it's a San Antonio tradition but it's also for families so that is the president of the San Antonio Police Officers Association Danny Diaz there waving and that is saoa float tonight they're the local union that represents so many of our San Antonio police officers [Applause] and now we have kasamba dance and drum group right here in San Antonio it's under the leadership of Canela Dawson kazamba joyously brings a celebration of diverse culture with music movement rhythms and dazzling costumes everywhere they go this group has been around for 21 years they've won numerous Awards uh with performers who are really go around all around of San Antonio they perform at special occasions private functions parades like flambo and check out they had how they have Incorporated yes Mia into their costumes tonight these are always some of my favorite groups the dancers along the Route they just have it a good time and they have to keep this energy up the entire parade and they somehow do yeah well the crowd energizes you now right behind them you know what they have it's your favorite float oh my group yeah right behind kazamba and their float is rocking and I am not surprised look at San Antonio Zulu Association these are my guys they have so much fun every year founded with the mission to assist the greater San Antonio community they put on a fiesta favorite Taste of New Orleans and that benefits so many youth scholarships these guys know how to have fun yes they do and it's organized by 43 volunteers [Applause] [Music] all right friends now watch out the University of Texas at San Antonio go road runners that's their float there UTSA prepares more students for the workforce than any other higher education institution in our region these graduates are employed by Leading companies like USAA HB Valero and Frost Bank and by the way 90% of the kids who graduate from UTSA they stay and they work here in Texas yeah Birds up to that it's amazing to watch that University grow they now have of course their downtown campus they have a new campus right in the heart of downtown right across from City Hall that area where a lot of their uh degrees and areas of study focused on Tech are located and you got to love a marching band oh yes this is the UTSA SP of San Antonio marching band 330 members let's take a closer look and listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the UTSA marching band is going to take us to a quick break we have lots more flambo to go when we come back welcome back here we have talked about some of the joining us from across the country this is one of them here tonight the Lasser High School Marching Trojan band from Marietta Georgia yes nearly 200 high school music students here let's listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I love that there TW has a lit up baton as she should for the fiesta flambo parade wonderfully coordinated I could never do that I'm just standing I'm just sitting here in awe in amazement my mom was a twirler really yes in college so she is at home watching and I'm sure she appreciated seeing that and here we have the Savvy sliders they are proud sponsor of this year's Fiesta flambo parade so what they say is they take the traditional slider and they raised the bar they've got everything from a classic Angus beef to their famous fried or grilled Che grilled chicken sliders their RI I sliders also I mean come on who wouldn't want [Applause] that all right the Rough Rider band The Roosevelt band coming up next yeah they were handpicked by the president of the fiesta flambo Association to lead his float the President James fenmore says they're a bright and enthusiastic band let's listen [Music] and this by the way was their first time playing at slambo I think they knocked it out of the park I love how all these different groups figure out ways to put lights on their uniforms mhm got to do it for flambo it's all about being creative and right there we have the president of the fiesta flambo parade association James fenmore they've worked all year to present tonight's lots of looka that is after all the theme of tonight and this evening you're going to see wife Fiesta flambo is truly the best largest illuminated night parade in the [Applause] country check out this float [Applause] beautiful the group responsible for everything we're seeing here tonight they have to have a float that knocks it out of the park and I think they did [Music] [Applause] [Music] it how yall doing you an [Applause] you're also going to see something really neat right now oh come on you want you wanted lights you got them right there the fiesta flambo Express train yeah watch out fans CU here comes the flambo express this originates from the macallen holiday parade this train holds of San hold some of San Antonio's most important dignitaries so check this out this is originally from the mcgallen holiday parade we heard somebody the the um lady who was the artist that won the poster contest she talked about how she went and experienced this parade and said it was something like no other so it's nice to see another representative of South Texas show up for flambo tonight I me here we have president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission the executive director of Fiesta San Antonio the president of the battle of flowers with which is the parade uh that happens before this one and also the president of the order of the garon and make way for another band right now my friends this is the jingon Indian marching band from jingon Texas the mighty Jordon [Applause] Indians with some moves [Applause] [Applause] and right behind them we have the Texas Cavaliers founded in 1926 and they were founded during a time when they were trying to promote horsemanship when automobiles were you know becoming a thing yeah this was a group that really was founded to Remember the Alamo quite literally tell the story of Texas Independence they have those royally recognizable red and blue uniforms they are responsible for putting on the River Parade during Fiesta every single year they crown one of their members to be king Antonio and he is the official king of fiesta by the way they've distributed more than $18 million to Charities here in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Texas this year their charitable Honore was the Al Mo they helped they are helping to fund an education center at the Alamo we know so many students go there and take field trips every year but they don't really have a place to be just for kids so Their donation is going to help create that as I said before they gave out $18 million to Charities around Texas now this right now is the Southwest High School dance group they are the dragon fire dance team and the dragonets Pep Squad [Applause] right behind them is the Southwest High School cheerleading [Applause] squad keeping all that energy up for all of the people here who are literally standing they are on their feet right now the people here along the parade route I love seeing all the different high schools represented I think that's one of the coolest things about this parade and how good they are who doesn't love a marching band [Applause] [Music] oh we just were told this is our Jas rusky's Alma Mo so I'm sure she's one of those people on her feet as well rocking out for the Southwest marching [Music] band all right as the South West band passes in front of our Kad cameras here we want to show you another view this is from float cam showing you a little further down the parade rout and this is pretty cool because it's something we're giving people access to checking this out if they just want to watch float Cam and literally right along with the float you can do that on our website kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure yeah now we want to come back here to the re SEO Educational Foundation they're a nonprofit membership based organization 175 people are a part of this and their Mi their mission is to keep fundraising I mean they give out so much money in scholarships to people here who who who go on to college they've raised more than 34 of a million dollars for high school seniors to go to college or to pay for trade school they also put on fiesta de los Rees a free 10day official Fiesta event and there is Fiesta royalty the 75th LR Foo King John mcfat it's really a neat story of how elre Foo came to be dates back to Spanish Medieval Times that's back when the Spanish king would choose to fill his court only with the rich and beautiful so the people wanted to have their own King they came up with the idea of ELR Foo the ugly king or the people's King and it's a tradition that made its way into Fiesta and it was a rebellious thing to do at the time so it's nice that we're keeping this tradition [Music] and up behind them we have university health established in 1917 I mean this is one of the largest employers in San Antonio look at their float of course they have to have a heart they care for so many people here in our area their mission is to improve the health of the community Through high quality patient care Innovation education and Discovery and those are nurses when you think about it it's it's a blessing for us to have so many medical resources here in San Antonio from University from UT Health which they have a partnership with we're a resource for a lot of people in South [Applause] [Music] Texas all right now from the heart of San Antonio Texas comes twang which Bradly serves as the official beer salt of fiesta 2024 yes my friends beer salt is a thing twang is a family run company which started right here in San Antonio back in 1986 and they still have a manufacturing plant in town to to this day and they have a bunch of different flavors yes they do oh I love their float take a look at that big bucket of beer right there their logo is where flavor meets fun how fun we're going to all right we're going to take a quick break we'll be right back after this welcome back with some Glitz and some glamour check this out Lena Linda the 10th Stephanie Garcia from San Antonio that's right she's sponsored by Prestige Motorsports an exclusive social comp club and Elite automobile facility now this is part Lena Linda uh tent is part of the ra Scholarship Foundation uh Stephanie herself has raised more than $200,000 for scholarship funds which is just amazing that money goes to local students who want to go off to college or trade [Applause] schools kind of fits in line with all of the uh Barbie Mania over the last year all right Veterans Memorial High School the Liberty Bells dance team starsteppers Pep Squad their cheer and marching band yeah not too far behind them this is a school that uh opened back in 2016 from the Judson Independent School District oo the band is coming closer let's listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] look at where they put lights I know it's always cool to see how every different entry finds ways to rig up some lights now these right now this is these are also different lights here in the city of San anonio you think about all that they do Meals on Wheels they've been around since 1977 and I looked up this stat 24 million hom delivered meals they've given so far to 4500 homes in our area here in San Antonio they do wonderful work yeah sometimes providing not only a meal but perhaps the only interaction yes that some of their clients might have somebody to talk to yeah and right here we have the Highlands High School Mighty Owl Band this is in the San Antonio Independent School District and they've got it of course of course there's another marching band we can't have enough of them no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] did you see that their holsters are equipped with water bottles oh that's smart that's smart that's called being resourceful and very much a necessity for flambo [Music] [Applause] that's a good pick yes that is a good yeah that is a good song selection every crowd knows how to get to that [Music] one okay this here you're going to see this it's just going to put a smile on your face yeah it looks holidayish the confetti looks like snow like fake snow but that is from the Mallen holiday parade which is the largest illuminated Christmas parade in Texas why not have Christmas you know in April yeah come on and look at santa santa santa had to Dish the suit it's too hot out Santa knows how to be festive and flambo at the same time that's right that's been voted by the way the Mallen holiday parade the best parade in the world four times best parade in the world right here in [Applause] Texas oh and have you been to South Island because that's the float that represents that area um it's a great place to go if you like to watch Birds great place but there it is right there South Padre Island about 3 hours from San Antonio as we get ready for summer a lot of people making plans to head down to the coast that'll be a hot spot for sure and now we have the Harlandale High School golden dancers leading the way well they're fired up [Applause] tonight crowd red up yeah they're the home of the Indians Harlandale High School they've got the mighty Indian band behind them the million-dollar band from Indianland they're going to be going to Disney World this June awesome so this is good practice but it's not even that hat outside so I would tell them drink a lot of water the kak crowd's getting into [Music] we have so much more flambo coming your way we want to just take a moment here to thank everybody from across the country who has been watching us as we have syndicated this and shared it with people not just San Antonio not just Texas but coast