Hornet and wasps. Best of one day. Hornissen u. Wespen 30.8.2018 SONY RX10 IV
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Channel: nature tv Lothar Lenz
Views: 11,527,545
Rating: 4.663548 out of 5
Keywords: flying, killen, Aufnahme, rx 10, Flug, Zeitlupe, killing, Wespen, Vespula, hornet vs wasp, freiland, slow motion, Hornisse, Deutsche Wespe, hornisse doku, Groรaufnahme, footage, king, streit, video, slomo, wespen, fressen, sehenswert, hornetking, attacke, Aktion, stock, beute, action, kampf, beobachtung, Kurzkopfwespen, germanica, spektakulรคr, biting, fight, best, aufnahmen, jagen, sony, insekten, of, hornet, Hornet, Garten, Manรถver, iv, hornissen
Id: J8sabn7pUsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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For the first time in my life I feel bad for a bunch of wasps. Fuck you, hornet!
Damn, it's like Black Friday at the mall... except with less death.
It's like an area that has all three evolutions of the same pokemon.
How is this guy within earshot of wasps and not dying a slow and painful death at the same time
The hornet looking like it was going to bitch slap the wasp amused me.
Bonus double-slap.
It's a super-hero, not a prick.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend and I just watched one friend kill many enemies.
Why do their booties pulsate the whole time?
I thought it was just being annoying to them. Until it killed one.