to coast tonight we have loved sharing this with you it's just a great event to be here and celebrate our favorite time of year here in the Alamos City and you know what we invite you to join us right here next April for Fiesta 2025 we'll be right back with more Fiesta for those here locally for everyone across the country thank you for being with us and Via [Music] Fiesta welcome back the party here continues on in Downtown San Antonio you have here the samba drum and dance group and you look at their costumes come on how festive is that their shows include African inspired numbers jazz funk for Latin ma Mambo so many so much more this is part of flambo that I love so much all the lights on top of all the costumes these dancing groups they bring it every year and again you're about to see that lot ofia it will make in a moment you see the Cs there with all the lights here you [Music] go and right now we have the Floresville Peanut Festival Association from Floresville they invite all of us to join them for the 80th annual Floresville Peanut Festival um that's going to be October 8th 10th 11th and 12th of of this year it's a it's really a celebration it's filled with games coronations carnivals entertainment food and of course a grand parade and we have a florville native as part of our Kat team Mia Montgomery that's right one of our meteorologists and I believe she was one of the Queens for The Peanut Festival one year it's not Fiesta without some royalty a but look at how decked out they are and she showing us her shoes she knows how to do San Antonio's Fiesta you wanted lights you got lights look at that and now we have the uh Somerset Academy behind them the Brooks cheerleaders I want to give a shout out to the guy you see in the corner of your screen there one of our photographers Dale Keller yeah doing the most we have an incredible crew that is bringing you all the sights and sounds of flambo if you weren't able to come out here you can enjoy it from wherever you happen to be but it takes a big crew to make it happen so we're glad he's on our team and now we have here the Somerset Academy Brooks cheerleaders here making their way down I'm hearing a band behind them not too far in the distance [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're ready for another great performance let's listen in here to the Somerset Academy Brooks band [Applause] let's keep the party going we're going to take a break and it'll be right back yeah as a band marching us to another commercial break stay with us more flambo coming your way welcome back here a group we want to make sure that we highlight tonight the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas yeah and if you can't see it right there but they have a on their float they have a sign that says stem because they're trying to encourage more young girls to get into stem careers and they're just doing awesome work now speaking of I mean with the Girl Scouts right there you know who that is that is the honorary excuse me the honorary Grand Marshal here and that is Angie Selenas Major General U of the US Marine Corps she joined the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas as the CEO back in July of 2015 what a wonderful role model for these young girls we talked to her a little bit earlier she was talking about it's great if you're the first female but it doesn't matter if there's not a second that's something that has stuck with me all night long and this is a group of females who got this whole party started the ladies in yellow during Fiesta they represent the Battle of flowers association their parade dates back to 1891 it was the foundation of fiesta that's what really this entire party with a purpose was built around they created that party as a way to honor the heroes of Texas Independence and by the way this is that's the only parade the Battle of flowers parade it's the only parade put on entirely by women also one of the largest parades in the US we have more royalty theena de la de Flores Alexandria worth there yeah she works with the ray uh with the foundation uh and they've been raising a lot of money for scholarship funds for people here uh kids in San Antonio who go on to college or trade school that's what they do they spend a lot of their time fundraising okay now the coal County Fair Association they are out of new Bron Falls and they have a royal courts fabulous Footwear they've got Fair Queen Haley nabe Fair Princess Addison Wy and their Fair Duchess Addison Campell as well as rodeo queen Michaela Miller and Rodeo princess Halen berola yeah they're inviting everybody to come out uh September 25th of the 29th to celebrate the Camal county fair and rodeo that's a smart Queen right there she's got a stand the whole time so she wore Crocs and she's showing off her [Applause] Crocs and that right there is Washington's birthday celebration Association the big celebration of its kind in the nation wbca serves to pay homage to George Washington by celebrating his birthday they promote economic growth tourism education and I have to say they're pretty stylish while doing it oh [Music] yeah and what a great song choice [Music] and behind them we have bad check out this group yes that Lots ofia after all that's the theme it's the newest and hottest dance group it uh was created by mother and son Josie Nicks and Bobby Nicks they dedicate their dance group to God and the San Antonio community and one of my favorite facts about this group they are dancers from the ages of 24 to 76 years old that's inclusive yes so they want everyone to get on their feet and they dance with bomba bad and they're vibrant dancers and they are vibrant that's a perfect that's a perfect reminder for everyone show us your shoes look at the there their [Applause] head I love a group where everybody can be involved in it they're one common factor their love for B and Fiesta and Fiesta yes so if you were missing some bands we got them right here Thomas Jefferson High School Mustang band right there they strive to provide an inclusive relevant education within a principled diverse community [Applause] [Music] [Music] all these bands work so hard think about when they're performing during football season it is in some of the dog days of summer towards the end as the school Year's just getting underway let's listen in to the Mustang band [Music] we have so many talented groups here in s Antonio whether it's at the high school level whether it's just a group that can flip circles around the rest of us oh speaking of now these costumes are pretty elaborate wow wow we see you we see you [Applause] that's [Applause] talent that right there is the vi and beam Law Firm here in San Antonio Texas Proud sponsors of this year's Fiesta flambo parade and their slogan is to put the law guns to work for you look at that [Applause] it's a big [Applause] gabble we' got some Ghostbusters behind the law firm here yeah they're a tight-knit community dedicated to fostering strong bonds and giving back to society they try to this is beyond the love for films and prop making through various activities charity functions parades they engage with the community here in San Antonio they're just a group that loves the Ghostbusters yes and they do some good all at the same time who are you going to [Applause] call all right behind our ghostbusting friends Wagner High School SCH saber dancers yeah they were established in 2005 the dance team participated in the showtime International Nationals competition in March and the team and social officers got second place overall and by the way line officers national champions congrats ladies and there you've heard the slogan gz law fight well that's it that's there that the law firm strives to give personalized representation to every client and they say that they feel blessed to give back to the community because of their success I'll check out what's behind them [Music] [Applause] ah this is Zeus if you were with us from Fiesta Fiesta you might remember this guy [Applause] you talk about a float that's going to get people off their feet [Music] and now we have Bristol hospice a proud sponsor also of this year's parade their focus is to provide a family centered approach and the delivery of paliative care services throughout the community and they do great work you want to talk about people with big hearts up next we have Spurs sports and entertainment we know them well yes can't get enough of them they're comprised of the San Antonio Spurs the Austin Spurs the San Antonio FC and they manage the operations of Rocket laa and the Star [Applause] Complex and will we see more of a presence downtown big question that so many Spurs fans have we're going to see yeah we'll wait and see what the future holds but for tonight let's just celebrate the Spurs here at [Applause] flambo all right this is the mission Open Air Market I know you probably feel a little worried because you see another fire truck Myra uh but looks like this one's doing pretty well here tonight along the Route so miss in open air it's a San Antonio favorite so many people love checking out all their 2,000 plus vendors they sell all kinds of things from Mexican candy Western Wear plants tools you name it anything it might be a missionaire yeah all right and that there is the Fiesta San Antonio commission really responsible for for all of this established in 1955 and you'll notice in a second the m mascot I mean we're all about mascots today right is Viva that's their mascot and their royalty as they show us their shoes the fiesta commission is an umbrella organization that is over every single event in these 10 days throughout this entire party with the purpose they help so many nonprofits become participating member organizations in Fiesta which for a lot of these groups this is these 10 days this is their biggest fundraiser of the year the fiesta Comm Mission doeses have their own event they're the ones responsible for Fiesta Fiesta which is the the official kickoff to the Citywide celebration okay and here we have the potit high school Aggie band [Music] [Music] [Music] and friends we're going to go to break right now viva fiesta there's still so much more to show you from Fiesta flambo 2025 stay with us welcome back to flambo 202 4 you are looking at the center for healthare services as they go by our casat booth here tonight they provide so much mental health support they have for over 55 years but this is their first Fiesta flambo so welcome yes to the center they do so many so much wonderful work here 80 plus programs more than a thousand staff members who work for them I mean they really do a lot to help people with uh mental health uh issues and and substance abuse disorder they do a lot here in our in our uh in our community and just around the corner in just a little bit we're going to have gonzaba Medical Group that's going to join us but you know as you know the party continues oh look we've got some break dancers some amateur break dancing happening I love that our cameras of course catch the crowd when there's a little break they do their own thing we've got families who have been out here long before we were here there were some of these families that were here 3 4:00 this afternoon this is a tradition for so many we talked to Adam casy talked to a young lady along the parade route who said she's been coming for 26 years she didn't look much older than that so her entire life she has been coming to this parade it's a family tradition for so many and it looks like the family's out here they're making new memories tonight yeah and we've seen so many babies right so you just know they're going to they could produce an album their families with them from the time they're just a few months old and just every single year from them this is part of being a San antonian so I mentioned the part of the gonzaba Medical Group here they are here you see their uh Walkers making their way down downtown San Antonio [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see their sitters their offices All Around Town it seems like new ones are always popping up and they've got their own royalty and shoe showing [Music] [Applause] yall ready for another band oh come on we're always ready and this is a band that is joining us from out of state welcome from Springfield Georgia we have the Effingham County High School Rebel marching band and they just cut they're joining us from a suburb that's just outside of Savannah and they came ready look at their pants [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] you know you think about all the people that know Fiesta already it's already a tradition for us but people experiencing it for the first time the number of people that Fiesta brings from well outside of San Antonio not just to march in the parades we had people here at our own Kap party tonight who were from outside of our city and just wanted to be part of fiesta and come experience it I think that's so cool that we get to share something that the Alamo City knows and loves and this is another one of those things an art form that we all are familiar with here in San Antonio ballet FICO their Festival they're beautiful dancers it's hard not to just be mesmerized watching those dresses and this Dancing Yeah so they're the largest Mexican dance company in San Antonio they've actually been part of the fiesta flambo parade since 1993 so they know their way around they know exactly what they're doing they got their dancers right there and behind them you're going to see their float and here we're in for a [Applause] [Applause] treat oh look at her beautiful skirt [Applause] [Music] it's pageantry it's tradition it's culture it's Fiesta it is Fiesta absolutely we are going to take a quick break we have so much more flambo to bring you stay with us thanks for being here let's keep the party going after this you were looking at the Somerset High School Marching Band their cheerleaders as they just passed by ket's party here another one of our great area performing marching bands okay and this float that we're about to show you is full this is from San Antonio College one of the oldest community colleges in Texas was established as a university Junior College in September of 1925 and uh this uh all by the way the parade like all of this it they go to San Antonio College it's where it kicks off all the floats line up at sack before they take off during the parade rout and with all the different projects going on downtown the construction that's happening the reimagination of Alamo Plaza we'll see how the parade route changes over the next couple of years all right now let's look at this The Joint WS [Music] meal formation High School band yeah it's from Escambia County Alabama these are students from the Ws Neil Blue Eagle band and the FL the hurricane band joining us all the way from Alabama I love that we've got Georgia represented here quite a bit Wisconsin and Alabama as far as out ofate fans oh and there we have the Freeman Coliseum this year the Freeman Coliseum celebrating 75 years of being a Cornerstone of San Antonio's cultural and event scene since its doors open in 1949 75 years and the float that you're about to see is a tribute to the many memories featuring iconic moments and artists like Elvis artha Franklin Vicente Fernandez and bad bunny I love that combination Elvis and Bad Bunny yes I love it we are we're covering the whole Gab [Music] [Music] that is a past ELR Foo on board as well and look at that boot you got to have a boot now behind them HB may be the sponsor of many of our parties right that we have the supermarket chain founded uh in November of 1905 they do so much in San Antonio we know that they are sponsors of so many things contributing to a lot of nonprofits now one of the things that they did do recently after the Rob elementary school shooting they donated $10 million towards building a new school you know what I love when you see a new HB open they've been opening some in north Texas right up in the frisco area and people go crazy for HB gear HB gear like what oh yeah like baby clothes it's so Texas it's think is so funny I remember I was watching Friday Night Lights once and they mentioned oh I have to go to the HB and I was like yes now here we have the Bella and Co Boutique uh they it was established in 2018 with the first break-in morar store opening 3 years ago in 2021 and the purpose of their business is to make everybody feel beautiful in their own skin with their everyday look and you know there are some pretty iconic designs there on their float I want to know if I can get that hat there if I can get that cowgirl hat o yeah with all the glitter oh yeah now we're going to go to a break and we'll be right back after this the fiesta flambo parade is brought to you by Gomez law welcome back to flambo it is a blustery night here in downtown San Antonio that just means the confetti flying even further yes this is H go Rio cruises they are you could probably guess from their float they are the company in charge of all the barges that run along the Riverwalk this is actually their first time participating in Fiesta flambo and that lady who's showing us her shoes that's their mascot that is Marina Marina the turtle she's been tossing out beads certainly one of the more colorful floats that we've had here during Fiesta [Applause] Flo and now we have via behind them the Via trolley the VIA Metropolitan Transit celebrating 46 years of of service in our community they're named the they were named the most outstanding Metropolitan Transit Authority this year and they credit their more than 2,000 employees for making via the best in Texas they do a lot during Fiesta to help people get to and from obviously parking is a bit of an issue when you've got thousands of people who all want to party together so they provided a lot of rides to get people across town to help Everybody celebrate L and together I love all their Balloons look at [Music] that that's a way to do a trolley our producer Alyssa just said it's so cute she's right at the cutest trolley don't you wish they could look like that all the time yeah I fully support it yeah we just put a smile on your face those ballons [Applause] fantastic I got to turn around and take a picture of this one myself yes okay that's funny on top with their leria cards El he yes that is the head of V yeah oh that's awesome and now the G dance studio making their way oh they even got a TV put up on their truck and they are boogieing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay now that is going to be a workout oh yeah the entire Parade route I love it yeah they need to soak their feet tonight when they go home we've got to understand that oh how cute are these little ladies now the they're from the city of Mission Texas they represent the Texas Citrus Festa it's been around since 1932 in the home of the great group [Applause] Mission you saw the Royal Court there okay we have Texas A&M San Antonio bringing the party they have a campus of 700 acres in South San Antonio this is a university that has just exploded since being established on the city's south side and now behind them we have the Sydney laner High School their band is getting geared up right here ready to go their mascot is Victor the V which is a gear I'd like to say they are a small part of something greater let's listen [Music] [Music] and we're going to leave you with the band as we go to break [Music] [Music] [Applause] Fiesta flambo 2024 in full swing my friends here we have some workers with Toyota as you know they have a plant here uh in San Antonio they employ thousands of people and of course we want to cheer them on as they move along the Route here in downtown San Antonio and if you saw the lady in the red had the light up boots when we first came back if you're wondering that's the gal we all know just outside Loop 16004 oh okay just inside Lop flor1 oh look they're showing off their [Applause] shoes via [Music] seoa that's a look at our Kat parade party we are here set up we have been for hours and I just want to say thank you to everybody who is in these stands who came out to hang out with us before we got started in our coverage here tonight this is a party that we host every year for both this parade and battle of flowers people bought tickets they showed up they wanted to celebrate with us and it was so awesome meeting so many people who are our viewers who are you know tuning in and and taking part in what we try to bring people every day so a big thanks to everybody who came out today yeah now right here we have Studio AI That's making its way down here uh dance of El Mundo that we [Applause] have and obviously it's Mundo which means world and they got a globe right there it's a tough job that guy got to do the weight of the world this entire [Applause] [Music] parade there you go just like the Laria [Applause] card oh check out these dancers [Applause] [Music] they know how to put on a sh yes they do and we're seeing something here that looks a little bit like Gan you know down in Brazil you're about to see some costumes right [Applause] now there you [Applause] [Applause] go and I love that they have so many costumes that represent different cultures all around around the world after all that is what you have here in San Antonio right you've got so many areas here uh where you had German settlers you've got obviously the Mexican the Spaniard [Applause] influence and here we have another flow coming up right behind them Community First Health Plans established in 1995 it's the only only locally owned nonprofit Health PL that serves San Antonio and the Seven surrounding counties and they have served more than 3 million people which by the way is the size of uh Arkansas the population of [Applause] Arkansas we have a band waiting in the [Music] wings the St Mary's University band yeah the Rattler band under the direction of John Ranken keeping the proud animated although you know it doesn't really take much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if there's ever a lull in the action all you need is a marching band I think it's the drums they get you going they just speak to your [Applause] soul and this right here we have more loyalty of of course the River Walk royalty there and see lots of Laria cards San Antonio known Nationwide perhaps worldwide for our River Walk and behind them we have the antonian College Prep High School and the Apache band not too far behind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the flower crowns were a nice [Music] touch of course you have to have some bobby pins to secure them [Music] tonight oh [Music] wow more BR Plaza royalty from the brown Plaza Association it's a terrible organization consisting of 20 dedicated and devoted members they organize two annual events battle and of Mexico okay this is our group behind them we've been talking about all the states represented here's a group from Wisconsin the Medford Area Senior High School band the marching Raiders [Music] and now we have the fin addict angler Foundation here in San Antonio this is a nonprofit that's dedicated to teaching people how to fish right these are just essential uh skills they hold pre free public events to teach people how to do that they work with people with special needs veterans uh people who are homeschooled they also participate in after school programs and they've grown steadily and they've served more than 3,000 kids look at that school ISD transportation department is in the house for flambo look you can tell they decked out a bus a bus load quite literally yeah all the vibrant colors there the Lively music uh this is the spirit of leria really brought to life uh they want you to look at that it's because they say that it embodies the essence of Leia's sense of community and chance just as each card in ltha holds a story North Side ISD celebrates the unique journey of every student offering opportunities for growth and success and you think about how many of those buses are on San Antonio Street North Side ISD the biggest District in San Antonio a lot of those drivers of those buses helping kids get to and from every single [Applause] day now here we have the Sacred Heart of Jesus church of odm Texas and this is the L Lady of Guadalupe float so listen to this in December on the week before the 12th they participate in a 6 and half mile walk from odm outside of Corpus Christie to edroy Texas a pilgrimage from Parish to parish and this float is [Applause] beautifulest okay hello s this one's really fun this is the moon struck Foundation Inc fire truck this is a foundation it's uh that participates in nonprofit community service activities while they also promote fire safety look at that another fire truck that we can count on here and they've got local comedian cletto Rodriguez on top of the float waving to the crowd below there and the little theme is th Lees cake boxes which you see there obviously delicious makes me want some L's cake right now uh now behind them we have the San Antonio area foundation they've been around since 1964 they donate scholarships they uh are all about protecting animals funding research and preserving the environment here in San Antonio oh I love those flowers those are [Applause] beautiful and when when we talk about potit what comes to mind uh strawberries there you go and there there it is it's a PO Strawberry Festival Association that just wrapped up not too long ago hope you got a chance to go out there every year they bring us some of the freshest most delicious strawberries to the Kad Studios and they go fast yes they do because you know I've told you about this there's something worth worse than like biting into a strawberry and it's just not quite not quite ripe but when that uh when that um Festival rolls around o yeah everything straw short cake everything that they have is delicious I know and we can't always say that we have the healthiest food brought to the station so we appreciate the strawberries those are great every single year we have had some fantastic floats yes we have here tonight and I feel like the theme has been executed very well yes lot ofia which is everywhere lot of Laria okay the San Antonio Zoo let's this let's get wild for a minute they've been around since 1914 we all know and love the San Antonio Zoo they have had since 2014 the last 10 years $115 million in upgrades they've got a new gorilla exhibit that is in the works that will be a big change for the zoo they actually have an early education a preschool at the the zoo no it's a really really nice facility also for people with special needs uh they've become a sensory sensory inclusive space to make sure that every visitor can fully enjoy their experience so it's nice that you know they they've branched out to serve more people because who doesn't enjoy going to the zoo it's a place that I love to take my kids my family and I we love to go there it's a joy to have look at these [Music] costumes and now that is the V Laguna from toron Mexico got to represent now behind those that's those Camino and behind them we have the Claudia Taylor Lady Bird Johnson High School Marching B right here in San from San Antonio they're they're most well known for their marching bands because they're a consistent bands of America competition finalists they were also invited to perform at the 2024 Tournament of Roses Parade and you're about to see their mascot which is the jaguar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I love those uniforms oh and here we have okay this is a staple here all over Texas but laana Meat Market mexo they have them all throughout Texas let's listen yeah let's take a listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] how adorable is [Applause] [Music] she I think they started 38 years ago at a as a small grocery store in Houston look at where they are now I know you said it now now you see them everywhere oh and this is the skyline Raider band from Dallas Texas this is their second year joining us here for the flambo parade they were a huge hit last year and they came prepared they've got a good light the night costume you got to give these kids props this is a long parade over 200 entries there towards the end it's a human night in San Antonio we're glad they're sticking it out with us 2.6 [Applause] miles you know when you're around a crowd that's excit as as excited as as ours is that'll energize you yeah the crowd feeds off the participants and vice versa have we kept track of Adam casy wonder what he has been up to Out In This Crowd I know he's been loving these performances as much as we have [Music] [Music] showing us their [Music] shoes and there's another band here from gorille high school these are the marching black cats and we keep talking about people that are coming in from out of state this is they're from Goreville Illinois these are students from the sixth through the 12th grade being represented here yeah very different so they've marched in Disney World and Washington DC and they have placed first in every marching competition that they've participated [Music] in let's listen to their performance [Music] [Music] we just got brick rolled but that's a way to do it now behind the marching band we have ballet FICO the San Antonio they are an awardwinning group residing in the central area of San Antonio they highlight Mexican culture Traditions their roots and they have a mission to bring back the culture and tradition uh to the community of San Antonio and Beyond through traditional Regional Mexican music and also the art of dance and look at how beautiful I know I love dresses are seeing both loo dancers it really is that's the word I can think of is mesmerizing just to watch the dance the movements the dresses so much Beauty involved with it and now we have the Memorial High School Minutemen here from San Antonio Texas they are consistent UIL sweep Stakes Award winners and concerts and site reading they have been um a National Association of Music Merchants recipients of a Grammy scholarship they've been recognized by several dignitaries in Texas they performed in DC pretty cool we are going to let this band play us to another commercial break we have more Fiesta flambo 2024 coming your way stick with us we'll be back right after this the fun continues here in downtown San Antonio with last Changas the San Antonio they've been entertaining people here with the theme of celebrating Salia that is the theme of the night of fiesta flambo you can see their vibrant costumes and look at Selena I love that they've Incorporated themselves they are the laia cards this is what I love about flambo is every group finds a way to stand out I mean this is a parade where they literally have to light themselves up and I just think it's so fantastic to see everybody's take on the theme their use of lights and just how much fun they're having yeah and this is creative for sure and you know Elis yeah yes I love it oh also you know when you talk about food here Bill Miller Barbecue yeah they have a LF flat who needs a tea a sweet tea fried chicken ribs by the way they also gave out a lot of scholarships each recipient each of their winners got a $5,000 scholarship that they can use towards higher education and they're made possible from the 2024 Fiesta Metal Sales you know that's something that usually happens a lot we see it happen during uh Fiesta Fiesta that's part of that that's what you help support think Bill Miller I think breakfast tacos oh they're so good what's your go-to breakfast taco well I do like the brisket one just just just that all right we have Breet Ridge High School their dance groups the purple jackets cheerleader Squad and Pep Squad it's the Mighty Eagle the Mighty Eagle marching band [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love it the Stars they were pulling some stunts behind that marching band and here we have pride pride San Antonio Inc they produced Pride bigger than Texas which is San Antonio's official Community Pride Celebration they've had 20 years of service here in the community they're the parent organization of the San Antonio Rainbow Cross SM and they've given more than $300,000 to local charities and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nonprofits oh and they had a similar idea you were impressed by this where they were part of the loia cards that's what're that's what we have here I know I think that's so great [Applause] and walking along with with pride San Antonio their family members and Friends of San Antonio's lgbtqia Community their motto is always walk with pride up next we have the Danza vaita de San Antonio dance group with their beautiful illuminated float woo it's blingy you got to be blingy tonight tonight is the night we got some spurs colors going on yeah definitely the silver and black yep so they've Incorporated the Spurs L it's San Antonio look at their little dancers on board hi ladies can you see their tiniest cheerleaders in the front they're adorable they friend next up behind them we have the Kangoo Club of San Antonio another dance group oh this looks like the Alamo Colleges district there it is they're the largest provider of higher education in South Texas with more than 6,800 students who go there to to get credit or to continue their education every single year and they have started a program that allows a lot more people that would not otherwise be able to afford a college education to have one here in San Antonio something that benefits the whole city and behind them the East Central High School the dance team cheer team and the band so you know we're going to hear some sweet Tunes in just a moment [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh they're ready they're ready they're bringing it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] how about some chicken yeah let's do it Chick-fil-A with their float right here they also have leria Char on their float I can't wait to see what they've done with [Applause] that better get the chicken tonight they're not open tomorrow this is [Applause] true oh we love sa and sa Loves You Back [Applause] this is another high school band here this is thethy Anthony St Anthony Catholic High School for the past 20 years they've been home to a diverse student body some International students as well they promote responsibility and Leadership through a college prep curriculum based on Catholic values yeah and they just celebrated their 120th anniversary last year an institution here in San Antonio and we're going to keep listening in take you to break and then we'll see you on the other side welcome back you are watching Edison High School walk away they just put on a fantastic performance their marching band and I get to say it stephaniae the Honey Bear Pep Squad a adorable but yeah they definitely put on a great show and you love the lights now here's a Palo Alto College been around since 1985 their mascot by the way Prima and Primo palominos they have the mission to inspire Empower and educate our community for leadership and success and you see their little video tribute there on their float [Music] [Applause] and here we have the Pleasanton High School Mighty Eagle band fromant Yes we also have the paac setter drill team with them here tonight they have L on their shirts yeah and they enjoy representing their community in school and setting the pace to succeed in their lives setting the pace yes the we got it got it yeah how fitting oh theyve got little didy on their shirts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that is the Pleasanton Cowboy homecoming I love a crown on a cowgirl [Applause] hat their Chamber of Commerce and now Providence which is the College Prep School for Girls grades 6 through 12 right across from the Kat Studios yeah [Music] yeah this is the National Association of Hispanic real estate professionals they've served as a beacon of opportunity and empowerment for Hispanics in the local real estate industry see there with their L theme and they've been around for more than two decades and now my friends another treat this is the Medina Valley High School top cats dance team from Castroville yes and behind them we have the Panther band they've just been racking up the awards they have received outstanding choreography for Varsity kick High Gold Runner up outstanding choreography for team palm and high gold for JB pal [Music] I love watching all of these bands and I feel like there's something also a little nostalgic about it does it take you back you were inol maybe it's just because we're getting older maybe but you look back at these high schoolers and all the passion that they're putting into it the pride they have in their school takes you back to when you were in that position well it makes sense I mean this is about San Antonio Spirit they're about school spirit I mean it's just nice to to celebrate yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and they have wrapped themselves in lights and behind them we have a Lial High School marching band the Mighty pirat the mighty Pirates yes welcome to Fiesta flambo Li high [Music] school they also have their Pep Squad with them tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we could not have asked for a better night in downtown San Antonio it has been beautiful out here this evening the winds blowing helping out this color guard with their their Flags it's just been a fantastic night a blessing and you know what all of fiesta really I mean you think about last year Fiesta Fiesta got rained out Fiesta flambo I was here for Fiesta flambo and it and it was fine it was it was it was a lot of fun but it was hot hot yeah the River Parade was fantastic here's Neil Armstrong Elementary School yeah they're from the S South San Antonio ISD third through fth fifth graders are going to be taking their star math test on Tuesday so we just want to give a shout out to them and wish him good [Music] luck all right the golden dazzlers dance team it's watch them and we want you to savor this moment because I'm told that this band that we're going to see now that's just coming down is the last one of tonight we have been lucky to enjoy so many of our local bands and of course ones from out of state ones who just come to San Antonio to take part in this incredibly unique parade Southwest Legacy Varsity Titan cheerleaders their band their color [Music] guard our final band of the night oo and they are all lit up for us that is how you close a show my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's always a crowd favorite [Applause] [Music] o perfect as they are the last yes the last group of the night Perfect song to close it out for us [Music] [Applause] what a night it has been here in San Antonio we got the NASA search lights you know what that means it means we are wrapping things up here for Fiesta flambo 2024 I so look forward to this parade every single year but I also know at the same time it means our party with the purpose is almost done there are a few events happening tomorrow but this is certainly the grand finale and one that we are so honored that we got to bring you so that you could experience it if you couldn't be here in person whether you were watching here in San Antonio somewhere else in Texas or across the country yeah we love having you with us tonight and this has just been such a remarkable night we've come out uh to just really honor sometimes you don't know all the good things that you have happening in our city right sometimes you get bogged down by the news when you see uh negative reports but this oh you come out and you see all people from different organizations that you see all around our city and they're here they're celebrating and not just just that they're giving back to the community yeah we say it all the time it is a party with a purpose this is a huge 10day fundraiser for so many organizations that do incredible works here in our city thank you for being with us thank you for walking along every step of the way with not only this parade but all the others that we have been able to bring you from Battle of flowers to the River Parade to Fiesta Fiesta King William and more we hope you come out here next year and join us at our Kat parade parties we love getting to meet you thank you for watching thank you for being with us let's do it again next year thank you thank you thank you and baa Fiesta good night good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] cheerleaders [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: KSAT 12
Views: 11,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fiesta, Downtown, Entertainment, Fiesta Flambeau, Things To Do
Id: btBATc2KgSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 44sec (13364 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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